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Italy to soon approve the MEGA defence deal with Egypt

The Italian media has reported that the frigate deal is part of a much larger package that includes another four frigates, 20 corvettes based on the Falaj class that Fincantieri built for the United Arab Emirates, 24 Eurofighter Typhoon multirole jets, 24 M346 jet trainers, and a surveillance satellite.



But if it is 20 Multirole corvettes of the Doha class made for Qatar then it is greater


They will be fitted with:
  • 16 Aster 30 Block 1NT surface-to-air missiles by MBDA,
  • 8 Exocet MM40 Block 3 anti-ship missiles by MBDA,
  • a 76mm main gun and 2 Marlins remote weapons stations by Leonardo,
  • torpedo tubes
  • a RAM launcher (21 missiles) by Raytheon
  • 4 Sylena Mk2 decoy launchers by Lacroix

It has to be noted that the Aster 30 Block 1NT can intercept ballistic missiles up to a distance of 600 kilometers.
No one in their right mind would call the Egyptian military "efficient".....

Rafale, MIG-29, F-16, SU-35, Mirage 2000 and now Eurofighter. 6 different types......

Most of their US equipment is downgraded (no AMRAAMs for their F-16s) Israel ensures this.

They have really struggled to keep down rebels in Sinai and cannot even help defeat GNA in next door Libya and negligible in Yeman.

Great for parades and showing off new equipment.

I agree just too many different platform to support, each has different maintenance and operational cost. I would keep the F-16 as is. If I was making the decision, I would have only focused on 3 platforms, lightweight, Medium weight and heavyweight fighter jet.

lightweight: 60-120 JF-17 Block 3 (Multirole fighter)
Medium weight: 100 Eurofighter Typhoon or Dassault Rafale (Multirole fighter)
heavyweight: 100 SU-35 (Multirole fighter)
5th Generation fighter: Plane to acquire 5th Generation fighter between 2025-2030
Those twenty Falaj frigates(if thats what they are) Egypt is getting are fairly multirole and should be great for guarding shores, and operating with anti-ship missiles against threats.

The Egyptian parliament approved in its plenary session today, Monday, Presidential Decree No. 374 of 2020 approving two loan agreements between the Ministry of Defense, the Italian Export Development Authority (SACE), the Italian bank and financial institutions.

This is obviously for the $1.2 billion Italian 2 FREMM deal.. and since it says 2 loan agreements.. we can assume the other is the $10 billion for more weapon systems.. too
Egypt looks like Greec back in the day, ther was a time Greec had the upperhand with weapons. Turkey have invested in local defence insteed of buying it, and in the end Greec was bankrupted. Greec can not maintain current fleet ships and fighters, let alone Egypt will be capable:-). Go buy it and don't stop....:turkey:
Egypt looks like Greec back in the day, ther was a time Greec had the upperhand with weapons. Turkey have invested in local defence insteed of buying it, and in the end Greec was bankrupted. Greec can not maintain current fleet ships and fighters, let alone Egypt will be capable:-). Go buy it and don't stop....:turkey:

Egypt was not getting what it needs from the US, they considered it as a danger on their babies in the region. Mubarak didn’t show too much resistance, but Al-Sisi is showing. Fully armed SU-35, Antey 2500 and other systems are just examples. This has nothing to do with Greece. Also, Israel should’ve helped Greece with local production just as it helped other nations.
Egypt was not getting what it needs from the US, they considered it as a danger on their babies in the region. Mubarak didn’t show too much resistance, but Al-Sisi is showing. Fully armed SU-35, Antey 2500 and other systems are just examples. This has nothing to do with Greece. Also, Israel should’ve helped Greece with local production just as it helped other nations.
Still ..even Mubarak has helped big time in getting.. the Carbon-Carbon and precision guidance system for Egypt's long range missiles worked on since the 50's.. produced for a while now in Egypt .. and all of them tested in North Korea.. that is the "Ma khafia kana Arzam"! .. So Mubarak was good somehow on the strategic level.. Now Sissi is proving to be all that!.. on a strategic, operational and tactical level as well.. like if he was sent from Heaven directly to Egypt and the Arab world..
F16, Rafael, Mirage 2000, Su 35, Mig 29 and now Euro fighter Typhoon as per this report. Whats wrong with these people. How will you manage supply chains and maintenance in case of a major conflict?
The Italian media has reported that the frigate deal is part of a much larger package that includes another four frigates, 20 corvettes based on the Falaj class that Fincantieri built for the United Arab Emirates, 24 Eurofighter Typhoon multirole jets, 24 M346 jet trainers, and a surveillance satellite.



But if it is 20 Multirole corvettes of the Doha class made for Qatar then it is greater


They will be fitted with:
  • 16 Aster 30 Block 1NT surface-to-air missiles by MBDA,
  • 8 Exocet MM40 Block 3 anti-ship missiles by MBDA,
  • a 76mm main gun and 2 Marlins remote weapons stations by Leonardo,
  • torpedo tubes
  • a RAM launcher (21 missiles) by Raytheon
  • 4 Sylena Mk2 decoy launchers by Lacroix

It has to be noted that the Aster 30 Block 1NT can intercept ballistic missiles up to a distance of 600 kilometers.
This company seriously knows how to design ships.
Egypt was not getting what it needs from the US, they considered it as a danger on their babies in the region. Mubarak didn’t show too much resistance, but Al-Sisi is showing. Fully armed SU-35, Antey 2500 and other systems are just examples. This has nothing to do with Greece. Also, Israel should’ve helped Greece with local production just as it helped other nations.

Russian fighters are the most expensive fighers in the world with maintainces, yes buy all that toys. All that weapon will be wasted in the end, how many billions can you afford to feed the machine?
Those twenty Falaj frigates(if thats what they are) Egypt is getting are fairly multirole and should be great for guarding shores, and operating with anti-ship missiles against threats.

Hey man, we miss you and your great posts around here so hurry up and finish that ban and get your *** back here to put the lemmings in check like you do so well! :enjoy:

F16, Rafael, Mirage 2000, Su 35, Mig 29 and now Euro fighter Typhoon as per this report. Whats wrong with these people. How will you manage supply chains and maintenance in case of a major conflict?

Easily. Nothing wrong with "us people" because we've been using multi platforms for decades now and in this day and age, jets are much more advanced in their upkeeping and maintenance that it actually simplifies the workload on care and especially maintenance and repair. Oh and it's RAFALE not Rafael. The latter is some Israeli firm and no relation to the Gust.

Prior to this modernization, we had:
1) 220 F-16 (American)
2) 20/40 Mirage 2000 (French)
3) 100 +/- MiG-21 (Russian)
4) 60 +/- F-7 AIRGUARD (Chinese)
5) 80 Mirage V (French)
6) K-8E (Chinese/Pakistani)
7) Alpha Jets (French)
9) L-159E (Czech Republic)

After Modernization:
1) 217 F-16 (American)
2) 20/40 Mirage 2000 (French)
3) 24 Rafale (French)
4) 46 MiG-35 (Russian)
5) 26 Su-35 (Russian)
6) Possibly the Typhoon although the French have invited us back to the table to possibly discuss more Rafales and so if that happens, the Typhoon will probably be taken out of the Italian deal.

So what's the problem? How much difference is there and how radical is it?
Hey man, we miss you and your great posts around here so hurry up and finish that ban and get your *** back here to put the lemmings in check like you do so well! :enjoy:

Easily. Nothing wrong with "us people" because we've been using multi platforms for decades now and in this day and age, jets are much more advanced in their upkeeping and maintenance that it actually simplifies the workload on care and especially maintenance and repair. Oh and it's RAFALE not Rafael. The latter is some Israeli firm and no relation to the Gust.

Prior to this modernization, we had:
1) 220 F-16 (American)
2) 20/40 Mirage 2000 (French)
3) 100 +/- MiG-21 (Russian)
4) 60 +/- F-7 AIRGUARD (Chinese)
5) 80 Mirage V (French)
6) K-8E (Chinese/Pakistani)
7) Alpha Jets (French)
9) L-159E (Czech Republic)

After Modernization:
1) 217 F-16 (American)
2) 20/40 Mirage 2000 (French)
3) 24 Rafale (French)
4) 46 MiG-35 (Russian)
5) 26 Su-35 (Russian)
6) Possibly the Typhoon although the French have invited us back to the table to possibly discuss more Rafales and so if that happens, the Typhoon will probably be taken out of the Italian deal.

So what's the problem? How much difference is there and how radical is it?
Keeping Supplies, Stores, Infrastructure and Maintenance crews for so many Imported off the shelf Jets is that simple?
I suppose none of these Top of the line jets are JV produced in Egypt. Plus Egyptian Economy is also not top of the line.
Just technical Point of View.
Keeping Supplies, Stores, Infrastructure and Maintenance crews for so many Imported off the shelf Jets is that simple?

With all these contract comes a major stipulation that is written in bold letters and has it's own section of multiple pages within the contract that spares are to be supplied at all times whenever requested. This is a standard, operating procedure that comes with every single military contract that any country signs with any other country. There's only one reason why certain countries buy the military equipment of other countries, and that is to go to war if need be. With that comes a stipulation for the weapons and for a standard list of items that wear out a lot quicker than others, such as hydraulics, brakes, certain electrical items and so on. Most of the things that are needed in time of war are the weapons since those get used up rather quickly and those are typically Item #1 on the list of stipulation for necessity to provide in time of war.

Our last war with Israel, the Soviet Union replaced a lot of the weapons as they got used and they got used like crazy, especially the Atoll missile for the MiG-21 as well as the Sagger anti-tank weapon because Egyptian soldiers were more responsible for knocking out the majority of the 400 or so Israeli tanks laying on the ground and firing the SAGGER and guiding it to the tank and knocking it out.

In this case, the French don't supply Israel or Turkey or any of the direct/inderect potential enemies to Egypt and so that's one of the big reasons they even agreed to supply the Rafale jet and it's weapons (including 50 of the SCALP cruise missiles). Russia, with the MiG-35 and soon the Su-35 wont have any issues in supplying parts or weapons for any of those jets and like I said before, there's a lot of spares that are pre-stocked ahead of time so that there is no delay. Some of the parts are eventually made in Egypt to sustain the readiness of these aircraft, such as several parts of the F-16. And so on and so forth.

I suppose none of these Top of the line jets are JV produced in Egypt. Plus Egyptian Economy is also not top of the line.
Just technical Point of View.

You also have to understand that in Egypt, things don't work like the average countries as far as military budget. The Egyptian military has it's own source of income and budget separate from the standard economy of the country. That's why it's able to pull off a lot of these mega deals and purchases. The economy is not as bad as you would think, either. You should check out the Projects and industrialization thread in the ME section that @The SC opened. It's pretty eye-opening for someone who only sees what it stated in the media or on social circles. Also, technical point of view is more than welcome. It's the trolling, mockery and hatred that is not tolerated so you're perfectly fine, and I appreciate it.
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