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Pakistan to fence border after terrorist attack in Iran: Army

this should solve the illegal trade and movement not desired by both governments apparently.

if iran is a brother. why build walls between brothers?
hahaha very funny.truth hurts.why are you hurt? go fight your enemy israel.why threatening pakistan if you don't know how to fight? destroy israel.who cares.
oh go to sleep child and take your pills . you israhelly why hurt .go have some pride and come with your own dirty flag poor zio right now bibi (benyamin)begging to iran leave syria and crying for that like you hehehe you poor zio no problem .you can sleep with pills and dont see nightmare to dump you in the sea but with pills
this should solve the illegal trade and movement not desired by both governments apparently.

if iran is a brother. why build walls between brothers?
as saadi the poet said: keep limits, the limits are blessing, for both friends and for foes
when i said arabs,i mean proxy wars. we all know how much damage they have done on iran.there is nothing to hide.israel? they made fun of irgc by releasing series of videos hitting irgc targets inside syria.they even released names of your soldiers.it's so pathetic.now you are talking about pakistan.threats will not work.irgc should find a way of peace,not fight.pakistan cares about it's national interest.yes 70 thousand are gone but this ias proxy war and we will never allow india to establish bases in afghanistan.we are fighting with many enemies.don't fight us.this is my advice to irgc.

You said "Arabs" here "united states,israel,arabs,everyone is killing you." .. are you contradicting yourselves?
On the other hand how much damage they've done to Iran? Pompeo said Iran has spent 16 billion $ in Syria so far while in one case Qatari PM said the same Arabs you mentioned have spent 137 billion dollars and now they are returning to Syria one by one to reopen their embassies .... Arabs damaging us? they just beating themselves up ... their entire coalition with the help of uncle sam has failed to achieve even one of their goals in Yemen sure the only way they could harm others is through terrorism and the Q is who is immune to it 100%??

On israel releasing the name of our solders well we've held official ceremony in bright day for them and that was the only time, the rest is israel propaganda 'cause they know they are surrounded:

And I can asure Iran is after peace ... the fact that the Pakistan doesn't deploy troops in Iran borders or fence them is due Iran being no threats to Pakistan .. just compare your borders with India and Afghanistan by your border with Iran.
You talk about Iranian threats while Iran just ask you to fight these terrorists unless we'll do that ... do you have any connection with these terrorists that Iran policy to destroy them or asking you to destroy them bothers you????

On threatening, It wasn't Iran saying we would wipe Iran off the map ...
oh go to sleep child and take your pills . you israhelly why hurt .go have some pride and come with your own dirty flag poor zio right now bibi (benyamin)begging to iran leave syria and crying for that like you hehehe you poor zio no problem .you can sleep with pills and dont see nightmare to dump you in the sea but with pills

don't talk to me about dirt.some say irani people smells bad.go check out your revolutionary dogs.give food to dogs.hahahaha

You said "Arabs" here "united states,israel,arabs,everyone is killing you." .. are you contradicting yourselves?
On the other hand how much damage they've done to Iran? Pompeo said Iran has spent 16 billion $ in Syria so far while in one case Qatari PM said the same Arabs you mentioned have spent 137 billion dollars and now they are returning to Syria one by one to reopen their embassies .... Arabs damaging us? they just beating themselves up ... their entire coalition with the help of uncle sam has failed to achieve even one of their goals in Yemen sure the only way they could harm others is through terrorism and the Q is who is immune to it 100%??

On israel releasing the name of our solders well we've held official ceremony in bright day for them and that was the only time, the rest is israel propaganda 'cause they know they are surrounded:
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And I can asure Iran is after peace ... the fact that the Pakistan doesn't deploy troops in Iran borders or fence them is due Iran being no threats to Pakistan .. just compare your borders with India and Afghanistan by your border with Iran.
You talk about Iranian threats while Iran just ask you to fight these terrorists unless we'll do that ... do you have any connection with these terrorists that Iran policy to destroy them or asking you to destroy them bothers you????

On threatening, It wasn't Iran saying we would wipe Iran off the map ...

i appreciate if iran don't want war but i hate your irgc comment about pakistan.irgc should stay in limit.you can't threaten us with your missiles.you know we are facing problems but we aren't weak and you know that.you have adopted indian policy of blaming pakistan for terrorism.irgc should change it's policy otherwise we can also change our policy towards iran.we can easily isolate iran on different arab forums.irgc knows the importance of pakistan.verbal threats only damage iran reputation as a peace loving country.i don't care about iran arab war.go and fight but don't give threats to pakistan.
Make no mistake, Iran will kill jesh Adl people in your country. We don't have problem with Pakistani people, but if these jesh Adl bastard Wahabbi hiding in your country, and you refuse to kill them, then get the fukk out of the way. Let us kill them.

don't talk to me about dirt.some say irani people smells bad.go check out your revolutionary dogs.give food to dogs.hahahaha

i appreciate if iran don't want war but i hate your irgc comment about pakistan.irgc should stay in limit.you can't threaten us with your missiles.you know we are facing problems but we aren't weak and you know that.you have adopted indian policy of blaming pakistan for terrorism.irgc should change it's policy otherwise we can also change our policy towards iran.we can easily isolate iran on different arab forums.irgc knows the importance of pakistan.verbal threats only damage iran reputation as a peace loving country.i don't care about iran arab war.go and fight but don't give threats to pakistan.
Make no mistake, Iran will kill jesh Adl people in your country. We don't have problem with Pakistani people, but if these jesh Adl bastard Wahabbi hiding in your country, and you refuse to kill them, then get the fukk out of the way. Let us kill them.

More disillusioned neighbours talking about strikes. Better let Pakistan build a fence shortly. Would help your sleeping border guards stay awake and not get kidnapped in the first place.
don't talk to me about dirt.some say irani people smells bad.go check out your revolutionary dogs.give food to dogs.hahahaha

i appreciate if iran don't want war but i hate your irgc comment about pakistan.irgc should stay in limit.you can't threaten us with your missiles.you know we are facing problems but we aren't weak and you know that.you have adopted indian policy of blaming pakistan for terrorism.irgc should change it's policy otherwise we can also change our policy towards iran.we can easily isolate iran on different arab forums.irgc knows the importance of pakistan.verbal threats only damage iran reputation as a peace loving country.i don't care about iran arab war.go and fight but don't give threats to pakistan.
Do you hate your former Pakistani army chief Gen. Raheel Sharif saying that Pakistan would “wipe Iran off the map.” too? or you only hate other people asking you to fighting terrorist groups funded by some Arab countries roaming in your country?
don't talk to me about dirt.some say irani people smells bad.go check out your revolutionary dogs.give food to dogs.hahahaha
dont make anyone else like yourself its you smell like piece of shit dog zio .i know wher are you burning up go take as sss pain kiler if not helped go to fire rescue they put their water pipe on that hell hole maybe works zio pissrahelly hehehehr lol
Fence the border. We just need to secure our own borders, and make sure they can't be used to attack anyone else.

Don't do it because A, B or C said so. Our establishment just needs to get their heads out of their behinds and stop being poodles to one nation or another. If after this, a nation threatens Pakistan or attacks are launched from that side, then bomb them.

We just have the misfortune of having the biggest cucks in charge.

if iran is a brother. why build walls between brothers?

There are no brothers here. Any Pakistani who incessantly defends a different nation over Pakistan needs their head checked.
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Do you hate your former Pakistani army chief Gen. Raheel Sharif saying that Pakistan would “wipe Iran off the map.” too? or you only hate other people asking you to fighting terrorist groups funded by some Arab countries roaming in your country?

stop threats.have a life.ask irgc to accept pakistani dominance.

dont make anyone else like yourself its you smell like piece of shit dog zio .i know wher are you burning up go take as sss pain kiler if not helped go to fire rescue they put their water pipe on that hell hole maybe works zio pissrahelly hehehehr lol

khomenei died after 5 heart attacks.he smelled his body and died hahahahaha.
stop threats.have a life.ask irgc to accept pakistani dominance.
khomenei died after 5 heart attacks.he smelled his body and died hahahahaha.
Well we've never accepted the American's dominance let alone yours so don't count on that a lot.
On the other hand as I said we didn't threat you we just asked you to take control of your borders and secure them against Arab sponsored terrorists while your former army chief said that you would “wipe Iran off the map.”
Isn't threatening a neighbor??? so stop threats.have a life.ask your officials to accept their neighbors' rights.
And I assure you we will do whatever it takes to fight terrorists therefore if you cooperate as neighbor then we'll appreciate it otherwise we would do what it is necessary.
I think its just a ruse by Pak, real objective is to keep RAW agents infiltrating thru Iran. Seems Iran is failing ( or perhaps ) assisting RAW in its objective, may be ? what do you think Viny?
Or maybe its a ruse to prevent IRGC from firing into Pakistan or/and staging a ground operation.
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