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The Rafale Factor and Options for the PAF

In MLU whole avionics package and other stuff can be replaced so no issue of source codes with new ones.
Unless it is very basic, it will need to communicate with the rest of the system, and you need the specifications of the interfaces.

When a major weapons system is replaced---it is not replaced to compensate for what you had prior to it---.

It is replaced to meet and compete and overcome enemy's major weapons system--.

So when someone says that the JF17 is better than the mirage3/5---A5's---F7PG's---it is like saying "I like my image in the mirror---I like to kiss myself in the mirror---"---.

being better than the 3 has nothing to do with the real world---it is by default of being produced in a different decade---.

Just because we are replacing the older aircraft---does not mean we are fighting those aircraft---we are fighting enemy aircraft---and that is what the ratings need to be directed against---.

If you are suggesting JF-17 does not meet our current needs then you are mistaken as always.

On a side note, have you actually seen an aircraft function? Or have you seen a combat aicraft up close? From an engineering or operational aspect?
If you are suggesting JF-17 does not meet our current needs then you are mistaken as always.

On a side note, have you actually seen an aircraft function? Or have you seen a combat aicraft up close? From an engineering or operational aspect?


Don't AS-SUME---I never stated anything of that sort about the JF17---.

The original poster was down playing the aircraft as a replacement of the mirage 3/5---F7's---it is a replacement but in the true sense it is not---.

The JF17 has its own function and utility for which it is very well equipped---for the job it is designed to do and for the adversary it is to face..

And don't frigging post too clever with me---.

I read my original post a couple of times and then re-read your post again---to see what I stated and what you wrote---and there was nothing like what you mentioned.

Son---you never been a Thanedar---. You know how he gets a confession---it is the guilt of the criminal that blurts out everything---.

In a similar manner---you are doing the same---. In the back of your you may think the JF17 maybe weak---and now you want to defend it---.

You are not very intelligent---but you do have a sharp tongue---and loose temper.

One time I counted over 250 F16's sitting at the tarmac at Hill AFB---in three rows

So---if someone stated that F35 is the replacement of the F16's---would they be down playing the F35.

Don't AS-SUME---I never stated anything of that sort about the JF17---.

The original poster was down playing the aircraft as a replacement of the mirage 3/5---F7's---it is a replacement but in the true sense it is not---.

The JF17 has its own function and utility for which it is very well equipped---for the job it is designed to do and for the adversary it is to face..

And don't frigging post too clever with me---.

I read my original post a couple of times and then re-read your post again---to see what I stated and what you wrote---and there was nothing like what you mentioned.

Son---you never been a Thanedar---. You know how he gets a confession---it is the guilt of the criminal that blurts out everything---.

In a similar manner---you are doing the same---. In the back of your you may think the JF17 maybe weak---and now you want to defend it---.

You are not very intelligent---but you do have a sharp tongue---and loose temper.

One time I counted over 250 F16's sitting at the tarmac at Hill AFB---in three rows
Same goes for you dude.

Now there are about 1/4 of that strength at Hill.
Same goes for you dude.

Now there are about 1/4 of that strength at Hill.


I was talking about early 80's---.

But why don't you take your own stand and fight your own battles---. I mean to say---you keep sticking your leg out as if it out of habit---.
Pakistan can easily acquire Israeli kits from black market to upgrade F-16 with the help of Turkey...
USA has allowed same for plenty more weapon systems knowingly...
US deep state is no friend of India or Pakistan but wants to maintain some sort of parity in tech.
Aim-120C5 can also get upgraded with latest Israeli seekers making them more potent this could offset to some degree Rafale acquisitions of IAF...
Wonder Paf not already doing it :)

Don't AS-SUME---I never stated anything of that sort about the JF17---.

The original poster was down playing the aircraft as a replacement of the mirage 3/5---F7's---it is a replacement but in the true sense it is not---.

How is it not a replacement? Why do you think we are retiring F-7s and Mirages (and A-5s) if JF-17 is not a replacement?

Do you know what replacement means in a military context?

The JF17 has its own function and utility for which it is very well equipped---for the job it is designed to do and for the adversary it is to face..

All these utilities of JF-17 you speak of are meant to 'upgrade' PAF's capability and subsequently help us get rid of F-7s. Hence we are replacing F-7s with JF-17s. What is so hard for you to understand?

And don't frigging post too clever with me---.

I read my original post a couple of times and then re-read your post again---to see what I stated and what you wrote---and there was nothing like what you mentioned.

I dont care what your original post was. What I quoted came off exactly how I responded.

Son---you never been a Thanedar---. You know how he gets a confession---it is the guilt of the criminal that blurts out everything---.

In a similar manner---you are doing the same---. In the back of your you may think the JF17 maybe weak---and now you want to defend it---.

Wait, what? What are you implying? This is not your yahoo chat box. Bring clarity to your narrative.

You are not very intelligent---but you do have a sharp tongue---and loose temper.
One time I counted over 250 F16's sitting at the tarmac at Hill AFB---in three rows

My 11 year old nephew once counted 13 F-16s at Sargodha.

What's the big idea?

So---if someone stated that F35 is the replacement of the F16's---would they be down playing the F35.

Calling F-35 replacement of F-16 is NOT downplaying F-35. Replacements are meant to bring new capabilities. This is how the world works regardless of what you think or say.

I may be assuming again, but you come off as someone who never went to a university or a decent college. Whatever your age maybe, I would encourage you to do that. This will help with the following;

1) Come out of your defeatist mindset
2) Bring clarity to your thought process
3) Improve your analysis of geo-political status quo (Since you were hell bent on PAF's incompetence on 27th)
4) Build your emotional intelligence (there are other ways to do that aswell)
5) Be open to constructive criticism.
6) Be humble (hopefully but highly unlikely though)
Unless it is very basic, it will need to communicate with the rest of the system, and you need the specifications of the interfaces.

Usually MLU replace all old computers and software with new ones so why any issue??
How is it not a replacement? Why do you think we are retiring F-7s and Mirages (and A-5s) if JF-17 is not a replacement?

Do you know what replacement means in a military context?

All these utilities of JF-17 you speak of are meant to 'upgrade' PAF's capability and subsequently help us get rid of F-7s. Hence we are replacing F-7s with JF-17s. What is so hard for you to understand?

I dont care what your original post was. What I quoted came off exactly how I responded.

Wait, what? What are you implying? This is not your yahoo chat box. Bring clarity to your narrative.

My 11 year old nephew once counted 13 F-16s at Sargodha.

What's the big idea?

Calling F-35 replacement of F-16 is NOT downplaying F-35. Replacements are meant to bring new capabilities. This is how the world works regardless of what you think or say.

I may be assuming again, but you come off as someone who never went to a university or a decent college. Whatever your age maybe, I would encourage you to do that. This will help with the following;

1) Come out of your defeatist mindset
2) Bring clarity to your thought process
3) Improve your analysis of geo-political status quo (Since you were hell bent on PAF's incompetence on 27th)
4) Build your emotional intelligence (there are other ways to do that aswell)
5) Be open to constructive criticism.
6) Be humble (hopefully but highly unlikely though)

Aa ni Behna Lariya

So---the univeristy education taught you about weapons wars strategy power positioning tactics strategy game plan

That mean the indians being more educated would be be making better decisions

try walking onto a US air base
Usually MLU replace all old computers and software with new ones so why any issue??

And usually the MLU kit is provided by the manufacturer of the original plane so they have access.
The Typhoon is intentionally unstable, so you have to develop completely new flight control S/W.
I doubt You find anyone interested. It would be better for them to develop a completely new aircraft.
And usually the MLU kit is provided by the manufacturer of the original plane so they have access.
The Typhoon is intentionally unstable, so you have to develop completely new flight control S/W.
I doubt You find anyone interested. It would be better for them to develop a completely new aircraft.


plz name one modern western aircraft that is not unstable.

Don't AS-SUME---I never stated anything of that sort about the JF17---.

The original poster was down playing the aircraft as a replacement of the mirage 3/5---F7's---it is a replacement but in the true sense it is not---.

The JF17 has its own function and utility for which it is very well equipped---for the job it is designed to do and for the adversary it is to face..

And don't frigging post too clever with me---.

I read my original post a couple of times and then re-read your post again---to see what I stated and what you wrote---and there was nothing like what you mentioned.

Son---you never been a Thanedar---. You know how he gets a confession---it is the guilt of the criminal that blurts out everything---.

In a similar manner---you are doing the same---. In the back of your you may think the JF17 maybe weak---and now you want to defend it---.

You are not very intelligent---but you do have a sharp tongue---and loose temper.

One time I counted over 250 F16's sitting at the tarmac at Hill AFB---in three rows

So---if someone stated that F35 is the replacement of the F16's---would they be down playing the F35.
Come on, Babaji. Take it easy. Take your pills regularly and on time. We need your advice but not your wrath.
Never happened.
Repeating falsehoods won't make it the truth.

Fact is it has been an year but PAF and Pakistanis have completely failed to provide an iota of proof regarding it's Su-30 claim, not only No visual or electronics proofs were provided but they could not even find a shred of evidence through OSINT.

Even Pak analysts admit it:

Well I was waiting for Pakistani response for SU-30 shoot down with some proves (even electronic) but it never happened. Like india's claim to shoot down F-16 maybe using guns :) [as all the missiles mig-21 had that day found in the wreckage and that been shown to international media and experts as well].

Now the only thing remain on the fairness level for india to let Russian check SU-30 count as did by American's with us. The question is can india allow this? and if yes then why not it's been done by now :what:
Well I was waiting for Pakistani response for SU-30 shoot down with some proves (even electronic) but it never happened. Like india's claim to shoot down F-16 maybe using guns :) [as all the missiles mig-21 had that day found in the wreckage and that been shown to international media and experts as well].

Now the only thing remain on the fairness level for india to let Russian check SU-30 count as did by American's with us. The question is can india allow this? and if yes then why not it's been done by now :what:
Lol, you really think Russia will expose the uselessness of its jets ? MKI, so called mini awacs and raptor of the East and bla bla shot down by a mere F-16BM/AM ?

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