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Is Modi affecting Foreign policy of India ?

Is Modiji interfering in Foreign Policy ?

  • No, still Foreign policy is run by the bureaucrats

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • Yes, but should leave the job to bureaucrats

    Votes: 18 32.1%
  • Yes, he should go with it.

    Votes: 36 64.3%

  • Total voters
First we need to understand the role of the army from a neutral perspective. All fantasies and made up figures should never be given much attention.

@Spectre , a common Pakistani never likes to remember 1971 as we lost our brothers. Every Pakistani regrets this and no educated Pakistani will justify the role of army in '71. In fact it has even seen loads of criticism from the army itself, can be traced back to events after 1971. I will provide a source if needed. Much like Indians, they would never like to take pride in whats happening in Kashmir.

What is happening in Kashmir? Certain people want freedom and have disrupted the life of others.

If tomorrow protesters in Balochistan gather up and want freedom from Pakistan, will Pakistani state move apart and let them have it?

No Sir. Country doesn't work that way. We cannot provide freedom to ad-hoc groups.

When a mob of 1000 try to burn the police post and loot arms, do the police run away and let them get their hands on weapons of war? No. Sir. That will be dereliction of duty. They respond and people die.

I agree everything is not Kosher. I agree innocents have been killed. I agree police have been cruel in some instances and for that we are shamed, we apologize. \

When you say every Pakistani regrets? Are you Sure? I have seen hundreds in PDF saying they are relieved that BD separated.

If Pakistani army regrets and criticized it's own actions then why did they promote Tikka Khan?
Didnt mean to put you out of context.
My point and no worries.
nd you made it true by eliminating Hindus entirely from Pakistan and the evil Hindustani Hindus let minority flourish so much that we got more Muslims than you have and yet we all are progressing well.
Not even worth countering. Can't be generalized.
when we had lesser police and even normal public is smart now.
Same case here.

Coming back to my point, we'll continue to blame you and you'll continue to blame us...We won't care who started it, what we care about is who'll end it. And by doing so we will not gain anything much.
regards and enjoy your time on PDF.
What is happening in Kashmir? Certain people want freedom and have disrupted the life of others.

If tomorrow protesters in Balochistan gather up and want freedom from Pakistan, will Pakistani state move apart and let them have it?

No Sir. Country doesn't work that way. We cannot provide freedom to ad-hoc groups.

When a mob of 1000 try to burn the police post and loot arms, do the police run away and let them get their hands on weapons of war? No. Sir. That will be dereliction of duty. They respond and people die.
Was not needed, not my point in the first place.
I agree police have been cruel in some instances and for that we are shamed, we apologize. \
My point exactly, should have focused more on this.
When you say every Pakistani regrets? Are you Sure? I have seen hundreds in PDF saying they are relieved that BD separated.
Hundreds? i have seen hundreds advocating a genocide in Kashmir, see we are blinded by nationalism.
Yes every regrets these things, basic human feelings are still intact. And those saying only do so to try to portray to Indians as if 1971 was no big deal, while in reality it sure as hell was.
If Pakistani army regrets and criticized it's own actions then why did they promote Tikka Khan?
Not the establishment, soldiers did. Establishment still wanted to remain in power after '71, what a joke right?
(actually i will provide a source in political history part 4, i have not finished part 3 yet. But i won't forget this and if i do please remind me)
Not even worth countering. Can't be generalized.

I did cuz you did, perhaps you forgot to read a disclaimer I made, I know alot about Pakistan, may be more than many Pakistanis here, if you can quote me 1 instance about India I can quote similar 2 in Pakistan.

Thats the reason I avoid trolls and didnt want to create an account here cuz most people be it Indian or Pakistani try to portray Pakistan or India as evil and other as angel forgetting there is enough dirt on both sides to make them naked.

My India is not perfect but we trying to make it better each and everyday. There is no blame game, these are facts and realities.

@WAJsal There is lot of propaganda material posted on PDF which not only lacks quality and substance but also defy a simple common logic. I understand its needed for entertainment but why not make a subforum named as "Trash and Conspiracy Theories" and move all those threads to it instead of spoiling whole forum? I see there are some full time trolls who put even a bicycle theft news in India on "Defence" forum and I haven't seen any action on them for spamming the $hit out of this forum.
Lolz,, human rights a fav topic of a Pakistani? How about EU, US and all those civilized nations out there. :lol: Being anti-Pakistan is not enough reason or justification for a statement or comment to be true sir, unlike the general perception on your side :lol:. If that was the case what you said in your post could have been certified as universal truth. Funny how you question who is PAKISTAN to talk about what is happening in Kashmir and yet cheering and thinking that GoI bringing in Baluchistan was a coup de grace! And sir if you do not see any Pakistani talking about rights of Pakistani people, i am sorry to say but you are blinded by your hatred and the motive to somehow try and say something against Pakistani no matter how ridiculous it sounds. Furthermore, we take Kashmir and Kashmiri people to be part of us as well, unlike MAJORITY of Indian members who will say they are "not concerned" by Kashmir of the plight of Kashmiri people. :) So you see, there is this difference as well.

Anyway, i must admit, i should not have mentioned HR HR HR to someone from India, i should have known better than to hit a raw nerve there. Sorry about that. :)

Now jumping back to Afghanistan, let me try and say it again, not ONLY my men, not ONLY my trainers!! I have already said that we were in the war for our own reasons but if anyone thinks that it was us and us alone, well,, what can i say but feel sorry for the lack of knowledge. Indeed this kind of ignorance or should i say, acting like an ignorant or a dumb is what can make ANYONE shiver :)

My apolozies but what a pathetic twisted logic, if someone attack your soilder your soilder kills him your soilder is great and if someone attack my soilder and my soilder kills him my soilder is devil!
So it seems we are back on Kashmir now :P

Oh no, there are those tribal so it must be Afghanistan AGAIN :P

You know what, the last elections in Baluchistan were HELD TOGETHER WITH rest of Pakistan sir, :) They were as transparent as the elections is rest of the country and we never though that our people participating in our national elections would be a slap on your face. I would say that if i try and fake some elections in some occupied land and lie about the participation just to think it was such a slap on someones face!! Who got slapped and humiliated, with there pants down, and have been in same position for some DECADES now, we all know. :) You may find solace in thinking it is Pakistan.

Ahhh, It is amazing how you jump from one topic to another provided that there is NOTHING of substance to add on any single topics. As i stated in the start of the post, merely bashing Pakistan, ridiculing Pakistanis never going to be enough to prove your claims as truths. Sad!! Sorry for you but that is how it is!! :lol:
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Thank you mate.

Thank you very much.

My opinion was not about Pakistani people but about the cheerleader trolls here. I have no intention to insult all Pakistani people, there are good, there are bad and there are disgustingly worst.

I put it simply cuz my post was very lengthy already else I know about Pakistan and Pakistani mentality a lot. It would have taken at least 2-3 pages to discuss about the severe identity crisis with examples and facts, my opinion is far far away from the popular opinion. I will try to make a new post about your last reply as its already lengthy.

I frankly dont expect any rational discussion about Pakistan Jihad after hearing this line of great Himd Gul and other propaganda Anchors.

What mess of others???? They were trained for Afghanistan, you took them to Kashmir or did you mean to say US trained them for Kashmir and abandon you? You are still pursuing the same ideology be it Hafiz Saeed or Syed Salahuddin and there how comfortably you glorify as "cleaner of others mess". Who support Syed Salahuddin? who support Afghan Taliban? that propaganda and PR campaign for Zarb-e-Azb against every terrorist is evaporated with Hafiz Rally in Lahore after Burhan Wani. Thanks to him, months-long campaign of fooling the world went into smoke in a second.

It was intentional to keep away trolls, the shallow depth trolls often get nightmares when they face someone with facts and stay away automatically else they will get a good spanking. It was not for any sensible rational poster and not to hurt someone.

Wow!!!! just Wow! Amazing! Kept advocating for dialogue? really? you think everyone here is so dumb? Man we are not in US, we live in same continent and unfortunately neighbours, we can differentiate between truth and propoganda. You were paid for dialogue and you did lip service.

You dont want me to believe that Mullah Akhtar Mansoor was living in Pakistan and carry out attacks in Afghanistan without the help of ISI? do you? if you do then my bad, I really fall for those big moustaches thinking you as a mature lad.

and what about falling into "trap of Northen alliance"? what was that? Killing thousands per year in war is better for you than a political alignment in a country? and who exactly are you to decide that Northern alliance or Pashtun will rule Afghanistan? are you Afghan? or any of your General?

you completely missed the point, it was not about his role in neighbourhood mess but about the foolish grandstanding he makes and later become laughing stock. Its not about Russia, this theatrics of pulling Ambassador is very common for him and seriously dented the prospects of it. Now whenever he say he will pull Ambassador other country dont take it seriously cuz they know he will send it after months.

If you follow Erdogan I hope you know how he pulled Ambassador from Germany, Bangladesh, Austria, Israel, Armenia, US and god knows where not. Asking your Ambassador back is not a child's play and put serious pressure on other country but now do you think anyone will give a damn if he recall Ambassador?

He recalled his Ambassador from Bangladesh for what? what has Turkey to do with it? how foolish was that! and what happen later? why he sent him back after a month or two? what cost he inflicted on Bangladesh for the "evil" of Bangladesh in killing a war criminal? any? what purpose does that exactly served? This is spit and lick and in the case of Russia, it was really embarrassing after all that chest thumping of "next superpower" Turkey will never apologise to Russia and what not was not said at the highest level of leadership.

Anyways it was not about Erdogan but about Modi and my dear friends of India who want to see him in that flavour. I strongly believe that we should never punch above the weight but for long we are punching way below our weight and as a result even tiny tiny nation/individuals take us for granted.

are you done with your rhetorical rant or what? And as for Afghanistan - until it is in a position to establish any semblance of writ of state we very much do have a say in what goes on there and it's not for you to analyze or comment on. We'll do what's in our interests. There are numerous instances in which india has tried a policy of encirclement - and in all case they have (or will) fail.

Keep trying though, keep trying
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