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Pakistan to fence border after terrorist attack in Iran: Army

Iran got terrorist attack and Pakistan putting up fence ...strange ...feels like pakistan is trying to control terrorists from its land to cross over into Iran. If Iran did, it could make sense that Iran is trying to secure itself...Strange world ...:girl_wacko::girl_wink:

I.R officials are busy to smuggles Iran goods ( Gasoline , sheep , .... ) to other countries , they don't really care about border security , they are corrupted to the core and are sacking Iran like there is no tomorrow ...

Now what Genghis and his horde did to Iran look like child play compare to what these thugs are doing to Iran ...

Saipa's Pride ( car ) : 500,000,000 Rials (cheapest car in Iran with technology of 1980s and lowest build quality in the world )
Avarge Salary in Iran (most small city / majority of Iran ) : 15,000,000 Rials
At no point have I said anything along the lines of 'this is all Iran's fault'. At no point has the government of Pakistan or the Pakistani military said anything along the lines of 'this is all Iran's fault'.

What I have pointed out is that Pakistan has, occasionally, suffered terrorist attacks on her troops from the Iranian side, that Pakistan continues to combat multiple terrorist groups in Balochistan that have inflicted far more damage on Pakistan than any attacks in Iran, and that Iran and Pakistan need to engage in quiet diplomacy and cooperate on border controls and intelligence sharing rather than the anti-Pakistan insults and attacks on Pakistan that we saw recently from the Iranian military and government leadership.

The Iranian government and military leadership needs to calm down before they destroy whats left of the Iran-Pakistan relationship.

You're falling for propaganda mate. I read Farsi unlike you and I can say, much of what Iran actually said was translated wrong to deliberately sow tension between Iran and Pakistan. Iran was angry, no doubt, but the language used was not as much as these media would like you to believe. Sadly it seems, many Pakistans are easily falling into this trap.
Iran got terrorist attack and Pakistan putting up fence ...strange ...feels like pakistan is trying to control terrorists from its land to cross over into Iran. If Iran did, it could make sense that Iran is trying to secure itself...Strange world ...:girl_wacko::girl_wink:

You just acknowledged the true motive behind India fencing its side of the Indo-Pak border.
today britain declared hezbollah terrorist organization.it's in our self interest to fence the border to save ourselves from these terrorists from iran.we should fence the border.war in iran is predictable.arabs will not stay silent.we should not support iran against arabs or americans.let them do whatever they want.we should fence because any war inside iran will bring refugees to pakistan and pakistan should not open gates to irani refugees.iran is isolated.we should stay away from them.
You're falling for propaganda mate. I read Farsi unlike you and I can say, much of what Iran actually said was translated wrong to deliberately sow tension between Iran and Pakistan. Iran was angry, no doubt, but the language used was not as much as these media would like you to believe. Sadly it seems, many Pakistans are easily falling into this trap.
We can only go by what the media translates those statements as. It would be appreciated if Iranians such as yourself can provide the correct translation when such statements are released, and of course that the Iranian government and military also issue public clarifications when they are misquoted.
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Terrorists only according to your saudi/arab masters and their masters the Americans and Zionists.

The best way forward then is to remove any ambiguity and have Iran and Pakistan cooperate in dealing with them. You love to keep trying to pretend as if this is all Iran's fault, let me know when you people actually get serious regarding jointly fighting these groups with Iran. So far all you have done is drag your feet.

If Iran brings economic prosperity in Sistan province and ends sectarian discrimination, then terrorists shall have no moral footings. The sane move is to arrange a dialogue between Iran and Arab estates. For time barbed wire should suffice the complaints of Irani authorities. Even spies may also be stopped to use Irani soil against Pak.
In similar way Pakistan should also raise voice against training of Shia youth from Pakistan in Irani camps for Syrian war.
What? When was the last time any group attacked Pakistan from Iran? Sorry mate, but you're just making stuff up here. The fact is, these terrorists have a foothold in Pakistan and not Iran. Their bases are in Pakistan and not Iran.

You got your head buried in sand?


Pakistan Summons Iran Envoy Over Border Attack

Tehran was urged to carry out an effective operation against the terrorist group responsible for the attack on its side of the border, the report said.

And besides, we got his small issues of Indian monkies jumping across the border from Iranian side.


We are not doing anyone favour. Its in our own interests to secure our border with Iran, specially with Gawadar so close to Iran and now with Saudi/Aramco oil refinery being build there. We cannot take anything for granted. Its only matter of time when Iranian soil will be used against us to launch a full fledged proxy war, with or without Mullah regime consent (regime change), just like Afghanistan was used in post 9/11. We were caught napping back then, we will be fool not to pre-empt this time around.
Wrong title, DGISPR said we are in talks with Iranian side for fence, so nothing confirmed yet.

I wish they agree on it as soon as possible and get rid of these barking creatures once and for all..
Ur country is involved in terrorism in Syria Yemen directly supporting Hezbollah

Whole world know ISIS was created by US, Israel and Saudi Badus

Iranian went in Syria, Iraq after Shia, Sunni and Yazids Genocide by ISIS Mullah belongs to Wahhabism and fully Supported by all Wahhabi Countries i-e Qatar, UAE and Saudis

In Yemen there are Ansarullah, Al Qaeda and etc

I think Iranis are supporting Houtis due to Saudis are Supporting all Terrorist Wahhabi Mullah who were killing Shia all over the world like Afghan Taliban, Al Qaeda, Bokoharam, Al Shabab, ISIS and etc

Why there are talks in Qatar b/w Americans, Pakistan, Taliban Mullah ?
If Iran brings economic prosperity in Sistan province and ends sectarian discrimination, then terrorists shall have no moral footings. The sane move is to arrange a dialogue between Iran and Arab estates. For time barbed wire should suffice the complaints of Irani authorities. Even spies may also be stopped to use Irani soil against Pak.
In similar way Pakistan should also raise voice against training of Shia youth from Pakistan in Irani camps for Syrian war.

I.R only care about looting Iran ...

for example after this :

I.R didn't anything to rebuilt the area and said "Iran(government) doesn't have budget to rebuilt these areas , people should help them " but in this week they announce their plan to build 200,000 new house in Syria ....
The attacks occur from both sides. They are not as frequent as the BLA/BRA terrorist attacks inside Pakistan, but occasionally terrorists have taken advantage and crossed across the Iran-Pakistan border into Pakistan to conduct attacks, and vice versa of course.

Pakistan is being pro-active here. For years Pakistan had pushed both the US and Afghanistan to enact stronger border control measures, including significantly more border posts, patrols, fences, walls etc, only for the Afghan's to reject the proposals and then continue blaming Pakistan for 'cross border terrorist attacks'. Even now, when Pakistan is funding the entire Afghan-Pakistan border fencing project, the Afghan's can do little other than whine and cry about it. Pakistan taking the initiative on the border fence/wall is to address Iranian criticism. Hopefully the Iranians will not take the Afghan route and bitch, moan and whine about it and instead cooperate and help fund and patrol the Iran-Pakistan border fence.

Not to mention that the Afghans and their army literally attacking Pakistan civilians and officers constructing the fence. Pathetic and cowardly of them.

I.R officials are busy to smuggles Iran goods ( Gasoline , sheep , .... ) to other countries , they don't really care about border security , they are corrupted to the core and are sacking Iran like there is no tomorrow ...

Now what Genghis and his horde did to Iran look like child play compare to what these thugs are doing to Iran ...

Saipa's Pride ( car ) : 500,000,000 Rials (cheapest car in Iran with technology of 1980s and lowest build quality in the world )
Avarge Salary in Iran (most small city / majority of Iran ) : 15,000,000 Rials

Self criticism! That's a start.
This shows how serious we are to stop terrorism in the region we already develop afghan border fence and now iran. Good decisions. World are watching and will learn from us how we defeated terrorism from our neighbors.

Please fence the coasts too and save the world ! :smart:

today britain declared hezbollah terrorist organization.it's in our self interest to fence the border to save ourselves from these terrorists from iran.we should fence the border.war in iran is predictable.arabs will not stay silent.we should not support iran against arabs or americans.let them do whatever they want.we should fence because any war inside iran will bring refugees to pakistan and pakistan should not open gates to irani refugees.iran is isolated.we should stay away from them.

today britain declared hezbollah terrorist organization.it's in our self interest to fence the border to save ourselves from these terrorists from iran.we should fence the border.war in iran is predictable.arabs will not stay silent.we should not support iran against arabs or americans.let them do whatever they want.we should fence because any war inside iran will bring refugees to pakistan and pakistan should not open gates to irani refugees.iran is isolated.we should stay away from them.

Can you even afford a fence or do you have to ask China or Saudi Arabia to pay for it?

Lastly you should probably check the news, Iran isn’t the one on brink of war...it’s your country and India.
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