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‘US, Pakistan spy agencies lead Jaish-ul-Adl’

Is Iran friend or foe of Pakistan?

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I think aeronaut is trying to say is that pakistan cannot afford to have another open enemy in the neighbourhood leaving us surrounded. Yes by all means diplomacy should be our first priority. If all else fails then we can think of other alternatives. But of right now diplomacy is the way to go

Diplomacy has failed to stop drone attacks. Teach the Iranians a lesson if they try to intrude your airspace.
I think aeronaut is trying to say is that pakistan cannot afford to have another open enemy in the neighbourhood leaving us surrounded. Yes by all means diplomacy should be our first priority. If all else fails then we can think of other alternatives. But of right now diplomacy is the way to go

Our biggest enemy is bad press.... but please list other enemies in your POV 
Diplomacy has failed to stop drone attacks. Teach the Iranians a lesson if they try to intrude your airspace.

When Pakistan heli flies in Baluchistan, it get shot.
When Iranian heli comes it remain safe.... since govt. change we are regularly discovering anti air craft guns from Baluchistan.
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Dont let anything press tv say have an impact on you. U mentioned earlier how because of press tv we are getting a bad image. To a certain extent yes it is. But you have to realize that the media these days is a joke. Always take whatever they say with a grain of salt, plus everyone knows what a joke press tv is and no one in the world takes them seriously. hence why we shouldnt get physical. Just send iran a statement. Fix the miscommunication. Sitting in a table n working out issues can do wonders. Whos our enemy in my pov? We are, simple. Plus every other country sorounding us. Our freinds who we think they are , only actually seem like it, when infact the only reason they are our freinds is because of their agenda.
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Now the International Shia website, has changed 'US' with 'Saudi Arabia' (WTF) and they talk lot of other BS in the same opportunity.

These lies are quietly killing Pakistan, and now its duty of Pakistanis to fight this propaganda, we have already seen Indians and few internal elements are quietly isolating Pakistan from International public.

Pakistani-Saudi Role in Financing, Training “Jaish al-Adl” Active in Iran’s Sistan
Pakistani-Saudi Role in Financing, Training “Jaish al-Adl” Active in Iran’s Sistan

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - A new mysterious group calling itself the “Army of Right” launched an attack in the Iranian province of Sistan after a truce that lasted more than three years following the arrest of “Abdul Malik Rigi” by the Iranian authorities. Rigi is the leader of the Jundollah “the Soldiers of God” group, which has worked militarily against Iran from Pakistan before being exterminated by Iran in 2010. The attack resulted in the death of 16 Iranian soldiers, and the attacking group set off from the “Baluchistan” province in Pakistan through the “Khojak” tunnel passing through Quetta, the capital of Baluchistan, Pakistan.
French sources informed about the file of the insurgent Salafi groups that are supported by Saudi Arabia said in an interview with Al-Manar that Saudi Arabia ordered the attack, and that this new group is but only the fruits of the Saudi violent approach adopted in facing Iran and the regional axis allying with it in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon.
The said sources accuse also the Pakistani intelligence, in conjunction with the Saudi intelligence, of creating and activating this group. The sources say that the Saudi intelligence has spent recently huge amounts of money to fund the Jaish al-Adl group, but the weak human Saudi possibilities that do not allow the Saudi intelligence to take direct care logistically and militarily of this group forced the Saudis to employ the Pakistani intelligence to take care of the group that is controlling the Jaish al-Adl and running it. The French sources confirm that the Pakistani intelligence was the first to up bring and create this group, as it created, trained, and guided the Jundollah organization in the past, but it abandoned it when its interest with Iran required so.
Pakistan, which receives funding from Saudi Arabia, entered into strategic alliance with Riyadh, and thus the leadership of the Pakistani army, which controls the Pakistani intelligence work, cannot reject the Saudi dictation in this regard. The Pakistani army has linked its policy in the region directly to the policy of Saudi Arabia since decades.
Yet, Pakistan is dissatisfied with the Iranian-American convergence and the Russian-American understanding in more than one hot area in the world, especially after the rise of Russia, which is considered by the Pakistani military institution as an important ally of Iran. The Pakistani military institution is concerned over this triple convergence that might affect its influence in Afghanistan and its rank in America, especially that Iran has good relationship with India, the enemy of Pakistan, and the third largest importer of the Iranian oil. The Pakistani military institution is concerned over the return of the Russian influence to the Central Asian region and over the fact that this return might evoke the Pakistani role in the Afghan war against the Soviet Union, as well as the role of the Pakistani intelligence in financing and arming the Salafist groups fighting in Islamic countries, which were part of the former Soviet Union. This all comes in addition to the Pakistani-Saudi intelligence role in assassinating “Ahmad Shah Massoud”, an ally of Russia and Iran in Afghanistan, and in supporting the Taliban enemy of Moscow. These concerns that meet with the Saudi concerns made Islamabad under the control of the Saudi intelligence in this file, and this means that Pakistan and Iran might have tense relationship in the future if the attacks were repeated by the so-called Jaish al-Adl group against the Iranian territory. In fact, Riyadh is aware of this and perhaps this is part of its plan to fight Iran and to disrupt the international consensus reached with Washington on Syria and the Iranian nuclear file.
Pakistan’s concerns increase the time it notices that the Chinese-Russian coalition is in full swing in Central Asia through the “Shanghai” organization. Pakistan considers China as a strategic ally in the region because of the Indian-Pakistani hostility that is appropriate for China in its historical present and future competition with India. Moreover, the harmony between China and Iran in all issues relating to Central Asia and Syria, as well as the great Chinese reliance on the Iranian oil and gas, increase Islamabad’s concerns. Hence, this makes its position be in line with that of Saudi Arabia, despite the fact that it does not publicize it as is the case with Saudi Arabia.

Dont let anything press tv say have an impact on you. U mentioned earlier how because of press tv we are getting a bad image. To a certain extent yes it is. But you have to realize that the media these days is a joke. Always take whatever they say with a grain of salt, plus everyone knows what a joke press tv and no one in the world takes them seriously. hence why we shouldnt get physical. Just send iran a statement. Fix the miscommunication. Sitting in a table n working out issues can do wonders. Whos our enemy in my pov? We are, simple. Plus every other country sorounding us. Our freinds who we think they are , only actually seem like it, when infact the only reason they are our freinds is because of their agenda.

For me its no problem but when the same news is translated in 20 languages even in worst way.... we earn more hate.
Have you seen the website above it runs anti Pakistan lies in about 24 different languages.
They certainly have international and national audience.
They are just words. Fight words with words n fire with fire. If Iran wants to be a bully, then its got another thing coming to it. Im not being a ego maniac but just putting it out there. Pakistans new generation is learning and fast
Iran and India both are strategic partners knitted with anti Pakistan hate.
India might hate you, but not Iran. Iranians dont care about Pakistan so there is no basis for us to hate you. Most Iranians barely even know anything about Pakistan and they dont consider you anything to do with us.

The regime on the other hand might not particularly like Pakistan, but that doesnt mean Iran's establishment hates you. You have some very strange ideas about Iran and sound like a whiny, thick headed conspiracy theorist. 

Very interesting article.
India might hate you, but not Iran. Iranians dont care about Pakistan so there is no basis for us to hate you. Most Iranians barely even know anything about Pakistan and they dont consider you anything to do with us.

The regime on the other hand might not particularly like Pakistan, but that doesnt mean Iran's establishment hates you. You have some very strange ideas about Iran and sound like a whiny, thick headed conspiracy theorist.

Why Iranians are kept away from knowing about Pakistan? since now you know a lot about Pakistan, go tell your folks that your nuclear programmer is gift of Bay Nazir Bhutto.

BTW, was it you who commented on Pakistan's JF-17 program, the other day? than i must say, you know too much!
India might hate you, but not Iran. Iranians dont care about Pakistan so there is no basis for us to hate you. Most Iranians barely even know anything about Pakistan and they dont consider you anything to do with us.

The regime on the other hand might not particularly like Pakistan, but that doesnt mean Iran's establishment hates you. You have some very strange ideas about Iran and sound like a whiny, thick headed conspiracy theorist.
Most iranis dont know about pakistan? Thanks to press tv they will now. Isnt press tv what most iranians watch and see. Yes Iranians dont care about Pakistan hence why u back stab us and sit with indians listening to bollywood songs while talking shit about us. Freinds? Forget it.
It think its really funny how you blame Iranian media for anti-Pakistani articles.

Do you watch BBC? I guess not.

BBC Persian is the most Anti-Pakistani media out there and many people in Iran watch and read it. Sometimes they have more stories about Pakistan than Iran...
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Why Iranians are kept away from knowing about Pakistan? since now you know a lot about Pakistan, go tell your folks that your nuclear programmer is gift of Bay Nazir Bhutto.

BTW, was it you who commented on Pakistan's JF-17 program, the other day? than i must say, you know too much!
Kept away? I told you that most Iranians DONT CARE about Pakistan. If Iranians want to find out about Pakistan, then they can, but they dont, because they dont care about you. They are not "kept away from knowing" lol

Only a few of us that are interested in military, conflict and strategic issues affecting Iran from the surrounding countries and regions would pay any attention to you.

And no, i dont know what you're talking about in your second paragraph. I didnt comment on anything and dont know about your 'JF-17 program'.
Most iranis dont know about pakistan? Thanks to press tv they will now. Isnt press tv what most iranians watch and see. Yes Iranians dont care about Pakistan hence why u back stab us and sit with indians listening to bollywood songs while talking shit about us. Freinds? Forget it.
Huh? I dont "sit with Indians" and listen to "bollywood songs" with them LOL :rofl:. What a strange and random thing to say to somebody? That actually made me laugh. .

I do not know a single Iranian actually that listens to bollywood songs and i personally do not know many Indians, nor do i care for their movies. In fact, Iranians in general do not find Indian movies particularly attractive. They are more like a joke or light entertainment and most are banned anyway inside Iran and are not very popular with the Iranian diaspora. So get your facts straight.

Anyway, how can Iran backstab you? Iran has no loyalty or affinity to you so how the hell could we backstab you? Pakistan is not important to Iran. There is barely any trade between the two countries and there are massive social and cultural differences between us.

Iran's relations with Pakistan should be based on mutually beneficial things, which are basically narrowed down to security along the border and exploring avenues for trade if there is any need or demand for it.

But unfortunately, Pakistan is a poor country and a lackey for the Americans and the Saudis, which brings it into conflict with Iran. Pakistan's support for Taliban and meddling in Afghanistan also brings bad atmosphere and suspicion from Iran's establishment.

Also, please learn how to distinguish between Iran's population (that doesnt know or care about Pakistan) and Iran's establishment (open to relations with Pakistan, but has many suspicions and doubts about Pakistan).
It think its really funny how you blame Iranian media for anti-Pakistani articles.

Do you watch BBC? I guess not.

BBC Persian is the most Anti-Pakistani media out there and many people in Iran watch and read it. Sometimes they have more stories about Pakistan than Iran...

Information, what you shall see is manipulated, if your state wish they can block every thing, but they not only allow it rather some times they authenticate it by repeating the same propaganda on state media.
Did BBC ever told you that Pakistan shipped you nuclear technology and blue prints of centrifuges? NO they will not tell you this.
It think its really funny how you blame Iranian media for anti-Pakistani articles.

Do you watch BBC? I guess not.

BBC Persian is the most Anti-Pakistani media out there and many people in Iran watch and read it. Sometimes they have more stories about Pakistan than Iran...
They have those stories because BBC Persian is not Iranian nor is BBC Persian intended only for an Iranian audience.

BBC Persian has many Afghans working for it and BBC Persian's target audience are Iranians, Afghans (Persian speakers) and Tajikistan. Thats why they have those stories because they are relevant to Tajiks (who hate Pakistan) and the war in Afghanistan.
Huh? I dont "sit with Indians" and listen to "bollywood songs" with them LOL :rofl:. What a strange and random thing to say to somebody? That actually made me laugh. .

I do not know a single Iranian actually that listens to bollywood songs and i personally do not know many Indians, nor do i care for their movies. In fact, Iranians in general do not find Indian movies particularly attractive. They are more like a joke or light entertainment and most are banned anyway inside Iran and are not very popular with the Iranian diaspora. So get your facts straight.

Anyway, how can Iran backstab you? Iran has no loyalty or affinity to you so how the hell could we backstab you? Pakistan is not important to Iran. There is barely any trade between the two countries and there are massive social and cultural differences between us.

Iran's relations with Pakistan should be based on mutually beneficial things, which are basically narrowed down to security along the border and exploring avenues for trade if there is any need or demand for it.

But unfortunately, Pakistan is a poor country and a lackey for the Americans and the Saudis, which brings it into conflict with Iran. Pakistan's support for Taliban and meddling in Afghanistan also brings bad atmosphere and suspicion from Iran's establishment.

Also, please learn how to distinguish between Iran's population (that doesnt know or care about Pakistan) and Iran's establishment (open to relations with Pakistan, but has many suspicions and doubts about Pakistan).[/q
Iranians that I know are familiar with indian movies and culture. It was only a joke anyway. Who are you kidding? You say Iranians dont care or dont know about pakistan yet the people in power in iran who the iranians picked n voted for, sure have alot to say about us. Isnt the goverment supposed to voice the opinions anger and frustrations of the iranian people? Or are u implying that the current iranian goverment does not represent the iranian people? Which one is it? Yes we are a poor young state. Dont worry it takes time. If Pakistan was picking sides favouring saudi arabia and usa, Then we would have never helped you in regards to jundullah. We wouldnt have signed any treaties or pacts and just given you the middle finger. Iran Usa and Saudi arabia support terror groups in our country. You shouldnt throw stones when living in a glass house. Oh yeah we will stop supporting the taliban once iran stops supporting their terror groups in our country.
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Pakistan is a poor country and a lackey for the Americans and the Saudis
Same can be said for you... just change US with Russia and Saudi with India.
You know what, we also think you backward and worthless... who need to go to telephone both for making a telephone call.
We are sustaining a proxy war since last 10 years, and just five years ago, we had second highest growth rate in whole asia.
Now go do what ever and don't consider our restrain as our weakness.
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