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Iran Doesn’t Deny the Holocaust, New Foreign Minister Says on Twitter

They also exist in UK. about converting, I need to say that they are religious fanatics and they want to convert jews and muslims and even catholics to their beliefs. but, I guess they don't have any serious practical agenda for their words.
in France too.once i was witness an evangelist was explaining to a catholic he was a fake christian
because of the baptism method :D
hopefully Iran will protect coutry from these fanatics
Funny I have lived in the USA all my life and I have never heard any one say such a thing. I don't think most americans take religion that seriously being religious crazies does not seem to be a US thing, when was the last time you heard of some religious nuts blowing up a Mosque or church in the USA.

there are close to 30 to 40 million Christian Zionist fundamentalists in America. They believe in end time prophecy taking place in the Middle East.

Some of the are also involved in Terrorism.



in France too.once i was witness an evangelist was explaining to a catholic he was a fake christian
because of the baptism method :D
hopefully Iran will protect coutry from these fanatics

Israeli organization hamashoon khili vaghteh keh mikhan to iran va iraniha biroon as keshvaro be Christian Zionist convert konan.

I've meet Iranian Christians ( most are converts) that are Zionists and believe they have to support Israel or else god will reject them!:cheesy:
Funny I have lived in the USA all my life and I have never heard any one say such a thing. I don't think most americans take religion that seriously being religious crazies does not seem to be a US thing, when was the last time you heard of some religious nuts blowing up a Mosque or church in the USA.

Unfortunately, you are wrong. we have lots of them in USA. there was a religious cult in texas and 90's I guess, which burnt themselves together in a special day, because they thought that apocalypse will happen on that day. there was another cult before that which they immigrated to some south american country and they did the same thing. I don't remember their names. maybe @iranigirl2 can remember their names.
also richard dawkins has interviewed evangelicals. I strongly recommend you to see that documentary.
Richard Dawkins Interviews Ted Haggard - YouTube
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in France too.once i was witness an evangelist was explaining to a catholic he was a fake christian
because of the baptism method :D
hopefully Iran will protect coutry from these fanatics

I am not sure about that buddy. even vahabis are strongly trying to expand in Iran. based on my experience, anything can happen in Iran :)

Some of the are also involved in Terrorism.
Israeli organization hamashoon khili vaghteh keh mikhan to iran va iraniha biroon as keshvaro be Christian Zionist convert konan.

I've meet Iranian Christians ( most are converts) that are Zionists and believe they have to support Israel or else god will reject them!:cheesy:
faghat hamin yek no' az ahmaghaa ra kam daashtim ke engaar be salaamati oun ra ham daarim. haalaa az farda we need to deal with evangelical basijis as well. :hitwall:
calling a massacre as a myth is not something moral or something that you want to be proud of it. and if by evil you mean israeli politicians, I need to tell you that most of the politicians in the world are the same and they are mostly self-serving and they ignore people. simply that's how politics works. so thinking that a politician is devil or angle sounds absurd to me.

he didn't call it a myth , he said some people have mixed it so much with stories and lies that it become such as a myth .
in short he said the myth part must be separated from the actual part of what happened during those years .
Holocaust did happen. The numbers could be controversial, but not the fact.

The efficiency with which Jews were de-humanized was uniquely German. Really scary that something like it could happen at that scale and with such vehemence.

Muslims who deny or belittle the mass killing of Jews reflect poorly on Islam. Muslims ought to be practical humanists.

Germany is the second largest aid-provider to Israel, after USA. They have paid many billions. And yet it really is the Palestinians who have paid the real price, nevermind what the likes of @500 say.

no I can't agree with restricting it to Germans , in Spain even centuries before Nazis inquisition was perfectly efficient in hunting Jews .
during the time of Nazis they had blessing of the pope in how they treated Jews , it was people of Ukraine , Poland and many many more European countries who were attacking Jewish community and show them to Nazis as a matter of fact the German race (people of the countries like Germany , Austria , Belgium and Netherlands were more likely to hide their Jewish neighbors than for example people of eastern europe.
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How many were born between 1923 and 1950 is a better question for there to have been 0 jewish population growth.

how many died of the causes that non Jewish people have died in those years .
we were neutral , we were far from the war scene but due to English and USSR forces activity in the time we lost 2 million of our peoples .


Yes, some Christian fundamentalist have been involved in Terrorism. They've blown up abortion clinics and killed the doctors.


faghat hamin yek no' az ahmaghaa ra kam daashtim ke engaar be salaamati oun ra ham daarim. haalaa az farda we need to deal with evangelical basijis as well. :hitwall:

It's a serious issue with our Iranian Christian converts, specially the ones that live in the U.S, some are completely brainwashed. I think Iranians are vulnerable to religious fanaticism for some reason.
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Israeli organization hamashoon khili vaghteh keh mikhan to iran va iraniha biroon as keshvaro be Christian Zionist convert konan.

I've meet Iranian Christians ( most are converts) that are Zionists and believe they have to support Israel or else god will reject them!:cheesy:
Fekr nemikonam ke nyazi be in kar dashte bashan chon Evangelist haye Amrica khvdeshon be andazeye kafi ghdrat daran.
Fekr nemikonam ke nyazi be in kar dashte bashan chon Evangelist haye Amrica khvdeshon be andazeye kafi ghdrat daran. yazi

They want power within the Iranian community and in Iran. Every country and it's ideology wants to expand it's own influence in other countries.

They only way Israel can expand it's influence is through Evangelical Christianity Because the core of their belief is to Support Israel unconditionally. This is what they say "if you reject Israel, you reject god."

Israel is already really busy in countries such as Sudan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, and many other African countries, they establish Evangelical Christian organization within these countries and then they convert people and people become Israel's supporters instantly!

The irony here is that Jews are behind the spread of Christianity even though Jews themselves don't accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah!!! :lol:

During the early 1980s the Israeli Ministry of Tourism recruited evangelical religious leaders for free "familiarization" tours. In time, hundreds of evangelical pastors got free trips to the Holy Land. The purpose of such promotional tours was to enable people of even limited influence to experience Israel for themselves and be shown how they might bring their own tour group to Israel. The Ministry of Tourism was interested in more than tourist dollars: here was a way of building a solid corps of non-Jewish supporters for Israel in the United States by bringing large numbers of evangelicals to hear and see Israel's story for themselves. The strategy caught on.

Getting American evangelicals to travel to Israel was only half of the Israeli strategy. The other half was to create a politically-engaged, pro-Israel force among conservative American Christians in the United States. Shortly after the Six-Day War, elements within the Israeli government saw the potential power of the evangelical subculture and began to mobilize it as a base of support that could influence American foreign policy.

The Israeli government sent Yona Malachy of its Department of Religious Affairs to the United States to study American fundamentalism and its potential as an ally of Israel. Malachy was warmly received by fundamentalists and was able to influence some of them to issue strong pro-Israeli manifestos. By the mid-1980s, there was a discernible shift in the Israeli political strategy. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the Jewish state's major lobbying group in Washington, D.C., started re-aligning itself with the American political right-wing, including Christian conservatives. Israel's timing was perfect. It began working seriously with American dispensationalists at the precise moment that American fundamentalists and evangelicals were discovering their political voice.

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