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JNU: Lal Masjid of India?

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Pretty please provide the list of importers.

available to you too with some effort on google.

won't need my humble analysis and joining-the-dots.

and please note my reply to pumba just above.
available to you too with some effort on google.

won't need my humble analysis and joining-the-dots.

and please note my reply to pumba just above.
Nah I would love to hear the word from you ... you can whisper in my ears ... NAAAAAAT OHHHHHHHH !!!

Wiki says mining and hydrocarbons industries accounted for over 95% of their economy.
Free ka paisa milta hai toh gyan baatne lag jaate hai log. Jab kama ke khaana pade to buttocks tak paseena aa jata hai.
the western automobile industry and their eastern clones mainly make personal-use automobiles that use petroleum products, despite the urgent need to switch to a public-vehicles-mostly transportation system that uses biofuel and salt water[1]... progressive countries like venezuela and libyan jamahiriya made use of their petroleum resources as a sale commodity and employed that income for the benefit of their own citizens, their region and the world.


[1] The sports car that runs on SALTWATER: Vehicle goes from 0 to 60mph in 2.8 seconds - and has just been approved for EU roads | Daily Mail Online
So indirectly libya too was a part of capitalism .
Anyway i would like to hear from u how u want to replicate the same socialism here in India with over a billion population and no oil money.

GOI should give free weed to everybody, so that everybody can understand your theories and start thinking alike.
Oh come on, let him explain his point first :D

the western automobile industry and their eastern clones mainly make personal-use automobiles that use petroleum products, despite the urgent need to switch to a public-vehicles-mostly transportation system that uses biofuel and salt water[1]... progressive countries like venezuela and libyan jamahiriya made use of their petroleum resources as a sale commodity and employed that income for the benefit of their own citizens, their region and the world.


[1] The sports car that runs on SALTWATER: Vehicle goes from 0 to 60mph in 2.8 seconds - and has just been approved for EU roads | Daily Mail Online
How affordable this sports car is ? How do u plan to provide it to 1.2 billion indians under ur proposed socialist regime ?
GOI should give free weed to everybody, so that everybody can understand your theories and start thinking alike.

here comes the mba-carrying manager in a private and capitalist bank. :)

are you saying that jesus, muhammad, lenin, fidel, che, mao, muammar, mandela and chavez were drug addicts??

or are you high on bhaang that you are insulting 300,000 suicided farmers from 1995 to 2015 or generally the 250,000 indians who suicided just in 2012 or the many indians who were "honor killed" or the few thousand indians who sell their kidneys every year for money's sake or the 70+ million homeless of india or indeed the dalits like rohith vemula who have been oppressed for 2900 years or indeed mohammad akhlaq who was killed because he was suspected to have kept beef in his fridge??

you have come back from a break from pdf... so how many more indians have you and your bank forced to suicide?? :)

your opinions hold value only among a certain section of india... outside india, you are nothing. :)

It is good to concentrate anti-nationals in one place so it's easier to monitor them.

see above, for you didn't address my first post, why india's intellectuals, progressives, the sensible and the responsible prefer to declare "je suis anti-nationale !!".

perhaps for the kuomintang leadership in 1949 china, the communists led by mao were also "anti-national". :)
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It is good to concentrate anti-nationals in one place so it's easier to monitor them.

lolzz well in case of India anyone wants to worship "demon" as claimed by Indian police, is an anti-national.

anyone who questions the decision of the court that too a decision which the court itself is not sure of being just, is an anti-national
This was done only in response to closing down message parlours, while JNU students are shouting for freedom and wishing for barbadi of bharat mataa
1) I dont want to turn this thread into a mudslinging contest.
2) Afaik your special forces had to force their way into the mosque because the people inside the mosque were running a parallel sharia court and had gone ahead with certain kidnappings. If not anything your people were attempting what our students attempted-they had fanned a rebellion.
here comes the mba-carrying manager in a private and capitalist bank. :)

Dude, please don't mind...but are you a hotel doorman or something? Why do you need to introduce anyone that comes into the forum? Here comes MBA, here comes sanghi, here comes dodo lover ?? It's so eccentric.

How would you like if the favor was returned and everytime you walked into any thread - Someone said

And here comes Jamahir
One eye considerably bigger than the other
Resident kook and Gadaffi fan
Expert on long annotated posts that no one understands

It's a little rude nai? Treat others the way you wish to be treated.

Anyway no offense meant. Entertaining as this is I need to close the computer and get other stuff done. So long.
I don't understand one thing. .. Some people talking like except members from BJP, RSS , Hindu mahasabha, etc are anti nationals... I condemn if the students do stupid things.. calling everyone anti national because they eat beef... or something is pretty stupid and moronic. .... matter of fact ABVP is in every controversy in Universities. .. Videos yet to be verified. .. some video shows they are shouting ajadi ajadi showed by bjp leader... and the same situation in different angle showing kahnayya saying ajadi from castism ... after complaint made bassi cracked down on students. .. he called attack on others by the lawyer just minor incident. . case registered on unknown attackers... even though world knows who attacked... and that bjp mp op sharma... their rants are all recorded yet no action taken yet... it would be better, if bassi took action on everyone equally... rajnath singh responded on fake tweet .. how come minister in that position can give statement based on un verified tweet...
I don't understand one thing. .. Some people talking like except members from BJP, RSS , Hindu mahasabha, etc are anti nationals... I condemn if the students do stupid things.. calling everyone anti national because they eat beef... or something is pretty stupid and moronic. .... matter of fact ABVP is in every controversy in Universities. .. Videos yet to be verified. .. some video shows they are shouting ajadi ajadi showed by bjp leader... and the same situation in different angle showing kahnayya saying ajadi from castism ... after complaint made bassi cracked down on students. .. he called attack on others by the lawyer just minor incident. . case registered on unknown attackers... even though world knows who attacked... and that bjp mp op sharma... their rants are all recorded yet no action taken yet... it would be better, if bassi took action on everyone equally... rajnath singh responded on fake tweet .. how come minister in that position can give statement based on un verified tweet...

You support "Bharat ki Barbadi" "banduk ke dum pe Azadi"? or celebrating massacre of 76 soldiers?
see above, for you didn't address my first post, why india's intellectuals, progressives, the sensible and the responsible prefer to declare "je suis anti-nationale !!".

If they say they are anti-national, then they are anti-national. How else can you interpret that?

perhaps for the kuomintang leadership in 1949 china, the communists led by mao were also "anti-national". :)

Sure, for the Republic of China (ROC) the CPC (PRC) was anti-national.

But unlike Indian Communists, the CPC actually fought a war and won it. History is written by the winners, and the CPC won.

Indian Communists are not even close to winning, they are only good at writing books.
No yet... but it has the potential to become one
If they say they are anti-national, then they are anti-national. How else can you interpret that?

1. who are "they"??

2. what does this "anti-national" mean, in your opinion??

3. you are siding with the hindutva reactionaries of the rss and the rest of the sangh parivar... you have said earlier that you support 'dharmic' religions, including i presume the oppressive brahminical system defended and propgated by the sanghis... if you declare openly that you want to overthrow the chinese communist party ( however less socialist it has become ) and replace it with some 'dharmic' system, do you think the chinese government will let you make your propaganda?? :)

Sure, for the Republic of China (ROC) the CPC (PRC) was anti-national.

no doubt, but that is just a technical fact... i want to know the purpose of your using "anti-nationals".

would you have liked roc to continue and the cpc to be crushed/suppressed in the manner of what happened to the pki ( the indonesian communist party )??

But unlike Indian Communists, the CPC actually fought a war and won it. History is written by the winners, and the CPC won.

"history is written by the winners" is quite a ruthless statement... if the bolivarian system in venezuela is overthrown through the continuing cia regime-change program, will you say that the late hugo chavez was a idiot??

Indian Communists are not even close to winning, they are only good at writing books.

marx and engels compiled "the communist manifeso"... they were not fighting soldiers in a armed militia... so??

and if you must say that then you must also be seen visibly supporting the global socialist movement, including calling for china to not stagnate in capitalism but call for re-emergence of proper socialist/marxian/communist system and advance it... one can't be a fence-sitter and keep making sarcastic comments... it is fair, yes?? :)

if i remember correctly it was you who in 2014 made a sarcastic remark to me to arrange for the indian socialist movement to obtain armaments from norinco ( the top chinese weapons manufacturer )... why did you say, pompously if i remember your words correctly, if you yourself are not being seen as a propagator of socialism on pdf?? very few people on pdf visibly make posts and threads in support of socialist systems, and that doesn't include you. :)

but yes, it is a failing of the subcontinental socialists that it was only in afghanistan that socialism could achieve country-wide power, and the post-1947 indian socialist movement has been divided since the 1960's and some groups are armed while others are, wrongly, participating in the actually anti-democratic system of the british system of so-called parliamentary democracy.

do read my thread 'the comfortable muslims of yesteryears and the pious muslims of now' written by a pakistani progressive that is a world tour of muslim socialists in modern history but i mention this here for you to concentrate on the indian subcontinent part of that long article.

my involvement with socialism is a matter for another thread.
1. who are "they"??

2. what does this "anti-national" mean, in your opinion??

3. you are siding with the hindutva reactionaries of the rss and the rest of the sangh parivar... you have said earlier that you support 'dharmic' religions, including i presume the oppressive brahminical system defended and propgated by the sanghis... if you declare openly that you want to overthrow the chinese communist party ( however less socialist it has become ) and replace it with some 'dharmic' system, do you think the chinese government will let you make your propaganda?? :)

no doubt, but that is just a technical fact... i want to know the purpose of your using "anti-nationals".

would you have liked roc to continue and the cpc to be crushed/suppressed in the manner of what happened to the pki ( the indonesian communist party )??

"history is written by the winners" is quite a ruthless statement... if the bolivarian system in venezuela is overthrown through the continuing cia regime-change program, will you say that the late hugo chavez was a idiot??

marx and engels compiled "the communist manifeso"... they were not fighting soldiers in a armed militia... so??

and if you must say that then you must also be seen visibly supporting the global socialist movement, including calling for china to not stagnate in capitalism but call for re-emergence of proper socialist/marxian/communist system and advance it... one can't be a fence-sitter and keep making sarcastic comments... it is fair, yes?? :)

if i remember correctly it was you who in 2014 made a sarcastic remark to me to arrange for the indian socialist movement to obtain armaments from norinco ( the top chinese weapons manufacturer )... why did you say, pompously if i remember your words correctly, if you yourself are not being seen as a propagator of socialism on pdf?? very few people on pdf visibly make posts and threads in support of socialist systems, and that doesn't include you. :)

but yes, it is a failing of the subcontinental socialists that it was only in afghanistan that socialism could achieve country-wide power, and the post-1947 indian socialist movement has been divided since the 1960's and some groups are armed while others are, wrongly, participating in the actually anti-democratic system of the british system of so-called parliamentary democracy.

do read my thread 'the comfortable muslims of yesteryears and the pious muslims of now' written by a pakistani progressive that is a world tour of muslim socialists in modern history but i mention this here for you to concentrate on the indian subcontinent part of that long article.

my involvement with socialism is a matter for another thread.

I don't care about any of these religious or political ideologies. :lol:

Like Deng Xiaoping said, I only care about what works.

And the current Chinese system (which includes a massive private sector and a market economy) works. The Chinese government works, they lifted over 800 million Chinese people out of poverty in the last few decades alone.

Indian Communists don't work. What development have they brought, what progress have they created? I mean apart from blowing up random convoys in the jungle and firing their AK-47's in the air.

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