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New provocation: China sends fighter jets into Vietnamese airspace

Japan military aircrafts continuously reinforcement and flight near Diaoyu during dispute, why don't you cry my friend considered Paracel is our administrative control territory. We reserve the right to send force near the area to defend our turf. You got a problem with that, you shoot it down or shut up.
Why should I cry for you when you are robbing our sea, ramming our ships, and threatening us with your military? Why should I cry for a big country which bullies its neighbors, back-stabs friends while parading fake "gentlemen" attitude on international forums? Tell me why the PRC, with all its military muscles, is worth crying for?

Today, a Chinese vessel that rammed our ship got a broken nose. Four Chinese ships have also been damaged and retreated back to base.

Why should I cry for you when you are robbing our sea, ramming our ships, and threatening us with your military? Why should I cry for a big country which bullies its neighbors, back-stabs friends while parading fake "gentlemen" attitude on international forums? Tell me why the PRC, with all its military muscles, is worth crying for?

Today, a Chinese vessel that rammed our ship got a broken nose. Four Chinese ships have also been damaged and retreated back to base.

You have too many questions, think you are a good student, hehe!
Why should I cry for you when you are robbing our sea, ramming our ships, and threatening us with your military? Why should I cry for a big country which bullies its neighbors, back-stabs friends while parading fake "gentlemen" attitude on international forums? Tell me why the PRC, with all its military muscles, is worth crying for?

Today, a Chinese vessel that rammed our ship got a broken nose. Four Chinese ships have also been damaged and retreated back to base.

You still haven't answer my question. Why can't we drill just 17 miles off our Paracel Island that we fully administer?
You still haven't answer my question. Why can't we drill just 17 miles off our Paracel Island that we fully administer?

china control after robbery action. every action of China in this area is illegal.
china control after robbery action. every action of China in this area is illegal.
Robbery is such a strong word. In legal term, robbery is reserve for stealing legitimate owner's property that was recognized by international agreement and by most states. Nobody recognizes half of Paracel belongs to you prior to the 1974 naval battle. We can easily say that Paracel always belong to Hainan Island chain and that we only retake back our stolen territory that the French took from us which they give to your South VN regime at the time. You see, my friend, the high moral ground doesn't work here for several reasons. Paracel does not have permanent human presence and the area is contest by both. In other words, the place is up for grab depending who can exercise stronger presence. We defeat you to claim the territory before maritime international agreement like UNCLOS was put in place. It is fait accompli just as any territories that the US stole from others. It's fait accompli and had become part of our offshore territories. Any more question or concern? LOL
Robbery is such a strong word. In legal term, robbery is reserve for stealing legitimate owner's property that was recognized by international agreement and by most states. Nobody recognizes half of Paracel belongs to you prior to the 1974 naval battle. We can easily say that Paracel always belong to Hainan Island chain and that we only retake back our stolen territory that the French took from us which they give to your South VN regime at the time. You see, my friend, the high moral ground doesn't work here for several reasons. Paracel does not have permanent human presence and the area is contest by both. In other words, the place is up for grab depending who can exercise stronger presence. We defeat you to claim the territory before maritime international agreement like UNCLOS was put in place. It is fait accompli just as any territories that the US stole from others. It's fait accompli and had become part of our offshore territories. Any more question or concern? LOL

don't lie.

Vietnamese controlled Islands from hundreds years ago, when Nguyen lord taken reign on Southern Vietnam under authorize of Le Dynasty of Vietnam.

We don't have troubles with Man Qing Dynasty China over Islands. Islands were not considered a territory of China. In the past Canton Governor said that Island not belong to China. Vietnam controlled Islands rightfully long time before France Colonials invaded in to Vietanam.

China signed Geneva Accords 1954, it stated that Islands from 17 parrarel to southern belong to South Vietnam State. and also China signed UNCLOS, it also stated that EZZ of Vietnam is 200 nmile.

In fact China recognized Islands and water territory of Vietnam by such agreements mentioned above. Today, china stolen Island Paracel of Vietnam and drill oil in side of EZZ of Vietnam.

China is big thief used big mouth and muscle strength, apply jungle laws here in SCS. respect what china signed.

SCS belongs to China. We are just protecting our interests.

China interests is limited by rule of international law, what China signed, like UNCLOS.

people in the world recognized that Paracels Island is part of Territory of Vietnam. The title of map is Part of Cochinechine. (Xu Dang Trong in Vietnamese )

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don't lie.

Vietnamese controlled Islands from hundreds years ago, when Nguyen lord taken reign on Southern Vietnam under authorize of Le Dynasty of Vietnam.

We don't have troubles with Man Qing Dynasty China over Islands. Islands were not considered a territory of China. In the past Canton Governor said that Island not belong to China. Vietnam controlled Islands rightfully long time before France Colonials invaded in to Vietanam.

China signed Geneva Accords 1954, it stated that Islands from 17 parrarel to southern belong to South Vietnam State. and also China signed UNCLOS, it also stated that EZZ of Vietnam is 200 nmile.

In fact China recognized Islands and water territory of Vietnam by such agreements mentioned above. Today, china stolen Island Paracel of Vietnam and drill oil in side of EZZ of Vietnam.

China is big thief used big mouth and muscle strength, apply jungle laws here in SCS. respect what china signed.

China interests is limited by rule of international law, what China signed, like UNCLOS.

people in the world recognized that Paracels Island is part of Territory of Vietnam. The title of map is Part of Cochinechine. (Xu Dang Trong in Vietnamese )


Stop lying.
I heard that Taiwan, Japan, Turkey ... all plan to get over 100 F35,
Vietnam should apply for 36 F35 when it's possible ... Estimated budget about 5-6 billion with some government loans.
I heard that Taiwan, Japan, Turkey ... all plan to get over 100 F35,
Vietnam should apply for 36 F35 when it's possible ... Estimated budget about 5-6 billion with some government loans.

Taiwan getting F35? Even Taiwanese aren't that delusional but Vietcongs are known to spread nonsense
Taiwan getting F35? Even Taiwanese aren't that delusional but Vietcongs are known to spread nonsense

Yeah we know you don't like to hear. But Taiwan always get what you dislike

A Pentagon report has corroborated that claim, asserting that the PRC would probably seek to destroy ROCAF airfields in the first stages of any attack, making a STOVL fighter such as the F-35B vital for effective defense.[36]

Taiwan offered to buy 60 F35B and 150 F35A

Vietnam has some coastal defense system Bastion with Brahmos-like missiles from Russia is one of few names that China can only dream for.

Russia only give this type to close ally with highly demand of self-defense to threats from naval ships.
Syria and Vietnam . At this moment, everyone know that, if firing any missile of Bastion system, it aim to PLAN ships, no other else
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