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Organization of Buddhist Nations

Why do Hindus follow Shankaracharyas?

Christianity is not a local religion. It is spread all over the world. Had Hinduism been a world religion, it too would have faced similar situation. You can't expect a religious head in every country! Even MNCs have Corporate Headquarter in just one city whereas regional centres are there in many places.

Hindus have to deal with just one country i.e. India. Some hindus might have problem in understanding the concept of "world religion"

We Kashmiri Brahmins don't follow that dud :omghaha:


We have our separate gurus and mostly follow a deity of our choice . Like I follow none since I am an atheist Brahmin :laughcry:

Can hindus be progressive by becoming independent of Brahmins? Why follow their diktats?

You can have a look at my previous posts. I always advocate ban on cow slaughter to honour the sentiments of hindus. Its mutual understanding and respect which is the 'idea of India'.

Regarding commercialization, I believe all religions have developed a sound business plan through ages. A whole nation can face economic slump,face recession. Religious people are immune to such things. Our fear of God is their guarantee for economic security.

Brahmins hardly play any role in progressive Hindu societies .
Only a few Brahmins are left who still do yagyas and other stuff for people .

I as a Brahmin have never done yagya . Pooja is what I do on occasions and that is all .
oh then there is no debate left. Their history is more brutal. orthodox Vs protestants Vs Catholic romans .. terrific etc etc what not. Believing whatever written in book lol.

If everyone was to wash away their prejudices then there is really no need for any debate :P

The right path becomes obvious to everybody.

Reality is that almost everybody is a victim of their own prejudices, unless they take constant and continuous steps to address and balance their own nature through self awareness.

Most christians do not really believe what is written in their books, but they are more than happy to believe all the christian propaganda against Hinduism and Hindus. The corner stone of their faith is their 'Superiority' over other religions, so they have this constant need to make believe everything that makes their faith 'superior' to Hindus.

So you will find a self confessed 'secular' christians and muslims "preaching" to hindus about the evils of 'caste', or 'sati' or 'evil brahmins' or 'evil bhakts' or 'RSS' or any other bogeyman.

The Hindu will then go on the defensive and will either admit to being 'evil' or go on the offensive and show the mirror and then be called a 'bhakt' , 'RSS', 'Intolerant'. etc.

This cycle is not new and is unlikely to end anytime soon.

We Kashmiri Brahmins don't follow that dud :omghaha:


We have our separate gurus and mostly follow a deity of our choice . Like I follow none since I am an atheist Brahmin :laughcry:


Brahmins hardly play any role in progressive Hindu societies .
Only a few Brahmins are left who still do yagyas and other stuff for people .

I as a Brahmin have never done yagya . Pooja is what I do on occasions and that is all .
May you go to hell!:mad: You atheist brahmin.

Oh wait! That was rude.:(

May you rot in hell.:devil:
If everyone was to wash away their prejudices then there is really no need for any debate :P

The right path becomes obvious to everybody.

Reality is that almost everybody is a victim of their own prejudices, unless they take constant and continuous steps to address and balance their own nature through self awareness.

Most christians do not really believe what is written in their books, but they are more than happy to believe all the christian propaganda against Hinduism and Hindus. The corner stone of their faith is their 'Superiority' over other religions, so they have this constant need to make believe everything that makes their faith 'superior' to Hindus.

So you will find a self confessed 'secular' christians and muslims "preaching" to hindus about the evils of 'caste', or 'sati' or 'evil brahmins' or 'evil bhakts' or 'RSS' or any other bogeyman.

The Hindu will then go on the defensive and will either admit to being 'evil' or go on the offensive and show the mirror and then be called a 'bhakt' , 'RSS', 'Intolerant'. etc.

This cycle is not new and is unlikely to end anytime soon.

If they are so worried about caste. they they should first impliment in England where only blue blood holders are allowed to sit on the thrown. They are considered to be the most pure christians I suppose?
If everyone was to wash away their prejudices then there is really no need for any debate :P

The right path becomes obvious to everybody.

Reality is that almost everybody is a victim of their own prejudices, unless they take constant and continuous steps to address and balance their own nature through self awareness.

Most christians do not really believe what is written in their books, but they are more than happy to believe all the christian propaganda against Hinduism and Hindus. The corner stone of their faith is their 'Superiority' over other religions, so they have this constant need to make believe everything that makes their faith 'superior' to Hindus.

So you will find a self confessed 'secular' christians and muslims "preaching" to hindus about the evils of 'caste', or 'sati' or 'evil brahmins' or 'evil bhakts' or 'RSS' or any other bogeyman.

The Hindu will then go on the defensive and will either admit to being 'evil' or go on the offensive and show the mirror and then be called a 'bhakt' , 'RSS', 'Intolerant'. etc.

This cycle is not new and is unlikely to end anytime soon.
Only winning move is not to play
May you hell!:mad: You atheist brahmin.

Oh wait! That was rude.:(

May you rot in hell.:devil:

In real I am agnostic atheist Brahmin . Heart says God may be there but not the way we humans perceive him and Head says NO NO NO , There is more to this world than an all powerful God who has this world at his whims and fancy .

I like how Upanishads explain some stuff .
If they are so worried about caste. they they should first impliment in England where only blue blood holders are allowed to sit on the thrown. They are considered to be the most pure christians I suppose?

England was smart, they created their very own "church of England" to ensure loyalty of their citizens.

China did something similar.

Its only Indian Christians (roman) who pay homage to Vatican or some other holy land in Israel or syria . (or mecca for muslims).

You know I always found it funny why muslims pray facing mecca, they could very well pray facing New Delhi. It is unlikely that allah will not hear them if the direction is 'wrong'.

Only winning move is not to play

Nah ..... I would rather be the 'bhakt' / evil RSS goon. Always go down fighting.
It was not me who wanted to show my progressiveness by alienating from priesthood. It was suggested by one of your folks. I dont care about priests, pujaris or molvis.

These priestly class just want some method to control masses. They use religion as a poison. For me Constitution of India is my religion. I dont care about Hindu Muslim Christian shit.

Ya ..... its all because of the "evil brahmins" :lol:

Now let me reverse it.

Can christians be progressive by becoming independent of Priest and Fathers and Bishops and popes ? Why follow their diktats ?

Who are you to decide and question what Hindus should believe or follow or even if they are "progressive" enough ? If this blatant bigotry is what you declare as "secular" then you have just given us a good idea how deep the Rot really is.

'She' is a Christian.
My dear Friends as the Communist say , Religion is the worst form of alienation and until people don't realize that , there will be the clergy and Priest that will exploit the common man .

But the moment self realization comes , Future will be lost to the thugs :lol:
It was not me who wanted to show my progressiveness by alienating from priesthood. It was suggested by one of your folks. I dont care about priests, pujaris or molvis.

These priestly class just want some method to control masses. They use religion as a poison. For me Constitution of India is my religion. I dont care about Hindu Muslim Christian shit.

What do you mean 'one of my folk' ? Indian ?

He was questioning you about loyalties to Vatican, not about your faith.

This is what he said,

"Why can't an Indian Christian be a true Christian free of Vatican? Why do Indian Churches follow Vatican order?"

And you have just proved him right by attacking his faith for questioning your loyalties to Vatican.

In real I am agnostic atheist Brahmin . Heart says God may be there but not the way we humans perceive him and Head says NO NO NO , There is more to this world than an all powerful God who has this world at his whims and fancy .

I like how Upanishads explain some stuff .
That's it. If you don't follow the regular paath of hanuman chalisa 51 times a day and then an hour or two of ramcharitmanas then i am coming to Jammu on the very next train to teach you a lesson.:butcher:

Sorry was a bit busy today so couldn't reply(exams going on).
On topic - the Buddhist world mainly eastern Asia are more progressive people, so such an alliance would not be feasible for them.
Plus they are more divided on international borders then to come together for religion.
It's not totally impossible but will take a lot of efforts for them to form an alliance like the OIC.
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England was smart, they created their very own "church of England" to ensure loyalty of their citizens.

China did something similar.

Its only Indian Christians (roman) who pay homage to Vatican or some other holy land in Israel or syria . (or mecca for muslims).

You know I always found it funny why muslims pray facing mecca, they could very well pray facing New Delhi. It is unlikely that allah will not hear them if the direction is 'wrong'.

Nah ..... I would rather be the 'bhakt' / evil RSS goon. Always go down fighting.

foolish minority in India. They are nothing but ideological slaves.
Same with Christians. Not everyone follows Pope. There are scores of sects among Christians. Only Romans follow him. Rest do not care about him.


We Kashmiri Brahmins don't follow that dud :omghaha:


We have our separate gurus and mostly follow a deity of our choice . Like I follow none since I am an atheist Brahmin :laughcry:


Brahmins hardly play any role in progressive Hindu societies .
Only a few Brahmins are left who still do yagyas and other stuff for people .

I as a Brahmin have never done yagya . Pooja is what I do on occasions and that is all .
That's it. If you don't follow the regular paath if hanuman chalisa 51 times a day and then an hour or two of ramcharitmanas then i am coming to Jammu on the very next train to teach you a lesson.

Sorry was a bit busy today so couldn't reply(had exams going on).
On topic - the Buddhist world mainly eastern Asia are more progressive people, so such an alliance would not be feasible for them.
Plus they are a more divided on international borders then to come together for religion.
It's not totally impossible but will take a lot of efforts for them to form an alliance like the OIC.

I am leaving for Himachal for Bank Papers in November and if I pass the exams , I will get a job there :P So you have a little time left :D

Oh ! Exams :cry: Thank God I became a graduate :pissed: Hey but I am an atheist why am i thanking God :oops::oops:

I am not well versed in East and South East Asia to make any comment of value :(
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