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Italy to soon approve the MEGA defence deal with Egypt

Sounds very interesting. They should have purchased JF17 Block 3 from Pakistan , Ships from Turkey and satellites from China.

no they should never be sold JF17 Block 3 they will do very bad advertisement for our aircraft

for a few bucks we are ready to compromise our premier fighter ?

even worse probably they will lose it to Israel and all our hard work will go down the drain and so will the reputation, imagine Israel gets hold of ASEA radar

the only JF17 that should be cleared for export is block 2 we cannot afford to waste all our technicians, scientists and engineers hard work for a few a dollars why some Pakistanis will sell out I will never know
no they should never be sold JF17 Block 3 they will do very bad advertisement for our aircraft

for a few bucks we are ready to compromise our premier fighter ?

even worse probably they will lose it to Israel and all our hard work will go down the drain and so will the reputation, imagine Israel gets hold of ASEA radar

the only JF17 that should be cleared for export is block 2 we cannot afford to waste all our technicians, scientists and engineers hard work for a few a dollars why some Pakistanis will sell out I will never know

On a serious note, imagine that the French sold the EAF the Rafale with the RBE2 AESA radar and wow did they ever get embarrassed about that since not only did Israel get a hold of one loooooooooooooooooooooooooool but only a few months after, the long-stuck Indian deal magically got untangled and the deal for the Indian Rafales went through and what do you know, suddenly Qatar orders and gets a contract for 24+ an option for 12 more and the door has blown wide open!

I can only really hope that Pakistan will have it in its heart to allow us the privilege of at least sniffing the exhaust of the JF-17 III despite how undeserving we are of it! Dammit!!!
Many would disagree, but in my analysis. Egypt is being prepared to take on Turkey and Iran. GCC has decided to exercise hard power by means of Egypt- the largest and strongest military in Arab world.

GCC wants Egypt to settle the Libyan, Syrian and Iranian threat one by one. Thats why Egypt is buying longer range strike platforms. However, this haphazard acquisition is not good. Egypt could have had a fleet of 100 rafales or su-35s but it chooses to get a few dozen here and there.

J-10s with su-35s could have been a better option if they want to buy from eastern bloc. In western block f-16s, with either large number of rafales or just efts was better.
Many would disagree, but in my analysis. Egypt is being prepared to take on Turkey and Iran. GCC has decided to exercise hard power by means of Egypt- the largest and strongest military in Arab world.

GCC wants Egypt to settle the Libyan, Syrian and Iranian threat one by one. Thats why Egypt is buying longer range strike platforms. However, this haphazard acquisition is not good. Egypt could have had a fleet of 100 rafales or su-35s but it chooses to get a few dozen here and there.

J-10s with su-35s could have been a better option if they want to buy from eastern bloc. In western block f-16s, with either large number of rafales or just efts was better.
You are close to it but not really close..Egypt and GCC have a strategic alliance.. Egypt said it clearly many times that the security of the GCC is part of the security of Egypt..But Egypt is arming itself to replace 4 Arab armies that almost don't exist anymore, namely the powerful Iraqi army, the fairly powerful Syrian army, the Yemeni army and the Libyan army.. you need to see this in the context of the Arab world as the big picture..Since despite even deep differences.. in cases of important wars they joined forces together and fought side by side.. because there is an underlying view in the Arab world that there is an Arab Nation as a whole despite being 21 countries..It is mainly effected during major higher dangers facing Arabs from external powers.. this same union mobilises its forces; political, economic or military when it is about Islam as well..

Mig-35 and SU-35 are the perfect match.. even for Russia..
Egypt has the Rafale already and will add more for sure..
And why refuse the Typhoon if it was offered with everything..You should know that is not offered to everyone out there.. so why waste the opportunity of having one of the best fighters in the world and adding numbers slowly..
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1. What the hell does Egypt need all this for?
2. Where did they get all that money?
3. Can they beat Turkey or Israel in a war?

If Egypt loses another war with F16, Rafale, Su-35, and Eurofighter, they Egyptian military is truly incompetent.
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The arab world's regimes are facing threats from iran and its allies from one side and Turkey from the other side. They are arming all and mostly funded by GCC. Saudi is leading world weapons importer for many years now. Egypt is especially focused by GCC because it faced an uprising from the people who mostly support political Islamic ideology, which Turkey supports and promotes. The army of Egypt though is firmly with other monarchs. Arming Egyptian army actually helps GCC take care of Turkey and also a stronger hold of army on people.
This all big ticket purchases from all top sellers may help in alliances but we all know how treacherous the west can be. It creates a huge logistics and interoperability headache, the maintenance cost of such a large variety would be high. The country is not doing that good economically and its the people of Egypt that might face more hardships. They should have gone for more indigenization and long term planning.
I hope all these weapons muslim countries are accumulating are not used on other muslims.
Eurofighters, F-16s, Mig35s, Rafales, Su35, Mirage2002, Mirage 5

It will not be easy to train pilots for all these different fighter planes, some pilots may have to train for 2 different planes, just incase needed during war time. I dont see how this is beneficial for Egypt in the long run, yes they have made all those countries very happy but during war alliances can chance within hours, spare parts etc, plus alot of resources will be needed.

Less platforms with cutting edge training and warfare is better.

We all know where this money has come from, but Pakistan made the right decision to not join the Yemeni war, we need to first build ourselves up and become independent, then slowly we will expand and build new alliances.
Look at China, it has not joined any foreign wars but it is slowly becoming deadly, the day it rises the whole world will be in a shock.

Alliances doesn't mean you become a pet. Alliance is about partnership, dual interest. We are very happy with a strategic alliance with China and Turkey.
Eurofighter boasts Typhoon reign over F-35

Eurofighter, however, claims the F-35 lacks all-aspect, very low observable stealth, and is vulnerable to detection and defeat by non-stealthy opponents.

In an internal simulation series, Eurofighter found that four Typhoons supported by an airborne warning and control system (AWACS) defeated 85% of attacks by eight F-35s carrying an internal load of two joint direct attack munitions (JDAM) and two air-to-air missiles, Penrice says.

According to Laurie Hilditch, Eurofighter's head of the future requirements capture, the F-35's frontal-aspect stealth can be defeated by stationing interceptors and AWACS at a 25º to 30º angle to the F-35's most likely approach path to a target.


It carries the DASS system..or the equivalent of Rafale's SPECTRA

Total Protection

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Zia was the real strategist--even though he got carried away in his religious zeal not understand that you cannot force religion over anyone---but you can force the rule of law---.

May be losing Siachen and getting elected in a 'democratic referendum' after few months was also part of the strategy. Anyways one lost east Pakistan the other siachen.

Nile water crisis is high on the list---.

There is no love lost with Turkey either---.

But the important thing to visualize here is---Egypt got the opportunity and they jumped on it---.

Turkey is the main reason I suppose. Ethiopia and Sudan are not a significant threat. The nature of platforms acquired suggest the need for coastal defence and deep strike capabilities.

May be the Arab world has decided to bring out their old knight -Egypt- to counter Turkey and then iranian influence in Libya, Syria and Yemen.

Bhutto was great...he lost east pakistan and dumbos still think he was smart

True and the other lost Siachen.

I hope all these weapons muslim countries are accumulating are not used on other muslims.

This is the most painful part. But all these weapons have been and will be used on each other. This is just depressing.
Egypt should have chosen 3 Air Crafts and ordered them in large numbers. In my opinion Egypt should have only focused on getting EF and Rafael and SU 35. Get 100 each and retire all others except for F 16.
Pak never had strategists except for ZA Bhutto and Zia. Rest are just tacticians.

I think if Musharraf had survived another 5 years, Pakistan would not be in crisis, it is in now.
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