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Italy to soon approve the MEGA defence deal with Egypt

The Italian government is preparing to approve the sale of 6 frigates, twenty naval patrol boats, 24 Eurofighter fighter bombers and 24 M346 trainer planes to Egypt.
The newspaper, quoting the statements of a source from the Italian Prime Minister office, said that despite many difficulties and obstacles - including the question of the death of the student, Regeni - that this deal is considered a "Order of the century", as it does not only represent a commercial and industrial value to Italy, but also comes within the desire of Rome to maintain solid relations with Cairo, as well as to maintain a political dialogue regarding many open files in the Eastern Mediterranean (a full strategic partnership).


According to the Italian newspaper La Republica, the Italian government is set up to soon approve the MEGA defense deal with Egypt that includes:

-6 Frigates including 2x confirmed FREMM Bergamini (with ToT)
-24 M-346 trainer jets
-24 Eurofighter Typhoon jets
-20 Falaj II OPV (with ToT)
-1(at least) Military Satellite for surveillance and radar imaging






* Pics are borrowed from brother @Gomig-21
It appears Egypt is literally opening up a weapons showroom. I mean they have something like 5 different types of 4th gen fighters and now this. I think their motto is “Kuch toh chale ga”
The Italian government is preparing to approve the sale of 6 frigates, twenty naval patrol boats, 24 Eurofighter fighter bombers and 24 M346 trainer planes to Egypt.
The newspaper, quoting the statements of a source from the Italian Prime Minister office, said that despite many difficulties and obstacles - including the question of the death of the student, Regeni - that this deal is considered a "Order of the century", as it does not only represent a commercial and industrial value to Italy, but also comes within the desire of Rome to maintain solid relations with Cairo, as well as to maintain a political dialogue regarding many open files in the Eastern Mediterranean (a full strategic partnership).


According to the Italian newspaper La Republica, the Italian government is set up to soon approve the MEGA defense deal with Egypt that includes:

-6 Frigates including 2x confirmed FREMM Bergamini (with ToT)
-24 M-346 trainer jets
-24 Eurofighter Typhoon jets
-20 Falaj II OPV (with ToT)
-1(at least) Military Satellite for surveillance and radar imaging






* Pics are borrowed from brother @Gomig-21
Whole purpose is to buy political favour..
It has nothing to do with defense ..
Smarter move would have been more rafales or an order from china like j10 or jf17 in huge numbers..or mig35 in huge numbers with local assembly /maintainenc
While I totally agree with you and pretty much the same reason we didn't go with the F-16 Blk-70/72 (Aka F-21) for our future contract, your inventory is a bit too diverse which may strain supply chain, procurement of spares and maintenance something our airforce has suffered in the past resulting in low availability rates. Our Navy is much ahead since almost all platforms except for a few subs are indigenously designed and built at local shipyards.

I agree. The Indian policy is so obvious from this side specially with the Americans, and I'm pretty sure the Americans will strongly aim to cooperate with the Indians as an ally against China, and also because the Americans do not like and support the Pakistanis to that extent as it seems to be for many reasons.

EAF has all the potent fighter jets this world could offer, Su-35 and Mig-35 both could be procured since they're of different weight class. IMO, going for additional Rafales would be a wiser option over EFT since both are of the same weight class and similar capabilities except that additional Rafales could help in keeping commonality and uniformity among your fleet, eliminate the learning curve of procuring an entirely new fighter, reduce maintenance and spares cost

I also agree, more Rafales is a better option than EFT, but there are two possibilities regarding this issue:
1- There is some political reason to make this mega deal with Italy instead of France. Also, take into consideration that the EFT deal comes as a part of a larger deal which is mainly directed to Navy forces, and there may be an actual need to the Italian Fremms and the rest of ships.
2- There is some fear regarding the French ability to provide all type of armament to the Rafale after recent news regarding an American refusal to provide Egypt with more Scalp EG cruise missiles as there are some American parts used by France in this missile. I heard this issue was solved, but who knows what can happen in the future?

Eurofighters, F-16s, Mig35s, Rafales, Su35, Mirage2002, Mirage 5

It will not be easy to train pilots for all these different fighter planes, some pilots may have to train for 2 different planes, just incase needed during war time. I dont see how this is beneficial for Egypt in the long run, yes they have made all those countries very happy but during war alliances can chance within hours, spare parts etc, plus alot of resources will be needed.

Less platforms with cutting edge training and warfare is better.

Mig pilots can easily train for the SU-35, and EFT will be very similar to Rafales and Mirages. SU and EFT are the only two additions to the current situation which was dealt with very easily by the EAF.

We all know where this money has come from, but Pakistan made the right decision to not join the Yemeni war.

Egypt did not join the Yemeni war, 3 F-16 jets and 2 or 3 missile boats to secure the strait of Bab Al-mandab (for Suez Canal) is not a real participation.

Wow. The main purpose of this deal is to steer Italy away from Turkey backed Tripoli government towards Egypt backed Benghazi government.

Only a deal of two Fremms was more than enough for that purpose :-)

I need to comment in one aspect .... that The Egyptian economy is growing rapidly in the last 5 years .... the last year was 5.6 % .... and one of the few economies world wide that will have a positive growth during COVID-19 crisis inshallah .

The new national mega projects and newly discovered giant natural gas reservoirs in the Mediterranean have their contribution to the Egyptian economy. There is no comparison between its current status and the status after the revolution and political chaos period.
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Whole purpose is to buy political favour..
It has nothing to do with defense ..
Smarter move would have been more rafales or an order from china like j10 or jf17 in huge numbers..or mig35 in huge numbers with local assembly /maintainenc
"but also comes within the desire of Rome to maintain solid relations with Cairo, as well as to maintain a political dialogue regarding many open files in the Eastern Mediterranean (a full strategic partnership)."

The most important items of this deal practically, and what it represents is an unprecedented historical shift in the history of the Egyptian military deals and the most important thing that will benefit Egypt during the next ten years until the year 2030 is the deal of the stealth patrol ships OPV that Egypt has contracted with an initial number of 20 ships, whose technology and industry will be transferred to the Egyptian maritime arsenals.. and by a percentage of local components in all boat systems and components that were never reached before..

Introducing this large project in the Egyptian marine arsenals represents a historic move that will put Egypt on the right track in the field of heavy marine industries. In spite of the experiences that will have been gained from the transfer of technology of other projects such as the French (Gowind) and the German (Meko), the percentage and weight of local manufacturing and the beginning of the road in the field of electronic industries and sensors and armament systems for marine ships represent the real shift that will facilitate for Egypt to start manufacturing national projects in the post-2030 vision and a stage that will place Egypt among the major countries in the field of military industrialization.

This ship, which represents the pinnacle of the creativity of the Italian marine industries and what it possesses as an advanced package for the most important Italian electronics and sensor systems, represents a large treasure for the Egyptian marine arsenals and by obtaining a license to manufacture it at this unprecedented rate represents a success that no one has reached before in our Arab countries even compared to our brothers in the United Arab Emirates who obtained a license to manufacture the first version of this project, but with a much lower local components.

The selection of the Emirati navy for this project is evidence of the efficiency of the armament studies committees, experts and their military decision-makers, who are known for their ingenuity as the boat represents a scientific revolution in the field of light marine ships, as this boat has high flexibility in carrying out a wide range of multiple tasks such as carrying out coastal surveillance operations and Reconnaissance, electronic intelligence, and coastal defense against all air and surface threats and threats of infiltration and smuggling work, sabotage and terrorist operations, and all this is done quickly with a high response and with a stealthy fingerprint, it is the best in the world currently in such an OPV category and under the highest standards of safety methods and advanced self-protection systems from Italian companies that have been recognised as such by the Americans themselves when the US Navy recently chose stealthy and electronic Italian technology to be the platform for the future American frigate project.

This boat owns a package of the best products by the Italian companies (Leonardo, Celex, Electronica), the leading electronic warfare and sensing systems, which includes the latest version of the command and control and battle management system "Athena" (IPN-5) in addition to the 3D AESA radar systems "Cronos" model from (Silex) company with a range of 250 km, and the advanced IFF Sir-M system "SIR-M" to distinguish between friend and foe, and the "NA-30S" electro-optical system to control fire, and "LPI NAV-R" radar for Maritime Navigation in addition to the electronic warfare and countermeasures package represented by the "SEAL-L" system and the "MASS" (Multi Ammunition Softkill System) an automated decoy system that protects surface combatants from advanced anti-ship missiles from (Rheinmetall) company.

The Armament of this boat that was included in its first edition in the Emirates can be changed according to the customer's requirements, a bunch of the best Italian and European armament systems, the most important of which is the stealthy version of the "Automelara 76" (Super Rapid), which is a masterpiece in its manufacturing that the Italians created.. It is the best of its category in the world and is able to perform all marine tasks by attacking surface, land and even air targets with ranges and different models of smart ammunition ..by itself it will require a lengthy report to explain its unique capabilities and capabilities and Egypt obtaining a license to manufacture this powerful cannon and its advanced ammunition represents a shift in the field of Egyptian and Arab arms industry.

The boat also has 2 "automatic" cannons (Hitrole -G) of 12.7 mm caliber, which are controlled remotely and are able to deal with all specific threats under the control of the main combat system and different sensor and radar systems. As for rockets, the boat in the first version is capable of carrying 4 surface-to-surface missiles in two launchers. The model of this missile varies according to the customer’s choice of any of the latest models globally, and the boat also has 6 (vertical launch cells) for air defense missiles, which is one of the most important characteristics of this boat that distinguish it from the rest of the competition and make his capabilities in the air defense missions compete with the larger ships that possess the capabilities of the vertical launch and the choice of this duality of the missiles operating on the boat (surface -surface and surface - air) can include any of the global missiles.. in the Emirati version the choice was the French excellent (Exocet - Mika) But for the Egyptian version its orientations and philosophy it is not yet known, So we might be surprised, as usual, with what was never on mind.

More interesting is that all this sound and complex technical and technological innovation and all these wonderful and terrifying specifications and technologies were combined in a very small displacement of no more than 550 tons and a crew of 28 personnel and capabilities of an operational range of 2800 km with a maximum speed of 20 knots provided by two diesel engines "MTU 16V 4000 M90" in addition to 4 diesel generators "MTU S60" so you are talking about a unique integrated marine ship free from most of the weaknesses found in marine vessels specialized in the tasks of the marine patrol competing in the world arms market.

This masterpiece that will be owned and manufactured by Egypt in numbers.. _20 to be exact_ stealth ships of high technology and dense armament, which will enable the Egyptian navy to provide rapid and intensive support to the North and South fleet, whose formation will be complete from the smallest to the largest to be of stealth high-tech and integrated marine vessels under the control of a command, control and communication system at the highest level With the entry of the Italian-made satellite in service in Egypt, which is the second most important item in the "Deal of the Century", and no less important than the frigates of "Carlo Bergamini" for example. Hence the Egyptian fleets of helicopter carriers (Gamal Abdel Nasser) and (Anwar Sadat) will become one of the strongest and best And the most modern in the world, which confirms that the planning and vision of leaders and experts in the Egyptian armed forces leaves nothing to chance and calculate each small detail showing that the Egyptian puzzle is being completed piece by piece in a way that may appear from a distance as not connected to each other, but by 2030 the picture will be completed and clear..
The Egyptian satellite likely to be purchased from Italy




According to the latest news about a Mega-deal..Egypt is acquiring an Italian satellite for reconnaissance and sensing (in other words a Spy Satellite) from the Italian company Telespazio.

The Italian company develops highly accurate and distinguished satellites in various civil and military fields. The company’s production in the military field is BraINT, a satellite system specialized in spying, analyzing and producing interpretations of the collected information.

The Synthetic Aperture radar satellite can work in the IMINT domain, which is an abbreviation of Image intelligence, which is to obtain information, analyze it, and submit proposals simultaneously.

The satellite has the ability to transmit data in real time for the happening events, it has the ability to dynamically integrate data in the database for the end user and has high capabilities in the process of remote sensing of the civil field

The Satellite working patterns in spy photography:

Objectives Analysis

- The Satellite can identify the targets to be spied on from being air or ground bases, missile or artillery sites, or other types of military installations.
- The Satellite can determine the types of support and supply facilities present in the target if they are nuclear, electrical, and water and energy control equipment, among others
- The Satellite can identify enemy forces surrounding the target from armored forces, infantry, artillery, and so on

Monitoring of sites and targets

- Monitor the activity of the military field
- Monitor the site’s development in chronological order
- Continuous monitoring of the site or particularly specific parts of the site
- Monitor side activities such as number of parked cars and various activities

Discovery and tracking

- Monitor borders and border points to determine if there are suspicious movements to avoid the country's border points
- Lifestyle analysis
- Determine any disturbance in the behavior or pattern typical for a region
- A wide-ranging survey of any suspicious activity by the enemy, as trying to assemble his forces somewhere, or to demobilize and dismantle them
- Explore and clear any route for evacuation from a specific location as well as potential shelters.

Valuation of losses

- The Satellite can assess losses in the case of continuous fighting
- Mapping and assisting in making plans

Observing a specific area

- Determine the best area for deploying soldiers to the battlefield
- Surveying residential and urban areas to assist in the planning process
- Geographical mapping of terrain terrain before deploying forces to an area
- Clear roads, points and evacuation centers
- Giving information and maps of roads and navigation of equipment and ground vehicles

Of course, all of these possibilities give a great and qualitative shift to the Egyptian armed forces and help the military decision-maker in making a suitable decision for any operation, whatever it is and anywhere it might be..
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The most important items of this deal practically, and what it represents is an unprecedented historical shift in the history of the Egyptian military deals and the most important thing that will benefit Egypt during the next ten years until the year 2030 is the deal of the stealth patrol ships OPV that Egypt has contracted with an initial number of 20 ships, whose technology and industry will be transferred to the Egyptian maritime arsenals.. and by a percentage of local components in all boat systems and components that were never reached before..

Introducing this large project in the Egyptian marine arsenals represents a historic move that will put Egypt on the right track in the field of heavy marine industries. In spite of the experiences that will have been gained from the transfer of technology of other projects such as the French (Gowind) and the German (Meko), the percentage and weight of local manufacturing and the beginning of the road in the field of electronic industries and sensors and armament systems for marine ships represent the real shift that will facilitate for Egypt to start manufacturing national projects in the post-2030 vision and a stage that will place Egypt among the major countries in the field of military industrialization.

This ship, which represents the pinnacle of the creativity of the Italian marine industries and what it possesses as an advanced package for the most important Italian electronics and sensor systems, represents a large treasure for the Egyptian marine arsenals and by obtaining a license to manufacture it at this unprecedented rate represents a success that no one has reached before in our Arab countries even compared to our brothers in the United Arab Emirates who obtained a license to manufacture the first version of this project, but with a much lower local components.

The selection of the Emirati navy for this project is evidence of the efficiency of the armament studies committees, experts and their military decision-makers, who are known for their ingenuity as the boat represents a scientific revolution in the field of light marine ships, as this boat has high flexibility in carrying out a wide range of multiple tasks such as carrying out coastal surveillance operations and Reconnaissance, electronic intelligence, and coastal defense against all air and surface threats and threats of infiltration and smuggling work, sabotage and terrorist operations, and all this is done quickly with a high response and with a stealthy fingerprint, it is the best in the world currently in such an OPV category and under the highest standards of safety methods and advanced self-protection systems from Italian companies that have been recognised as such by the Americans themselves when the US Navy recently chose stealthy and electronic Italian technology to be the platform for the future American frigate project.

This boat owns a package of the best products by the Italian companies (Leonardo, Celex, Electronica), the leading electronic warfare and sensing systems, which includes the latest version of the command and control and battle management system "Athena" (IPN-5) in addition to the 3D AESA radar systems "Cronos" model from (Silex) company with a range of 250 km, and the advanced IFF Sir-M system "SIR-M" to distinguish between friend and foe, and the "NA-30S" electro-optical system to control fire, and "LPI NAV-R" radar for Maritime Navigation in addition to the electronic warfare and countermeasures package represented by the "SEAL-L" system and the "MASS" (Multi Ammunition Softkill System) an automated decoy system that protects surface combatants from advanced anti-ship missiles from (Rheinmetall) company.

The Armament of this boat that was included in its first edition in the Emirates can be changed according to the customer's requirements, a bunch of the best Italian and European armament systems, the most important of which is the stealthy version of the "Automelara 76" (Super Rapid), which is a masterpiece in its manufacturing that the Italians created.. It is the best of its category in the world and is able to perform all marine tasks by attacking surface, land and even air targets with ranges and different models of smart ammunition ..by itself it will require a lengthy report to explain its unique capabilities and capabilities and Egypt obtaining a license to manufacture this powerful cannon and its advanced ammunition represents a shift in the field of Egyptian and Arab arms industry.

The boat also has 2 "automatic" cannons (Hitrole -G) of 12.7 mm caliber, which are controlled remotely and are able to deal with all specific threats under the control of the main combat system and different sensor and radar systems. As for rockets, the boat in the first version is capable of carrying 4 surface-to-surface missiles in two launchers. The model of this missile varies according to the customer’s choice of any of the latest models globally, and the boat also has 6 (vertical launch cells) for air defense missiles, which is one of the most important characteristics of this boat that distinguish it from the rest of the competition and make his capabilities in the air defense missions compete with the larger ships that possess the capabilities of the vertical launch and the choice of this duality of the missiles operating on the boat (surface -surface and surface - air) can include any of the global missiles.. in the Emirati version the choice was the French excellent (Exocet - Mika) But for the Egyptian version its orientations and philosophy it is not yet known, So we might be surprised, as usual, with what was never on mind.

More interesting is that all this sound and complex technical and technological innovation and all these wonderful and terrifying specifications and technologies were combined in a very small displacement of no more than 550 tons and a crew of 28 personnel and capabilities of an operational range of 2800 km with a maximum speed of 20 knots provided by two diesel engines "MTU 16V 4000 M90" in addition to 4 diesel generators "MTU S60" so you are talking about a unique integrated marine ship free from most of the weaknesses found in marine vessels specialized in the tasks of the marine patrol competing in the world arms market.

This masterpiece that will be owned and manufactured by Egypt in numbers.. _20 to be exact_ stealth ships of high technology and dense armament, which will enable the Egyptian navy to provide rapid and intensive support to the North and South fleet, whose formation will be complete from the smallest to the largest to be of stealth high-tech and integrated marine vessels under the control of a command, control and communication system at the highest level With the entry of the Italian-made satellite in service in Egypt, which is the second most important item in the "Deal of the Century", and no less important than the frigates of "Carlo Bergamini" for example. Hence the Egyptian fleets of helicopter carriers (Gamal Abdel Nasser) and (Anwar Sadat) will become one of the strongest and best And the most modern in the world, which confirms that the planning and vision of leaders and experts in the Egyptian armed forces leaves nothing to chance and calculate each small detail showing that the Egyptian puzzle is being completed piece by piece in a way that may appear from a distance as not connected to each other, but by 2030 the picture will be completed and clear..

some Italian reports said that it will be 20 corvettes ...!!:o: That will be built in Egypt... and it costs 300 millions USD / piece.
With 8 Surface- surface Missiles
16 Virtical launch cells ( Aster 15/30 )

just like tha Qataris ...


some Italian reports said that it will be 20 corvettes ...!!:o: That will be built in Egypt... and it costs 300 millions USD / piece.
With 8 Surface- surface Missiles
16 Virtical launch cells ( Aster 15/30 )

just like tha Qataris ...

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Yes I have reported that in a previous post.. but it just seems too much..although it might be a great addition..but not 20 of them, these are more than 4000 tons corvettes..maybe a few of them in the future..since they were presented with the others at EDEX 2018.. but the presence of the Gowinds and MEKO (same category as these) says something else..all I can see is 2 or 4 of them in the future..since Italy was keen to ToT for all its vessels.. The OPVs make more sense in this deal at this time and are quite potent..
Yes I have reported that in a previous post.. but it just seems too much..although it might be a great addition..but not 20 of them, these are more than 4000 tons corvettes..maybe a few of them in the future..since they were presented with the others at EDEX 2018.. but the presence of the Gowinds and MEKO (same category as these) says something else..all I can see is 2 or 4 of them in the future..since Italy was keen to ToT for all its vessels.. The OPVs make more sense in this deal at this time and are quite potent..

I think as mentioned in the Italian source , it has 3 variants up to 3,000 tons displacement.... it may be mostly like Ambassador FAC or a little pit heaver ....!
I think as mentioned in the Italian source , it has 3 variants up to 3,000 tons displacement.... it may be mostly like Ambassador FAC or a little pit heaver ....!
It is the OPV that was announced and in the category of the Ambassador 550tons..and it makes more sense than this..This is like talking about 20 Gowind or MEKO-200 category..it does not make sense.. but hey why not if possible..
Although the OPV is a very smart move..
A broke and poor country making defence acquisitions like a trillion-dollar economy. Just doesn't seems right.

To make matters worse. The acquisitions seem sporadic without an overall strategy. No integrated warfare capabilities, just shiny expensive single unit war machines.

Feed your people instead of this moronic behaviour.
A broke and poor country making defence acquisitions like a trillion-dollar economy. Just doesn't seems right.

To make matters worse. The acquisitions seem sporadic without an overall strategy. No integrated warfare capabilities, just shiny expensive single unit war machines.

Feed your people instead of this moronic behaviour.

Sisi is doing what he was chosen to do, make Egypt impotent. majority of members irrespective of nationality agree that their acquisitions don't make any sense..
You forgot the SU-35s?
Egypt has a very efficient military.. If they see it possible..then it is feasible..

No one in their right mind would call the Egyptian military "efficient".....

Rafale, MIG-29, F-16, SU-35, Mirage 2000 and now Eurofighter. 6 different types......

Most of their US equipment is downgraded (no AMRAAMs for their F-16s) Israel ensures this.

They have really struggled to keep down rebels in Sinai and cannot even help defeat GNA in next door Libya and negligible in Yeman.

Great for parades and showing off new equipment.
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