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Is There a Storm Brewing !


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
Guys this is not my analyst but the words of a person who has a dedicated following on certain sites.

Test launch of several Ballistic Missiles.
Major War Preparedness exercises by Navy, Airforce, Special Forces
Periodic CAPs.
LoC remains hot.
Some deployments are Classified, can't reveal.

Test launch of Ballistic Missiles, Cruise missiles, ATGMs.
Major War Preparedness exercises by Navy, Army, Airforce.
Deployment of Spike ATGMs.
Deployment of Armoured Fighting Vehicles along with Guided Missiles.
A lot of Military Aircraft Movement close to Pak border.
India is most certainly preparing ever since the relief provided by IK on 27th February.
War is inevitable, It's a matter of 5-10 years.
Kashmir is not the only flash point. Indians want to kill every single Pakistani, but they will not admit it on your face.
India is most certainly preparing ever since the relief provided by IK on 27th February.
War is inevitable, It's a matter of 5-10 years.
Kashmir is not the only flash point. Indians want to kill every single Pakistani, but they will not admit it on your face.
If war happens, it's not a matter of years but months.....how long can India keep Kashmiris under curfew....the day restrictions are eased, the storm will hit the fan.
I think the Hindu extremist lead India wants to slaughter Kashmiris in order to reduce their population in Indian Occupied Kashmir or at least force them to migrate to Pakistan.

Fascist India seems to be working on Israei advice and they've also been emboldened by Myanmar's expulsion of Rohingya into Bangladesh.
Guys this is not my analyst but the words of a person who has a dedicated following on certain sites.

Test launch of several Ballistic Missiles.
Major War Preparedness exercises by Navy, Airforce, Special Forces
Periodic CAPs.
LoC remains hot.
Some deployments are Classified, can't reveal.

Test launch of Ballistic Missiles, Cruise missiles, ATGMs.
Major War Preparedness exercises by Navy, Army, Airforce.
Deployment of Spike ATGMs.
Deployment of Armoured Fighting Vehicles along with Guided Missiles.
A lot of Military Aircraft Movement close to Pak border.

Believe me or not, I was also thinking something like that today. The point was: We are gonna lose Kashmir for ever and Kashmiris will become second class citizens in their own land like Palentienens, if Pakistan doesn't act within next 6 months. For Pakistan, months from December to February are crucial and climate will be in our favor. If somehow Pakistan cuts the the path to Kashmir, more than half of the Indian force will already be dead.
Psyche behind PAF's Hawk Eye Exercise it conducted only yesterday.

Posted at: Nov 29, 2019, 8:03 PM; last updated: Nov 29, 2019, 8:03 PM (IST)
PAF conducts exercise to check offensive preparedness

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Islamabad, November 29

The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) on Friday conducted a command-level operation exercise to check its offensive preparedness.

All operational bases across the three regional commands participated in the maneuvers called as Hawk-eye Exercise, the PAF said in a statement.

All types of PAF aircraft were part of the endeavour. The jets took part in the practice of short-notice offensive employment, it said.

The exercise not just involved the fighter aircraft, force-multipliers but also the Special Forces.

“The concept validates the PAF’s options for offensive employment of its various capabilities,” it said.

No more details were provided about the exercise which was part of the efforts to increase fighting prowess of the air force.

The exercise was held amidst tension between Pakistan and India after New Delhi revoked the special status of Jammu and Kashmir in August. Pakistan downgraded diplomatic ties with India and expelled the Indian Ambassador in Islamabad. PTI
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If war comes in a few years, the first target to hit better be the $70 billion oil refinery being built by our Ummah brothers in Maharashtra :wub:
Not if they are forced to help us just in case $70bn are in stakes :-););)

Comeon, you guys really don’t appreciate them. Arabs are like, what can i say, ‘ziddi bachay’. You don’t come to their expectations, they try to do things that you don’t like just to show you. I know how much Arabs despise indians, call them filths and smelly creaturs.

In the end, Arabs will always prove useful to us no matter what, at least for the next 3/5 years, can’t say further than that but better IA.
Maybe India will think about lunching an offensive over AJK somewhere around March or April , cause by than most of the snow fall is done, and glaciers are melted , roads are opened , valley's are clear , mostly clear sky's .. some might say India wont be the aggressor but things are changed as well see them been the aggressors in FEB 2019, and Modi and his administration consist of some demented sick minded people who are blood thirsty .

I'd say PA/PAF needs to ramp up their assets in AJK and increase the intelligence gathering , India is certainly cooking some dirty plans in Delhi .
@The Eagle @Signalian @PakSword @Verve @Windjammer @RIWWIR @StormBreaker @waz

I did ask The Eagle... about this... what PAFs excercise is not mere some training... this is massive across all three PAF Commands....

There is this engineered political unrest in Pakistan... now these 'sponsored' students 'protest'... if you listen carefully to their slogans... PTM written all over....

So all-in-all the entire Spectrum of Hybridwar Vectors are active in Pakistan... with CPEC being challenged out in the open...

IoJK is still under curfew... and situation there is NOT under control of GanguTerroristArmy ... despite all terror tactics of GanguFacistRegime!

Pak Economy
is on the recovery path... stockmarket constant rise proves this FACT...whereas Gangunomics are going belly up...

Kartarpur is open and Afghan Peace kinda-deal ... in the making...

There is thence a small window of opportunity for GanguFacistRegime to attack Pak AJK/GB Region... Winterwar.

In their calculations... given our internal engineered unrest and SCP almost going for the Kill... with each passing month... chances to attack Pakistan would be becoming smaller and smaller...

We need to remain alive to the emerging challenges... CPEC means essentially an Rapidly Industrialised Pakistan with greater degree of Strategic Automony in regional affairs...

War is never limited... this is where GanguFacistRegime and its TerroristArmy is miscalculating.. it is never going to be limited to IoJK/AJK/GB Region..

Water flows from high to low!
A War is Inevitable
As well as a war is least possible.

These people, already having their economy going downhill, GDP growth record low, and the eventual loss of grip of BJP in important states of india, means the village idiot going wild in his ‘Ashramic piss’. Either The Idiot is a very clever idiot or simply an idiot. Former means Feb 27 like situations, latter means, a deadly war.

Either way, they are doomed !!! Internationally!!!! Some here might not favor IK but that man has done unique things on international level with regards to pakistan which were really important !!! The previous wadera & dakoo couldn’t do that to that level. International recognition and highlight is really important to stop such conflicts.

If i were a General of PA, and IA would launch a war on my land for the sake of Kashmir dispute, given that I succeed in winning the war, I wouldn’t let the Kashmir state go for a freaking referendum after bringing death to our economic growth as well as economy and power. Rather i would declare it Pakistan’s territory. Hell with UN !!!

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