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Italy to soon approve the MEGA defence deal with Egypt

A broke and poor country making defence acquisitions like a trillion-dollar economy. Just doesn't seems right.

To make matters worse. The acquisitions seem sporadic without an overall strategy. No integrated warfare capabilities, just shiny expensive single unit war machines.

Feed your people instead of this moronic behaviour.

A broke and poor country? How do you know that Egypt is a broke and poor country? Did you have any actual and statistical knowledge of the state of Egypt's finances before making that degrading and quite evidently an uneducated comment? Show me where you get that info that has you so blindly biased against Egypt? Are you aware of what Egypt's GDP is? Or even the progression since the revolution and the from 2013 with the new government to see any pattern? The strength of its current and predicted economy? Predicted oil and especially gas reserves vs GDP? Better yet, any idea what projects are being built for the people in Egypt? I'll tell you what, to start your education, take a look at the maps below so you get a basic, preliminary understanding (since pictures are easier for people who are somewhat unaware of the facts) and in reality, are simply biased and full of hatred towards Egypt for some known and unknown reasons. Let's take a look at the maps below.

Sisi is doing what he was chosen to do, make Egypt impotent. majority of members irrespective of nationality agree that their acquisitions don't make any sense..

And you know more about what makes sense for Egypt than the entire Egyptian military brass? LMFAO!!! Come owwn, maaaaaaan! :lol: I've seen your posts for a few years now and you have the pro-MB/super pro-Turkish outlook and have nothing but anti-Sisi/Egyptian rhetoric to spew all the time. So I won't waste too much time with you since I've already done that.

Granted this is from 2011 but that's even better because the situation was actually much worst then and only a few months into the revolution which practically destroyed the economy.

So at arguably the worst time of the Egyptian economy, it was at 1.01% - 5.00% of the population living in extreme poverty. Let's look at other countries with the same ratio as a comparison because if Egypt gets labeled that way, then these other countries should as well, right? It only makes sense.

1) Pakistan?!?!?! No!? Ooof, the irony
2) Mexico
3) Brazil
4) Italy and some other countries like Iraq, Jordan etc. you can see for yourself.
But the interesting part is the next level which is only a difference of anywhere between 1% & 5% are countries like Iran, Algeria, China, the great and all powerful USA with a military budget that is greater than the next 6 COMBINED!!!!! lol oh and Turkey, Canada etc. So the disparity, interestingly enough, is not that great from one country at 1-5 percent and those at .01 to 1 percent. How about that for some sobering perspectives? Everything is relative but you folks aren't capable of seeing the big picture and only focus narrowly because the hatred inside you is so overwhelming, it clouds your judgment.


Let's take a look at 2019 military spending as a share of GDP since you folks brought up the people in poverty, and so that means GDP needs to be scrutinized. So where is Egypt at? What.....less than Pakistan?!?!?! How is that for some sobering statistics?


Let's take a look at the hunger map for 2018. Egypt is on par with TURKEY? The United States, ALL OF EUROPE and...well, you can see for yourself and get some education instead of talking without knowing so it doesn't come back and bite you like this and show your lack of understanding, but more importantly the unfortunate & evident hatred towards Egypt. It's really too bad.


No one in their right mind would call the Egyptian military "efficient".....

And what are your qualifications? Care to list them?

Rafale, MIG-29, F-16, SU-35, Mirage 2000 and now Eurofighter. 6 different types......

Yeah, so what? We've flown F-16s, F-4Es, Mirage 5s, Mirage 2000s, MiG-21s, J-7s (6 types from the US, French, Russian and Chinese) the whole time before these acquisitions (that was a period of over 30 years!) and those are older and much less equipped and actually more difficult to not only keep flying, but to upgrade and make efficient. All these new aircraft are actually MUCH easier to learn on, to upkeep and to teach because the technology is much more developed and user-friendly. Ergonomics are much better making systems much more user-friendly and easier. Integration becomes much easier because of the software and hardware capabilities and their interchangeability and so on and so forth. See, you people don't take the little and side-lines yet all important details into consideration for some bizarre reason. Why is that? Is it because you have a certain dislike for Egypt that you just shoot from the hip with so much ignorance, or were you genuinely unaware? Problem is, either way, it will always come back and bite you in the behind.

Most of their US equipment is downgraded (no AMRAAMs for their F-16s) Israel ensures this.

AHA!!! So what do we do, Mr. know-it-all? Stay with the same downgraded crap or go buy other better and non-downgraded jets? lol.....:lol: See what I mean by your own comments and ignorance coming back and biting you in the behind?

They have really struggled to keep down rebels in Sinai.

So the rebels whom are in a section about 40 square kilometres off the border of Gaza and without razing 3 towns and displacing well over 100,000 people, it's actually not an easy thing to do but maybe you can teach us since you seem to know better. Care to teach us? Do you know what 3 towns and where they are exactly and what it would take to -- in your own words --- "keep down the rebels in Sinai" which obviously is not all of Sinai and maybe a portion that is less than 3% of it. How much of ISIS' Sinai province is actually still a force after the military incursion? What is the network in relation to Gaza? How would you cut that off completely without people screaming that you're being inhumane? Do you know the answers to all these questions? Do tell us, please.

cannot even help defeat GNA in next door Libya and negligible in Yeman.

Ah, so it's Egypt's fault that the LNA is not destroying the GNA when that wasn't even the priority for the support of Haftar and the LNA which was primarily to ensure the western border to Egypt is secured from scum terrorist entering our country as well as killing Egyptians in Libya, especially Coptic Egyptians and both of those have actually worked out really well after initial setbacks. Other than that, this is hardly an Egyptian military campaign but I suppose the haters might as well throw it in there lol. You must've also missed all the footage of Egyptian aerial attacks destroying thousands of cretin scum trying to enter Egypt though the border only to be pulverized by EAF-F-16s and Wingloong UAVs. A lot of footage of that stuff on the Egyptian military thread you should go educate yourself. So I would say that the Egyptian military has done extremely well at protecting its border which is the priority to the support of the LNA.

and negligible in Yeman.

3 EAF F-16 doing mostly recon and intelligence gathering is the extent of Egypt's involvement in Yemen loooool. But hey, might as well throw that in also. :lol: Crazy.

Why is a British guy with a Pakistani/Arabic username so hateful of Egypt? I get a bit curious when I see people like you pop up every once in a while.

some Italian reports said that it will be 20 corvettes ...!!:o: That will be built in Egypt... and it costs 300 millions USD / piece.
With 8 Surface- surface Missiles
16 Virtical launch cells ( Aster 15/30 )

just like tha Qataris ...

I saw that also and if that is the case, imagine all the jobs that will be created in the shipyards LOL! Mesh momkin el bahdala de.

The good part about this is that if they are the equivalent of the current 4 Gowinds, then that would make quite the arsenal wow. And if not and they were referring to the OPV's, even that would be quite substantial to increase the modernization of the fleet and replace a lot of the older ships. So either way, the fact that all of them will be built in Egypt and even if they're boats of either category, it's a win/win InshaAllah. :tup:
A broke and poor country? How do you know that Egypt is a broke and poor country? Did you have any actual and statistical knowledge of the state of Egypt's finances before making that degrading and quite evidently an uneducated comment? Show me where you get that info that has you so blindly biased against Egypt? Are you aware of what Egypt's GDP is? Or even the progression since the revolution and the from 2013 with the new government to see any pattern? The strength of its current and predicted economy? Predicted oil and especially gas reserves vs GDP? Better yet, any idea what projects are being built for the people in Egypt? I'll tell you what, to start your education, take a look at the maps below so you get a basic, preliminary understanding (since pictures are easier for people who are somewhat unaware of the facts) and in reality, are simply biased and full of hatred towards Egypt for some known and unknown reasons. Let's take a look at the maps below.

And you know more about what makes sense for Egypt than the entire Egyptian military brass? LMFAO!!! Come owwn, maaaaaaan! :lol: I've seen your posts for a few years now and you have the pro-MB/super pro-Turkish outlook and have nothing but anti-Sisi/Egyptian rhetoric to spew all the time. So I won't waste too much time with you since I've already done that.

Granted this is from 2011 but that's even better because the situation was actually much worst then and only a few months into the revolution which practically destroyed the economy.

So at arguably the worst time of the Egyptian economy, it was at 1.01% - 5.00% of the population living in extreme poverty. Let's look at other countries with the same ratio as a comparison because if Egypt gets labeled that way, then these other countries should as well, right? It only makes sense.

1) Pakistan?!?!?! No!? Ooof, the irony
2) Mexico
3) Brazil
4) Italy and some other countries like Iraq, Jordan etc. you can see for yourself.
But the interesting part is the next level which is only a difference of anywhere between 1% & 5% are countries like Iran, Algeria, China, the great and all powerful USA with a military budget that is greater than the next 6 COMBINED!!!!! lol oh and Turkey, Canada etc. So the disparity, interestingly enough, is not that great from one country at 1-5 percent and those at .01 to 1 percent. How about that for some sobering perspectives? Everything is relative but you folks aren't capable of seeing the big picture and only focus narrowly because the hatred inside you is so overwhelming, it clouds your judgment.

View attachment 639059

Let's take a look at 2019 military spending as a share of GDP since you folks brought up the people in poverty, and so that means GDP needs to be scrutinized. So where is Egypt at? What.....less than Pakistan?!?!?! How is that for some sobering statistics?

View attachment 639060

Let's take a look at the hunger map for 2018. Egypt is on par with TURKEY? The United States, ALL OF EUROPE and...well, you can see for yourself and get some education instead of talking without knowing so it doesn't come back and bite you like this and show your lack of understanding, but more importantly the unfortunate & evident hatred towards Egypt. It's really too bad.

View attachment 639061

And what are your qualifications? Care to list them?

Yeah, so what? We've flown F-16s, F-4Es, Mirage 5s, Mirage 2000s, MiG-21s, J-7s (6 types from the US, French, Russian and Chinese) the whole time before these acquisitions (that was a period of over 30 years!) and those are older and much less equipped and actually more difficult to not only keep flying, but to upgrade and make efficient. All these new aircraft are actually MUCH easier to learn on, to upkeep and to teach because the technology is much more developed and user-friendly. Ergonomics are much better making systems much more user-friendly and easier. Integration becomes much easier because of the software and hardware capabilities and their interchangeability and so on and so forth. See, you people don't take the little and side-lines yet all important details into consideration for some bizarre reason. Why is that? Is it because you have a certain dislike for Egypt that you just shoot from the hip with so much ignorance, or were you genuinely unaware? Problem is, either way, it will always come back and bite you in the behind.

AHA!!! So what do we do, Mr. know-it-all? Stay with the same downgraded crap or go buy other better and non-downgraded jets? lol.....:lol: See what I mean by your own comments and ignorance coming back and biting you in the behind?

So the rebels whom are in a section about 40 square kilometres off the border of Gaza and without razing 3 towns and displacing well over 100,000 people, it's actually not an easy thing to do but maybe you can teach us since you seem to know better. Care to teach us? Do you know what 3 towns and where they are exactly and what it would take to -- in your own words --- "keep down the rebels in Sinai" which obviously is not all of Sinai and maybe a portion that is less than 3% of it. How much of ISIS' Sinai province is actually still a force after the military incursion? What is the network in relation to Gaza? How would you cut that off completely without people screaming that you're being inhumane? Do you know the answers to all these questions? Do tell us, please.

Ah, so it's Egypt's fault that the LNA is not destroying the GNA when that wasn't even the priority for the support of Haftar and the LNA which was primarily to ensure the western border to Egypt is secured from scum terrorist entering our country as well as killing Egyptians in Libya, especially Coptic Egyptians and both of those have actually worked out really well after initial setbacks. Other than that, this is hardly an Egyptian military campaign but I suppose the haters might as well throw it in there lol. You must've also missed all the footage of Egyptian aerial attacks destroying thousands of cretin scum trying to enter Egypt though the border only to be pulverized by EAF-F-16s and Wingloong UAVs. A lot of footage of that stuff on the Egyptian military thread you should go educate yourself. So I would say that the Egyptian military has done extremely well at protecting its border which is the priority to the support of the LNA.

3 EAF F-16 doing mostly recon and intelligence gathering is the extent of Egypt's involvement in Yemen loooool. But hey, might as well throw that in also. :lol: Crazy.

Why is a British guy with a Pakistani/Arabic username so hateful of Egypt? I get a bit curious when I see people like you pop up every once in a while.

I saw that also and if that is the case, imagine all the jobs that will be created in the shipyards LOL! Mesh momkin el bahdala de.

The good part about this is that if they are the equivalent of the current 4 Gowinds, then that would make quite the arsenal wow. And if not and they were referring to the OPV's, even that would be quite substantial to increase the modernization of the fleet and replace a lot of the older ships. So either way, the fact that all of them will be built in Egypt and even if they're boats of either category, it's a win/win InshaAllah. :tup:
These guys call themselves Muslims!?
But as soon as they see a Muslim country arming itself with modern and potent weapons..they get heart attacks, jealousy crises, poisonous tongues, and sick hearts....everything but Islam's spirit.. It is a pity to see them hurting themselves this much..
Sounds very interesting. They should have purchased JF17 Block 3 from Pakistan , Ships from Turkey and satellites from China.

Lol who do you think they are buying these against?

Egypt is basicaly an army with a dysfunctional state at this point. Its a shame relations are strained because cooperation between Turkey and Egypt would have been extremely benefitial for both sides.
Lol who do you think they are buying these against?

Egypt is basicaly an army with a dysfunctional state at this point. Its a shame relations are strained because cooperation between Turkey and Egypt would have been extremely benefitial for both sides.
Seems more like wishful thinking..and sounds like talking about your state of affairs..
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A broke and poor country? How do you know that Egypt is a broke and poor country? Did you have any actual and statistical knowledge of the state of Egypt's finances before making that degrading and quite evidently an uneducated comment? Show me where you get that info that has you so blindly biased against Egypt? Are you aware of what Egypt's GDP is? Or even the progression since the revolution and the from 2013 with the new government to see any pattern? The strength of its current and predicted economy? Predicted oil and especially gas reserves vs GDP? Better yet, any idea what projects are being built for the people in Egypt? I'll tell you what, to start your education, take a look at the maps below so you get a basic, preliminary understanding (since pictures are easier for people who are somewhat unaware of the facts) and in reality, are simply biased and full of hatred towards Egypt for some known and unknown reasons. Let's take a look at the maps below.

And you know more about what makes sense for Egypt than the entire Egyptian military brass? LMFAO!!! Come owwn, maaaaaaan! :lol: I've seen your posts for a few years now and you have the pro-MB/super pro-Turkish outlook and have nothing but anti-Sisi/Egyptian rhetoric to spew all the time. So I won't waste too much time with you since I've already done that.

Granted this is from 2011 but that's even better because the situation was actually much worst then and only a few months into the revolution which practically destroyed the economy.

So at arguably the worst time of the Egyptian economy, it was at 1.01% - 5.00% of the population living in extreme poverty. Let's look at other countries with the same ratio as a comparison because if Egypt gets labeled that way, then these other countries should as well, right? It only makes sense.

1) Pakistan?!?!?! No!? Ooof, the irony
2) Mexico
3) Brazil
4) Italy and some other countries like Iraq, Jordan etc. you can see for yourself.
But the interesting part is the next level which is only a difference of anywhere between 1% & 5% are countries like Iran, Algeria, China, the great and all powerful USA with a military budget that is greater than the next 6 COMBINED!!!!! lol oh and Turkey, Canada etc. So the disparity, interestingly enough, is not that great from one country at 1-5 percent and those at .01 to 1 percent. How about that for some sobering perspectives? Everything is relative but you folks aren't capable of seeing the big picture and only focus narrowly because the hatred inside you is so overwhelming, it clouds your judgment.

View attachment 639059

Let's take a look at 2019 military spending as a share of GDP since you folks brought up the people in poverty, and so that means GDP needs to be scrutinized. So where is Egypt at? What.....less than Pakistan?!?!?! How is that for some sobering statistics?

View attachment 639060

Let's take a look at the hunger map for 2018. Egypt is on par with TURKEY? The United States, ALL OF EUROPE and...well, you can see for yourself and get some education instead of talking without knowing so it doesn't come back and bite you like this and show your lack of understanding, but more importantly the unfortunate & evident hatred towards Egypt. It's really too bad.

View attachment 639061

And what are your qualifications? Care to list them?

Yeah, so what? We've flown F-16s, F-4Es, Mirage 5s, Mirage 2000s, MiG-21s, J-7s (6 types from the US, French, Russian and Chinese) the whole time before these acquisitions (that was a period of over 30 years!) and those are older and much less equipped and actually more difficult to not only keep flying, but to upgrade and make efficient. All these new aircraft are actually MUCH easier to learn on, to upkeep and to teach because the technology is much more developed and user-friendly. Ergonomics are much better making systems much more user-friendly and easier. Integration becomes much easier because of the software and hardware capabilities and their interchangeability and so on and so forth. See, you people don't take the little and side-lines yet all important details into consideration for some bizarre reason. Why is that? Is it because you have a certain dislike for Egypt that you just shoot from the hip with so much ignorance, or were you genuinely unaware? Problem is, either way, it will always come back and bite you in the behind.

AHA!!! So what do we do, Mr. know-it-all? Stay with the same downgraded crap or go buy other better and non-downgraded jets? lol.....:lol: See what I mean by your own comments and ignorance coming back and biting you in the behind?

So the rebels whom are in a section about 40 square kilometres off the border of Gaza and without razing 3 towns and displacing well over 100,000 people, it's actually not an easy thing to do but maybe you can teach us since you seem to know better. Care to teach us? Do you know what 3 towns and where they are exactly and what it would take to -- in your own words --- "keep down the rebels in Sinai" which obviously is not all of Sinai and maybe a portion that is less than 3% of it. How much of ISIS' Sinai province is actually still a force after the military incursion? What is the network in relation to Gaza? How would you cut that off completely without people screaming that you're being inhumane? Do you know the answers to all these questions? Do tell us, please.

Ah, so it's Egypt's fault that the LNA is not destroying the GNA when that wasn't even the priority for the support of Haftar and the LNA which was primarily to ensure the western border to Egypt is secured from scum terrorist entering our country as well as killing Egyptians in Libya, especially Coptic Egyptians and both of those have actually worked out really well after initial setbacks. Other than that, this is hardly an Egyptian military campaign but I suppose the haters might as well throw it in there lol. You must've also missed all the footage of Egyptian aerial attacks destroying thousands of cretin scum trying to enter Egypt though the border only to be pulverized by EAF-F-16s and Wingloong UAVs. A lot of footage of that stuff on the Egyptian military thread you should go educate yourself. So I would say that the Egyptian military has done extremely well at protecting its border which is the priority to the support of the LNA.

3 EAF F-16 doing mostly recon and intelligence gathering is the extent of Egypt's involvement in Yemen loooool. But hey, might as well throw that in also. :lol: Crazy.

Why is a British guy with a Pakistani/Arabic username so hateful of Egypt? I get a bit curious when I see people like you pop up every once in a while.

I saw that also and if that is the case, imagine all the jobs that will be created in the shipyards LOL! Mesh momkin el bahdala de.

The good part about this is that if they are the equivalent of the current 4 Gowinds, then that would make quite the arsenal wow. And if not and they were referring to the OPV's, even that would be quite substantial to increase the modernization of the fleet and replace a lot of the older ships. So either way, the fact that all of them will be built in Egypt and even if they're boats of either category, it's a win/win InshaAllah. :tup:

So I have an Arabic name means I cannot comment on military affairs? I was going go reply to your points but then you seem to just let insults fly. I have dealt with Egyptians and you reverted to type. Congratulations.
And you know more about what makes sense for Egypt than the entire Egyptian military brass? LMFAO!!! Come owwn, maaaaaaan! :lol:

I don't know what your blabbering got to do with what I wrote, your Generals are notknown for professionalism and competence. I just stated what I observe on this thread. What most members irrespective of nationality thinks.

Pray tell me when was the last time you saw me cheering for Turkey, I am rarity in this forum who think Turkey Pakistan relations are transitional and will not be same when Erdogan leave power, just like I predicted Malaysia Pakistan relation won't be the same when Mahathir leave the power.

I said nothing about your money or resources.
Lol who do you think they are buying these against?

Egypt is basicaly an army with a dysfunctional state at this point. Its a shame relations are strained because cooperation between Turkey and Egypt would have been extremely benefitial for both sides.
I would guess against Libya or Sudan. Egypt is too week to fight anyone else.
I think what they are doing is not being reliant on one country for their defence needs. Spreading their risk, so to speak.
I doubt there is any sense in buying F-16s, Rafales, Typhoons, Mirage 5/2000s, Su-35s, MiG-29/35s, etc. Imagine the Egyptians managing all these assets. It will be a costly nightmare, plain and simple.
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I doubt there is any sense in buying F-16s, Rafales, Typhoons, Mirage 5/2000s, Su-35s, MiG-29/35s, etc. Imagine the Egyptians managing all these assets. It will be a costly nightmare, plain and simple.
F16's are paid by Uncle Sam, Rafales and the rest paid by Uncle Salman, so WHAT is the issue?

No Sir, this is a civilian line of thinking, with maintenance s/w invented a decade and a half ago, it can tell you exactly when what needs to be done. No issues, even if you operate 20 different kinds of front line aircrafts.

The only issue is the man in the loop. They need to be diligent, and on top of their game. Thats it.

There have been plenty of exercises in the GCC where PAF interacted with EAF, pls do ask PAF what do they think of them.

Nonetheless those were exercises, and performance in exercises can be misleading, but do give you an idea of their caliber.
These guys call themselves Muslims!?
But as soon as they see a Muslim country arming itself with modern and potent weapons..they get heart attacks, jealousy crises, poisonous tongues, and sick hearts....everything but Islam's spirit.. It is a pity to see them hurting themselves this much..

so-called muslims Egypt,S.Arabia and The Uae are working with christian the US,France,Russia to make muslim Libya as slave to Bandit Countries for Israeli interests

so-called muslims Egypt,S.Arabia and The Uae are working with christian the US,France,Greece to steal oil/gas reserves from muslim Turks in the Eastern Mediterranean

so-called muslims Egypt,S.Arabia and The Uae are working with christian the US to give Jerusalem to Israel

and jealousy what ? Egypt is not real military power who can not produce/develop even Cruise Missile

on the other hand real muslim Turkiye spent over $60 billion for humanitarian aid to muslim countries ( most of them are Arabs ) between 2011 and 2019

Turkiye would buy all Egyptian Armed Forces for $60 billion
Turks are not stupid to give billions of dollars for useless weapons to be dependent on christian countries

Turkiye develops almost 700 military projets for over $70 billion to become real military power
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I doubt there is any sense in buying F-16s, Rafales, Typhoons, Mirage 5/2000s, Su-35s, MiG-29/35s, etc. Imagine the Egyptians managing all these assets. It will be a costly nightmare, plain and simple.

So come and tell us what to do to keep it so plain and simple without too much worrying about our so called logistical nightmare :D

Egypt used to have F-16 from USA, Mirage 5/2000s and Alpha jet from France, Mig21 from Russia and Chengdu F-7 from China since ages with no logistical nightmares. What else happened? Mig29/35 and SU35 from Russia instead of Mig21, Rafale from France instead of old Mirages may be or in addition to them. EFT if the deal is completed is too much similar to Rafales. Where is the logistical disaster you are talking about? :D

What shall we do when USA for example refused many times to give us F-15 or F-35? If we get everything easily we might have stayed with USA as the main supplier. You talk about AIM-120? maybe they're afraid of giving it to us? Always remember that they give everything only to their real puppets.

These guys call themselves Muslims!?
But as soon as they see a Muslim country arming itself with modern and potent weapons..they get heart attacks, jealousy crises, poisonous tongues, and sick hearts....everything but Islam's spirit.. It is a pity to see them hurting themselves this much..

And look at the air forces or the economies of those who are talking. They're pathetic and ridiculous :sarcastic: They have nothing to say but AIM-120 AIM-120, I think if policy changes and Egypt gets AIM-120 for its 4th largest fleet in the world of F-16, they may die of madness and grief :sarcastic:

F16's are paid by Uncle Sam, Rafales and the rest paid by Uncle Salman, so WHAT is the issue?

Uncle Salman is feeding your people mate and without him your country would have been bankrupted. Sorry for that, but it seems that you know nothing about your economic status. You can ask him also for some fighters instead of the small number of F-16s you have as long as he pays for other countries. The Saudis says they are the main reason and main finance supplier for your nuclear bomb and they are the ones who prevented India from eating you by doing that.
Uncle Salman is feeding your people mate and without him your country would have been bankrupted. Sorry for that, but it seems that you know nothing about your economic status. You can ask him also for some fighters instead of the small number of F-16s you have as long as he pays for other countries. The Saudis says they are the main reason and main finance supplier for your nuclear bomb and they are the ones who prevented India from eating you by doing that.

Ok......Still there is no Pakistani troop in Yemen and there is no Pakistani nuke mounted MRBM in Saudi Missile Brigade.
While morally corrupt Pakistanis are feeding their 200 million with 6-7 billion dollars of Saudi LOAN, Brave Egyptians are boosting their self respect with 90+ billion dollars of Arab AID.

Gulf countries supported Egypt with $92bn since 2011


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