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India to tackle China-Pak naval exercises

India doesn't go and camp in territory of other country ....India does not send fishing boats to claim islands of other countries ....

India does not forcefully occupy territory of other country ...

Going by your logic Bangladesh ,Pakistan , Myanmyar etc should also demonstrate aggressive behaviors because of continuous control by their British masters ...

Off course your logic and assertions both are flawed !!!

When I mean control, its a psychological control. India is acting like the old British empire at time and seek to dominate its neighbors. BD, Pak and Myanmyar do not seek to control others. Myanmyar was an independent kingdom before British invasion. Just like Sihk kingdom, Mysore kingdom and Maratha empires. These empires or kingdoms or direct continuations of them should come to being to end British imperialism in India.
When I mean control, its a psychological control. India is acting like the old British empire at time and seek to dominate its neighbors. BD, Pak and Myanmyar do not seek to control others. Myanmyar was an independent kingdom before British invasion. Just like Sihk kingdom, Mysore kingdom and Maratha empires. These empires or kingdoms or direct continuations of them should come to being to end British imperialism in India.

Actually, it's china which is illegally occupying independent cultures which share nothing with china, which self-defined it's border with the "great wall of china".

See this map, which clearly shows independent countries of Tibet, East Turkestan, Inner Mongolia and Manchuria, prior to WW2:

That is precisely what we plan to do with India! Nice opportunity. In the past India was hesitant but now I suspect they will shed that

India would benefit from US military presence in the Indian ocean.
Well these exercises will take place in the Indian Navy's back yard and in international waters. All the IN has to do is send a few of their new P-8Is or Heron UAVs for a look.

I don't see what the big deal is though really, the IN conducts naval exercises with Japan, the US, Australia, Vietnam, Philippines etc
India would benefit from US military presence in the Indian ocean.

china should not be afraid of another Japanese invasion, since USA is there to save china.

instead wasting money on "j-10" type useless things, it should look to feed its dying people and improve their lives. china should ban coal mining till they learn safe mining practices.
Well these exercises will take place in the Indian Navy's back yard and in international waters. All the IN has to do is send a few of their new P-8Is or Heron UAVs for a look.

I don't see what the big deal is though really, the IN conducts naval exercises with Japan, the US, Australia, Vietnam, Philippines etc

Separately but not jointly.

India needs to focus on switching to active defence. If our neighbours want to do exercises, let the, We can do exercises with other countries too.
PLAN and Pakistan Navy will choke India's oil supplies when a border war breaks out. After the war, PLAN will build our naval base on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
this what a decent navy means... :chilli:

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its very generous of you, that u will claim Andaman after a war, instead of saying it was a Chinese territory to begin with..:P
I think if according to you pakistan navy is not decent, and still give hard time to india, since you A$$ is on fire, what would be the result if our navy was decent according to you :lol:

:rofl: IN burned your a$$ in 1971,so first build your muscle then start to give lecture... :blah:
When I mean control, its a psychological control. India is acting like the old British empire at time and seek to dominate its neighbors. BD, Pak and Myanmyar do not seek to control others. Myanmyar was an independent kingdom before British invasion. Just like Sihk kingdom, Mysore kingdom and Maratha empires. These empires or kingdoms or direct continuations of them should come to being to end British imperialism in India.

There you go ....Your deep routed biases against India are self evident ....Pakistan is waging Proxy war against India ....despite obvious blatant attack originating from Pakistan ( which was off course mediated by ISI ) and yet you certify that Pakistan does not seek to control it . India had acted like mature country and always exercised great restrain in face of grave provocation .

Such was the India's conduct that it's act was lauded by International community during Kargil episode when Pakistan army sabotaged peace process initiated by Indian PM .

Even Bangladesh earlier under different government had been hostile to India - despite torturing and mutilating bodies of Indian soldiers by Bagladesh border forces - India exercised great restrain .

Your deep hatred towards India makes you overlook these facts ....and make you visualise India as aggressor .

But such is the psyche of majority of Chinese people and nothing better can be expected from likes of you than such rants ...

The truth however does not change : Just because you chose to close your eyes , rest of the world doesn't get blind .

India's responsible conduct in these gravest of provocations has been one of the many reasons why west has been comfirtable with rise of India . reason why Indian missile tests does not elicit ruckus around the world is because of this sole reason ...

Despite inhuman terrorist attack from Pakistan in 2007 and despite poor diplomatic realtions India rose to occasion in 2010 during floods in Pakistan - India was one of the few countries to extend help and announced aid immediately. Some Pakistani agencies were blaming India and US for these floods , Pakistan refused to accept Indian aid ...yet we routed this aid worth of 25 million dollars through UN . That is the greatness of India that it viewed this natural calamity beyond its own pain of 26/11 attacks ....

This stands out in sharp contrast with China who despite being perennially eulogised by Pakistan as great ally virtually insulted pakistan by its meagre aid of 1.4 million dollars.....Even Pakistany agencies criticised China for this insulting act . International shame lead China to increased aid eventually to 250 million dollars ....Yet it does not match with US aid of 1 billion dollars or India's credit of 1 billion dollars to Bangladesh or around 3 billion dollars aid to Afghanistan ...and sveral other billion dollars worth investment ...

Off course narrow minded chinese like you can never understand importance and relevance of this great gesture on part of India towards country which hates it to the core .

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