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President of Bangladesh confirms 16 MRCA, 8 attack helicopter and 6 BD built frigates on live TV

The reason why Bangladeshis still like pakistanis is your ancestors who witnessed how pakistan was collectively played by bhutto And India in 71 and thus your ancestors know the reality and love Pakistan
We dont need any reason to have soft heart for Pakistan. It comes naturally. You can go to any social media and witness bd and Pakistan ppl respectful to each other. Strong pak and bd is needed to counter BJP in coming decade.
Chinese jet engines have a long troubled history. On top of that, China is the chief backer of Myanmar's military junta and it can delay spares in time of war. J-10 will never work for us.

BD looks like it will get the following:

F-16 Block 50/52(refurbished) with AIM-120C for Myanmar
J-10CE with PL-15 to take care of India.

Chinese WS-10A/B engines have been flying since 2009 on many different types of fighters like J-11/J-20 and now J-10. They are mature enough as they are reliable but just do not have the lifespan of Western engines.
This is really a joke. BD fans were dreaming for a huge Air Force. But what they got? 16 ACs.
Well BAF's goal is to get 10 squadron fighter jet by 2030. For initial batch, 16 aircraft is not bad. Later batches will be bigger and quicker. We made a lot of delay to choose the MRCA, as a lot of geo-political calculation was done and those calculation evolved overtime with several developments. For example, we were almost going to Russian-Chinese option, then American CATSA came, which made our calculation difficult, then came the Rohingya crisis where Bangladesh did not get expected help from China-Russia. Now it seems, Bangladesh made up of mind to go for American-European option. Ten squadron is considered standard for Bangladesh airspace. For India, it need 42 squadron, Pakistan need 20 squadron.
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Well BAF's goal is to get 10 squadron fighter jet by 2030. For initial batch, 16 aircraft is not bad. Later batch will be bigger and quicker. We made a lot of delay to choose the MRCA, as a lot of geo-political calculation was done and those calculation evolved overtime with several developments. For example, we were almost going to Russian-Chinese option, then American CATSA came, which made our calculation difficult, then came the Rohingya crisis where Bangladesh did not get expected help from China-Russia. Now it seems, Bangladesh made up of mind to go for American-European option. Ten squadron is considered standard for Bangladesh airspace. For India, it need 42 squadron, Pakistan need 20 squadron.

BD will go with Western and China now for major systems like fighters, warships. Russia is being squeezed out.

Turkey is also being slowly brought into the mix and will get a larger share of BD weapons acquisition as the decade goes on.
BD looks like it will get the following:

F-16 Block 50/52(refurbished) with AIM-120C for Myanmar
J-10CE with PL-15 to take care of India.

Chinese WS-10A/B engines have been flying since 2009 on many different types of fighters like J-11/J-20 and now J-10. They are mature enough as they are reliable but just do not have the lifespan of Western engines.
Which AIM 120C?
BD will go with Western and China now for major systems like fighters, warships. Russia is being squeezed out.
Bangladesh's current strategy now-
China for Submarine, Frigate, Corvette, Tanks, MLRS
Russia for APC, AFV, utility and light attack helicopter
USA for MRCA, Attack helicopter, Transport aircraft
Europe for Utility and S&R Helicopter
Looks pretty smart and balanced choice to me.:-)
Bangladeshi here dream on taking India, obsession is flattery but remember if in any hypothetical situation of war ,india won't use jets but missiles in first hour of war then might not even need our eastern air command to take on you,the mass missile raid and naval blockade will crush you down and then our air force will soften you up & infantry will capture,first develop capabilities to take on Myanmar which already was given an Indian Submarine Kilo Class and will get Flankers & Kilo Class submarines from Russia & has acquired AEW crafts and FC1 Xialong or JF17B and a Landing Platform Dock and ASW ships for its Navy in just 2019 whereas bangla forces are just giving sermons not even a MoU or agreement just hot air and delusions of taking on India, even if India fires it's old 80s prithvi 1 you bangla would start crying genocide
images - 2020-01-09T235659.400.jpeg
images - 2020-01-09T235706.798.jpeg
Bro, this is 2020, not 2016 or 17.

Chinese WS-10 series has matured now and is as reliable as others in the category.

China is focusing on WS-19 and 15 in which they facing “on-development” issues which is common during development cycle while WS-13 and WS-10 have peaked their performance WRT their variants

Claims of WS-10 series maturing comes from Chinese sources who aren't always reliable.

BD looks like it will get the following:

F-16 Block 50/52(refurbished) with AIM-120C for Myanmar
J-10CE with PL-15 to take care of India.

Chinese WS-10A/B engines have been flying since 2009 on many different types of fighters like J-11/J-20 and now J-10. They are mature enough as they are reliable but just do not have the lifespan of Western engines.

They are both very similar aircraft with F-16 being the better one so I don't see us going for both.
Claims of WS-10 series maturing come from Chinese sources who aren't always reliable.

They are both very similar aircraft with F-16 being the better one so I don't see us going for both.
Whatever you want to believe mate.
China is not stupid to scrap AL series engines in favor of their matured WS-10s for J-20, J-10 and J-1x Series as far as replacing ALs with WS series
Whatever you want to believe mate.
China is not stupid to scrap AL series engines in favor of their matured WS-10s for J-20, J-10 and J-1x Series as far as replacing ALs with WS series

China dumped AL series because Russia did not want to supply more advance engines in fear that they will be copied.
Bangladesh's current strategy now-
China for Submarine, Frigate, Corvette, Tanks, MLRS
Russia for APC, AFV, utility and light attack helicopter
USA for MRCA, Attack helicopter, Transport aircraft
Europe for Utility and S&R Helicopter
Looks pretty smart and balanced choice to me.:-)

Actually not quite correct.

Russia is for peacekeeping stuff and so can be ruled out of the list. It will no longer be a supplier of major war-fighting weapons systems due to their outdated tech and the fact that they cannot be trusted on either India or Myanmar.

Here is the modified list minus Russia:

China - Submarine, Frigate, Next-Gen Frigate Programme, Corvette, Tanks.
USA for MRCA, Attack helicopter, Transport aircraft
Europe for Utility and S&R Helicopter
Turkey - MLRS(18 Kasirga T-300B MLRS have been ordered)

China is likely to get a large contract for J-10CE as BD military sees India as the biggest threat and Western arms cannot be trusted against India. It is also the favourite in my opinion to get the contract for the 6 next-gen frigate programme as BN is wanting them to take on IN in the Bay of Bengal.
Turkey should start seeing major orders as the decade goes on as they are the only country that can be relied on 100% against both India and Myanmar.

Claims of WS-10 series maturing comes from Chinese sources who aren't always reliable.

We know it is reliable as the Chinese have dumped the AL-31F for the WS-10B on their single-engined J-10C.
You do not put an unreliable engine on a single-engine fighter unless you are at war.
BD looks like it will get the following:

F-16 Block 50/52(refurbished) with AIM-120C for Myanmar
J-10CE with PL-15 to take care of India.

Chinese WS-10A/B engines have been flying since 2009 on many different types of fighters like J-11/J-20 and now J-10. They are mature enough as they are reliable but just do not have the lifespan of Western engines.
Yes but all chinese jet engine production was marred with bugs and they could barely meet local demands, let alone export. Thats why only in 2019 they cleared the J-10 with Chinese engine for export..
It will be great to see J-10CE in BD colours....Something we could not have and not gonna have as for us the train has left the station long ago.
Bangladeshi here dream on taking India, obsession is flattery but remember if in any hypothetical situation of war ,india won't use jets but missiles in first hour of war then might not even need our eastern air command to take on you,the mass missile raid and naval blockade will crush you down and then our air force will soften you up & infantry will capture,first develop capabilities to take on Myanmar which already was given an Indian Submarine Kilo Class and will get Flankers & Kilo Class submarines from Russia & has acquired AEW crafts and FC1 Xialong or JF17B and a Landing Platform Dock and ASW ships for its Navy in just 2019 whereas bangla forces are just giving sermons not even a MoU or agreement just hot air and delusions of taking on India, even if India fires it's old 80s prithvi 1 you bangla would start crying genocideView attachment 598860 View attachment 598861
They are talking in terms of fantasy. Poor souls.
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