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New provocation: China sends fighter jets into Vietnamese airspace

Yeah we know you don't like to hear. But Taiwan always get what you dislike

A Pentagon report has corroborated that claim, asserting that the PRC would probably seek to destroy ROCAF airfields in the first stages of any attack, making a STOVL fighter such as the F-35B vital for effective defense.[36]

Taiwan offered to buy 60 F35B and 150 F35A

Vietnam has some coastal defense system Bastion with Brahmos-like missiles from Russia is one of few names that China can only dream for.

Russia only give this type to close ally with highly demand of self-defense to threats from naval ships.
Syria and Vietnam . At this moment, everyone know that, if firing any missile of Bastion system, it aim to PLAN ships, no other else
If it is about Paracel, forget it Vietnam. You lost it to China in 1974. You may take it by force if you want, but don't ask any support from other country, and don't play victim in here. it is different if it is about your de facto islands in Spratley. So don't be too greedy, or else people will think you're just like China but without muscle to do so.
If it is about Paracel, forget it Vietnam. You lost it to China in 1974. You may take it by force if you want, but don't ask any support from other country, and don't play victim in here. it is different if it is about your de facto islands in Spratley. So don't be too greedy, or else people will think you're just like China but without muscle to do so.

when you don't understand the nature of this dispute, you can play neutral policy. China will drill oil in Indonesia EZZ , soon or late.
Scare-mongering. We will live in peace in Asia after cleaning off some historical hurdles and disagreements.

Our ultimate target is the US. Those who are attached the US too closely will get some collateral damage, for sure. But our target is to push the US out of our region militarily.

This will make the region overjoyed and prosperous in the long term. We are in the business of cleaning the stain centuries-long colonialism and imperialism have left behind.
"Scare-mongering" uh? PRC has repeated this type of things year after year with Vietnam, the Philippines, India, and Japan. China harassed our fishermen, cut our cable, injure our law enforcement.

No, your long term target is not to push the US out. Your real objective is to make a Chinese hegemony in the Asia Pacific region, backing to the days of a Glorious Han Empire you once had, ruling other countries by intimidation. Your leaders in their consciousness demand a Chinese rule over Asia. The US is happen to be in the way, and obstacle for this dream.

You still haven't answer my question. Why can't we drill just 17 miles off our Paracel Island that we fully administer?
Don't change the subject, your "question" was about the Chinese Senkaku's dispute.in relative with the Paracel islands. Now, you want to ask about the right of "administer" vs. "ownership?" The islands were forcefully taken from South Vietnam in 1974 by Chinese forces in a brief war there. It has been under Chinese control but it's still in Vietnam's legal ownership, which has been proven through numerous maps by Vietnam, Western, and Chinese historical maps, and by administrative papers sent by Vietnamese bureaucrats to the king at that time.

Thus, PRC has no right to control the islands and claim all the water surround them. Because of that, PRC's illegal claim has never been realized so sending this oil rig there is an attempt to redraw maritime map in the regions, force other countries to accept the ridiculous "Cow tongue" Nine-dash line. If Vietnam falls, PRC will move on to the next target until their sea grab plan becomes a reality.

If it is about Paracel, forget it Vietnam. You lost it to China in 1974. You may take it by force if you want, but don't ask any support from other country, and don't play victim in here. it is different if it is about your de facto islands in Spratley. So don't be too greedy, or else people will think you're just like China but without muscle to do so.
You are right. China can take over part of Java island by force, but because China actually claim the entire Java island, getting to keep a part of it is Indonesia's privilege. I wonder if that happens and someone tell you that you are being "greedy" to claim your land back, what would you feel?
when you don't understand the nature of this dispute, you can play neutral policy. China will drill oil in Indonesia EZZ , soon or late.
Forget about these Indons, they're just as short sighted as their counterpart Flip. A few years ago, the Flip were sucking up to China for a few brownie points when it's come to our dispute with China. A few years later, the Chinese reward the Flip by grabbing a reef from the Flip LOL.

You are right. China can take over part of Java island by force, but because China actually claim the entire Java island, getting to keep a part of it is Indonesia's privilege. I wonder if that happens and someone tell you that you are being "greedy" to claim your land back, what would you feel?
All can mark my words for this: the Malay and the Indons will be next in line of China's hit list.
Don't change the subject, your "question" was about the Chinese Senkaku's dispute.in relative with the Paracel islands. Now, you want to ask about the right of "administer" vs. "ownership?" The islands were forcefully taken from South Vietnam in 1974 by Chinese forces in a brief war there. It has been under Chinese control but it's still in Vietnam's legal ownership, which has been proven through numerous maps by Vietnam, Western, and Chinese historical maps, and by administrative papers sent by Vietnamese bureaucrats to the king at that time.

Thus, PRC has no right to control the islands and claim all the water surround them. Because of that, PRC's illegal claim has never been realized so sending this oil rig there is an attempt to redraw maritime map in the regions, force other countries to accept the ridiculous "Cow tongue" Nine-dash line. If Vietnam falls, PRC will move on to the next target until their sea grab plan becomes a reality.
I'm not changing the subject. I'm trying to actually bring you into the subject or the fact at hand. It doesn't legally belong to you just because you say so. It is important to remember that you need international recognition and have de facto jurisdiction of Paracel which you didn't. We are the de facto owner and reserve the right to drill.
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Forget about these Indons, they're just as short sighted as their counterpart Flip. A few years ago, the Flip were sucking up to China for a few brownie points when it's come to our dispute with China. A few years later, the Chinese reward the Flip by grabbing a reef from the Flip LOL.

All can mark my words for this: the Malay and the Indons will be next in line of China's hit list.

Thank you for your concern. We aware of China greed. But we are also aware that you're just as greedy as them. Your claim show it all. Spratley and Paracel belong to your ancestor? you're just repeating what China said months ago. History? lol. everyone can said the same things here; even Japan as they were the master of the sea at WW2 era. Japan can even claim those islands because they were the master of the sea in WW2, historically. And don't forget US and France. Historically.

So, why your history is more important than the other country history?
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Just ignore the mentally retarded Chinese leaders in Beijing.They enjoy causing trouble to their neighbours-like playing snake and leader game.Best way is to boycott Chinese goods-not worth consuming inferior goods
claim for islands isnt same as drawing some dotted line without lat/lon and claim all inside.

the oil rig tension relate to that line. it is the first step of China at the Mouth of Tonkin gulf.
Vietnamese and Phillipines people in Manila

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