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Iran Doesn’t Deny the Holocaust, New Foreign Minister Says on Twitter

Guys, it's not very difficult to start name calling and start insulting each other from behind a computer. We are all co-owners of our country. We all love our country, even if we disagree on what that means. And ultimately, we will not reach our goals unless we respect each other and cooperate with one another. So please let's treat each other with a little less hostility and little more understanding and respect.

Mohsen jan, you may disagree with the 40% sepah stake in the economy. But do you agree that they have a strong presence in the civilian economy? And do you think it's a good idea?
Sounds like things are changing in Iran with their approach towards the west. Watched that CNN interview of Mr Hassan Rouhani last night... & the tone of new president sounds quite optimistic.

Here it is...

By Christiane Amanpour, CNN

Hassan Rouhani is the fourth Iranian President I have interviewed, and each time these discussions seem to come at crucial times.

I was struck by the fact that he agreed to say a sentence or two in English to reach the American people in their own language, saying he was bringing peace and friendship from Iran.

I recall the huge excitement there was the first time when the first reform president, Mohammad Khatami, sat down with me and delivered what many called his manifesto for moderation: change and freedom … that was in 1998.

Like Rouhani, he too was the “mullah with a smiling face” and spoke words on CNN that truly changed the tone of the country’s relations with the rest of the world.

But soon it was clear that Khatami did not have the mandate from the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, and hardliners quickly swept away his reforms, and people’s hopes. The brief Tehran Spring withered and died.

I asked Rouhani: What would be different this time?

I was particularly interested in Khatami’s op-ed in the Guardian newspaper this week, reminding the West of what happened to him, and warning that Rouhani’s election represents a real, if narrow window for real diplomacy. He said while he did not have the mandate from Ayatollah Khamenei, Rouhani does. And if Rouhani goes back empty-handed, that window will close.

I can certainly never forget President George W. Bush’s infamous Axis of Evil speech, which ushered in the harsh period and policies of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

It was here at the U.N. exactly eight years ago that Ahmadinejad gave his first TV interview, to me, and announced to the world that Iran was going ahead with its nuclear program.

He projected a belligerence and a deliberate antagonism in that interview that continued throughout his eight years in office. I recall telling Ahmadinejad that he sounded very aggressive.

So Rouhani’s arrival here in a blizzard of friendly tweets is very different.

Just the fact that he was elected in June, and the authorities let the vote stand, was a surprise and a change.

Before he arrived, he announced he was bringing Iran’s only Jewish M.P. in his delegation; this was after the Rosh Hashanah New Year tweets.

In his U.N. speech, he eschewed Ahmadinejad’s revolting anti-Semitic hate speech. Rouhani never once mentioned Israel; instead he recited a verse from the Torah.

And in my interview I asked him point blank about Ahmadinejad’s threats and Holocaust denial. His answers are instructive and again signal to me a desire to change tone.

But is this just a change of tone and style? We’ll see.

My hunch is that Rouhani, and his team – several are American educated – know that it’s now or never. They tell me they are prepared to negotiate, but as one veteran of the team told me, they are not prepared to “give diamonds for peanuts.”

They told me that their formula is full transparency and confidence building over the nuclear program in return for “proportional reciprocity” in sanctions relief.

I wonder whether they realize what a difficult and long road it will be for the Obama Administration to persuade Congress to lift U.S. sanctions. I wonder whether the U.S. realizes that Iran is not prepared to capitulate.

I assume the U.S. and the West do not want to go to war with Iran over the nuclear program – President Obama said at the U.N. yesterday that he’s not after regime change in Iran. So if diplomacy is the method of choice, it is of course a two-way street. It demands painful compromise from both sides.

Before I sat down with President Rouhani, I conducted an exclusive interview with French President Francois Hollande, who did meet with Rouhani, and I asked him about this.

AMANPOUR: And on the issue of nuclear program with Iran, where do you see the possibility of compromise? Can there be a win-win situation? Is this a last chance, do you think, for some kind of resolution of this crisis, really?

HOLLANDE: It's been ongoing for ten years. The negotiations have been in a deadlock for ten years. And each day, each extra day is an extra threat in terms of the answer that will come at some point. And we have to keep that in mind. The new president made a number of statements which are signs of opening development. And I think that here again, we have to hold him to his word. And when I see him today I will be telling him a simple thing. If Iran is willing to negotiate to give up on its military nuclear program and get a civil nuclear program to be accepted then there is a possible solution.On the other hand if the deadlock remains, what will happen, more and more sanctions, more burdens on the Iranian economy and at some point, the threat of an operation. We all are aware of that. So from that point, starting point, it is reasonable to find a compromise. So the Iranian president has to move from words to deeds.

There is no doubt where the vast majority of Iranian people stand: Squarely for moderation, reform, freedom and rapprochement with the west, INCLUDING the United States. Rouhani and his people know that. They also know that he must deliver on his campaign promise to relieve the economic hardship caused by U.S., E.U. and U.N. sanctions.
Amanpour: Why Rouhani may be different – Amanpour - CNN.com Blogs
and about zionism. only Jews can be zionists.
No, actually most zionists aren't jew, search for "Christian Zionism‎" in google and you will plenty of resources. in fact there is no difference between a Zionist‎ and christian evangelist. both believe on creating chose in Middle east to accelerate the Arrival of their messiah.
No, actually most zionists aren't jew, search for "Christian Zionism‎" in google and you will plenty of resources. in fact there is no difference between a Zionist‎ and christian evangelist. both believe on creating chose in Middle east to accelerate the Arrival of their messiah.
well it is just the way they write their own history but they are not from zionism movment so not zionist
whatever they name it zionism

these people want to convert the Jews ;)
christians have their fanatics too :D
well it is just the way they write their own history but they are not from zionism movment so not zionist
whatever they name it zionism

these people want to convert the Jews ;)
christians have their fanatics too :D

do u hear ur self??:cuckoo::cheesy:
Thats myth. Most of the Palestinian terrorists are from middle-high class and quite well educated. Overall Palestinians have highest literacy level in ME.
for example, the next largest muslim countries were Iran, Turkey which you did not mention them. in addition, how nigeria and bangladesh can be related to palestine? its something like comparing canada with congo. if you want to compare some countries, they need to have many things in common. for example, jordanian and palestinian and lebanese and saudis and also israelis are neighbors and they are very close in terms of their past situation and history. for example, you can compare iran with turkey, but its non sense to compare her with congo.

although, I don't agree with you, since I believe that someone who has money and education won't blow himself by a bomb. but, If that's the case, what's your solution to solve this issue? by considering the fact that all of the current peace solutions have failed.
first about army after revolution, the fact is that many secular groups and even mujahedine khalgh were demanding to disband the army, yet it was Khomeini who said our army is part of our nation and ended all of those moves.
Airforce, another example, while post revolution secular government had plan to sell our F-14s to canada, and the deal was almost done, yet it was martyr Beheshti (an akhound) who cancelled the deal.
USSR couldn't be happier that a pro U.S regime had fallen in Iran, soviets joined the Saddam later cause Iran rejected to support their invasion in Afghanistan, yet we all know it was U.S and Zionists who encouraged him to attack Iran, if you don't understand this simple fact then you have no info about the post revolution incident in Iran. yes we executed several army generals, this was the minimum justice for all the massacre they commit. just one case killing 5000 people in 17 shahrivar.
when that pro Zionist said we can't even produce an aftabe we had all of those things you mentioned, yet even he knew well that we didn't built them and without external help we couldn't even maintain them.
if Mullahs power came from oil money, then how they toppled the strongest regime in ME, oil money, media, army all was under government's command, yet the fact is under all of Zionists propaganda against mullahs yet people chose the mullahs. our nation simply made a choice, a painful truth for you.

For the first part, all you said are wrong. Again, I suggest you to ask about it from some general who has served army at that time. They can make this clear for you.
can you tell me how much of US military equipment were used by Iraq? how much from Israel? US just give them some informations sometimes not regularly. On the other hand, do you know how much of Iranian army equipments are purchased by israel for Iran? I am not saying that they did it for god's sakes but they could don't do that.
about war, its very simple. when you slap someone in the face, you need to expect him to slap in your face as well. after embassy problem, that's no surprise if USA encouraged saddam, but about israel you are wrong. they had not any serious relations at that time.
and your statistics are wrong as well. what's your reliable source here? about 5000 to 6000 of army's general were executed or there were supposed to be executed based on their plan but they escaped country. overall, about 2500-2600 political prisoners have been killed, and also about 2000-3000 persons have been killed in demonstrations. btw, why army generals get executed? what is their fault? Savak was responsible for killings. what about ministry of education. what was her fault?
people were uneducated and emotional 35 years ago, our literacy rate was about 49% as an example. our intellectuals were also highly influenced by marxists and islamists and they were not well aware of situations. anyway, Khomeini in one of his speeches said that even if our fathers have chosen to live with this regime, we have the right to decide about it by ourselves. now, most of Iranians, about 60%, have born after revolution. don't they have the right to decide about this regimes future by their own?
well it is just the way they write their own history but they are not from zionism movment so not zionist
whatever they name it zionism

these people want to convert the Jews ;)
christians have their fanatics too :D

Christian Zionists don't want to convert the Jews.

Christian Zionists also known as Evangelical Christians exist only in North America, and Australia. They are almost nonexistent in Europe and elsewhere.

Zionist Christian believe in second coming of Jesus Christ will only happen when all the Jews are gathered in Jerusalem and the Jewish temple is rebuild. This is the central part their belief.

This is why they are hostile to Palestinians and to the peace process. they always vote in favor of officials that guarantee Israel's safety and continued building of Jewish settlements in the West Banks. They don't want a Palestinian state.

There are about 30-40 million of them in the U.S, and they form powerful and influential organization like Christian United for Israel.

The most important the thing you should know is that they have a lot of voting power.

Neocons like former president George Bush and Senator Lindsay Graham come from Evangelical Christian background.

In other words they are Batshit crazy!!!!

Their official facebook Page:


Nice Article on Christian Zionist movement and how they hijacked America's foreign policy in the Middle East.

Christian Zionists don't want to convert the Jews.

Christian Zionists also known as Evangelical Christians exist only in North America, and Australia. They are almost nonexistent in Europe and elsewhere.

There are about 30-40 million of them in the U.S, and they form powerful and influential organization like Christian United for Israel, they have a lot of voting power. Neocons like former president George Bush and Senator Lindsay Graham come from Evangelical Christian background.

Evangelical Christian also known as Zionist Christian believe in second coming of Jesus Christ will only happen when all the Jews are gathered in Jerusalem and the Jewish temple is rebuild. This is the central part their belief.

This is why they are hostile to Palestinians and to the peace process. they always vote in favor of officials that guarantee Israel's safety and continued building of Jewish settlements in the West Banks. They don't want a Palestinian state.

In other words they are Batshit crazy!!!!

Their official facebook Page:


Nice Article on Christian Zionist movement and how they hijacked America's foreign policy in the Middle East.

On the Road to Armageddon: How Evangelicals Became Israel's Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

They also exist in UK. about converting, I need to say that they are religious fanatics and they want to convert jews and muslims and even catholics to their beliefs. but, I guess they don't have any serious practical agenda for their words.
@Hussein @rmi5

I think this video pretty much explains the Christian Zionists movement.

Rapture Ready: The Christians United for Israel Tour - YouTube

@rmi5 The majority don't want to covert the Jews to Christianity. They want to convert everyone else though...

They believe that in order for the second coming of Jesus Christ all Jews must be in Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple rebuild. They believe when Jesus makes his appearance in Jerusalem he will ask the Jews to join him, if Jews deny him again as the Messiah, they won't be part of the God's kingdom on earth.

The scary thing is they have infiltrated the political system in the U.S and they are a powerful voting block! and completely hijacked the Middle East foreign policy:woot:

Whats the their numbers like in the U.K?
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for example, the next largest muslim countries were Iran, Turkey which you did not mention them. in addition, how nigeria and bangladesh can be related to palestine? its something like comparing canada with congo. if you want to compare some countries, they need to have many things in common. for example, jordanian and palestinian and lebanese and saudis and also israelis are neighbors and they are very close in terms of their past situation and history. for example, you can compare iran with turkey, but its non sense to compare her with congo.

although, I don't agree with you, since I believe that someone who has money and education won't blow himself by a bomb. but, If that's the case, what's your solution to solve this issue? by considering the fact that all of the current peace solutions have failed.
I said that Palestinians live better than majority of Arabs and Muslims in the world and I proved it.

Here infant mortality rates:

Gaza Strip 16.00
West Bank 13.98
Iran 40.2
Turkey 22.23

List of countries by infant mortality rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Msaddeq is a hero in our country, yet we maintain the right for ourselves to critic some of his policies that eventually led to a coup, his ideas are banned? every year we celebrate what he did for Iran, 29 esfand is a national day in our calendar.
and regarding karate, just more BS.
yes, his party is banned in Iran, lots of its members were killed in serial killings of regime"Ghatl haye zanjire i" , and many of them are in jail, or they have died in jail or due to its consequences, such as dear Mr. Sahabi. you can't join them, or do any activities at all for them. because you will receive a threatening letter from intelligence ministry and after that even prison.
and also do not be worried about 29 Esfand, because parliament(majles) has a plan to remove 29 Esfand from calendar.
No, actually most zionists aren't jew, search for "Christian Zionism‎" in google and you will plenty of resources. in fact there is no difference between a Zionist‎ and christian evangelist. both believe on creating chose in Middle east to accelerate the Arrival of their messiah.

Funny I have lived in the USA all my life and I have never heard any one say such a thing. I don't think most americans take religion that seriously being religious crazies does not seem to be a US thing, when was the last time you heard of some religious nuts blowing up a Mosque or church in the USA.
@Hussein @rmi5

I think this video pretty much explains the Christian Zionists movement.

Rapture Ready: The Christians United for Israel Tour - YouTube

@rmi5 The majority don't want to covert the Jews to Christianity. They want to convert everyone else though...

They believe that in order for the second coming of Jesus Christ all Jews must be in Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple rebuild. They believe when Jesus makes his appearance in Jerusalem he will ask the Jews to join him, if Jews deny him again as the Messiah, they won't be part of the God's kingdom on earth.

Whats the their numbers like in the U.K?
you are right.
I am not sure about their numbers, but as far as I know, they have some conservative and liberal branch there and own some churches and institutes. they are much less compared to USA though, and less powerful.
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@Hussein @rmi5

The mobilisation of evangelicals has tended to bolster the so-called neo-conservative policies of the Republicans, because Christian Zionists tend to favor a hawkish foreign policy and have less sympathy for Palestinian claims than do the Democrats.

Examples of Christian leaders combining political conservatism with Christian Zionism are Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, leading figures of the Christian Right in the 1980s and 1990s. Falwell said in 1981: "To stand against Israel is to stand against God. We believe that history and scripture prove that God deals with nations in relation to how they deal with Israel." They cite part of the blessing of Isaac at Genesis 27:29, "Those who curse you will be cursed, and those who bless you will be blessed."

The government of Israel has given official encouragement to Christian Zionism, allowing the establishment in 1980 of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. The main function of the embassy is to enlist worldwide Christian support for Israel. The embassy has raised funds to help finance Jewish immigration to Israel from the former Soviet Union, and has assisted Zionist groups in establishing Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

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