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Rouhani Willing To Meet With Trump This Week At UN, CNN's Amanpour Says

Israel shah era gas dispute - settled via Swiss mediation

Russian s-300 dispute - settled via The Hauge when judgement was delivered in Iran’s favor

US-Iran arms dispute - settled via The Hauge

Britain and Iran arms dispute- settled via High court of England

I agree with the gist of your comment, but could you be more precise about the Israel-Shah dispute and the US-Iran arms dispute? Which disputes are you referring to exactly?
Slave mentality? More like pragmatic mentality. You sound like the Pakistanis on this board that advocate a nuke strike every time something doesn’t go there way.

I beg to differ. Your analogy is not valid since I do not advocate something which is strategically impossible. Using nukes to make strategic gains will most likely and ultimately lead to the end of human civilisation as we know it.
You might argue that Iran does not have the tools to implement taxation in the hormuz straight. And that is another discussion altogether. However from strategic point of view, it is viable and an absolute game changer. IF and when, Iran can enforce it.
However your mentality is similar to those who think that the current reality, in the World generally and East Asia specifically, has to be respected and there is no way this reality could be altered.

Grow up and stop being immature. IRGC couldn’t close an international waterway without risking war, let alone enforce taxation. So your idea would lead to deaths of countless Iranians, US soldiers, and Arab soldiers. So please take your helmet and be the first in line to accept that fate instead of advocating it for others.

Now you are insinuating that I am advocating war. Persian Gulf is historically Iranian territory. Even the god damn name tells us that much. For you it might be strange to grasp for what is rightfully yours.
Currently, the world powers and some of our neighbours are slowly suffocating Iran. Me personally do not like that situation. I am sure IRGC does not either. That is way they are sane enough and brave enough to initiate the attacks that likes of you would never dare to do. Our dear neighbours need to really understand that if they think for a second that they can be part of an act that will slowly lead to the death of Iran, without any consequences for them, then they are dead wrong. These bastards are exporting Irans share at a total of 9 million bpd! Iran is barely doing a million. Lower than freakin Mexiko!
So they need to understand that if this continues then they will all fall together with Iran. Now this can be done with shooting down drones, attacking their oil-infrastructure, their ships, their bases... or even by closing the straight completely. WHICH IRI has warned it would do!

Really The Hauge and UN are “constructs”. Is that why Iran uses them to settle disputes?

Israel shah era gas dispute - settled via Swiss mediation

Russian s-300 dispute - settled via The Hauge when judgement was delivered in Iran’s favor

US-Iran arms dispute - settled via The Hauge

Britain and Iran arms dispute- settled via High court of England

This is just a few of many cases where Iran established “construsts” to successfully win judgement.

That is all good. But it is still an Anglo-Saxon construct meant to control the world status quo. If you cannot see it then you are incredibly naive. They can either invite Iran to the big boy table or they will continue to see resistance.

As much as you like to think the world is some game for Iran and the IRGC there are very much rules. And Iran while being pragmatic does follow the rules to a large extent. Because there are times as mentioned above that said rules benefit Iran when the other party is in the wrong.

IT IS a game! But it's freakin rigged!
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I agree with the gist of your comment, but could you be more precise about the Israel-Shah dispute and the US-Iran arms dispute? Which disputes are you referring to exactly?
Israel-Shah dispute - dispute about oil delivered during Shah era, arbitration found in favour of Iran for $1.1 billion in 2015, and Israeli challenges were rejected in Swiss courts in 2016. However, Israel refuses to pay (has domestic legislation barring it from paying money to 'enemies'):


As for the UK-Iran battle (MODSAF v IMS), an arbitral tribunal found in favour of Iran for terminated contracts for tanks etc in the 70s, and a Dutch court affirmed this (but reduced the award payable to MODSAF). The English High Court case was about an Iranian challenge that the UK should pay interest on the sum owed for the period under which MODSAF was (/is) under sanctions (and thus the UK cannot pay), but Iran lost this case and the High Court ruled that IMS does not have to pay interest on the sum owed during this period. The UK still hasn't paid btw, but final negotiations are ongoing now (the sum is expected to be around £380m).
Israel-Shah dispute - dispute about oil delivered during Shah era, arbitration found in favour of Iran for $1.1 billion in 2015, and Israeli challenges were rejected in Swiss courts in 2016. However, Israel refuses to pay (has domestic legislation barring it from paying money to 'enemies'):


As for the UK-Iran battle (MODSAF v IMS), an arbitral tribunal found in favour of Iran for terminated contracts for tanks etc in the 70s, and a Dutch court affirmed this (but reduced the award payable to MODSAF). The English High Court case was about an Iranian challenge that the UK should pay interest on the sum owed for the period under which MODSAF was (/is) under sanctions (and thus the UK cannot pay), but Iran lost this case and the High Court ruled that IMS does not have to pay interest on the sum owed during this period. The UK still hasn't paid btw, but final negotiations are ongoing now (the sum is expected to be around £380m).

Thank you. I didn't know the first one. That's interesting. But about the second one, I was actually asking about the US-Iran arms dispute. I know that the US never delivered any F16s to Iran, but that's pretty much it. Did we open a case against the US for that? Did we win it?
Thank you. I didn't know the first one. That's interesting. But about the second one, I was actually asking about the US-Iran arms dispute. I know that the US never delivered any F16s to Iran, but that's pretty much it. Did we open a case against the US for that? Did we win it?
I don't know the specifics about individual cases, but I know that there is the US-Iran Claims Tribunal at the Hague that was created to deal with all such disputes between Iran and the USA post-1979 with the Algiers agreement. The tribunal stopped accepting applications for private claims in the early 80s but there are still some big cases going on for governmental claims. The judges on the tribunal are very respected and among the most famous/respected judges in the world, so it's a legitimate and fair tribunal (although the system of rules they uphold/impose was created by the Western powers for their benefit, but that's another issue).

However, as you probably know, in more recent years the US (and Canadian) courts have been linking Iran to any terror attack virtually worldwide to justify seizing Iranian assets to compensate victims of such attacks. So now they don't care about the Claims Tribunal and just do whatever they want to give any veneer of legitimacy to their brazen theft of Iranian assets, especially the lower district courts in the US are extremely political and incompetent in this area.

There is some info about the Claims Tribunal and their judgments/history here:

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Bad move by the US. I don't see why he should ban Iranian officials who sent their children to the US fro studies and living. It brings in lots of cash flow to the U.S. It's good news for Europe, Canada and Australia though, since they can now attract more of these officials family members.
Trump is a moron sometimes. :sick::tsk:

As a matter of fact, that's perhaps the only thing Trump has done during his presidency that is supported by Iranians, regardless of their political affinities.
Bad move by the US. I don't see why he should ban Iranian officials who sent their children to the US fro studies and living. It brings in lots of cash flow to the U.S. It's good news for Europe, Canada and Australia though, since they can now attract more of these officials family members.
Trump is a moron sometimes. :sick::tsk:

A lot of cash LOL Stop exaggerating fool.

Iran has a good education system domestically.

How is Brexit going?
Iran has a good education system domestically.
Iran produces a huge amount of intelligent, well qualified STEM graduates every year (top 5 in the world I think). But there are no job prospects in Iran; indeed, Iran has the highest rate of brain drain in the world.

For example, Sharif University of Technology is one of the best STEM unis in the world and produces the best students in the world for its best subjects (electrical engineering etc). I remember reading that from one class of 50 or so at SUT only a handful stayed in Iran, the rest all went to work abroad in America and Europe.
Thank you. I didn't know the first one. That's interesting. But about the second one, I was actually asking about the US-Iran arms dispute. I know that the US never delivered any F16s to Iran, but that's pretty much it. Did we open a case against the US for that? Did we win it?

This was paid under the Obama admin.

“In the 1970s, Iran paid the U.S. $400 million for military equipment that was never delivered because the government was overthrown and diplomatic relations ruptured. After the nuclear deal, the U.S. and Iran announced they had settled the matter, with the U.S. agreeing to pay the $400 million principal along with about $1.3 billion in interest.”

A lot of cash LOL Stop exaggerating fool.

Iran has a good education system domestically.

How is Brexit going?
I agree that Iran has a good educational system especially compared to many countries in the middle East and even south Asia.
However, they still lag behind Western powers, reason many wealthy Iranians(or those who can afford to) tend to send their children and familly to study/live in the West. It seems it's also because the country doesn't have that much opportunities for these graduates, probably due to its Isolation.

As for Brexit, it's still being debated and fought in parliament. Remains to be seen what sort of deal will be signed by both sides.
I agree that Iran has a good educational system especially compared to many countries in the middle East and even south Asia.
However, they still lag behind Western powers, reason many wealthy Iranians(or those who can afford to) tend to send their children and familly to study/live in the West. It seems it's also because the country doesn't have that much opportunities for these graduates, probably due to its Isolation.

As for Brexit, it's still being debated and fought in parliament. Remains to be seen what sort of deal will be signed by both sides.

That's not true actually. Most Iranian students that study abroad have been offered tuition waiver and they study for a graduate degree (usually a PhD), not an undergrad degree. Many of them who study in Canada or the US even receive stipend in exchange for helping the university as a research assistant or a teacher assistant. This is the reason that since the devaluation of rial, the number of Iranians applying to universities in Canada has increased instead of decreasing (The number of Iranians applying to US universities has decreased, but that's due to Trump's travel ban actually).
I agree that Iran has a good educational system especially compared to many countries in the middle East and even south Asia.
However, they still lag behind Western powers, reason many wealthy Iranians(or those who can afford to) tend to send their children and familly to study/live in the West. It seems it's also because the country doesn't have that much opportunities for these graduates, probably due to its Isolation.

As for Brexit, it's still being debated and fought in parliament. Remains to be seen what sort of deal will be signed by both sides.

What a load of Baloney.

The top Iranian universities grads rank highly among their peers. In one case they have gone on to Stanford and aced their entrance exam something never before seen.

The reason why most Grads Who are smart enough go to US/Europe is to live in western culture. Furthermore, also for the jobs they get. Many land with Silicon Valley or medical companies and make a much higher living than living in Iran.

So that is why Iran has a massive brain drain not because of its education system. It’s top Universities are recognized by their Western Peers.

But if your a young Iranian brainiac where would you rather live Iran or US?
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