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Rouhani Willing To Meet With Trump This Week At UN, CNN's Amanpour Says


Mar 12, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
Despite the United States vowing it would make its case against Iran at this week's United Nations Assembly meeting in New York, especially regarding its alleged role in the Saudi Aramco attack, we could see an opening of direct dialogue between Tehran and Washington this week.

This after CNN’s Christiane Amanpour indicated Sunday that President Hassan Rouhani may be willing to meet with President Trump on the sidelines of the assembly. The prominent CNN news host revealed the information in a tweet based on a new interview she did with Iran's foreign minister Javad Zarif.

Amanpour said, citing Iran FM Zarif's words, that “President Rouhani is willing to meet with President Trump in New York this week ‘provided that President Trump is ready to do what’s necessary,’ exchanging sanctions relief for ‘permanent monitoring of Iranian nuclear facilities.'”

Christiane Amanpour



NEW: Iranian FM @JZarif tells me today that President Rouhani is willing to meet with President Trump in New York this week “provided that President Trump is ready to do what's necessary,” exchanging sanctions relief for “permanent monitoring of Iranian nuclear facilities.”

Amanpour further quoted Zarif as saying in a follow-up tweet:

“The olive branch has always been on the table, but we’re showing it again.”

Over the past month mixed signals have come out of the White House — at times Trump has gone so far as to float 'no preconditions' talks, but at others has lambasted "fake news" about face-to-face talks.


Iran announced Monday the British-flagged tanker is "free to go".
At the UN assembly itself the Iranians are expected to propose a new plan to deescalate regional tensions, which it has called the 'Hormuz Peace Endeavor' — and would involve a gulf countries only patrol of the Persian Gulf, presumably led by Iran itself.

Zarif told reporters while in New York that under the plan “all the coastal states of the Persian Gulf are invited to join this coalition to provide and maintain regional security.”

The Iranians are also expected this week to argue vehemently against the US-led "illegal and unjust" sanctions targeting the country. “The cruel actions that have been taken against the Iranian nation and also the difficult and complicated issues that our region faces with them need to be explained to the people and countries of the world,” Zarif said to reporters.

I am sure he will negotiate some more visas and green cards for regime insiders and their kids so they keep stashing the national wealth they have stolen in US banks.

Mean while back in Canada
Canada seizes & sells $30mn worth of Iranian assets to ‘compensate US victims' of terrorism


Canada has seized and sold some $30 million worth of Iranian assets, court documents indicate. The funds were transferred to American families seeking compensation over terrorist acts that were all pinned on Tehran.
The confiscated assets include two buildings – the Iranian Cultural Center in Ottawa and Center for Iranian Studies in Toronto – as well as some $2.6 million seized from Iranian bank accounts and a couple of vehicles.

The two properties have been sold for $26.5 and $1.85 million respectively, while the proceeding were transferred to several families in the US, who sought share of the assets as a compensation for various acts of terrorism they blamed on Iran. Court documents confirming that the funds have been distributed are dated August 7, yet only caught eye of local media on Friday.

ALSO ON RT.COMIran thaw coming? After firing chief hawk, Trump hints at lifting sanctions on Tehran
The recipients of the compensations include the family of Marla Bennett, a US exchange student killed in bombing of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem back in 2002, as well as Edward Tracy and Joseph Cicippio, who were held hostage in Lebanon from 1986 to 1991. These attacks have been blamed either on Hezbollah or Hamas, two organizations allegedly supported by Iran.

While foreign governments are typically immune to lawsuits, Canada adopted the so-called Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act back in 2012 that makes an exception of “state sponsors of terrorism.” Currently, only two countries – Iran and Syria – are on the Canadian blacklist.

The Canadian case against Iran has been dragging for a few years, and the Islamic Republic tried to challenge the property seizure, demanding some actual proof from the claimants. The mere presence of Iran on the terrorist list was appearently enough to dismiss that appeal, however.

Tehran has been rejecting all the allegations of its involvement into the terrorist acts, branding the whole case“politically motivated.”

Mean while back in Canada
Canada seizes & sells $30mn worth of Iranian assets to ‘compensate US victims' of terrorism


Canada has seized and sold some $30 million worth of Iranian assets, court documents indicate. The funds were transferred to American families seeking compensation over terrorist acts that were all pinned on Tehran.
The confiscated assets include two buildings – the Iranian Cultural Center in Ottawa and Center for Iranian Studies in Toronto – as well as some $2.6 million seized from Iranian bank accounts and a couple of vehicles.

The two properties have been sold for $26.5 and $1.85 million respectively, while the proceeding were transferred to several families in the US, who sought share of the assets as a compensation for various acts of terrorism they blamed on Iran. Court documents confirming that the funds have been distributed are dated August 7, yet only caught eye of local media on Friday.

ALSO ON RT.COMIran thaw coming? After firing chief hawk, Trump hints at lifting sanctions on Tehran
The recipients of the compensations include the family of Marla Bennett, a US exchange student killed in bombing of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem back in 2002, as well as Edward Tracy and Joseph Cicippio, who were held hostage in Lebanon from 1986 to 1991. These attacks have been blamed either on Hezbollah or Hamas, two organizations allegedly supported by Iran.

While foreign governments are typically immune to lawsuits, Canada adopted the so-called Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act back in 2012 that makes an exception of “state sponsors of terrorism.” Currently, only two countries – Iran and Syria – are on the Canadian blacklist.

The Canadian case against Iran has been dragging for a few years, and the Islamic Republic tried to challenge the property seizure, demanding some actual proof from the claimants. The mere presence of Iran on the terrorist list was appearently enough to dismiss that appeal, however.

Tehran has been rejecting all the allegations of its involvement into the terrorist acts, branding the whole case“politically motivated.”

Interestingly for some reason Canada has recently been more aggressive with Iran than US. Hate to say it but "az mast ke bar mast"!
Yeah, the Zionist have been working on Canada for a while now, also the same for Australia and NZ. They were working full on in the U.K. too but their plans were derailed with the Al Jazeera's expose about spies posing as activists.
Yeah, the Zionist have been working on Canada for a while now, also the same for Australia and NZ. They were working full on in the U.K. too but their plans were derailed with the Al Jazeera's expose about spies posing as activists.

They practically run the place. There is no freedom of speech in Canada!
There is freedom of speech in Canada if you want to promote homosexuality or bash Islam.....otherwise, you are a hateful person who should go to jail.

Its the same in Europe.... a few months ago, an 82 year old woman was sent to jail for questioning the "Holocaust". No one protested this violation of human rights.

Now immagine if this was done in Iran or Russia, and what the BBC would have reacted like.
it's because of these MEK assholes who lobbied this. They got together with Israeli lobby group and amplified this motion.
Not only them. Most of the immigrants here or at least the ones who are established enough to lobby with the government are pro-monarchy ones.
I wonder whether IRI will get back at Canada for seizing their assets. Another tanker?
I hear ya but this kind of tit for tat needs to stop. We need to help fix this broken system of foreign policy...this is a side show, we need to focus on the bigger picture, I think we need to keep driving a wedge between Europe and the U.S. we lost the UK with Boris being in charge, But we still have Germany and France. Also Trudeau is no friend of Trump but he’s a bit weak. The most important goal of ours should be to make sure the big players Germany, UK, France are not insisting in a new deal. We need to bring back all the players back into the JCPOA. Because if they get a new deal, they win. But, if we change some of the JCPOA language and obligations around and make it sound new to be able to sell it back to Trump we win....

Not only them. Most of the immigrants here or at least the ones who are established enough to lobby with the government are pro-monarchy ones.
You know you’re dealing with idiots when they’re still banging the Shah’s drum. It’s like if the Americans were hoping for British rule again. Just amazingly naive and dumb if I may say so. I don’t know why they can’t understand that that train left the stations decades ago. MKO, the Monarchy loyalist the same side of the same “do zarieh golabi”
I wonder whether IRI will get back at Canada for seizing their assets. Another tanker?

For 30M dollars? That’s chump change to a country.

Iran will get the money back down the road when Canadian companies want to resume business in Iran.

As the saying goes, the sun will not always stay behind the clouds.
In First, Iran Ready To Accept Changes To Nuclear Deal If Sanctions Lifted

Iran has again signaled its readiness to come back to the table, even if it means potentially pursuing the new 'Trump deal' — after the president unilaterally withdrew the US from the 2015 nuclear deal in May 2018. It's possibly the most the Iranians have been willing to compromise yet, considering previous statements have emphasized a full return of all parties to the original JCPOA.

“If the sanctions are ended and there is a return to the (nuclear) accord, there is room for giving reassurances toward breaking the deadlock and the President (Hassan Rouhani) has even a proposal for small changes in the accord,” an Iranian government spokesman, Ali Rabiei, said on state TV Tuesday.
spokesman, Ali Rabiei, said on state TV Tuesday.


Hassan Rouhani, Office of the Iranian Presidency via AP
This also comes after the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has urged Iran as well as his European allies to back a new "Trump deal" this week in what was also a change in course for Britain. “If it was a bad deal — and I’m willing to accept that, it had many, many defects — then let’s do a better deal,” the prime minister told NBC News.

a failure:

“This deal if I win will be a totally different deal. This will be a totally different deal.”

However, based on the latest tweets by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, it doesn't look like Washington is ready to give up sanctions, a tall order for this administration or sanctions addicted Washington in general.

Iran remains the greatest threat to peace & security – that has not changed. We must work together, using all the tools at our disposal, to bring stability and prosperity to the Middle East & deny Iran the resources needed to engage in malign behavior around the world.

— Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) September 25, 2019
In a follow-up tweet he stated that Iran must not be allowed to continue its destructive behavior and suggested for the sake of the Iranian people and the world, the UN Security Council has a vital role to play in ensuring the UN arms embargo on the world’s top sponsor of terrorism.

But again it's the first time the Iranians have proposed willingness for "small changes in the accord" — which means they could be ready for something new, potentially leaving the JCPOA behind, as Trump has demanded all along.

Washington's blind commitment and addiction to sanctions though, will likely remain the insurmountable obstacle to any breakthrough leading to new talks.


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In First, Iran Ready To Accept Changes To Nuclear Deal If Sanctions Lifted

Iran has again signaled its readiness to come back to the table, even if it means potentially pursuing the new 'Trump deal' — after the president unilaterally withdrew the US from the 2015 nuclear deal in May 2018. It's possibly the most the Iranians have been willing to compromise yet, considering previous statements have emphasized a full return of all parties to the original JCPOA.

“If the sanctions are ended and there is a return to the (nuclear) accord, there is room for giving reassurances toward breaking the deadlock and the President (Hassan Rouhani) has even a proposal for small changes in the accord,” an Iranian government spokesman, Ali Rabiei, said on state TV Tuesday.
spokesman, Ali Rabiei, said on state TV Tuesday.


Hassan Rouhani, Office of the Iranian Presidency via AP
This also comes after the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has urged Iran as well as his European allies to back a new "Trump deal" this week in what was also a change in course for Britain. “If it was a bad deal — and I’m willing to accept that, it had many, many defects — then let’s do a better deal,” the prime minister told NBC News.

a failure:

“This deal if I win will be a totally different deal. This will be a totally different deal.”

However, based on the latest tweets by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, it doesn't look like Washington is ready to give up sanctions, a tall order for this administration or sanctions addicted Washington in general.

Iran remains the greatest threat to peace & security – that has not changed. We must work together, using all the tools at our disposal, to bring stability and prosperity to the Middle East & deny Iran the resources needed to engage in malign behavior around the world.

— Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) September 25, 2019
In a follow-up tweet he stated that Iran must not be allowed to continue its destructive behavior and suggested for the sake of the Iranian people and the world, the UN Security Council has a vital role to play in ensuring the UN arms embargo on the world’s top sponsor of terrorism.

But again it's the first time the Iranians have proposed willingness for "small changes in the accord" — which means they could be ready for something new, potentially leaving the JCPOA behind, as Trump has demanded all along.

Washington's blind commitment and addiction to sanctions though, will likely remain the insurmountable obstacle to any breakthrough leading to new talks.


Absolutely not, they already made irreparable damage. Iran should stay out of this and let EU fall in line stead of pursuing deals with them. Out economy is bouncing back and there are still tonnes of room for improvement.
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