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JF-17 Nightmare For The Enemy Pilots

Bro PAF is not sleeping by the time you will get Rafales we will already have something to counter it , according to my sources PAF will go for another platform soon ...
Plz don't mind...but i have been listening to many PDF members here for quite a long time claiming PAF will go for a new jet very soon
But listening to air chief interview and claims here at PDF..it seems like PAF has no clue at all in which direction to go and how to go
Firstly there is issue of whether we should directly go to 5th gen or induct another 4.5 gen??and then the money.
PAF seems directionless...in 2019 rafaels will start coming to india and it's 2017 ending..and we haven't even decided what we are gonna do..except these tall claims of pdf members..that's the reality of paf
Jf 17 is the counter for mki .... rest assured
If you see recently filmed videos of jf 17... they are mostly configured for cap... and that's how they are going to be used
on a lighter note

the hazzards of employing non military actors in a military photo/ video shoot

View attachment 433962

he has a hand held radio and a headphone

whats the use of his headphone then? I wonder what he is holding on his left hand? an iphone or his joystick?
There are 3 main divisions related to airport control/comms..Control Tower,Radar Control and Ground control..the guy shown in the video is at control tower dealing with take offs and approches etc using his headphones and using the wireless for contact with ground...Control tower and Radar control work on different frequencies.

Plz don't mind...but i have been listening to many PDF members here for quite a long time claiming PAF will go for a new jet very soon
But listening to air chief interview and claims here at PDF..it seems like PAF has no clue at all in which direction to go and how to go
Firstly there is issue of whether we should directly go to 5th gen or induct another 4.5 gen??and then the money.
PAF seems directionless...in 2019 rafaels will start coming to india and it's 2017 ending..and we haven't even decided what we are gonna do..except these tall claims of pdf members..that's the reality of paf
The reality of PAF is that they will not email u their plans...like every other matter,they like to keep it personal.
BTW can u even point a single 5th gen a/c that is under service and PAF can acquire it within next few years other than Raptor which obvio we cant get..if u are going to mention chinese planes then they are under development and even after coming into service,its not a good idea to immediately acquire that a/c as its DASH-1 will take years to complete.
The reality of PAF is that they will not email u their plans..

People some times are ignorant or just don't pay attention... block 3 will be fielding an aesa in months may b a year time... that would be most advanced radar in sub continent sans Rafael... how is that for a plan,? Sukhoi or migs or mirage don't have aesa...

Than they can pump out another 100 aesa equipped planes in no time...

People should think before commenting... this ous not even a secret
Plz don't mind...but i have been listening to many PDF members here for quite a long time claiming PAF will go for a new jet very soon
But listening to air chief interview and claims here at PDF..it seems like PAF has no clue at all in which direction to go and how to go
Firstly there is issue of whether we should directly go to 5th gen or induct another 4.5 gen??and then the money.
PAF seems directionless...in 2019 rafaels will start coming to india and it's 2017 ending..and we haven't even decided what we are gonna do..except these tall claims of pdf members..that's the reality of paf
well the answer is simple. jets cost money which our able politicians have transferred to panama and swiss banks. how can a country buy jets when it has to take loans in order to pay back the existing debts. i am not seeing any jet in next 10 yrs . the only option paf has is to upgrade the jft to block 3 standards. forget more f-16s now.
I would say that j17 is cost saving platform but please don't compare with J10, su30 or even f16.

Technically, they are ahead of I compare with jf17.

As a primary role, pakistan needs like J10 aircraft. Jf17 can be good replacement of older mirage and other aircraft's

No, man. Jf 17 has upgradation limited
You have made bold statements. On what grounds are you making these? Please elaborate. I have heard Air Commodores of PAF saying the J10 is not half as upgradable as JFT due to certain design limitations. Are you now suggesting the contralateral and on what grounds? Your response will be appreciated.

Here's also the YouTube version of the footage.

@The Eagle
One of the Thunders is more smoky than THE OTHER.??? Is it the first block and the engine has not been upgraded????
Congrats.. you are flying numbers jf 17 because Paf needed fighters on urgent basis and it may fit for their requirements.

But if you talk about HAL Tejas then I could simply say that we don't want fighter aircraft who will not fit after 10 years when we have 5th generation fighters around us. HAL Tejas with current configuration (still better then jf 17) - 20 and later 80 HAL Tejas mark1 with AESA radar and other improvements will serve better for India till 2040.

We can wait till our fighter developed to fight war's in 21st century, we are not in hurry. We already have fighters to take our external threats. Su 30mki, Rafele, FGFA, HAL Tejas, new fighter (f16 or any) will protect from any threats.
you guys need maha baharat rath for fly simply we cant do it
I hate to have to say this but it needs to be said...

Let us imagine 2 JF-17s against 2 SU-30MKIs head on, with AWACs coverage and so both are seen by the other side well outside the maximum range of their BVR AAMs.

JF-17 has top speed of Mach 1.6 and service ceiling of 17,000m
Su-30MKI has top speed of Mach 2 and also a service ceiling of 17,000m
Just the higher top speed of the Su-30MKI will allow it to release it's BVR AAMs at greater range as they would have greater kinetic energy when released.

JF-17 can carry 4 SD-10s
SU-30MKI can carry 10 R-77s.
SU-30MKI can fire many more R-77s whereas the JF-17 will run out of BVR AAMs much quicker in a BVR shoot-out.

Conclusion: SU-30MKIs will eat JF-17s for breakfast, lunch and dinner assuming the radar, EW and missiles are of similar standard.
If only air combat was as simple to analyse!! I will be the first one to say that the SU is a lovely bird but if that was the case the US would only have built 15s and 18s and never the 16s and the 15s would not have lost out to the 16s. Every plane has its utility and there are distinct advantage in having a small bird that can generate multiple sorties and be refuelled and sent on its way from a highway stretch in case of air field destruction. It would be nice for PAF to have some twin engine birds but to say that they would be superior to the JFT to such an extent is wrong in my humble opinion.

Like I say the SU-30MKI will be able to release it's R-77 before the slower JF-17 can fire the SD-10. It is simple physics.

Also in BVR combat, it is standard practice to "ripple-fire" BVR missiles to increase the chances of successful hit.
No it is not and you are misinformed as most combat is undertaken in trans sonic speeds. At 600 miles width you will be well inside Indian terrain if you went Mach 2 , so the need for it may not come at all. If one is talking about ceiling then if it is to their advantage both birds would have been at maximum ceiling long before the encounter.
The presence of AWACS has changed all that. As of now, with 7 AWACS in active duty, it's iaf with just 3 who needs to worry

JFT is going to be equipped with IFR too which will double it's flight time, this is what that guy forgot.
Who said, that you would be sitting idle.
You plan your defense strategies taking in account your adversaries. So taking Indo -Pak as adversaries

MKIs are there for nearly 20 years now. And there is nothing you yet could arrange countering it. J-10c is not yet ordered and there are reasons explained in details to death on this forum. J 11 is the Russian copy of Su27 and cannot be exported so forget about it as of now. For the 5th generation, I think India need to think more of Chinese capabilities rather than Pakistani's.

Therefore current scenarios - for Sukhoi MKI 240+ there are no countermeasures as of now, for Rafels ordered 36 not yet inducted there are no countermeasures.
J10 -C, just a distant dream - Nothing ordered nor in plan, J 11 - Not possible as of now.

TFX and AZM, I would just avoid discussing paper planes like AMCA.
there is another 4.5 option for EF-2000 and as for 5th gen fighter J-31 is there for not distant future but near future (2023- 2025) Pakistan is interested in both stealth jet (J-31, J-20), currently J-20 has a export bar just like F-22 and your MKI is not a invincible plane its easily detect, tracked by our long range ground based/ AWACS for hundreds of miles inside in the Indian airspace because MKI's huge RCS of 15m2 and they are divided in two fronts your western border (Pakistan) and northern border( China) so you theory is all wrong that all MKI is facing towards Pakistan and RAFALE is specifically for China not for Pakistan, you can easily do CAS and air strike in Pakistan with MKI, MIG-29, Mirage 2000 and Jaguars
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The chinease have not inducted this fighter (JF17/FC1) and the reason people it has severe limitations due to its size to carry fuel and to carry powerful energy sucking EW suites and Radars and Jammers

The plane was designed from the beginning as a BUDGET lightweight fighter for certain export market.

FOR PAF is brilliant option I agree and is now allowing PAC to build up manufacturing Knowledge

PAF doctrine is not as aggressive or long reaching as the IAF that is crystal clear from the aircraft deployed on both sides. JF17 will work in its OWN SKYS justy like the RAF did against LUFTWAFFA german bombers

JF17 is PAF hurricane /spitfitre ................IF you oeople are inducting 200 thunders THEN THE THUNDER will either win you the AIR WAR or LOSE you the AIR WAR

its NEMESIS will be THE SU30MKI ,,, the reason being over HALF the IAF front line combat fleet is the SU30MKI

The other planes are too small in numbers to play a HUGE PART only 60 mig29 or 50 mirage2000/5 AND soon only 36 Rafale

RECENT EXCERCISES = 1 chinease J11 took on 2 Thunders and apparently after numerpous efforts the J11 overcame both Thunders as per chinease media............... Well documentated in this forum.

And I am not surprised at that result

Better radar
twin engines
more powerful jammers
ew siuites

All the bells and whistles sit in the MKI or J11

You people are correct about other ASSETS like SAM support ,,, AWACS and F16 as well

Only You Pakistanis KNOW what PAF is Thinking

PERSONALLY I think there is a HUGE GAPING need for a twin engine fighter to give PAF better balanced air force

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