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Organization of Buddhist Nations

I am leaving for Himachal for Bank Papers in November and if I pass the exams , I will get a job there :P So you have a little time left :D

Oh ! Exams :cry: Thank God I became a graduate :pissed: Hey but I am an atheist why am i thanking God :oops::oops:

I am not well versed in East and South East Asia to make any comment of value :(
Why Himachal? You dont have the exams centers in Jammu?
Or you are now fed up with Jammu and wants to leave asap.:azn:
Good luck to you panditji and do check in here after you get a job. Offcourse you won't have your bsnl broadband their but you can get a new connection or better a jio network.:enjoy:
Even after my repeated answers you are not getting the point. I have explained earlier too that all Indian Christian do not follow Vatican. Only Romans do. Other churches roughly come under CNI & CSI meaning Church of North India & South India. They are completely independent of Vatican.

Even if Romans follow Vatican, I do not see anything bad in it. They are not anti nationals and are known as one of the most progressive and non political societies in India. Some people attempt to demonize them but its not correct.

What do you mean 'one of my folk' ? Indian ?

He was questioning you about loyalties to Vatican, not about your faith.

This is what he said,

"Why can't an Indian Christian be a true Christian free of Vatican? Why do Indian Churches follow Vatican order?"

And you have just proved him right by attacking his faith for questioning your loyalties to Vatican.
Why Himachal? You dont have the exams centers in Jammu?
Or you are now fed up with Jammu and wants to leave asap.:azn:
Good luck to you panditji and do check in here after you get a job. Offcourse you won't have your bsnl broadband their but you can get a new connection or better a jio network.:enjoy:

Number of seats for general category is pretty low in Jammu . Himachal has more seats and Father told me to fill it there . There was option for other Northern states but I stick to HP .
Before filling the form , I was excited but now I am feeling tense .

:agree: A must . Hope they will provide unlimited plan like BSNL or I should download a lot of stuff before going there .
Even after my repeated answers you are not getting the point. I have explained earlier too that all Indian Christian do not follow Vatican. Only Romans do. Other churches roughly come under CNI & CSI meaning Church of North India & South India. They are completely independent of Vatican.

Even if Romans follow Vatican, I do not see anything bad in it. They are not anti nationals and are known as one of the most progressive and non political societies in India. Some people attempt to demonize them but its not correct.

What do you mean 'one of my folk' ? Indian ?

He was questioning you about loyalties to Vatican, not about your faith.

This is what he said,

"Why can't an Indian Christian be a true Christian free of Vatican? Why do Indian Churches follow Vatican order?"

And you have just proved him right by attacking his faith for questioning your loyalties to Vatican.
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Eu was fighting at one time till they come up an agreement to move forward hand in hand instead of fight each other for power.

The reason could be race if not Christianity. Turkey is still far away from EU.

In India though, some Christians are first Christians then Indians :-). On many occasions Christian cop has released foreign citizens for them being Christian or Church did not bother to inform police for crimes commited by bishops, instead the crimes were reported to Vatican. So Chirstian alliance is pretty much exsistent to an extent :-).
That's not the case of Christians...minorities in all countries tend to be united..similar child abuse was also carried out in ISKCON temple in the US but the members and officials stayed mum until the victims spoke out.
Even after my repeated answers you are not getting the point. I have explained earlier too that all Indian Christian do not follow Vatican. Only Romans do. Other churches roughly come under CNI & CSI meaning Church of North India & South India. They are completely independent of Vatican.

Even if Romans follow Vatican, I do not see anything bad in it. They are not anti nationals and are known as one of the most progressive and non political societies in India. Some people attempt to demonize them but its not correct.

And I ask again, did all christian accept 'Mother Theresa' as "Saint Theresa" ? do other Non Roman Christians REJECT the canonisation of St. Theresa. ?

Its funny that you do not see the problem when citizens have loyalties to two different countries. By that Logic India should allow for Dual Citizenship too. Do you agree ?

Do not build up straw men of 'antinationals' to make your argument.

Finally the Catholic Bishop council of India (a collection of Roman catholics) has always played a role in politics. Primarily in support of Congress. Though this is irrelevant to the present debate.
Number of seats for general category is pretty low in Jammu . Himachal has more seats and Father told me to fill it there . There was option for other Northern states but I stick to HP .
Before filling the form , I was excited but now I am feeling tense .

:agree: A must . Hope they will provide unlimited plan like BSNL or I should download a lot of stuff before going there .
That's true. The no. of seats under general category are very low here in Rajasthan too. That's why my relatives prefer to fill the form from Ahmadabad region because in Gujarat people are more business oriented hence a lot of vacancies there.
Do not worry about Himachal. Its a bit like Jammu but more tense free environment and peace plus you can get a lots of weeds and stuff if you want to.:drag:
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Whatever fellow human :p:. I don't know why you are so much short-tempered. And god knows why you bring the gau rakshak rant. :-)

Anyways what i said is true. Churches in all nations show allegiance to Vatican. A kind of an alliance just like Muslims. Isn't that true?
I am sorry but that statement is profoundly stupid....Protestants think the Vatican is heresy...Russian Orthodox think their patriarch is the true pope thus they reject the Vatican....same is the case for Copts and there are probably 5-6 more people with their own churches that claim the seat of the pope and reject the authority of the current pope....there is no religious unity among Christians.
I am sorry but that statement is profoundly stupid....Protestants think the Vatican is heresy...Russian Orthodox think their patriarch is the true pope thus they reject the Vatican....same is the case for Copts and there are probably 5-6 more people with their own churches that claim the seat of the pope and reject the authority of the current pope....there is no religious unity among Christians.

Only in christian majority countries.

In India, we find "National Council of Churches in India" ironically located in "Nagpur" which is an umbrella organisation for Protestant and Orthodox christians.
Only in christian majority countries.

In India, we find "National Council of Churches in India" ironically located in "Nagpur" which is an umbrella organisation for Protestant and Orthodox christians.
They work together because they are a minority...we have Muslim rights organizations in the US where Shias and Sunnis work together....are you trying to say Shias and Sunnis love each other? Minorities in all countries stick together.
They work together because they are a minority...we have Muslim rights organizations in the US where Shias and Sunnis work together....are you trying to say Shias and Sunnis love each other? Minorities in all countries stick together.

Isn't that what I said ?

However they are a "minority" who control a Majority of the Land.

The Catholic church is the Largest Land holder in India apart from the Government. Its literally a state within a state with the government having no say or over-sight of Church administration, and no interference from the government in the appointment of bishops who are the wealth administrators and yet its feudal allegiance is to the Pope in Rome.

How cool is that ?
Can hindus be progressive by becoming independent of Brahmins? Why follow their diktats?
You don't need to listen anyone to be a Hindu. There are no specific rules.

You can have a look at my previous posts. I always advocate ban on cow slaughter to honour the sentiments of hindus. Its mutual understanding and respect which is the 'idea of India'.
And my viewpoint is we need to move forward towards a liberal society genuinenly. So i DON'T support beef ban. My only problem is that only Hindus are targeted by liberals and left. Burn anything Hindu related stripture, book, things, whatever i DON'T care. It don't hurt my sentiments at all. But do we have a freedom to burn religious texts of minorities on their face? No, because if you do that there will be huge outrage by left wing media/websites and parties alike, it becomes a BIG news. Same group makes noise when suicide happens in a particulat community. These pseudo left wing parties can't speak against minorities because they need their votes. Thats the only way left parties can survive in this country, by selectively targting Hindus and creating divide. They fool you all by fear mongering because they understand your fear mongering will result in an action and then retaliation from Hindu right wing, making their fear mongering come true, a positive feedback loop.

Regarding commercialization, I believe all religions have developed a sound business plan through ages. A whole nation can face economic slump,face recession. Religious people are immune to such things. Our fear of God is their guarantee for economic security.
Its not fear of god. People fear god when commit crime? Or take bribe? Or other illegal stuff? Its the fear of other's gods.

Let me tell you something really bluntly. In last 65 years, population of Muslims+Christians has risen from 10% to 20%. If by any chance this number reaches 50% i guarantee you this nation will see another partition. Because people of this country are stupid, they are all fanatics and trust me pseudo left-liberals feed this fanaticism, for votes or by their western imported versions of liberalism or leftism. But the sad thing is its a slow process and irreversible.

Do Muslims or Chirstians of India care more about their own religion or India itself? Will they want to increase their population with knowing that it will eventually lead to distruction of India? Are missionaries or other Islamic foreign funded NGOs not indirectly doing exactly the same by conversions? Some actually might want to divide India if they are fed enough poison against Hindus or India for their own revenge or satisfaction.

You might be a sane person, but not everyone is. Hypocrites needs to be dealt with hypocrisy. Right win Hindu's target is pseudo liberals and left, not the minorites. Its just a coincidence than pseudo left liberals are supported by minorities due to fear mongering. :-)
I agree with most of your points except one thing. I am yet to see a Christian family with more than two kids. I dont know who gives you figures about Christian population explosion. I am giving you first person account of the actual demographic scene.

90% of christian families have two kids with both working parents. So they are relatively well off. Concept of working women is very high in Christian families.

You don't need to listen anyone to be a Hindu. There are no specific rules.

And my viewpoint is we need to move forward towards a liberal society genuinenly. So i DON'T support beef ban. My only problem is that only Hindus are targeted by liberals and left. Burn anything Hindu related stripture, book, things, whatever i DON'T care. It don't hurt my sentiments at all. But do we have a freedom to burn religious texts of minorities on their face? No, because if you do that there will be huge outrage by left wing media/websites and parties alike, it becomes a BIG news. Same group makes noise when suicide happens in a particulat community. These pseudo left wing parties can't speak against minorities because they need their votes. Thats the only way left parties can survive in this country, by selectively targting Hindus and creating divide. They fool you all by fear mongering because they understand your fear mongering will result in an action and then retaliation from Hindu right wing, making their fear mongering come true, a positive feedback loop.

Its not fear of god. People fear god when commit crime? Or take bribe? Or other illegal stuff? Its the fear of other's gods.

Let me tell you something really bluntly. In last 65 years, population of Muslims+Christians has risen from 10% to 20%. If by any chance this number reaches 50% i guarantee you this nation will see another partition. Because people of this country are stupid, they are all fanatics and trust me pseudo left-liberals feed this fanaticism, for votes or by their western imported versions of liberalism or leftism. But the sad thing is its a slow process and irreversible.

Do Muslims or Chirstians of India care more about their own religion or India itself? Will they want to increase their population with knowing that it will eventually lead to distruction of India? Are missionaries or other Islamic foreign funded NGOs not indirectly doing exactly the same by conversions? Some actually might want to divide India if they are fed enough poison against Hindus or India for their own revenge or satisfaction.

You might be a sane person, but not everyone is. Hypocrites needs to be dealt with hypocrisy. Right win Hindu's target is pseudo liberals and left, not the minorites. Its just a coincidence than pseudo left liberals are supported by minorities due to fear mongering. :-)
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India needs to capitalize on its Buddhist history and forge good relations with all east asian countries. West Asia is on the path of destruction. East Asia consists of all the powerful economies. Its where all the money is.
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