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Italy to soon approve the MEGA defence deal with Egypt

With all these contract comes a major stipulation that is written in bold letters and has it's own section of multiple pages within the contract that spares are to be supplied at all times whenever requested. This is a standard, operating procedure that comes with every single military contract that any country signs with any other country. There's only one reason why certain countries buy the military equipment of other countries, and that is to go to war if need be. With that comes a stipulation for the weapons and for a standard list of items that wear out a lot quicker than others, such as hydraulics, brakes, certain electrical items and so on. Most of the things that are needed in time of war are the weapons since those get used up rather quickly and those are typically Item #1 on the list of stipulation for necessity to provide in time of war.

Our last war with Israel, the Soviet Union replaced a lot of the weapons as they got used and they got used like crazy, especially the Atoll missile for the MiG-21 as well as the Sagger anti-tank weapon because Egyptian soldiers were more responsible for knocking out the majority of the 400 or so Israeli tanks laying on the ground and firing the SAGGER and guiding it to the tank and knocking it out.

In this case, the French don't supply Israel or Turkey or any of the direct/inderect potential enemies to Egypt and so that's one of the big reasons they even agreed to supply the Rafale jet and it's weapons (including 50 of the SCALP cruise missiles). Russia, with the MiG-35 and soon the Su-35 wont have any issues in supplying parts or weapons for any of those jets and like I said before, there's a lot of spares that are pre-stocked ahead of time so that there is no delay. Some of the parts are eventually made in Egypt to sustain the readiness of these aircraft, such as several parts of the F-16. And so on and so forth.

You also have to understand that in Egypt, things don't work like the average countries as far as military budget. The Egyptian military has it's own source of income and budget separate from the standard economy of the country. That's why it's able to pull off a lot of these mega deals and purchases. The economy is not as bad as you would think, either. You should check out the Projects and industrialization thread in the ME section that @The SC opened. It's pretty eye-opening for someone who only sees what it stated in the media or on social circles. Also, technical point of view is more than welcome. It's the trolling, mockery and hatred that is not tolerated so you're perfectly fine, and I appreciate it.

Maybe Egyptian Military Supply chain can manage it. Here in Pakistan. We always had Three main Stores and Supply chains for fighter jets as far as i remember. But each Jet is procured in pretty large numbers.
The F7 Stores (Around 200 Aircrafts)
The Mirage Stores (Around 250 of IIIs and Vs)
And the F16 Stores (Around 85). F16 ones were considered the most prestigious and sought after. ("Store" is like a layman term here for whole supply chain)
And from past two decades, JF17 Stores are also added. Technicians are recruited separately for each aircraft maintenance chain.
And BTW, Why would a Pakistani Hate Egypt? o_O
Is their a dispute between our countries that i am not aware of?
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