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New provocation: China sends fighter jets into Vietnamese airspace


Jun 18, 2012
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Viet Nam
Vietnam reports China sends 2 groups of fighter jets into Vietnamese airspace...


China sends fighter jets to guard illegal oil rig in Vietnam’s waters
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It would not take too long for Chinese supporters to deny this and claim China is being bullied by small countries again.
Vietnam reported? Isn't the same vietnam who lie about Sri Lanka will back Vietnam in SCS dispute against China only to get rebuted? :lol:

I can be sure, it fabrication by Vietnam to try get international attention and play the victim.
Vietnam reported? Isn't the same vietnam who lie about Sri Lanka will back Vietnam in SCS dispute against China only to get rebuted? :lol:

I can be sure, it fabrication by Vietnam to try get international attention and play the victim.
one of your fighter jets bears the number 9401. go and check it.

the jets are reported to fly at a low attitute of 800m over our patrol vessel bearing number CSB 8003.
one of your fighter jets bears the number 9401. go and check it.

the jets are reported to fly at a low attitute of 800m over our patrol vessel bearing number CSB 8003.

Flying into 9 dash line is considered only intrusion in vietnamese EEZ by vietnamese standard. Anything under 9 dash line is Chinese terrorities. China fighter jet flying into Chinese territories is absolutely no problem. If you got a problem, shoot it down. I dare you :lol:
if you oppose it,you can shoot it please.dont doubt PLAN and PLAF's ability!
Vietnam reported? Isn't the same vietnam who lie about Sri Lanka will back Vietnam in SCS dispute against China only to get rebuted? :lol:
Vietnam condemns China.
Japan, America and ASEAN condemn China.
the UN condemns your aggression.

Yes, Sri Lanka backs Vietnam stance. the article is still online:

Lanka backs Vietnam over China | Colombo Gazette

shoot it down,if you can
and you should post it in sticky thread, it is boring to see so many SCS thread
is this so important?
no worry. as the mod is chinese, he will move all vietnamese threads into the SCS thread.
just a matter of a day or a bit later.

this china & far east section seems to be reserved for chinese topics only.
Many Asean countries including Malaysia lack the balls to condemn China. As a result the Chinese are extending their God given small yellow penis by artificial means ie exteding their country's map to include all of the South China Sea.This blatant disregard for international law speaks volume of the type of monkey leaders in Beijing
I think you do not know anything. Here is the Chinese waters. Vietnam is illegal to steal Chinese territory thief. And we Chinese are the victims.
china again being the aggressor ?well i would hope India to show some guts and stand up against the chinese aggression towards Vietnam and others but our politicians are such chickens i however hope Vietnam japan us and the Philippine to come together and blow these war mongering chinese arses though..
Stop BS, just stop it. Double face Indian.

see,I show you whats your true color.you're now becoming frustrated.by the way,I didn't expect anything else apart from this kind of behaviour.because thats what you guys are,some kid who completely lacks any kind of respect towards others and just come here to show how brave he is.enjoy your stay here and enjoy your infraction(if moderators choose that to give you).have a nice day.....


its completely natural for China.they put the rig into the disputed water.now,backing off would be a massive blunder.now only one way remains,commit force behind the judgement.if they wins this case,it'll be a great win,just like the win they had with Philippines a year ago.but in one way,its a massive blunder.it just shows that if needed,China will put force to solve its claim than mere words.Vietnam didn't commit any armed force till now.its mostly its fisheries dept and probably coast guard.I'd not be surprised if the next thing I see is Vietnamese Su-30 is doing a fly by near the drill.

another news....

Sino-Vietnamese clash dominated ASEAN summit.

China committed some 80 vessels near the rig while Vietnam committed some 29.
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