Wishful thinking says an Indian who doesn't know what a Pakistani civilian is made of. In no war with India or any other invasion would our military be fighting by itself. Even military and govt combined won't be able to hold back the armed civilians from joining combat.
Indian Navy and Airforce cannot project its total power for a host of reasons and it has nothing to do with if India wants to or not. The question is IF India can afford to or not as it has more enemies than Pakistan while Pakistan has only one enemy. Not to forget that if India brings in all of its assets to the fight, it would be regarded as a full scale attack and would be treated as such with consequences of the same magnitude.
Aeronaut, I thought you could do better than that. Your post was way off the mark.
Wishful thinking says an Indian who doesn't know what a Pakistani civilian is made of.
So, what are Pakistani civilians made off? Are they from planet Krypton and therefore indestructible?
Let's compare civilian stats.
Total Population: 1,220,800,359
Available Manpower: 615,201,057
Fit for Service: 489,571,520
Active Reserve Personnel: 2,143,000
Total Population: 193,238,868
Available Manpower: 93,351,401
Fit for Service: 75,326,989
Active Reserve Personnel: 515,000
India has 4 time the active reserve personnel than Pakistan. The usual bombast that 10 Hindus = 1 Pakistani is so much bluster. And your civilians joining the army in case of war is laughable! Unless of course you are Israelis where every civilian is trained and served in the defence forces! Have you?
Even military and govt combined won't be able to hold back the armed civilians from joining combat.

Get real! Do you even know what you're talking about? Probably Gen Zaid Hamid would lead the rag tag civilian brigades in an all out attack against Indian Armed Forces who would run helter skelter on seeing the invaders!!
Or are you talking about those LeT/JeM yahoos who are supposed to be the PA's 'strategic assets'? They are just so much cannon fodder!
Indian Navy and Airforce cannot project its total power for a host of reasons
Really? What reasons?
The question is IF India can afford to or not as it has more enemies than Pakistan while Pakistan has only one enemy.
So? More enemies like? What have they got to do in the event of a
purely bilateral Indo-Pak conflict? Would China come to your aid? That is a delusion you guys can do without. It will never ever happen. No country would interfere militarily in an Indo-pak war. Period!
And China especially would never support Pakistan in the event of a war. After all, Sino-Indian trade is at $100 billion slated to reach $500 billion by 2020. Your trade with China is a measly $14 billion. So what have you got to offer China that they'll come to your aid in the event of an Indo Pak war? Would they like to risk their economy by supporting Pakistan militarily? Is helping Pakistan in China's national interest? No! What's in it for them? Nix!
in international relations, there are no permanent friends, only permanent interests!