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Rouhani Willing To Meet With Trump This Week At UN, CNN's Amanpour Says

Iran-US talks won't happen on any level: Leader - IUVMPRESS

“If the US retracts its words, repents and returns to the nuclear accord that it has violated, it can then take part in sessions of other signatories to the deal and hold talks with Iran… Otherwise, no talks at any level will be held between Iranian and American authorities, neither in New York nor elsewhere.”
Absolutely not, they already made irreparable damage. Iran should stay out of this and let EU fall in line stead of pursuing deals with them. Out economy is bouncing back and there are still tonnes of room for improvement.
gosh, it's like amateur hour.....first they say no...then they say maybe, then they say never, now they say perhaps. Meanwhile, their economies are rolling ahead and ours is retracting. Nice job all the way around. If the people were in charge they'd all be fired. This is what is wrong with this government, can't have a solid strategy, because we have a leader, we have a president, and then we have the military that takes part in politics...even foreign policy.
Someone answer this, if the sanctions are not lifted and the West is going on with their lives and couldn't care less if Iranians have jobs or even food, what do we do then?
What is the strategy for the next 12 months? What if this bastard is re-elected? What is Iran's strategy for the next 4 yrs after that?
gosh, it's like amateur hour.....first they say no...then they say maybe, then they say never, now they say perhaps. Meanwhile, their economies are rolling ahead and ours is retracting. Nice job all the way around. If the people were in charge they'd all be fired. This is what is wrong with this government, can't have a solid strategy, because we have a leader, we have a president, and then we have the military that takes part in politics...even foreign policy.
Someone answer this, if the sanctions are not lifted and the West is going on with their lives and couldn't care less if Iranians have jobs or even food, what do we do then?
What is the strategy for the next 12 months? What if this bastard is re-elected? What is Iran's strategy for the next 4 yrs after that?

This has a solution: We look look east, we have Asian market, we look west, we have emerging African market. What do we have to offer?

1. Oil
2. Gas
3. Oil Products
4. Oil & Gas Services
5. Non-Oil & Gas Energy Services (Power plant, solar and wind).
6. Steel & Textiles
7. Construction Services
8. Farming & Food
9. Automotive
10. Electronics
11. Military Hardware
12. Space (Eventually)

We have a ripe market around us, from the rich Asia to Emerging Africa. We have the talent and millions ready to join work force. We can completely ignore EU and America and take over the market as we are the guardian of the region. Rather than looking to west, Iran needs to put 100% of its focus on making all this happen. Oil & Gas is dying, Iran needs to rush as time is ticking to cash out all it can from carbon economy and reinvest into green and sustainable economy. There is demand now.
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You forget no one will do business with us in the open....so all of the above has to be hidden or under the table as they say.
If we cannot sell 1 million bpd then we will be in trouble.....but that's besides the point. The point is what's the endgame here? When is the status quo going to change?....either we cave or they cave. The problem is why in the world would they cave? There selling their oil, goods and material...their banks are operation at full commercial pace. ours are not......we need a strategy that will lead to lifting of sanctions permanently, but all we got is resistance.....talk, talk and talk.
Either we need to come up with ideas on how to negotiate or we just hang around till our economy collapses and they're proven right. We cannot let the maximum pressure campaign be proven right.
Option 1: More clandestine ops. more bombings, more disruption to the oil market.
Option 2: We have to talk to Europe and give them a deadline....or let's withdraw and go for the bomb. Because the other roads lead to nowhere.
We have to seriously think about withdrawing from JCPOA and the NPT. Then we set off a nuke test under ground, that will change the dynamics of this situation....we should at least threaten that course of action.
We need to announce a heavy water reactor....and all the rest of the things they're afraid of, but what ever we do should not be a bluff....it should be a road we are willing to take all the way to the end. Nothing worse than being called out for a bluff at this critical juncture.
The fact is WE ARE AT WAR........We need to act like we have been declared a war on. They have gone all the way with sanctioning in the central bank....with that move they have proven they don't care if a single kernel of rice or a single piece of Aspirin cannot come into the country....this is an economic blockade....and as Fareed Zakaria mentioned Gen. Mattis has said "The Enemy gets a vote" Meaning Iran should not sit idly by and let this happen.

Last note: this is what happens when Iranians elect a monkey hardliner like Ahmadinejad to office...it will take 3 presidents to clean up the idiotic acts of one bad president.
You forget no one will do business with us in the open....so all of the above has to be hidden or under the table as they say.
If we cannot sell 1 million bpd then we will be in trouble.....but that's besides the point. The point is what's the endgame here? When is the status quo going to change?....either we cave or they cave. The problem is why in the world would they cave? There selling their oil, goods and material...their banks are operation at full commercial pace. ours are not......we need a strategy that will lead to lifting of sanctions permanently, but all we got is resistance.....talk, talk and talk.
Either we need to come up with ideas on how to negotiate or we just hang around till our economy collapses and they're proven right. We cannot let the maximum pressure campaign be proven right.
Option 1: More clandestine ops. more bombings, more disruption to the oil market.
Option 2: We have to talk to Europe and give them a deadline....or let's withdraw and go for the bomb. Because the other roads lead to nowhere.
We have to seriously think about withdrawing from JCPOA and the NPT. Then we set off a nuke test under ground, that will change the dynamics of this situation....we should at least threaten that course of action.
We need to announce a heavy water reactor....and all the rest of the things they're afraid of, but what ever we do should not be a bluff....it should be a road we are willing to take all the way to the end. Nothing worse than being called out for a bluff at this critical juncture.
The fact is WE ARE AT WAR........We need to act like we have been declared a war on. They have gone all the way with sanctioning in the central bank....with that move they have proven they don't care if a single kernel of rice or a single piece of Aspirin cannot come into the country....this is an economic blockade....and as Fareed Zakaria mentioned Gen. Mattis has said "The Enemy gets a vote" Meaning Iran should not sit idly by and let this happen.

Last note: this is what happens when Iranians elect a monkey hardliner like Ahmadinejad to office...it will take 3 presidents to clean up the idiotic acts of one bad president.

The rule of jungle applies in the world of politics and that means the oppressor [US] will only accepts full compliance and a regime change if need be against Iran. Iran went into an international agreement and US withdraw and there is absolutely no such thing as a permanent sanction relief unless Iran becomes a satellite state such as EU countries.

That means that Iran should fundamentally forget about dealing with the 'West' until they come to us. This can happen only when Iran truly starts to exert its power and start flexing muscle. Iran has built networks over the past 4 decades. This allows it to carryout all sorts of transactions. Currently, there are trades happening through hidden networks and Iran can utilize this and common sense business practices to attract Asian and African buyers. We do not need to carryout transactions with entities that also operate in US, or entities that are visible. When prices of goods and services that Iran offer are attractive enough, these buyers will come. Everything has a cost associated with it. Over time, Iran influence these markets and dominate them and then EU countries start to bend over for us as we become to absolute economic and military power in the region.
You forget no one will do business with us in the open....so all of the above has to be hidden or under the table as they say.
If we cannot sell 1 million bpd then we will be in trouble.....but that's besides the point. The point is what's the endgame here? When is the status quo going to change?....either we cave or they cave. The problem is why in the world would they cave? There selling their oil, goods and material...their banks are operation at full commercial pace. ours are not......we need a strategy that will lead to lifting of sanctions permanently, but all we got is resistance.....talk, talk and talk.
Either we need to come up with ideas on how to negotiate or we just hang around till our economy collapses and they're proven right. We cannot let the maximum pressure campaign be proven right.
Option 1: More clandestine ops. more bombings, more disruption to the oil market.
Option 2: We have to talk to Europe and give them a deadline....or let's withdraw and go for the bomb. Because the other roads lead to nowhere.
We have to seriously think about withdrawing from JCPOA and the NPT. Then we set off a nuke test under ground, that will change the dynamics of this situation....we should at least threaten that course of action.
We need to announce a heavy water reactor....and all the rest of the things they're afraid of, but what ever we do should not be a bluff....it should be a road we are willing to take all the way to the end. Nothing worse than being called out for a bluff at this critical juncture.
The fact is WE ARE AT WAR........We need to act like we have been declared a war on. They have gone all the way with sanctioning in the central bank....with that move they have proven they don't care if a single kernel of rice or a single piece of Aspirin cannot come into the country....this is an economic blockade....and as Fareed Zakaria mentioned Gen. Mattis has said "The Enemy gets a vote" Meaning Iran should not sit idly by and let this happen.

Last note: this is what happens when Iranians elect a monkey hardliner like Ahmadinejad to office...it will take 3 presidents to clean up the idiotic acts of one bad president.
Good post overall.

Option 1 is also not an endgame...

Option 2 seems to be what Iran is doing now, but started very late and going very slowly.
Iran should tax evey ship entering the PG! Just as Egypt does with the suez!

And yes, I do know that part of Hormuz is international water, but whenever did a powerful country play by the “rules”?
Iran should dictate the rules and say no one passes here without payment and that’s the end of the story.

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Iran should tax evey ship entering the PG! Just as Egypt does with the suez!

And yes, I do know that part of Hormuz is international water, but whenever did a powerful country play by the “rules”?
Iran should dictate the rules and say no one passes here without payment and that’s the end of the story.

Dumbest thing I have have ever read.

First of all a canal is just that...a thin man made body of water running through a country’s land territory. Persian Gulf is just like any other natural body of water. It belongs to no one.

What you are advocating has no legal basis in The Hague and Iran would be subject to forfiture of assets around the world for its piracy.

Iran is collecting a payment From England from 40 years ago, whatever you do today you can guarantee that the world will collect its payment from Iran wether it takes 100 years.

Also doing that is a great way to get the whole world against you and for what a small lousy amount of cash?

Iran’s Navy is nonexistent so let’s not let nationalistic pride lead to idiotic ideas.

Thank god we don’t have leaders that think like this in charge or else it would be the Qatar dynasty all over again.
Dumbest thing I have have ever read.

First of all a canal is just that...a thin man made body of water running through a country’s land territory. Persian Gulf is just like any other natural body of water. It belongs to no one.

What you are advocating has no legal basis in The Hague and Iran would be subject to forfiture of assets around the world for its piracy.

Iran is collecting a payment From England from 40 years ago, whatever you do today you can guarantee that the world will collect its payment from Iran wether it takes 100 years.

Also doing that is a great way to get the whole world against you and for what a small lousy amount of cash?

Iran’s Navy is nonexistent so let’s not let nationalistic pride lead to idiotic ideas.

Thank god we don’t have leaders that think like this in charge or else it would be the Qatar dynasty all over again.

Your reaction goes a long way to show the true nature of your slave mentality. It’s to the contrary to your belief quite apparent that neither iri or irgc share your sense of inferiority or fear. The recent attacks shows that they are not afraid to do unexpected and unconventional.

Furthermore don’t wave constructs such as The Hague or UN to me as if these are divine and fair treaties. These are constructs to keep current status quo, by preserving power for the colonialists and keep the slave and vassal countries in check. You are both incredibly stupid and naive to think otherwise.

The only language understood is the one of power. Everything else is fairytale to keep the likes of you in check.
Your reaction goes a long way to show the true nature of your slave mentality. It’s to the contrary to your belief quite apparent that neither iri or irgc share your sense of inferiority or fear. The recent attacks shows that they are not afraid to do unexpected and unconventional.

Furthermore don’t wave constructs such as The Hague or UN to me as if these are divine and fair treaties. These are constructs to keep current status quo, by preserving power for the colonialists and keep the slave and vassal countries in check. You are both incredibly stupid and naive to think otherwise.

The only language understood is the one of power. Everything else is fairytale to keep the likes of you in check.

Slave mentality? More like pragmatic mentality. You sound like the Pakistanis on this board that advocate a nuke strike every time something doesn’t go there way.

Grow up and stop being immature. IRGC couldn’t close an international waterway without risking war, let alone enforce taxation. So your idea would lead to deaths of countless Iranians, US soldiers, and Arab soldiers. So please take your helmet and be the first in line to accept that fate instead of advocating it for others.

Really The Hauge and UN are “constructs”. Is that why Iran uses them to settle disputes?

Israel shah era gas dispute - settled via Swiss mediation

Russian s-300 dispute - settled via The Hauge when judgement was delivered in Iran’s favor

US-Iran arms dispute - settled via The Hauge

Britain and Iran arms dispute- settled via High court of England

This is just a few of many cases where Iran established “construsts” to successfully win judgement.

As much as you like to think the world is some game for Iran and the IRGC there are very much rules. And Iran while being pragmatic does follow the rules to a large extent. Because there are times as mentioned above that said rules benefit Iran when the other party is in the wrong.
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