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New provocation: China sends fighter jets into Vietnamese airspace

we watch them, they watch us. seem the chinese send more ships and aircrafts and step up provocations.


The international community needs to know that yesterday was the Philippines, today is Vietnam, tomorrow will be Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei. The next decade after that, Japan and everywhere else will be fair game for China. The leadership at Beijing has put the "peaceful rise" mask off and is putting the "assertive China" mask on. They will not rest until PRC can wear the "empire" mask. China is a potentially dangerous nation in the Asia Pacific, the one that people need to keep an eye on their back in any diplomatic or economic dealing.
Only Vietnam and Pinoy are the 2 naughty boys.
This user here has been proven wrong not long ago, but still make comment like this without any embarrassment, just like Chinese media and their leaderships. No, Vietnam, Japan, India, Philippines are the current nations that China has been making trouble with. After seeing your posts here, I think it's hopeless to engage in a reasonable discussion with you. You seem to have the memory as short as your leaders. Btw, nice warships that you have out there. Any plan on provocation?

I didn't know China has fighter jets that can go into water.
Must be some new technology. :what:
Some jokes are intelligent, some are not.
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Some jokes are intelligent, some are not.

It's no joke. If the title of the thread is correct then we truly have a new era at hand.
Imagine submarine fighter jets that can both go under water and fly in the air.

So either the title is correct and Vietnam has seen an amazing new technology, or it is incorrect title and story.
It's no joke. If the title of the thread is correct then we truly have a new era at hand.
Imagine submarine fighter jets that can both go under water and fly in the air.

So either the title is correct and Vietnam has seen an amazing new technology, or it is incorrect title and story.
If you don't know "water" here stands short for "territorial water," hence the phrase "fly into Vietnamese water" implies "fly into Vietnamese territorial water," you obviously don't read much news about international affairs. Nice divert tactic though.
If you don't know "water" here stands short for "territorial water," hence the phrase "fly into Vietnamese water" implies "fly into Vietnamese territorial water," you obviously don't read much news about international affairs. Nice divert tactic though.

You are not very bright, son. EEZ is not the same as territorial water. Learn the difference and come back to us. You can send jets into chinese EEZ too. US does that all the time. It is not the same as send jets into their territorial water though.
It's no joke. If the title of the thread is correct then we truly have a new era at hand.
Imagine submarine fighter jets that can both go under water and fly in the air.

So either the title is correct and Vietnam has seen an amazing new technology, or it is incorrect title and story.
you may be right. let me try to change the title to airspace instead of water...done. title changed.

Vietnam should stop harassing our rig now.
No way. we continue to harass you every day, every hour, every second, day and night...until you piss off.

For humanity to rise in east Asia, China needs to go down. Everybody is dedicated to this task to Japanese brothers to Thai, philipino, to Indian friends.
I wish Vietnam is a member of NATO, like Turkey.
Chinese is the new hooligan of Asia.
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Yeah, the title is miss leading. Airspace? I thought China Jet enter Vietnam mainland Airspace.

come on, will you happy with "Vietnam controlled airspace" LOL?

Are you declaring ADIZ?
You are not very bright, son. EEZ is not the same as territorial water. Learn the difference and come back to us. You can send jets into chinese EEZ too. US does that all the time. It is not the same as send jets into their territorial water though.
You are not wrong but are not right either, territorial water is an informal word for EEZ, or even for Continental Shelf.
Sending jets into EEZ is not prohibited, but sending military jets into Vietnam's EEZ with the intention of intimidation and aggression is what we are concern about here. Anything else is a distraction
You are perhaps mistaken. The US, Japan, and Korea send jets into Chinese imaginative Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) not EEZ because EEZ is used primarily for ships.
you may be right. let me try to change the title to airspace instead of water...done. title changed.

No way. we continue to harass you every day, every hour, every second, day and night...until you piss off.

I wish Vietnam is a member of NATO, like Turkey.
Chinese is the new hooligan of Asia.
Vietnam has defence pact with Japan and others and will be guarantee to protect vietnam. Japanese people know how to deal with Chinese trolls. This time US won't stop Japan. Imho there should be media black out if war breaks out and cameras should be shut down. We shouldn't leave behind evidence. Vietnam shouldn't be worried. Unlike ukrania you are surrounded by powerful allies that are willing and capable.
china again being the aggressor ?well i would hope India to show some guts and stand up against the chinese aggression towards Vietnam and others but our politicians are such chickens i however hope Vietnam japan us and the Philippine to come together and blow these war mongering chinese arses though..

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