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President of Bangladesh confirms 16 MRCA, 8 attack helicopter and 6 BD built frigates on live TV

BD has zero possibility right now of being engaged in any joint fighter aircraft development as it has virtually zero knowledge in the sector.
Best stick to the trainer for next decade.
Things may change quickly in coming years. Currently an aircraft repairing and manufacturing plant is under construction in Lalmanirhat. This plant is being build with the clear aim of manufacturing fighter jet in the future. Saudi Arabia is investing in this project. It is true that the start will commence through trainer aircraft.
Half the comments are joke about Bangladesh taking on India when Haseena couldn't turn anymore backwards to please us.
Things may change quickly in coming years. Currently an aircraft repairing and manufacturing plant is under construction in Lalmanirhat. This plant is being build with the clear aim of manufacturing fighter jet in the future. Saudi Arabia is investing in this project. It is true that the start will commence through trainer aircraft.

Can you bring the link about the news
Half the comments are joke about Bangladesh taking on India when Haseena couldn't turn anymore backwards to please us.
Hasina will not remain in power forever and Bangladesh air force will not remain this weak forever. We are talking about a long term strategy. We do not need to match India teeth by teeth. An effective deterrence against India is not out of reach for Bangladesh whether you believe it or not.
Most probably J-10, no doubt about that

Chinese jet engines have a long troubled history. On top of that, China is the chief backer of Myanmar's military junta and it can delay spares in time of war. J-10 will never work for us.
Yep, a little disappointed that it looks like only 16 F-16s will be purchased from USA.

Wait to see which version of the fighter will be brought - most likely refurbished Block 50/52.

block 50 production line is closed, most probably block 72.
Chinese engines have a long troubled history which makes J-10 a non-starter. On top of that, China is the chief backer of Myanmar's military junta and it can delay spares in time of war. J-10 will never work for us.
Bro, this is 2020, not 2016 or 17.

Chinese WS-10 series has matured now and is as reliable as others in the category.

China is focusing on WS-19 and 15 in which they facing “on-development” issues which is common during development cycle while WS-13 and WS-10 have peaked their performance WRT their variants
Don't worry Pakistan will trained you guys. Pak been riding this horse long time.
Once hasina is gone supa pawa will face three side enemy. China pak and bd. I am glad our armed forces slowly and quietly building up capabilities. Pakistan helped us in past in 80' and 90'. And bd will go back to have friendly relationship with pak again. Bd general ppl love Pakistan hasina no matter how much hard she try things wont change. Except bd hindus but they are snakes. Cant trust them.
This is really a joke. BD fans were dreaming for a huge Air Force. But what they got? 16 ACs.
Once hasina is gone supa pawa will face three side enemy. China pak and bd. I am glad our armed forces slowly and quietly building up capabilities. Pakistan helped us in past in 80' and 90'. And bd will go back to have friendly relationship with pak again. Bd general ppl love Pakistan hasina no matter how much hard she try things wont change. Except bd hindus but they are snakes. Cant trust them.
The reason why Bangladeshis still like pakistanis is your ancestors who witnessed how pakistan was collectively played by bhutto And India in 71 and thus your ancestors know the reality and love Pakistan
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