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Italy to soon approve the MEGA defence deal with Egypt

Uncle Salman is feeding your people mate and without him your country would have been bankrupted. Sorry for that, but it seems that you know nothing about your economic status. You can ask him also for some fighters instead of the small number of F-16s you have as long as he pays for other countries. The Saudis says they are the main reason and main finance supplier for your nuclear bomb and they are the ones who prevented India from eating you by doing that.
Seems I touched a raw nerve, so here are some pics of Your Horus Mirages in France prior to delivery. A little bit of salt for your wounds :lol::lol::lol:
Saudi_Mirage_5SDE - Copy.jpg
Saudi_Mirage_5SDD - Copy.jpg

Saudis have been bailing out your sorry behinds for ages, so dont know why you are sitting on a high horse.

As for our nuclear program, Irrespective of who paid for what, we have a very credible 3 tier nuclear umbrella. We made something out of ourselves, whereas all you guys did is take their money and flip and flop.

Now run a long, and stop acting like a retard pharaoh.
Italy has given the go-ahead for the sale of the two Fremm frigates to Egypt in these hours. ANSA learns this from qualified sources close to the dossier. The agreement between Rome and Cairo would have arrived just yesterday following the phone call between the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the Egyptian leader at Sisi. The same sources report that the decision would have already been shared with the top management of Fincantieri.
Seems I touched a raw nerve, so here are some pics of Your Horus Mirages in France prior to delivery. A little bit of salt for your wounds :lol::lol::lol:
View attachment 639608 View attachment 639609

Saudis have been bailing out your sorry behinds for ages, so dont know why you are sitting on a high horse.

As for our nuclear program, Irrespective of who paid for what, we have a very credible 3 tier nuclear umbrella. We made something out of ourselves, whereas all you guys did is take their money and flip and flop.

Now run a long, and stop acting like a retard pharaoh.

Thanks to Uncle Salman if he is actually buying us tons of ships, LHDs, submarines and fighter jets from allover the world, may be even more than what he buys for his own nation <3 :yahoo:

But Horus mirages? :D good point that you mentioned them, because we heard that they were going to Pakistan after their retirement to support their air force. It seems that uncle Salman is not generous enough to buy you some modern equipment instead of those old fighters. The Pakis filling KSA did not exert enough efforts to convince uncle Salman how it's important to support their devastated economy.


As for our nuclear program, Irrespective of who paid for what, we have a very credible 3 tier nuclear umbrella. We made something out of ourselves, whereas all you guys did is take their money and flip and flop.

The best is yet to come. Long Live Egypt :dance3:
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Exciting news if true, I'm not well informed on military matters but it makes sense for them since they will not be sold the F35. Israel is getting 100 total or more F35 Jets to complement F15 and F16's. Egypt cannot go that route and is procuring Russian, french and European Jets.

@Gomig-21 @The SC

Did Egypt already received the Rafale and Mig29 or Su35(don't remember which one it was)? They still have more on the way, correct?
The best is yet to come. Long Live Egypt :dance3:
Yes...The same sources confirmed that the decision was already shared with the senior management of Fincantieri Marine Industries and Shipbuilding.

This contract is a prelude to a long-term strategic military cooperation between Egypt and Italy that may include moving forward in signing the following armament contracts during the coming period:

- 4 FREMM frigates to be built specifically for Egypt (the contract may include the transfer of construction technology locally ).

- 20 PPA launch / multi-mission ship (type has not been determined yet) + transfer of technology to build locally in the Egyptian marine arsenal.

- 24 Eurofighter Typhoon fighter.

- 24 Aermacchi M-346 light combat and advanced training aircraft (OCU / Light Combat Aircraft LCA).

- 1 SAR satellite (Radar Imaging Satellite).

These contracts will be the responsibility of Fincantieri Shipbuilding, Leonardo Aerospace, Defense and Security Industries and MBDA for the missile and ammunition industries.


Exciting news if true, I'm not well informed on military matters but it makes sense for them since they will not be sold the F35. Israel is getting 100 total or more F35 Jets to complement F15 and F16's. Egypt cannot go that route and is procuring Russian, french and European Jets.

@Gomig-21 @The SC

Did Egypt already received the Rafale and Mig29 or Su35(don't remember which one it was)? They still have more on the way, correct?
Yes.. all Rafale and Mig-35 (29 M-M2 name was dropped by the manufacturer..the original name was MIG-31) were delivered..2 or 4 SU-35 are to be delivered this year and the rest up till 2023..
Thanks to Uncle Salman if he is actually buying us tons of ships, LHDs, submarines and fighter jets from allover the world, may be even more than what he buys for his own nation <3 :yahoo:

But Horus mirages? :D good point that you mentioned them, because we heard that they were going to Pakistan after their retirement to support their air force. It seems that uncle Salman is not generous enough to buy you some modern equipment instead of those old fighters. The Pakis filling KSA did not exert enough efforts to convince uncle Salman how it's important to support their devastated economy.

You wonderfully deflected but did not answer this:

Saudis have been bailing out your sorry behinds for ages, so dont know why you are sitting on a high horse.

As for our nuclear program, Irrespective of who paid for what, we have a very credible 3 tier nuclear umbrella. We made something out of ourselves, whereas all you guys did is take their money and flip and flop.
Waiting for you to return with another round of whataboutism.

Saudi friends and news from allover the world say that uncle Salman's predecessors paid for it. How a starving country with devastated economy can pay for anything? no way. However, you were so ungrateful to your uncle.

Hate you burst your bubble, but Pakistan was never starving or a devastated economy, unlike Egypt. But you continue to live in your fantasy world.
You wonderfully deflected but did not answer this:

Waiting for you to return with another round of whataboutism.

Hate you burst your bubble, but Pakistan was never starving or a devastated economy, unlike Egypt. But you continue to live in your fantasy world.
Why always this D**k measurement when it comes to Arabs?
We are most happy when we hear Pakistan got this or that, or doing well..and feel sad when there are sad events there..
We don't expect these childish comments from Pakistani brothers..certainly not from Professionals or think thanks..you all should know better than rookies..
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Why always this D**k measurement when it comes to Arabs?
We are most happy when we hear Pakistan got this or that, or doing well..and feel sad when there are sad events there..
We don't expect these childish comments from Pakistani brothers..certainly not from a Professionals or think thanks..you all should know better than rookies..
You should ask this question to the mini-pharoh that has gone apeshit.

Go through my posts, and you will see I have always given a balanced reply, but this guy .......
Just an advice: don't be Jack of all, master of none.

P.S. Do Egyptian navy favors other fighter plane or their air force is responsible for naval aerial security as well like PAF.
The PPA parts, which some sources say Egypt contracted is the light version, it can carry an armament including 32 CAAM-ER surface-to-air missiles with a range of 45 km positively directed by radar .... a very modern missile that Britain and Italy depend on to protect some of its ships. ... the other version (Full and Light + versions) iclude only 16 Esther missiles.

CAAM-ER surface-to-air missiles

PPA 20

PPA 20 does not make sense though for 3 reasons:

1- The leaks published regarding the expected deal stated that they are patrol boats, and the character of a patrol boat does not apply to a ship of 5000 tons displacement and is armed in addition to surface-to-surface missiles with medium to long-range air defense as in the case of PPA 20, as the foregoing applies to Frigates.

2- The ship's $300 million is not commensurate with the expected contract price of 9 billion euros, do not forget that this includes the prices of the Bergamini frigates, Typhoon and training aircraft in addition to ammunition.

"In May 2015, the Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation (OCCAR) awarded a €3.5bn ($3.89bn) multi-year contract to a consortium of Fincantieri and Finmeccanica (now Leonardo) for the construction of six PPAs3".

- The time of delivery, as by measuring the length of time it takes Corvettes such as Gowind, with a displacement of 2500 tons, for example, to manufacture and integrate various weapon, electronic and radar systems and sailing experiences until delivery takes more than a year, then manufacturing a ship such as PPA 20 will take time until entry into service, in no case less than two years.. that means 40 years for 20 ships!?..It is just not logical.. but who knows.. if it is true it would propulse the Egyptian navy to even greater heights..

But another source mentioned the type of 20 OPV/IPV of Italian style made for UAE with ToT
This would also be a very excellent Ship and a more logical to acquire.. It comes with:

- The NA-30S which is an ORION RTN-30X radar and an electro-optical camera for tracking and handling low flying targets such as Sea Skimming missiles.

- The KRONOS 3D NV in 3D with a range of 180 km

- 4 Exocet missiles

- 6 Mica missiles, vertically launched

- 1 main gun of the OTO Melara 62/76 Super Rapid

- 2 12.7mm OTO Melara remotely controlled

2 class
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You should ask this question to the mini-pharoh that has gone apeshit.

Go through my posts, and you will see I have always given a balanced reply, but this guy .......
Your own posts are usually well balanced.. but look at others' posts.. they are really offensive and provocative..with a lot of false claims and hateful comments depicting negativism and complexes..those posts should be deleted since their purpose is to derail otherwise nice, positive, interesting and good threads..
This nice forum should not be a psychiatric asylum for sick minded people to spit they poisonous thoughts..that are mostly hurting them..
We as Arabs and Muslims have an old saying that Al Qafila (The Convoy) goes on, while the dogs are barking.. So no need for this BS on an otherwise professional and nice Military forum..It does not hurt us ..at all.. we just laugh about these comments sometimes.. because they are really ignorants comments..

The good news is that Egypt will still manufacture the J-17 blk 3 one of these days soon:

The idea of a dead Wing imagination (The Egyptian F-16s in this instance) will remain in the minds the Usraelis and their supporters only..

The SWFCS is a Chinese fire control system that allows the integration of Chinese ammunition into Western and Russian fighters.. it is an abbreviation for "Stand alone weapon and fire control system". It is like an interpret or hacking system of Western aircrafts computers..


The system allows the use of Chinese ammunition for air-to-air and air-to-surface combat on Western and Russian fighters..The system consists of GMME and is intended for ground systems and is an abbreviation for Ground Mission Management Equipment

The other system is PWC, that is a system that is installed in the cockpit in front of the pilot next to the vertical display system HUD ..it is called Portable wireless controller..

The system also consists of a launcher that is installed on the external suspension points and the installation of missiles and bombs with it

China has tested the SWFCS fire control system on Su-27 fighters..The system is provided by Catic and is available for export.

The system is easy to install and does not take long..
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Just an advice: don't be Jack of all, master of none.

P.S. Do Egyptian navy favors other fighter plane or their air force is responsible for naval aerial security as well like PAF.
No worries brother .. it is more like master of all ..jack of all..
Just an advice: don't be Jack of all, master of none.

P.S. Do Egyptian navy favors other fighter plane or their air force is responsible for naval aerial security as well like PAF.

Ok......Still there is no Pakistani troop in Yemen and there is no Pakistani nuke mounted MRBM in Saudi Missile Brigade.
While morally corrupt Pakistanis are feeding their 200 million with 6-7 billion dollars of Saudi LOAN, Brave Egyptians are boosting their self respect with 90+ billion dollars of Arab AID.

Gulf countries supported Egypt with $92bn since 2011

Sources in the Central Bank of Egypt told the New Khaleej news site that the Gulf countries’ support for Egypt included aid, grants, loans and deposits in the Central Bank on which interest is payable.

Saudi Arabia gave Egypt five deposits worth $8 billion while Saudi Aramco supplies Cairo with 700,000 tonnes of petroleum products each month through a Saudi loan of $23.5 billion for five years.

Egypt has received deposits from the UAE worth $6 billion, due to be repaid in installments until the end of 2023. The UAE has also supported the Egyptian economy with an $8.6 billion loan to finance the purchase of petroleum products.

Kuwait has deposited $4 billion into the Egyptian Central Bank to boost the country’s reserves.


They did the same with Pakistan and other Muslim countries..So what..
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