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India to tackle China-Pak naval exercises

Well, at least Indian navy has no Mig 21.

Maybe US should have more training with India at Arabian sea as well.

Indian Navy has made most of whatever it has got . History of Naval warfare of India is testimonial for that fact.

There is always something you can learn from others ....so yeh US should have more training with India at Arabian sea as well !

Why not ???
Post reported for being abusive @Oscar @areonaut Learn how to talk in public dude.

Decency of language and thought are marks of maturity of Civilisation ....

Unfortunately everybody can't maintain those standards of civility .

Abusive and foul language is the first refuge of those who are incapable of intelligent and rational discussions !!!
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just imagine if only a mere exercise sent you Indians pi$$Ing what will a decent navy cause you?

suicide indeed .

you bharotis are funny people always looking for self-inflicted injuries

Going by your logic ...since India haven't committed 'suicide' means Pakistan does not have 'decent navy' ...LOL !!!

Hope Pakistan will be able to stand up to India and face it on its own terms one day ...rather than shooting at India from shoulders of its " Super-Power " masters ...
Listen Veeky, we are not here to make enemies with Indians. We understand India has the same dreams for your country as we do for our country, so lets not get carried away here.

dude. I m posting as per rules. Better tell this to ur own countryman who when nothing to say come up with abusive language showing thr high IQ.
We must build military bases in countries we have good relations in South Asia like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Maldives. Really need to keep the pressure on the Indian bully and protect our friends and allies in the region. We have established the economic, financial, political and diplomatic components of our South Asian strategy but now we must establish the military component of our South Asian strategy. This must include building military bases, military exercises, selling weapons and transfer of technology. We need to help our friends and allies in the region and keep them safe from Indian thuggery and warmongering.

First learn to help your friends and allies in region in times of their worst crises ...!

Truth is China's ties with Pakistan or any other IOR region countries are only transactional in nature ...

This was evident in Pakistan's 2010 floods when ....during its the worst kind of Humanitarian crisis China insulted Pakistan with its meager help ....

Nothing better can be expected from selfish China than to back off from the moment of need at such crises ...

China's engagement with Pakistan is only to use it as proxy against India ....it is neither friend nor ally to Pakistan ....it only uses Pakistan like parasite does to its host !!!
So it would take one Brahmos would it take down a J15? Brahmos is indeed a powerful weapon.

Any Indian aggression is the legacy of continuous control from their British master. So please forgive them.

India doesn't go and camp in territory of other country ....India does not send fishing boats to claim islands of other countries ....

India does not forcefully occupy territory of other country ...

Going by your logic Bangladesh ,Pakistan , Myanmyar etc should also demonstrate aggressive behaviors because of continuous control by their British masters ...

Off course your logic and assertions both are flawed !!!
India doesn't go and camp in territory of other country ....India does not send fishing boats to claim islands of other countries ....

India does not forcefully occupy territory of other country ...

Going by your logic Bangladesh ,Pakistan , Myanmyar etc should also demonstrate aggressive behaviors because of continuous control by their British masters ...

Off course your logic and assertions both are flawed !!!

his brain's neural networking itself is flawed :laugh:
Listen Veeky, we are not here to make enemies with Indians. We understand India has the same dreams for your country as we do for our country, so lets not get carried away here.

I appreciate that. Thanks!!
Aren't your submarines blowing themselves up?

our subs are not chindi stuff to blow themselves,it was just an accident. you better ask your all weather friend they know very well to design that kind of subs.
Enough. India should honestly focus on its internal problems most of all, not its childish grudges against its neighbors. Regarding Kashmir, for example, I honestly don't understand why they need to feud with Pakistan over it endlessly, it is not the worth the effort, in my opinion. Just leave them alone.
A Pakistani navy proposal to hold joint naval exercises with China, involving the special forces of the two countries, is being closely tracked by the Indian military establishment, a senior government official said.

Pakistan has made a proposal to China to get their marine forces to conduct exercises annually, with the first edition to be conducted next year in the Arabian Sea. The proposal comes at a time when China is expanding its naval powers to waters dominated by the Indian Navy, raising hackles in New Delhi.

A senior navy officer said the development could have “long-term implications” for India and was being monitored. “We are aware of it and working on measures to counter it,” he said.

The Pakistani and Chinese navies have conducted joint exercises in the past, but this is the first time they are looking at creating an institutionalised mechanism for deepening the engagement between their special forces.

The proposed exercises will coincide with China kicking off the first sea patrols of its new strategic missile submarines equipped with JL-2 missiles next year, a symbol of Beijing’s growing craving for naval supremacy.

India’s first nuclear-powered submarine, Arihant,will also kick off deterrent patrols, armed with nuclear warheads, in 2014. It will complete the sea-leg of India’s nuclear triad --- ability to launch strategic weapons from land, air and sea, giving it enduring nuclear strike and counter-strike capabilities.

New Delhi is wary of the Chinese navy building up “expeditionary maritime capabilities” in the form of nuclear-powered submarines and area denial weapons (anti-ship ballistic missiles) with deployment focus in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).

An increasing number of Chinese submarines venturing into the IOR --- at least 22 contacts were recorded with vessels suspected to be Chinese attack submarines last year--- pose a grave danger to India's security interests, a classified defence ministry document had revealed in April, as reported by HT.

The proposed joint exercises between Pakistan and China will come on the heels of China’s first aircraft carrier Liaoning, which was bought as scrap from Ukraine, completing critical sea trials last month.

“The Chinese navy is on the cusp of an important transformation, and Pakistan wants to benefit from it,” said another navy officer.

India to tackle China-Pak naval exercises - Hindustan Times

India cannot tackle China, but yeah! You surely can tickle....:rofl:

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