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Ancient Hatred: Understanding Iran's War on Jews - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

WASHINGTON -- Iran's supreme leader recently said his country would help any Muslim nation or group that attacks Israel. He's called the Jewish state a cancerous tumor that will be cut out of the Middle East.

With Iran's nuclear weapons program advancing daily, that goal may be in sight.

This view of Jews as sub-human sounds a lot like Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, but it goes back much further.

In author Andrew Bostom's book, The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism, he describes Islam's early conquests of Jewish tribes in Arabia.

"Mohammed's frustrations in spreading his message were frequently recompensed by murderous attacks on the Jews," he told CBN News.

Bostom explained that Mohammed demonized Jews because they rejected him as a prophet.

"Mohammed himself invokes some of these themes," he said. "For example, one of the punishments of the Jews is their transformation into apes, or apes and pigs, the verses that are commonly heard now."

This "apes and pigs" imagery is found in Islam's core texts, like the Koran and hadiths. The most notorious is the following hadith, often quoted by al Qaeda, Hamas, and other Islamic terror groups.

"Judgment Day will come only when the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, until the Jew hides behind the tree and the stone, and the tree and the stone say, 'Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.'"

In some verses of the Koran, Jews are referred to as "perverse," "evil," "greedy," and the "heirs of hell."

The Iranian regime takes these verses seriously, starting with the man who founded the Islamic Republic, the Ayatollah Khomeini.

"His image of wiping out the Jews was that all of the Muslims of the world should get together with a cup of water and simply wash it away. But again, annihilationism," Bostom said.

Today, Jews play a central role in the end times ideology of Iran's mullahs. They believe the Mahdi, or Islamic messiah, will return to earth, conquer Jerusalem, and massacre the Jewish inhabitants of Israel.

Former Iranian President Hashemi Rafsanjani said that while Israel is a one-bomb country, Iran and the Islamic world could survive a nuclear exchange with the Jewish state.

According to this view, the heavy losses would be worth it for the greater good of wiping Israel off the map.
Ancient Hatred: Understanding Iran's War on Jews - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com
i guess he was doing this speech because someone sadly compared nazis to israel
we can blame israel but there is no comparison with nazism which was a goal of extermination of one race (and other indeed)

Hussein jan, I compared Zionism to Nazism. And as far as I'm concerned, it is a valid comparison. Many aspects of their ideologies run in parallel. The premise that they are a superior people and that their rights and interests inherently override those of their less sophisticated and backward victims, is something that is not only in common with Nazism but with the wider European racial views of the 18-19th century that rationalized colonization and mistreatment of vast swathes of humanity.

If one of the goals of Nazism was to exlude and exterminate Jews and expropriate their wealth and belongings, one of the goals of Zionism was to at the minimum ethnically cleanse Palestinians off their land and take it over. As I said, less brutal but similar to Nazism.

However, I never compared Israelis to Nazis.

If you disagree with this, please make your case.

If not, I will kindly ask you to do your own thinking and not fall for politically correct and easily regurgitated cliches.
i guess he was doing this speech because someone sadly compared nazis to israel
we can blame israel but there is no comparison with nazism which was a goal of extermination of one race (and other indeed)

Dear Hussein.honestly, I don't care why he said such a BS. saying such a BS was way out of his league, and about israel, although they have done many mistakes, but I don't compare them with Nazi's, and I did't know who did it. anyways, it doesn't justify to say BS about others.
Sure Islamists are killing non Muslims. But their body count is no where close to the millions of bodies that the US has slaughtered in the Muslim world. Like it or not but Muslims currently are the most persecuted group in the world. And these Muslim fundamentalists are a result of America.

Typical excuse given by Jihädi muslims to not mend their ways and continue with their debauchery.

If Jihädi muslims openly profess to wipe out infidels, do they expect a rose bouquet in exchange.
Ancient Hatred: Understanding Iran's War on Jews
you are either completely brain-washed or trolling.
btw, you can search about "Cyrus the Great", and you will find tons of useful info about your new claim. even you can look at old testament if you believe in truth of it, and search about him.
There is no official law against apostasy in Iran, but with the integration of the Revolutionary Courts with the national court system, the religious courts, using the religious writings of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, have applied the death sentence to cases of apostasy (HRW Sep 1997, p. 15, 29). Human Rights Watch and other sources have reported numerous cases of death sentences handed out for apostasy, but International Christian Concern, on their website, has numerous reports of lesser consequences as well as severe punishment being applied for apostasy, reporting on several instances in the late 1990s when purely economic sanctions were applied against apostates (ICC 18 Sep 2002).

05/09/2007 15:12
New apostasy bill to impose death on anyone who leaves Islam
by Qaiser Felix
Pakistan’s government sends draft bill tabled by six-party Islamic alliance to standing committee for review. Under the bill’s terms, apostates would be sentenced to death or life in prison. Testimony by two adults is the only independent evidence needed to determine or demonstrate apostasy. Lahore archbishop is praying the bill is never adopted.

Wonder how understanding the Islamic world would be of any country that excuted any one that became a Muslim.

74 percent of Pakistans support the death of any one converting from Islam to another religion.
There is no official law against apostasy in Iran, but with the integration of the Revolutionary Courts with the national court system, the religious courts, using the religious writings of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, have applied the death sentence to cases of apostasy (HRW Sep 1997, p. 15, 29). Human Rights Watch and other sources have reported numerous cases of death sentences handed out for apostasy, but International Christian Concern, on their website, has numerous reports of lesser consequences as well as severe punishment being applied for apostasy, reporting on several instances in the late 1990s when purely economic sanctions were applied against apostates (ICC 18 Sep 2002).

05/09/2007 15:12
New apostasy bill to impose death on anyone who leaves Islam
by Qaiser Felix
Pakistan’s government sends draft bill tabled by six-party Islamic alliance to standing committee for review. Under the bill’s terms, apostates would be sentenced to death or life in prison. Testimony by two adults is the only independent evidence needed to determine or demonstrate apostasy. Lahore archbishop is praying the bill is never adopted.

Wonder how understanding the Islamic world would be of any country that excuted any one that became a Muslim.

Now I am sure that you are just a troll. is it related to the topic? just derailing the topic when haven't any answer is what a true troll does. anyways, I suggest @bozorgmehr , @Hussein to ignore him.
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Hussein jan, I compared Zionism to Nazism. And as far as I'm concerned, it is a valid comparison. Many aspects of their ideologies run in parallel. The premise that they are a superior people and that their rights and interests inherently override those of their less sophisticated and backward victims, is something that is not only in common with Nazism but with the wider European racial views of the 18-19th century that rationalized colonization and mistreatment of vast swathes of humanity.

If one of the goals of Nazism was to exlude and exterminate Jews and expropriate their wealth and belongings, one of the goals of Zionism was to at the minimum ethnically cleanse Palestinians off their land and take it over. As I said, less brutal but similar to Nazism.

However, I never compared Israelis to Nazis.

If you disagree with this, please make your case.

If not, I will kindly ask you to do your own thinking and not fall for politically correct and easily regurgitated cliches.

I have never heard of Jews calling for the extermination of Muslims but I have heard the reversed threaten for years. But then Hilter did the same thing.
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Ancient Hatred: Understanding Iran's War on Jews - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

WASHINGTON -- Iran's supreme leader recently said his country would help any Muslim nation or group that attacks Israel. He's called the Jewish state a cancerous tumor that will be cut out of the Middle East.

With Iran's nuclear weapons program advancing daily, that goal may be in sight.

This view of Jews as sub-human sounds a lot like Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, but it goes back much further.

In author Andrew Bostom's book, The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism, he describes Islam's early conquests of Jewish tribes in Arabia.

"Mohammed's frustrations in spreading his message were frequently recompensed by murderous attacks on the Jews," he told CBN News.

Bostom explained that Mohammed demonized Jews because they rejected him as a prophet.

"Mohammed himself invokes some of these themes," he said. "For example, one of the punishments of the Jews is their transformation into apes, or apes and pigs, the verses that are commonly heard now."

This "apes and pigs" imagery is found in Islam's core texts, like the Koran and hadiths. The most notorious is the following hadith, often quoted by al Qaeda, Hamas, and other Islamic terror groups.

"Judgment Day will come only when the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, until the Jew hides behind the tree and the stone, and the tree and the stone say, 'Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.'"

In some verses of the Koran, Jews are referred to as "perverse," "evil," "greedy," and the "heirs of hell."

The Iranian regime takes these verses seriously, starting with the man who founded the Islamic Republic, the Ayatollah Khomeini.

"His image of wiping out the Jews was that all of the Muslims of the world should get together with a cup of water and simply wash it away. But again, annihilationism," Bostom said.

Today, Jews play a central role in the end times ideology of Iran's mullahs. They believe the Mahdi, or Islamic messiah, will return to earth, conquer Jerusalem, and massacre the Jewish inhabitants of Israel.

Former Iranian President Hashemi Rafsanjani said that while Israel is a one-bomb country, Iran and the Islamic world could survive a nuclear exchange with the Jewish state.

According to this view, the heavy losses would be worth it for the greater good of wiping Israel off the map.
Ancient Hatred: Understanding Iran's War on Jews - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

Christian Broadcasting Network, huh! I guess our holy warrior is out of the closet.

I'll share some of our god fearing, morally upright Christian friends' thoughts for the edification of the general public.

mitch Aug 6, 2013 at 10:10 pm
Remember the book of Esther in the Bible.Iran is ancient Persia.Haman is at it again!!

RevShem Mar 24, 2012 at 10:15 am
The one thing muslims overlook, and it will be there ultimate downfall, is that God is with Israel, and true Christians. their only back up is satan, and i have read of his fate and those who reject Jesus. And for those who compare Believers of Jesus and islam, read the Bible, then the quran, and you will no longer compare the two. the Bible teaches to love your neighbor as yourself, no matter their beliefs, and the quran teaches to kill your neighbor if he doesnt believe as you do, and your women and children if they get on your nerves.

KellieC Mar 22, 2012 at 12:23 pm
Wrong! Apes and pigs are not the Jewish people to true Christian people. We know that they are the apple of Gods eye. The spirit of anti-christ is behind this hatred of Jews. Yes, people take the words of the Koran literally and so they are fighting against the West and the Jewish nation because of it.

ezekiel-3;17 Mar 22, 2012 at 12:04 pm
I have never heard of Jews calling for the extermination of Muslims but I have heard the reversed threaten for years. But then Hilter did the same thing.

Then you must have a third ear my friend. Because where I grew up, in the batsh!t crazy, satanistic Islamic Republic of Iran, they always spoke about Israel, not about Jews. I know it must be hard for you to make the distinction. But it's not the same thing.
Ancient Hatred: Understanding Iran's War on Jews - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

WASHINGTON -- Iran's supreme leader recently said his country would help any Muslim nation or group that attacks Israel. He's called the Jewish state a cancerous tumor that will be cut out of the Middle East.

With Iran's nuclear weapons program advancing daily, that goal may be in sight.

This view of Jews as sub-human sounds a lot like Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, but it goes back much further.

In author Andrew Bostom's book, The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism, he describes Islam's early conquests of Jewish tribes in Arabia.

"Mohammed's frustrations in spreading his message were frequently recompensed by murderous attacks on the Jews," he told CBN News.

Bostom explained that Mohammed demonized Jews because they rejected him as a prophet.

"Mohammed himself invokes some of these themes," he said. "For example, one of the punishments of the Jews is their transformation into apes, or apes and pigs, the verses that are commonly heard now."

This "apes and pigs" imagery is found in Islam's core texts, like the Koran and hadiths. The most notorious is the following hadith, often quoted by al Qaeda, Hamas, and other Islamic terror groups.

"Judgment Day will come only when the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, until the Jew hides behind the tree and the stone, and the tree and the stone say, 'Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.'"

In some verses of the Koran, Jews are referred to as "perverse," "evil," "greedy," and the "heirs of hell."

The Iranian regime takes these verses seriously, starting with the man who founded the Islamic Republic, the Ayatollah Khomeini.

"His image of wiping out the Jews was that all of the Muslims of the world should get together with a cup of water and simply wash it away. But again, annihilationism," Bostom said.

Today, Jews play a central role in the end times ideology of Iran's mullahs. They believe the Mahdi, or Islamic messiah, will return to earth, conquer Jerusalem, and massacre the Jewish inhabitants of Israel.

Former Iranian President Hashemi Rafsanjani said that while Israel is a one-bomb country, Iran and the Islamic world could survive a nuclear exchange with the Jewish state.

According to this view, the heavy losses would be worth it for the greater good of wiping Israel off the map.
Ancient Hatred: Understanding Iran's War on Jews - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

Iran is the only Muslim country where recorded jew population exists from centuries. How many of those are being prosecuted or executed. If what you right is true, those should have been wiped out of Iran by now. But situation is on the contrary.
Now I am sure that you are just a troll. is it related to the topic? just derailing the topic when haven't any answer is what a true troll does. anyways, I suggest @bozorgmehr , @Hussein to ignore him.

rmi5 jan, I disagree with the passive approach. Emptying the scene will result in the ignoramus, the hateful, the mental midgets to get their word out without any hindrance. Without a proper challenge, their points may appear legitimate and reasonable to some. And as you know, the propaganda is already heavily against us.

The way to do it is to run them out of the forum by debunking their points and those of their ilk, and playfully poking fun of their ignorance and lack of intelligence, until they are comprehensively shut up and run away.
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rmi5 jan, I disagree with the passive approach. Emptying the scene will result in the ignoramus, the hateful, the mental midgets to get their word out without any hindrance. Without a proper challenge, their points may appear legitimate and reasonable to some. And as you know, the propaganda is already heavily against us.

The way to do it is to run them out of the forum by debunking their points and those of their ilk, and playfully poking fun of their ignorance and lack of intelligence, until they are comprehensively shut up and run away.

I think you are right. Agreed ;)
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