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Italy to soon approve the MEGA defence deal with Egypt

Egyptian economy is in the gutter as we speak.

Egypt is getting ready for the upcoming war and how they got the funds to get this equipment and previous equipment is simple to understand---.

Sell your soul if you have to---to get the weapons now---if the body stay alive after the battle---the soul does not go away---.

5000 plus years of civilization and history makes you act different than 70 years history---.

Two sides of Yemen crisis---one nation is in the deepest PIT of never endiung crisis---.

The other nation---has built a massive modern weapon military from the same crisis and we don't see hardly any terrorist unrest in that nation as some claimed it would happen to those countries supporting GCC in Yemen.
Egyptian economy is in the gutter as we speak.


Who givesa rats ar-se about the economy---as long as you have weapons to fight and die an honorable death rather than die meekly at the hands of the enemy---.

If egypt doesn't have these weapons---they don't have any chance of getting the water from river nile---.

But at least better than us---they have only one problem now---the economy---and we have two---.

No economy and no weapons---either. 100 littar bhi khaaiy aur 100 wassal ( onions ) bhi khaaiy

May be losing Siachen and getting elected in a 'democratic referendum' after few months was also part of the strategy. Anyways one lost east Pakistan the other siachen.
Turkey is the main reason I suppose. Ethiopia and Sudan are not a significant threat. The nature of platforms acquired suggest the need for coastal defence and deep strike capabilities.
May be the Arab world has decided to bring out their old knight -Egypt- to counter Turkey and then iranian influence in Libya, Syria and Yemen.
True and the other lost Siachen.
This is the most painful part. But all these weapons have been and will be used on each other. This is just depressing.


Losing Siachen is the inherent pakistani General command officers arrogance towards in main enemy---.

Never took them seriously---.

As for east pakistan---Bhutto never lost it---it is a misnomer---.

It was a part of his planning for east pakistan to go away---and it happened for the better of bengalis---.

Who givesa rats ar-se about the economy---as long as you have weapons to fight and die an honorable death rather than die meekly at the hands of the enemy---.

If egypt doesn't have these weapons---they don't have any chance of getting the water from river nile---.
Will you get what you have been saying for the Past 15 years-------You know the the plane that is named after a 4 legged carnivour with spotty skin!

Who givesa rats ar-se about the economy---as long as you have weapons to fight and die an honorable death rather than die meekly at the hands of the enemy---.

If egypt doesn't have these weapons---they don't have any chance of getting the water from river nile---.

But at least better than us---they have only one problem now---the economy---and we have two---.

No economy and no weapons---either. 100 littar bhi khaaiy aur 100 wassal ( onions ) bhi khaaiy


Losing Siachen is the inherent pakistani General command officers arrogance towards in main enemy---.

Never took them seriously---.

As for east pakistan---Bhutto never lost it---it is a misnomer---.

It was a part of his planning for east pakistan to go away---and it happened for the better of bengalis---.

I need to comment in one aspect .... that The Egyptian economy is growing rapidly in the last 5 years .... the last year was 5.6 % .... and one of the few economies world wide that will have a positive growth during COVID-19 crisis inshallah .
You forgot the SU-35s?
Egypt has a very efficient military.. If they see it possible..then it is feasible..

Oh I thought I had russia covered with Mig,

It's like so:

Eurofighter -> Europe
Rafale -> France
Migs -> Russia
F-16s -> USA.

What is important to understand, is that the French developed Rafale after they walked out of
and as an alternative to Eurofighter.
Oh I thought I had russia covered with Mig,

It's like so:

Eurofighter -> Europe
Rafale -> France
Migs -> Russia
F-16s -> USA.

What is important to understand, is that the French developed Rafale after they walked out of
and as an alternative to Eurofighter.
MIGs+SUs -> Russia

That only means that buying the Eurofighter is like buying more Rafales.. and there is more of both to come..

Egypt is getting ready for the upcoming war and how they got the funds to get this equipment and previous equipment is simple to understand---.

Sell your soul if you have to---to get the weapons now---if the body stay alive after the battle---the soul does not go away---.

5000 plus years of civilization and history makes you act different than 70 years history---.

Two sides of Yemen crisis---one nation is in the deepest PIT of never endiung crisis---.

The other nation---has built a massive modern weapon military from the same crisis and we don't see hardly any terrorist unrest in that nation as some claimed it would happen to those countries supporting GCC in Yemen.

Lets see how long does the "bank" remain liquid.
Zia was the real strategist--even though he got carried away in his religious zeal not understand that you cannot force religion over anyone---but you can force the rule of law---.
Nice strategy getting 70K+ Pakistani's years killed years after you die and still get lanat because of stupid policies.

By the way, India played the better strategist. Cozying up with Soviet Union and getting in bed with US AT THE SAME TIME. They are now reaping the rewards "WITHOUT SPENDING A SOLDIER" unlike what you would have us believe with your mercenary army strategy, have their foot on Pakistan's tail the whole time and US is now contemplating adding them to G7. How is that for strategy.
Bhutto was great...he lost east pakistan and dumbos still think he was smart

Hi, he lost East Pakistan intentionally to serve his own political desire to lead. A selfish thing to do but he had the vision to get the Pak nuclear program started. He had the accumen and vision to deal with the Arabs and benefit Pakistan by billions. You'd be hard pressed to find a visionary leader in Pak's history. Zia and him. And now maybe Imran Khan. That's how short the list is.

Nice strategy getting 70K+ Pakistani's years killed years after you die and still get lanat because of stupid policies.

By the way, India played the better strategist. Cozying up with Soviet Union and getting in bed with US AT THE SAME TIME. They are now reaping the rewards "WITHOUT SPENDING A SOLDIER" unlike what you would have us believe with your mercenary army strategy, have their foot on Pakistan's tail the whole time and US is now contemplating adding them to G7. How is that for strategy.

Vision can only be understood by people who have some modicum of the same. Blaming Zia for Musharraf's sellout of Pakistan for (according to Colin Powell's biography) pennies. That brought down Pakistan for those of us who were there at that time.

I saw elected representative of Azad Kashmir sold to the Americans without trial or jury, to be beaten, put in a sack, and a plane. That killed 70K Pakistanis. And will forever scar those who lived it.
Sounds very interesting. They should have purchased JF17 Block 3 from Pakistan , Ships from Turkey and satellites from China.

JF17 over Typhoon???

So you are expecting them to buy Mehran car over Lamborghini..... wow....
and Su-35s as well


Isn't it better for y'all to go for additional Rafales instead of EFT since y'all already operate 24 of em. In case the requirement is for a navalized variant, Dassault has the Rafale-M. Also, it's easier to deal with 1 country for logistics, spares, maintenance and support rather than a consortium

Egypt has some trust issues with western countries at time of war. Their politics will not always favor the Egyptian side and in this case your neck will be under their knees if you have only one nation to depend on and you need to resupply your arms. For this reason, Egypt followed the diversification policy for its sources of weapons. The EAF for example right now includes jets from USA, Russia, France China and Italy (the EU). The same applies for air defense systems and the Egyptian Navy, ships from France, Italy, Germany, EU, Russia, and China, and submarines from Germany, China, and other suppliers to come.

Russia and China are more trusted, but still the western technologies are a little bit better. Therefore, you have to keep some sort of balance between eastern and western suppliers.
Egypt has some trust issues with western countries at time of war. Their politics will not always favor the Egyptian side and in this case your neck will be under their knees if you have only one nation to depend on and you need to resupply your arms. For this reason, Egypt followed the diversification policy for its sources of weapons. The EAF for example right now includes jets from USA, Russia, France China and Italy (the EU). The same applies for air defense systems and the Egyptian Navy, ships from France, Italy, Germany, EU, Russia, and China, and submarines from Germany, China, and other suppliers to come.

Russia and China are more trusted, but still the western technologies are a little bit better. Therefore, you have to keep some sort of balance between eastern and western suppliers.
While I totally agree with you and pretty much the same reason we didn't go with the F-16 Blk-70/72 (Aka F-21) for our future contract, your inventory is a bit too diverse which may strain supply chain, procurement of spares and maintenance something our airforce has suffered in the past resulting in low availability rates. Our Navy is much ahead since almost all platforms except for a few subs are indigenously designed and built at local shipyards.

The issue with Russian systems is they're maintenance intensive and spares suppliers aren't on par with their western counterparts. EAF has all the potent fighter jets this world could offer, Su-35 and Mig-35 both could be procured since they're of different weight class. IMO, going for additional Rafales would be a wiser option over EFT since both are of the same weight class and similar capabilities except that additional Rafales could help in keeping commonality and uniformity among your fleet, eliminate the learning curve of procuring an entirely new fighter, reduce maintenance and spares cost
Egypt could have had a fleet of 100 rafales or su-35s but it chooses to get a few dozen here and there.

You're right, but may be there are some tasks to be accomplished on the short term that require the acquisition of both types of fighters, and then you can increase the numbers with time as you want.

1. What the hell does Egypt need all this for?
2. Where did they get all that money?
3. Can they beat Turkey or Israel in a war?

If Egypt loses another war with F16, Rafale, Su-35, and Eurofighter, they Egyptian military is truly incompetent.

Israel had and will always have the superiority in air force over the entire nations in the middle east. This is guaranteed by the US and even the European and eastern nations. That's why Egypt has the 4th largest F-16 fleet in the world without AIM-120, while Israel has the 2nd largest fleet of F-16 with one of its best variants fully equipped fighters (SOFA), in addition to the F-15's and recently the F-35's.

Even Russia guarantees the same as the presence of Israel services their favors and arms trade to this region of the world, and what they do with the Syrians who have only outdated Mig-29's while they are constantly attacked by the Israelis is the best evidence of that. Even when they sent S-300 and S-400 to Syria, they did not allow the Syrians to use it.

But, who cares? Egypt faced the Israeli Mirages and F-4 phantoms in 1973 with Mig-17's and still the Israelis were the ones who cried to the Americans to conduct the "Nickel Grass Operation" to save their entity instead of using nuclear weapons as a last resort. Therefore, we don't care for the arms' supremacy while dealing with any threat, we only aim to narrow the gap.

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