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*** Vietnam Retreats from Oil Rig in South China Sea ***

Yes keep begging for help from Japan everybody can see your slave face so dirty so low.

Japanese enslaving you to end of WW II, without Soviet intervention and two nule of USA you are salves of Japanese until now.

What happened to all those Vietnamese members who said they would use missiles on our oil rig? :P

It cost our money, let it show true face of China. You dare not facing with Japan, just bully her small neighbors. Cowardice Chinese. :sarcastic:
It cost our money, let it show true face of China. You dare not facing with Japan, just bully her small neighbors. Cowardice Chinese. :sarcastic:

It cost your money just to fire one single missile? Damn i didn't know you guys were that poor

How are you guys gonna pay the compensation to China and Taiwan? I know we just confiscate some of your land and push our border further southwards.
It cost your money just to fire one single missile? Damn i didn't know you guys were that poor

They can't afford to fire one missile? :cheesy:

It cost our money, let it show true face of China. You dare not facing with Japan, just bully her small neighbors. Cowardice Chinese. :sarcastic:

You want to show the true face of China, by giving us oil? Thanks then. :D
It cost your money just to fire one single missile? Damn i didn't know you guys were that poor

How are you guys gonna pay the compensation to China and Taiwan? I know we just confiscate some of your land and push our border further southwards.

he he, china will pay more money for that rig and over hundred ships run around such toy. The game is going on, kid.

Taiwan company could stay here but Chinese must go home. The first thief will bring to justice, his name is Zhou Jin Qiang 周永祥. It is typical Hua Chinese name, He will pay back to compensation what he he has been stolen.:p:

Ngày 25-5, bắt đầu xử các vụ phá hoại tại Bình Dương - Chính tri - Xã hội - Pháp luật - Tuổi Trẻ Online

You want to show the true face of China, by giving us oil? Thanks then.

There is no oil, kid. We will do what we want until Chinese move it from our water this toy.
I know EastSea is desperately trying to safe face but we caught your wet pants already. There are just no more excuses, Vietcongs are shaking at the moment. I reckon you guys put up a fierce battle of words by showing us your mighty history of kicking our butts, posting images of VN anti ship missiles capable of sinking the rig and PLAN. These words really made us doubting our naval abilities for a second. But now is the time to put the coward mask on and go hiding somewhere in the jungle.
I know EastSea is desperately trying to safe face but we caught your wet pants already. There are just no more excuses, Vietcongs are shaking at the moment. I reckon you guys put up a fierce battle of words by showing us your mighty history of kicking our butts, posting images of VN anti ship missiles capable of sinking the rig and PLAN. These words really made us doubting our naval abilities for a second. But now is the time to put the coward mask on and go hiding somewhere in the jungle.

he he, the game made by kiddo govt in peking is going on. our ships are nearby. let chinese joker make fun for people in the world look down at you. Big boy but with hooligan mentality.:jester::haha:
Once our coast guard close in that rig and if you fire at us, you can bet your life that missiles will be flying toward that rig or ships of yours.
LOL Viets are so cowardly after all the boasting about Vietnam military superpower we drill for oil in your territorial waters and all you can do is retreat and cry to other countries just like Philippines. Everybody in ASEAN is laughing.... especially Cambodia and Laos!
LOL Viets are so cowardly after all the boasting about Vietnam military superpower we drill for oil in your territorial waters and all you can do is retreat and cry to other countries just like Philippines. Everybody in ASEAN is laughing.... especially Cambodia and Laos!
Retreat? When?
LOL humiliated Viets got another spanking just like 1988. Spend money on weapons and then watch China drill too afraid to open file :rofl:
Isn't it shameful for VN when China ruled VN for over a 1000 years, then came the French, then the Japanese, then the Americans turning your people into BBQ with napalm and spraying them all over with Agent Orange?
LOL, pathetic kid always bla bla about old things ... :D
If you want to bring up memory, so remember how humiliation that Japanese and the other gave you in Nanking and treat your people like animal in past, East Asian patient ... :laugh:
And Chinese pay back by slaughter billions Japanese and Western life on motion pictures and netizen fiction... pathetic Ah-Q ... :smart:

You have a very cheap behavior for changing my post. But you're welcome too. :D
The fact I fix for you ... :D
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What happened to all those Vietnamese members who said they would use missiles on our oil rig? :P
They can't afford to fire one missile? :cheesy:

No need to fire any missile, most of the chinese ran out of Vietnam :cheesy:

I wish the Chinese could have put the rig right off the Woody island. That way we would have the excuse to march straight into the Paracel to confront them and establish our permanent present in and around the Paracel.
Chinese were humiliated by Japanese and white men, but you dare not facing with them. Cowardice Chinese, ít is a shameful for China.
There is a difference between HUMILIATED and HUMILIATING. If you're smart you'd get it.

What happened to all those Vietnamese members who said they would use missiles on our oil rig? :P
I guess they are waiting for their women to initiate for them :D
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