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Is Modi affecting Foreign policy of India ?

Is Modiji interfering in Foreign Policy ?

  • No, still Foreign policy is run by the bureaucrats

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • Yes, but should leave the job to bureaucrats

    Votes: 18 32.1%
  • Yes, he should go with it.

    Votes: 36 64.3%

  • Total voters
Ohh i am man enough sir/maam.
Actually the arguments you are providing here are not sane enough for a debate.
For eg - India playing to US tune to counter Russian influence here?? More then half of our military equipments are of Russian origin what countering are you talking about.
Any increase of US' influence in the region, will not be viewed positively by Russia especially in the current times of heightened tension between US and Russia. And India taking steps which allows US to increase it's influence as well as presence, using Indian soil and naval bases, will be viewed negatively by Russia.
Any increase of US' influence in the region, will not be viewed positively by Russia especially in the current times of heightened tension between US and Russia. And India taking steps which allows US to increase it's influence as well as presence, using Indian soil and naval bases, will be viewed negatively by Russia.

And Pakistan knows this how

These Pakistan observations are far from reality
Any increase of US' influence in the region, will not be viewed positively by Russia especially in the current times of heightened tension between US and Russia. And India taking steps which allows US to increase it's influence as well as presence, using Indian soil and naval bases, will be viewed negatively by Russia.
You do know that the LEMOA is not a military pact. It's an agreement on logistic support(food, medical, fuel, clothing, communication).
Some chai, pani, nashta and fuel provided by India will greatly increase the US influence in the region.:sarcastic:
Chinese actions are quite predictable if you look through the right prism.

Despite what you have said - they are and will seek conflicts with increasing frequency. The reason here is not that they want to fight. They would prefer not to but conflicts be they diplomatic or military allows them to expand geographically, economically or diplomatically. Consider China as kettle on full boil, it has to release the steam or it will explode. They are rather calculative about it - they know how to push and how far to push without consequences and so far it has been working splendidly in their favor.

The problem here is they will not stop - Slowly and steadily, they will keep changing the norms - it was inconceivable just a decade back the present levels of Chinese geographic aggression now even new constructions ratifying their claim can at maximum invoke a weak rebuke. This is just the experimentation phase - testing the waters - soon you will see a whole new dimension of projection and posturing.

@hellfire Great powers are nothing but kinetic momentum, they cant plateau, they cant stop - to do that is their demise. Look at history and find me a century spanning pacifist great power. You would be sorely tested.

Ha! You paraphrased what I said, albeit, clearly, I, in a language more on conceptual language.

I agree with you here. Absolutely, thus Confucianism and Sun Tzu.

You love your wordplay, don't you?:pop:
You do know that the LEMOA is not a military pact. It's an agreement on logistic support(food, medical, fuel, clothing, communication).
Some chai, pani, nashta and fuel provided by India will greatly increase the US influence in the region.:sarcastic:
Russia, China and Pakistan cannot be fooled with this.
Ha! You paraphrased what I said, albeit, clearly, I, in a language more on conceptual language.

I agree with you here. Absolutely, thus Confucianism and Sun Tzu.

You love your wordplay, don't you?:pop:

In my defense, everyone loves to hear the sound of their own voice. Off-topic but I have taken to increasingly skimming posts on PDF so my MO is to look at the keywords and ignore the exposition, I ll try to do better with your posts but it is a tough habit to break.
Russia is a long term friend. contrary to you, we value friendship and nurture it too. China too, is competent enough on its own to understand the dynamics and national interests. It is the biggest trade partner of US.

Pakistan need not be fooled.
Any increase of US' influence in the region, will not be viewed positively by Russia especially in the current times of heightened tension between US and Russia. And India taking steps which allows US to increase it's influence as well as presence, using Indian soil and naval bases, will be viewed negatively by Russia.

Au contraire, the fact that neither US has said anything on the Russian build up in Crimea and along the Eastern border of Ukraine, and Russia is playing an effective game by merely sticking to a public stand of settlement of SCS issue between neighbours and not publicly siding with China while privatley assuring them, serves to highligh an opportunity for Russia to limit US influence in the region while not taking an antagonist position.

It is akin and calibrated to US moves in Ukraine.

An interesting article if you may


As you will notice, Vietnam is a Russian partner. BrahMos can only be sold to Vietnam with Russian concurrence. Now why would Russia be doing that? Did it occur to you to think that?

In politics, there are no permanent friends or foes. Only interests. US was anti-communist prior to World War 2. Yet it gave support to Soviets.

SCS is an area through which even Russian merchant ships travel. You think that Russia wants to be at Chinese mercy there? The public posturing of Russia is merely a quid-pro-quo for Ukraine.

What you fail to understand is that China never equates it's treaties as being between equal states. It is always treated as being between a superior and inferior state. You really need to understand the way Chinese philosphy works. I mentioned their philosophy earlier.

Coming back. US is more at ease working with Russia as an opponent than China. That is one principle of US policy that you should not underestimate.

In my defense, everyone loves to hear the sound of their own voice. Off-topic but I have taken to increasingly skimming posts on PDF so my MO is to look at the keywords and ignore the exposition, I ll try to do better with your posts but it is a tough habit to break.

Carry on. Don't bother. I do not reply at times to your posts even when you tag as I know I don't have any counterview to your exhaustively long posts. But it is mighty good of you to explain for others benefit. I think the above should hold for me more, brevity being a habit now, leaving a majority too confused.
Congress has been pro Russia and BJP pro USA and Israel.

Russia helped Indira Gandhi to come to power.If you read details about Lal Bahadur Shastri's death,it appears as Murder which the then Congress Govt deliberately failed to investigate.Indira Gandhi repaid Russia by giving defence contracts and Russian influence continued to increase.If you read or see video's of Subramaniam Swamy on Sonia Gandhi,you will be almost convinced that she was a Russian spy.He gives hard facts.

Similarly if you look into Jain's commission report on Rajiv Gandhi assassination,you will find lot of references to Israeli connection.Since,Rajiv by interfering in Sri Lanka had stopped Israeli arms sale to LTTE - Israeli were very unhappy with him.Also we will come to understand,how much influence Israeli and by extension USA has on India's RAW and on India's policy makers.

It is then said that present Govt enjoys support in west and Israel.
There has been some positive push in foreign policy of present govt which is pro active in diplomacy. The question mark on Russia remains but i hope to see with Russia some very positive movements on rough patches which have come in with too much cozyness to US

Well .I would say Narendra Modi has a pragmatic approach when it comes to foreign policy .
You have two options 1.Stick to the ancient old moral values and let the Chinese to strangle us with their moves .
India resisted US moves for one decade and that was the window of the opportunity of the Chinese .They had time for
prove their neutral approach but instead they chose bully policy along with their deeper than Mariana Trench friend Pakistan .
Chinese cant be trust .It was proven after 1962.
And they cant digest our growth and so they want us to bogged down in here .
2. Implement a more refined foreign policy .
Of Course US is a devil but a necessary devil.Thanks to the unique setup in India .We cant move forward like a lone wolf because we cant implement the kind of reverse engineering Chinese did to develop our MIC .
Hate to say Russians dont have any choice ,they have to take the Chinese side .
Russians themselves dont trust Chinese .

.I would say this is a correct foreign policy .But it is up to our officials to safeguard our long term interests .
Well, if I was indian, I wouldn't worry too much about the OP subject.

Modi can play pet to Obama without cost since Obama has no power.

Great day all, Tay.
US wants India to be a containment vessel - that's it. If India becomes a global power in it's own right - US leverage over India would end, to that extent expect them to perform continuous checks on Indian ambitions.

Recent examples

1. WTO cases against India preventing India to achieve energy parity
2. Supporting India's UNSC ambitions vocally and at the same time opposing it behind the scenes with Russia and China.
3. Lackluster NSG campaign for India
4. Continued aid and military support to Pakistan.
5. Denial of critical tech to India in aerospace sector

There is a strong case to be made that US is using India as a bargaining chip, looking to extract concessions from China on trade and security. Once a deal with China is made, all taps to India will stop faster than Ussain Bolt's 100m sprint.

So any US claims of partnership should be taken with heavy dose of salt.

India should instead look towards forming a strong bulwark against Chinese tide with the means independent of US. How to do this?

1. Make the neighborhood impenetrable to China

Instead of squandering resources in countries like Vietnam, first build a firewall covering Srilanka, BD, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives so that these countries are closed to Chinese Military and security agencies. There should be no more submarine visits to SL, imagine Russian Sub docking up in Canada! US almost started WW3 and Armageddon when Russia tied to position it's military installations in Cuba - our response should be on a similar level.

2. Safeguard energy ties with Saudi and Iran.

This is not that big of a problem as these countries themselves dont want to be dependent on one customer. They would welcome improved ties with India as long as there are no miss-steps like India involving themselves in their affairs

3. Place Russia on equal priority to that of US

Russia is a critical hedge for India against US. Look at how smartly Erdogan used Russia to stump US. In addition they serve as an important check on China. Optics are important here - Russians are often more given to perceptions than US which is more focused on cold logical gains. I expect Modi to promote Russian ties more in international forums and visits. Russia is also naturally suspicious of China and while China has them at an disadvantage now due to low commodity prices that will not always be the case. In dire times we can count on Russia even more than US to step Chinese aggression either through back channel diplomacy or aggressive force projections on their borders

4. Transactional ties with Europe

Europeans are best viewed as mercenaries, cash based transactional relationships will always be open. Giving so much space to Russia and US leaves very little strategic capital we can spend on Europe. France in particular showed us recently how quick they are ready to drop India as a hot potato when given a better deal by Australians. Despite India being the major victim of recent leaks, India was not informed and all efforts were made to damage control in Australia. Our poor DM came to know about it in the middle of night through ironically a traitor Ravi Shankaran. Then French put the blame on India for leaks and only when India protested and Australian newspaper themselves denied this later retracted. It leaves a clear indication that there is no strategic component to our ties with France or anyone else in Europe. @GURU DUTT @Levina

@nair @PARIKRAMA @hellfire

GoI knows the possibility of all these scenario .But recent actions of Chinese perhaps encouraged us ,because Chinese wont stand down ,not anymore ,they determined to topple the US .
Russians dont have any choice and China is not Turkey .Chinese are now several times powerful than Russia and you dont have to expect them like we got during Soviet times .

Spike up our economy ,spend more for education and R&D .
Makes our own MIC and national power .Then you will have dozzens of trump cards in your hand .
Well, if I was indian, I wouldn't worry too much about the OP subject.

Modi can play pet to Obama without cost since Obama has no power.

Great day all, Tay.
Not really when it comes to FP. Outgoing presidents often take surprisingly critical FP decisions without having to worry about electoral pressures.
Well .I would say Narendra Modi has a pragmatic approach when it comes to foreign policy .
You have two options 1.Stick to the ancient old moral values and let the Chinese to strangle us with their moves .
India resisted US moves for one decade and that was the window of the opportunity of the Chinese .They had time for
prove their neutral approach but instead they chose bully policy along with their deeper than Mariana Trench friend Pakistan .
Chinese cant be trust .It was proven after 1962.
And they cant digest our growth and so they want us to bogged down in here .
2. Implement a more refined foreign policy .
Of Course US is a devil but a necessary devil.Thanks to the unique setup in India .We cant move forward like a lone wolf because we cant implement the kind of reverse engineering Chinese did to develop our MIC .
Hate to say Russians dont have any choice ,they have to take the Chinese side .
Russians themselves dont trust Chinese .

.I would say this is a correct foreign policy .But it is up to our officials to safeguard our long term interests .
Well .I would say Narendra Modi has a pragmatic approach when it comes to foreign policy .
You have two options 1.Stick to the ancient old moral values and let the Chinese to strangle us with their moves .
India resisted US moves for one decade and that was the window of the opportunity of the Chinese .They had time for
prove their neutral approach but instead they chose bully policy along with their deeper than Mariana Trench friend Pakistan .
Chinese cant be trust .It was proven after 1962.
And they cant digest our growth and so they want us to bogged down in here .
2. Implement a more refined foreign policy .
Of Course US is a devil but a necessary devil.Thanks to the unique setup in India .We cant move forward like a lone wolf because we cant implement the kind of reverse engineering Chinese did to develop our MIC .
Hate to say Russians dont have any choice ,they have to take the Chinese side .
Russians themselves dont trust Chinese .

.I would say this is a correct foreign policy .But it is up to our officials to safeguard our long term interests .

well bro India needs Russia to be neutral at least in china-Indian rivalry and we need to see what modi govt does now in diplomacy to factor in Russian angle, if they succeed then it would be coup of successful diplomacy and i hope and expect this govt to succeed

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