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India to tackle China-Pak naval exercises

There you go ....Your deep routed biases against India are self evident ....Pakistan is waging Proxy war against India ....despite obvious blatant attack originating from Pakistan ( which was off course mediated by ISI ) and yet you certify that Pakistan does not seek to control it . India had acted like mature country and always exercised great restrain in face of grave provocation .

Such was the India's conduct that it's act was lauded by International community during Kargil episode when Pakistan army sabotaged peace process initiated by Indian PM .

Even Bangladesh earlier under different government had been hostile to India - despite torturing and mutilating bodies of Indian soldiers by Bagladesh border forces - India exercised great restrain .

Your deep hatred towards India makes you overlook these facts ....and make you visualise India as aggressor .

But such is the psyche of majority of Chinese people and nothing better can be expected from likes of you than such rants ...

The truth however does not change : Just because you chose to close your eyes , rest of the world doesn't get blind .

India's responsible conduct in these gravest of provocations has been one of the many reasons why west has been comfirtable with rise of India . reason why Indian missile tests does not elicit ruckus around the world is because of this sole reason ...

Despite inhuman terrorist attack from Pakistan in 2007 and despite poor diplomatic realtions India rose to occasion in 2010 during floods in Pakistan - India was one of the few countries to extend help and announced aid immediately. Some Pakistani agencies were blaming India and US for these floods , Pakistan refused to accept Indian aid ...yet we routed this aid worth of 25 million dollars through UN . That is the greatness of India that it viewed this natural calamity beyond its own pain of 26/11 attacks ....

This stands out in sharp contrast with China who despite being perennially eulogised by Pakistan as great ally virtually insulted pakistan by its meagre aid of 1.4 million dollars.....Even Pakistany agencies criticised China for this insulting act . International shame lead China to increased aid eventually to 250 million dollars ....Yet it does not match with US aid of 1 billion dollars or India's credit of 1 billion dollars to Bangladesh or around 3 billion dollars aid to Afghanistan ...and sveral other billion dollars worth investment ...

Off course narrow minded chinese like you can never understand importance and relevance of this great gesture on part of India towards country which hates it to the core
You don't worry they won't do that until we have neighbors like india

Despite inhuman terrorist Mumbai attack that originated from Pakistan in 2007 and despite poor diplomatic realtions India rose to occasion in 2010 during floods in Pakistan - India was one of the few countries to extend help and announced aid immediately. Some Pakistani agencies were blaming India and US for these floods , Pakistan refused to accept Indian aid ...yet we routed this aid worth of 25 million dollars through UN . That is the greatness of India that it viewed this natural calamity beyond its own pain of 26/11 attacks ....

This stands out in sharp contrast with China who despite being perennially eulogised by Pakistan as great ally virtually insulted pakistan by its meagre aid of 1.4 million dollars.....Even Pakistany agencies criticised China for this insulting act . International shame lead China to increased aid eventually to 250 million dollars ....Yet it does not match with US aid of 1 billion dollars or India's credit of 1 billion dollars to Bangladesh or around 3 billion dollars aid to Afghanistan ...and sveral other billion dollars worth investment ...

Your friend China parts away with crucial Missile defence system with turkey but not with Pakistan with which it shares " higher than mountains and deeper than oceans " relations ....is not that amusing ???

If China considers Pakistan so special ...why it does not give Pakistan ICBM technology ...
Why it has kept Nuclear submarines from reach of Pakistan ....
Why China is not willing to part away with Rockets and Cryogenic technology with Pakistan ....
Worse in the past China has attempted to block IMF loas to Pakistan ...

China has given Pakistan only enough to counter India( and that too comes with hefty price ) ....but it will never treat Pakistan as equal partner ....

Equality in relationship means what US relationship is with Israel ....they are two countries with one heart !!!

Can Pakistan boast same regarding China ???

China is only using Pakistan as proxy against India....and it will dump Pakistan once its needs to counter India no longer exists ...

Learn to know difference between friend and opportunist !!!
There you go ....Your deep routed biases against India are self evident ....Pakistan is waging Proxy war against India ....despite obvious blatant attack originating from Pakistan ( which was off course mediated by ISI ) and yet you certify that Pakistan does not seek to control it . India had acted like mature country and always exercised great restrain in face of grave provocation .

Such was the India's conduct that it's act was lauded by International community during Kargil episode when Pakistan army sabotaged peace process initiated by Indian PM .

Even Bangladesh earlier under different government had been hostile to India - despite torturing and mutilating bodies of Indian soldiers by Bagladesh border forces - India exercised great restrain .

Your deep hatred towards India makes you overlook these facts ....and make you visualise India as aggressor .

But such is the psyche of majority of Chinese people and nothing better can be expected from likes of you than such rants ...

The truth however does not change : Just because you chose to close your eyes , rest of the world doesn't get blind .

India's responsible conduct in these gravest of provocations has been one of the many reasons why west has been comfirtable with rise of India . reason why Indian missile tests does not elicit ruckus around the world is because of this sole reason ...

Despite inhuman terrorist attack from Pakistan in 2007 and despite poor diplomatic realtions India rose to occasion in 2010 during floods in Pakistan - India was one of the few countries to extend help and announced aid immediately. Some Pakistani agencies were blaming India and US for these floods , Pakistan refused to accept Indian aid ...yet we routed this aid worth of 25 million dollars through UN . That is the greatness of India that it viewed this natural calamity beyond its own pain of 26/11 attacks ....

This stands out in sharp contrast with China who despite being perennially eulogised by Pakistan as great ally virtually insulted pakistan by its meagre aid of 1.4 million dollars.....Even Pakistany agencies criticised China for this insulting act . International shame lead China to increased aid eventually to 250 million dollars ....Yet it does not match with US aid of 1 billion dollars or India's credit of 1 billion dollars to Bangladesh or around 3 billion dollars aid to Afghanistan ...and sveral other billion dollars worth investment ...

Off course narrow minded chinese like you can never understand importance and relevance of this great gesture on part of India towards country which hates it to the core .

You must be living in a fool's paradise.

You are right. India always sends roses to Pakistan and Pakistan always exports terrorism to India.

(BTW, that was sarcasm)

Kid, Friendship is a two way street. What India has been doing in Pakistan's Border areas everyone knows. It is fools like you who think otherwise because your only source of information is NDTV, India TV and Bharat Rakshak.

BTW, you failed to mention the Indian crew that Pakistanis helped recover from the pirates sometime back, or the fact that Pakistan sent supplies and help to India when the Tsunami hit.
Whats the big ruckus about?

Its a mere naval excercise, no big deal

but mind you... now the Chinese have given us a free hand to conduct all the naval excercises we want in their backyard that were previously cancelled to accomodate Chinese sensitivities and move away from confrontation.

Indian enemies that can give us a challenge consist of China and maybe Pakistan to a certain extent...
But the Chinese should be vary of the fact that the they have been racking up enemies in the Pacific like hot cakes....this will just make the decision easier for India to move from the point of neutrality...

Hope the juice is worth the squeeze for China
:rofl: IN burned your a$$ in 1971,so first build your muscle then start to give lecture... :blah:

Since you guy's are very familiar with the word "rape", i will use it in my sentence, so you will be able to understand with your tiny darky curry smelling brain;

Did you know Pakistan navy have raped india in 1965 war during the Operation DAWARKA? And even "without muscles" PN is nightmare for yindus, the proof Thread :lol:
You must be living in a fool's paradise.

You are right. India always sends roses to Pakistan and Pakistan always exports terrorism to India.

(BTW, that was sarcasm)

Kid, Friendship is a two way street. What India has been doing in Pakistan's Border areas everyone knows. It is fools like you who think otherwise because your only source of information is NDTV, India TV and Bharat Rakshak.

BTW, you failed to mention the Indian crew that Pakistanis helped recover from the pirates sometime back, or the fact that Pakistan sent supplies and help to India when the Tsunami hit.

Why not enlighten us what india does in border areas ?

India had been magnanimous to the core ...unconditional release of 90,00 POW was nothing short of that great gesture ...

You said it rightly that friendship is two way street ...how can we befriend pakistan when it continues to remain hostile to us ...
the mutual blame game continues ....

Time and again India has extended hand of friendship to Pakistan only to be back stbbed again and again...problem is fools like you who listen to your army and mullahs and are led to believe that India is root cause of all your problems !!!

Truth is that Pakistan has great potential....if only it can let peace prevail ....it can do wonders ....

Unfortunately there are vested inetests within and outside pakistan that will not allow any reconciliation between India and pakistan possible ....

Enemies of pakistan are within it and not outside ....

I hope Pakistanis will be able to understand that only peace can bring prosperity....and not war either overt or covert !!!

The enmity with India will take pakistan nowhere ...

For long tims Pakistan played into hands of US ....and now it is playing in hands of China ...

Pkistan has distinction of being close ally of two superpowers ....and yet has failed to benifit substantially from those associations ...

Sooner Pakistan realises better it will be for the average people of pakistan ....

Look at what is happening within pakistan ....

You guys played with extremism ...thinking that you can run covert war against India since you failed to win any overt war ...

The monster of terrorism that Pakistan fed is now beyond its own control and trying to swallow whole pakistani state ...

World has changed so much since independence but Pakistan remains fixated with its India-obsession ....
Realistically, China cannot afford to.

Why you think China can't afford to dump Pakistan ???

There are no permanent friends or enemies in Internationa politics !!!

China's relations with Pakistan are purely transactional in nature ...

It will help Pakistan because it suits them to keep India pinned down ...

But beyond enabling Pakistan to counteract India ...China will not help Pakistan .

For thiseason alone China has kept crucial rockets , space related technology out of bounds from Pakistan ...

Do you think pakistanis are incacable for handling and harnessing those technologies ???

No but China will not part away with those crucial tech

It will sure sell some defence tech to Pakistan with soft loans ....in exchange of vital resources ...

why is that despite itself boasting of having nuclear submarines , anti satellite missiles , ICBMs ..china has not given any of this to Pakistan ???

The limitation of Sino-pakistani relations are quite evident ...off course pakistnis won't like to hear about it ...because they want to make most of whatever they can lay their hands upon .....

Just don't tell me that China can't afford to dump Pakistan ...

Those relations which are based on some needs ...last only as long as those needs are existent .
What is there to tackle I mean really? other then you can go to bait and tackle shop and buy some bait to fish with ...yes the drama queen is at it again as always. What is such a big deal about this news that it has to be tackled and how are you going to tackle it? friendly nations with common interest have such drills to enhance their might nothing wrong in it you guys do the same with your friends so nothing to tackle or to talk about thread needs to be closed waste of thread space.
I know how politics works. That's why I said, for now, realistically, China cannot.


Why you think China can't afford to dump Pakistan ???

There are no permanent friends or enemies in Internationa politics !!!

China's relations with Pakistan are purely transactional in nature ...

It will help Pakistan because it suits them to keep India pinned down ...

But beyond enabling Pakistan to counteract India ...China will not help Pakistan .

For thiseason alone China has kept crucial rockets , space related technology out of bounds from Pakistan ...

Do you think pakistanis are incacable for handling and harnessing those technologies ???

No but China will not part away with those crucial tech

It will sure sell some defence tech to Pakistan with soft loans ....in exchange of vital resources ...

why is that despite itself boasting of having nuclear submarines , anti satellite missiles , ICBMs ..china has not given any of this to Pakistan ???

The limitation of Sino-pakistani relations are quite evident ...off course pakistnis won't like to hear about it ...because they want to make most of whatever they can lay their hands upon .....

Just don't tell me that China can't afford to dump Pakistan ...

Those relations which are based on some needs ...last only as long as those needs are existent .
What is there to tackle I mean really? other then you can go to bait and tackle shop and buy some bait to fish with ...yes the drama queen is at it again as always. What is such a big deal about this news that it has to be tackled and how are you going to tackle it? friendly nations with common interest have such drills to enhance their might nothing wrong in it you guys do the same with your friends so nothing to tackle or to talk about thread needs to be closed waste of thread space.

I suppose the hooplah has to do with it being in the Arabian sea, which India considers a strategically important oceanic region from a trade and security standpoint and in effect its intended area of influence.
This would be akin to India, US and Japan holding exercises in the South China Sea or the Straight of Mallaca for that matter

I suppose in International politics, symbolism is translated to have an underlying meaning

PS: There is nothing to tackle...Its only moves and counter moves. Call it a game of Chess.
I know how politics works. That's why I said, for now, realistically, China cannot.

You should justify your statement ...why you think China can't ...I have justified why China can ...!!!
Going by your logic ...since India haven't committed 'suicide' means Pakistan does not have 'decent navy' ...LOL !!!

Hope Pakistan will be able to stand up to India and face it on its own terms one day ...rather than shooting at India from shoulders of its " Super-Power " masters ...
You guys hurry to rope Japanese in to confront China, why Pakistan stands along to face 'supa powa' India. Pakistan will have decent navy in the future, at least India will be overrun in terms of conventional subs when PN Inducts 6 Yuan class AIP propelled subs from China.

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