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Iran Doesn’t Deny the Holocaust, New Foreign Minister Says on Twitter


Yes, some Christian fundamentalist have been involved in Terrorism. They've blown up abortion clinics and killed the doctors.

Anti-abortion violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

wow, I had no idea about it. it seems that they are really dangerous.

It's a serious issue with our Iranian Christian converts, specially the ones that live in the U.S, some are completely brainwashed. I think Iranians are vulnerable to religious fanaticism for some reason.

I guess that its not just about us. it is a common problem for converts. specially at the beginning. they are more fanatic than non-converted persons. the same thing applies to ones who convert from other religions to another ones.
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They want power within the Iranian community and in Iran. Every country and it's ideology wants to expand it's own influence in other countries.

They only way Israel can expand it's influence is through Evangelical Christianity. Because the core of their belief is to Support Israel unconditionally. This is what they say "if you reject Israel, you reject god."

Israel is already really busy in countries such as Sudan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, and many other African countries, they establish Evangelical Christian organization within these countries and then they convert people and people become Israel's supporters instantly!

The irony here is that Jews are behind the spread of Christianity even though Jews themselves don't accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah!!! :lol:

Its the Jews behind the spread of Christianity, wow. That has to be the brain fart of all times.


I believe you area talking about Jim Jones' cult.

Jonestown The Life and Death of Peoples Temple - YouTube

Pretty well proves too much religion is a bad thing, you either kill your self or start killing others.
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They want power within the Iranian community and in Iran. Every country and it's ideology wants to expand it's own influence in other countries.

They only way Israel can expand it's influence is through Evangelical Christianity. Because the core of their belief is to Support Israel unconditionally. This is what they say "if you reject Israel, you reject god."

Israel is already really busy in countries such as Sudan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, and many other African countries, they establish Evangelical Christian organization within these countries and then they convert people and people become Israel's supporters instantly!

The irony here is that Jews are behind the spread of Christianity even though Jews themselves don't accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah!!! :lol:

During the early 1980s the Israeli Ministry of Tourism recruited evangelical religious leaders for free "familiarization" tours. In time, hundreds of evangelical pastors got free trips to the Holy Land. The purpose of such promotional tours was to enable people of even limited influence to experience Israel for themselves and be shown how they might bring their own tour group to Israel. The Ministry of Tourism was interested in more than tourist dollars: here was a way of building a solid corps of non-Jewish supporters for Israel in the United States by bringing large numbers of evangelicals to hear and see Israel's story for themselves. The strategy caught on.

Getting American evangelicals to travel to Israel was only half of the Israeli strategy. The other half was to create a politically-engaged, pro-Israel force among conservative American Christians in the United States. Shortly after the Six-Day War, elements within the Israeli government saw the potential power of the evangelical subculture and began to mobilize it as a base of support that could influence American foreign policy. The Israeli government sent Yona Malachy of its Department of Religious Affairs to the United States to study American fundamentalism and its potential as an ally of Israel. Malachy was warmly received by fundamentalists and was able to influence some of them to issue strong pro-Israeli manifestos. By the mid-1980s, there was a discernible shift in the Israeli political strategy. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the Jewish state's major lobbying group in Washington, D.C., started re-aligning itself with the American political right-wing, including Christian conservatives. Israel's timing was perfect. It began working seriously with American dispensationalists at the precise moment that American fundamentalists and evangelicals were discovering their political voice.

On the Road to Armageddon: How Evangelicals Became Israel's Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com

@Hussein , iranigirl2 is right. multiple illegal and new made churches have been closed recently in Iran, and a lot of missioners have been arrested. its like a tsunami in Iran. Based on iranigirl2's comment, It seems that there may be an agenda behind it. :what:
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Its the Jews behind the spread of Christianity, wow. That has to be the brain fart of all times.

They are not behind the "spread of Christianity" into the western world per say but in the U.S for the past 50-60 years the Israeli Jews have encouraged Evangelical Christianity aka Zionist Christians to expand their organization and political participation because they are beneficial to Israel.

So, in essence Yes JEWS are behind the spread of Christianity in America specially Evangelical Christianity.

You have to be truly ignorant not to realize what the Israeli have been doing to the Christian community in the U.S for the sole purpose of gaining more influence within the U.S population.

During the early 1980s the Israeli Ministry of Tourism recruited evangelical religious leaders for free "familiarization" tours. In time, hundreds of evangelical pastors got free trips to the Holy Land. The purpose of such promotional tours was to enable people of even limited influence to experience Israel for themselves and be shown how they might bring their own tour group to Israel. The Ministry of Tourism was interested in more than tourist dollars: here was a way of building a solid corps of non-Jewish supporters for Israel in the United States by bringing large numbers of evangelicals to hear and see Israel's story for themselves. The strategy caught on.

Getting American evangelicals to travel to Israel was only half of the Israeli strategy. The other half was to create a politically-engaged, pro-Israel force among conservative American Christians in the United States. Shortly after the Six-Day War, elements within the Israeli government saw the potential power of the evangelical subculture and began to mobilize it as a base of support that could influence American foreign policy. The Israeli government sent Yona Malachy of its Department of Religious Affairs to the United States to study American fundamentalism and its potential as an ally of Israel. Malachy was warmly received by fundamentalists and was able to influence some of them to issue strong pro-Israeli manifestos. By the mid-1980s, there was a discernible shift in the Israeli political strategy. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the Jewish state's major lobbying group in Washington, D.C., started re-aligning itself with the American political right-wing, including Christian conservatives. Israel's timing was perfect. It began working seriously with American dispensationalists at the precise moment that American fundamentalists and evangelicals were discovering their political voice.

On the Road to Armageddon: How Evangelicals Became Israel's Best Friend by Timothy P. Weber - Beliefnet.com
he didn't call it a myth , he said some people have mixed it so much with stories and lies that it become such as a myth .
in short he said the myth part must be separated from the actual part of what happened during those years .

come on, we know that what is the connotation of his statements. there is no need to "maaleh keshi" ;)
@Hussein , iranigirl2 is right. multiple illegal and new made churches have been closed recently in Iran, and a lot of missioners have been arrested. its like a tsunami in Iran. Based on iranigirl2's comment, It seems that there may be an agenda behind it. :what:
i know but i don't think it is Israel as i said . i can see here the US are active with their religion too. Not less not more than in Iran. Well by US i mean these groups of course.
I don't believe in "for sure" agendas of countries . sometimes ideologic groups are good to make a hell.
One another exemple is al qaida : many copy them, many say they are al qaida, but this is not sponsored by a country but by groups , by individuals, by an ideology.

it is in an educated and united nation we can fight these people. salafis, evangelists, fanatic shias: same cheat.
having lot of relations in Qom because of my family, i can say you that even the Khamenei son is sponsoring the anti ayatollahs attacks. these people are fascist and have no respect for religion , except their own ideology and huge will of power.

sadly seeing him with so much power , i am scared for the future of our country .
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i know but i don't think it is Israel as i said . i can see here the US are active with their religion too. Not less not more than in Iran. Well by US i mean these groups of course.
I don't believe in "for sure" agendas of countries . sometimes ideologic groups are good to make a hell.
One another exemple is al qaida : many copy them, many say they are al qaida, but this is not sponsored by a country but by groups , by individuals, by an ideology.

it is in an educated and united nation we can fight these people. salafis, evangelists, fanatic shias: same cheat.
having lot of relations in Qom because of my family, i can say you that even the Khamenei son is sponsoring the anti ayatollahs attacks. these people are fascist and have no respect for religion , except their own ideology and huge will of power.

sadly seeing him with so much power , i am scared for the future of our country .

yes, I think that they have multiple sources of funding not just one country. the same as islamic fanatics which are supported from qatar, saudi, pakistan, ... for multiple different reasons from each one of supporters. I think we all agree with this.
I said that Palestinians live better than majority of Arabs and Muslims in the world and I proved it.

Here infant mortality rates:

Gaza Strip 16.00
West Bank 13.98
Iran 40.2
Turkey 22.23

List of countries by infant mortality rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It seems your source (probably CIA world fact book) have some Agenda
Mortality rate; infant (per 1;000 live births) in Iran

Mortality rate; infant (per 1;000 live births) in Turkey

Mortality rate; infant (per 1;000 live births) in West Bank and Gaza
come on, we know that what is the connotation of his statements. there is no need to "maaleh keshi" ;)

well , I don't knew what is in his heart and it's another discussion , here somebody said he denied holocaust , I said what he said was not denial but saying it's mixed with lies .

now if he wanted to use it for denying the incident is something else and unrelated and impossible to prove .
come on, we know that what is the connotation of his statements. there is no need to "maaleh keshi" ;)

well , I don't knew what is in his heart and it's another discussion , here somebody said he denied holocaust , I said what he said was not denial but saying it's mixed with lies .

now if he wanted to use it for denying the incident is something else and unrelated and impossible to prove .

I thought that 500 wants to be a reasonable person, but he is continuing to play with statistics and mentioning distorted and ambiguous and unrelated ones. no need to continue the game with him ;) all of us are from ME region and are well aware of whats really going on each country ;)
I thought that 500 wants to be a reasonable person, but he is continuing to play with statistics and mentioning distorted and ambiguous and unrelated ones. no need to continue the game with him ;) all of us are from ME region and are well aware of whats really going on each country ;)
I dont know what makes u think that CIA Factbook numbers are less accurate than Jessica's. And even according to Jessica's numbers Palestinian mortality level is lower than in Iran (which is super oil rich country).

Also these are Palestinian territories, which are under Palestinian control. 1.6 million Arabs who live in Israel have one of the lowest mortality levels in the world.
I dont know what makes u think that CIA Factbook numbers are less accurate than Jessica's. And even according to Jessica's numbers Palestinian mortality level is lower than in Iran (which is super oil rich country).

I thought that 500 wants to be a reasonable person, but he is continuing to play with statistics and mentioning distorted and ambiguous and unrelated ones.

I mentioned that this statistic is irrelevant. we were talking about HDI comparison between palestinians and Iran , turkey, KSA, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and you mentioned mortality rate.
anyways, have you any better idea to solve israel palestine issue rather than improving their welfare, education?
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