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Pakistan’s response to Indian Cold Start doctrine

You are right Famine is famine and that is why the poor people of Thar region in the Pakistan died last year.
Again you are damn right how a poor country like Pakistan,,that is regularly bailed out by IMF and seeking constant US aid for budget, thinks about attacking India .A country that is way higher than Pakistan in almost every aspects.
You can pass comments as an immigrant in Canada.But ground situation in Pakistan is way too different.

India has received 1000 times the aid pakistan had ever received, famine is not to be bashed , it is to be fought and eliminated.
By the way we were talking about india, why do you want to talk about Pakistan?
I am talking not as a canadian or an american, I am stating my own opinion. I came to Canada by choice my friend, nothing to do with forced or labour immigration like yours all over the world. I choosed a country where to live from a list of choices for higher education.. So I do not feel as a stranger or linked anywhere else. I you meant it in a bad way, then it does not work .
Pakistan civilians will always fight along with the Army. It has happened before. 1948 & 1965 is the biggest example. India would have hard time invading large cities like Karachi. I think Indian army will struggle to take down even 50,000 Armed MQM Wing never mind invading all of Pakistan. :lol:

We could recruit and send brainwashed Talibans to die for Islam and Pakistan too. :rofl:

In 1965 Sailkotis and Lahoris went into the battle field, any Pakistani who has an older relative who lived in those cities during the war will confirm what went down.
Guess what the person who developed the answer for India's cold start doctrine is now our Army chief he is the main architect of our response to Indian cold start doctrine

In 1965 Sailkotis and Lahoris went into the battle field, any Pakistani who has an older relative who lived in those cities during the war will confirm what went down.
Let Indians come would love to hunt them down final show down is long due now
India has received 1000 times the aid pakistan had ever received, famine is not to be bashed , it is to be fought and eliminated.
By the way we were talking about india, why do you want to talk about Pakistan?
I am talking not as a canadian or an american, I am stating my own opinion. I came to Canada by choice my friend, nothing to do with forced or labour immigration like yours all over the world. I choosed a country where to live from a list of choices for higher education.. So I do not feel as a stranger or linked anywhere else. I you meant it in a bad way, then it does not work .
Funny where did you get this 1000 times math?
Famine happens in India during british time and we got some aid from UK aftrr 1947.But afterall they loot all of our wealth from India.But now our President it is just a peanut.But recentky Pak got a bail out from IMF.
Now the subject is about CSD and Pakistanis claim that nyth and you try to confirm it and that make you at least Pak immigrant.
Sorry friend I got higher education from India itself from a reputed establishment inIndia.
That is enough for me.
Stay on topic if you can
One can not argue with such logic. That is straight from the Zaid Hamid school of thought. I would let you wear the lal topi without any disturbance!

Such objectives would not be achieved by a military invasion. In fact a military invasion from India would do exactly the opposite--it would unite the country. Besides, "the bomb" has in essence stamped out any such possibility.


My observations are based on personal experience and what I have read about Indian political scene over the years mostly from non – Pakistani press. Pray let me enumerate the reasons for my earlier post.

RSS was founded in 1925. Even though it was set up as an alternative to the politics of mass anti-colonial struggle, its only activism was expressed in anti-Muslim violence and has since. Thru its militant wing Bajrang Dal, RSS has participated in a wide range of riots, often organizing and inciting violence against Christians and Muslims.

Nathoo Ram Godse murderer of Mahatma Gandhi is considered as a hero by some; believed that Gandhi repeatedly sabotaged the interests of Hindus by using the "fasting unto death" tactic on many issues. In Godse's view, Gandhi was giving in to Muslim interests in ways were unfair and anti-national. In other words Mahatma died because he was too soft on Muslims. I wouldn’t be surprized if this view persists among hard-line RSS members.

VHP was founded in 1964 by K.K. Shastri. The co-founders were the Hindu spiritual leader Chinmayananda and former RSS member S.S. Apte, Supreme Spiritual Head of the Namdhari Sikhs Satguru Jagjit Singh and Sikh leader Master Tra Singh.
Apte declared:

"The world has been divided to Christian, Islam and Communism. All of them view Hindu society as very fine rich food on which to feast and fatten themselves. It is necessary in this age of conflict to think of and organise the Hindu world to save it from the evils of all the three".

Baal Thackrey formed Shiv Sena in 1966 primarily to oppose immigrants from southern India, Gujaratis and Marwaris.Thackeray and the Shiv Sena were blamed for inciting violence against Muslims during the 1992–1993 Mumbai riots in the Srikrishna Commission Report. In 2002 Thackeray issued a call to form Hindu Suicide Bomber squads to take on the menace of terrorism.

BJS was started by S. P. Mukerjee on 21 October 1951 as a "Nationalistic alternative" to the secular Indian Congress. The symbol of the party in Indian elections was an oil lamp and like the RSS, its ideology was centred on Hinduvta. In the 1952 general elections Bharatiya Jana Sangh won three seats, Mukerjee being one of the winning candidates. The party change its name to Bharatiya Janta Party.in 1980. BJP's victory in the 1996 elections is directly attributed to Advani's anti-Muslim anti-Babri Mosque Rath Yatra.

Narendar Modi has been widely blamed for organizing Gujrat riots of 2002 where about 2000 Muslims reportedly perished. Damage to Muslim owned property and businesses runs into billions. Special Investigation report of 2012 which cleared Narendar Modi of complicity was greeted with anger and disbelief by the Gujarati Muslims.

The above are historical facts. You are telling me that Pakistanis have nothing to fear despite that fact that Butcher of Gujarat would most probably be the future Prime Minister of India!!!.

I regret my inability to believe you.
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In a jungle, a predator never attacks directly over it's prey-no matter to which class it belongs,either it is a fragile spider or powerful fast,responsive tiger..they all wait,observe, find weakest and then catch/hunt their prey.
With the passage of time,this quardinary predator with well distinctive feature of hunting it's own kind has learnt a lot.
Applying this analogy on current scenario means that since both nations are nuclear power, direct warfare is not the first choice. The best strategy adopted nowadays by powerful nations is that they damage their powerful sectors first, disarm them and then engage in direct warfare. The option of direct warfare is only adapted by player when it was assured that it is weak and defenseless.
Take example of US and analyze her strategy whether it is against Vietnam, Russia or even Iraq.
Hence 'carve out and disarm' is the most possible strategy adopted.

My observations are based on personal experience and what I have read about Indian political scene over the years mostly from non – Pakistani press. Pray let me enumerate the reasons for my earlier post.

RSS was founded in 1925. Even though it was set up as an alternative to the politics of mass anti-colonial struggle, its only activism was expressed in anti-Muslim violence and has since. Thru its militant wing Bajrang Dal, RSS has participated in a wide range of riots, often organizing and inciting violence against Christians and Muslims.

Nathoo Ram Godse murderer of Mahatma Gandhi is considered as a hero by some; believed that Gandhi repeatedly sabotaged the interests of Hindus by using the "fasting unto death" tactic on many issues. In Godse's view, Gandhi was giving in to Muslim interests in ways were unfair and anti-national. In other words Mahatma died because he was too soft on Muslims. I wouldn’t be surprized if this view persists among hard-line RSS members.

VHP was founded in 1964 by K.K. Shastri. The co-founders were the Hindu spiritual leader Chinmayananda and former RSS member S.S. Apte, Supreme Spiritual Head of the Namdhari Sikhs Satguru Jagjit Singh and Sikh leader Master Tra Singh.
Apte declared:

"The world has been divided to Christian, Islam and Communism. All of them view Hindu society as very fine rich food on which to feast and fatten themselves. It is necessary in this age of conflict to think of and organise the Hindu world to save it from the evils of all the three".

Baal Thackrey formed Shiv Sena in 1966 primarily to oppose immigrants from southern India, Gujaratis and Marwaris.Thackeray and the Shiv Sena were blamed for inciting violence against Muslims during the 1992–1993 Mumbai riots in the Srikrishna Commission Report. In 2002 Thackeray issued a call to form Hindu Suicide Bomber squads to take on the menace of terrorism.

BJS was started by S. P. Mukerjee on 21 October 1951 as a "Nationalistic alternative" to the secular Indian Congress. The symbol of the party in Indian elections was an oil lamp and like the RSS, its ideology was centred on Hinduvta. In the 1952 general elections Bharatiya Jana Sangh won three seats, Mukerjee being one of the winning candidates. The party change its name to Bharatiya Janta Party.in 1980. BJP's victory in the 1996 elections is directly attributed to Advani's anti-Muslim anti-Babri Mosque Rath Yatra.

Narendar Modi has been widely blamed for organizing Gujrat riots of 2002 where about 2000 Muslims reportedly perished. Damage to Muslim owned property and businesses runs into billions. Special Investigation report of 2012 which cleared Narendar Modi of complicity was greeted with anger and disbelief by the Gujarati Muslims.

The above are historical facts. You are telling me that Pakistanis have nothing to fear despite that fact that Butcher of Gujarat would most probably be the future Prime Minister of India!!!.

I regret my inability to believe you.

That is fear mongering of the highest order--almost "mullah grade" that drives those young men to blow themselves up in the markets. You do realize that BJP was in power for a full term 1999-2004? A BJP PM initiated an unprecedented peace process by travelling to Lahore on a bus. It's another issue that he was backstabbed after that in Kargil. Modi himself has been in power in Gujarat for more than a decade now. How many Muslims has he killed since that 2002 riot which btw only started because 50+ Hindus were burned alive first? People easily forget that part.

You have also failed to address the two main issues that I raised--

(a) "what would India gain by invading Pakistan?"--unfortunately your to teach Muslims a lesson BS is only good for the gullible crowd.

(b) More importantly, "With the nuclear bomb in possession of Pakistan, is that even an option?". Even if India wanted to teach Muslims a lesson, as you put it, does it have the capability? India is not vastly superior to Pakistan in the conventional warfare, let alone the nuclear scenario. Furthermore, India is not an autocracy where one man forms foreign policies. The country is not and will not be run by one man's personal wishes. Modi govt's foreign policy vis-a-vis Pakistan will not be any different from the existing govt. With all due respect, Sir, you have disappointed me here.
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With both Pakistan and India strong militarily, all this unhealthy speculation is still used inside Pakistan to avoid 100% addressing and fixing he huge needs Pakistan has regarding public education; health (a huge issue); industrial development; and consumer power needs.

India has enough internal problems to waste money, manpower, and energy on scuffles with Pakistan.

As I have written here before using Kashmir by either or both sides is a waste of time, using that issue to focus hate and disgruntlement away from the internal needs of all of Pakistan.

The radical religious terrorists and related terrorism per se having it's roots in both Pakistan and Afghanistan is the national security focus, or should be, for all of Pakistan. Lack of use of Pakistani military in larger numbers to stop and kill of wild radicals has to be an everyday effort, not this on again, let's negotiated, then on again nonsense.

Pakistan needs a sense of unifying national purpose to achieve better internal security.

Hon sir,


Despite being a liberal, I am vehemently opposed to dialogue with the Taliban for the simple reason that one must not compromise with people who play football the heads of murdered Pakistani soldiers.

With the benefit of hindsight, one can say that it was the short sighted US policy of arming & training the fundamentalist jihadists in Afghanistan that is root cause of the current mess that Pakistan finds herself in. US succeeded in bankrupting and breaking up USSR but it was left to Pakistan to pick up the pieces under the circumstance that were beyond Pakistan’s capability.

In my view, reason for not taking a strong military action is that a large section of the society considers Taliban terrorists heroes of Islam and rulers lack the political will to cope with the fallout. You are probably aware that leader of one of the mainstream political parties Syed Munawwar Hassan; declared that terrorist Baitullah Mehsood killed in a US drone attack was a ‘Martyr’ whereas Pakistan Army soldiers who died fighting Taliban were not!

Add this to the fact that oxford educated and otherwise very intelligent Imran Khan defied federal government and blocked NATO supplies thru Peshawar. This indicates how far to the right some sections of Pakistan's polity have moved and the length to which wily politicians are willing to go to appeal to this vote bank.

It is therefore imperative to have a national consensus before a large scale army action can be taken against the Taliban scum. Only problem is that it taking a long time to achieve..


It is commonly believed that future wars would on ‘Water’. All of Pakistan’s major rivers flow thru Kashmir, therefore for Pakistan it is a matter of life & death. Therefore from the Pakistani perspective, it is not a waste of time. Without a solution to the Kashmir problem, no permanent peace can exist between the two countries.


If you care to read my reply to the Hon. Jaunty you know my reasons. Rightly or wrongly, I believe that butcher of Gujarat Narendar Modi is to Muslims what Hitler was to the Jews. I sincerely hope that BJP’ allies will be able to moderate Hinduvta policies.

I am not easily given into paranoia but with a ruthless anti-Muslim maverick like Narendar Modi at the helm of India; nothing can be completely ruled out.
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Thank you for your sensitive to your life's experiences comments.

I am very much aware of the water issues often raised to justify Kashmir psyching of the population in Pakistan.

I was in Pakistan (then Wet Pakistan) when the Mangla Dam was being built.

Water rights are a common intra and inter argument usually associated with almost endless litigation.

Georgia and Alabama have had a river dispute, river is the "dividing line" between the two states.

Out west in the early 1900s tapping of subterranean aquifers resulted in years long fight between California inland cattle ranchers and rising now major California huge coastal cities. Etc.

India has almost as many Muslims as does Pakistan. Yet for the most part the Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Sikes have gotten along to the point it is uncontested that India is the worlds 3rd or 4th largest economy and a functioning democracy there in SW & SE Asia.

I am typical of many Westerners who are tired of the same old same old excuses over and about Kashmir. Fairly or unfairly the radical versions of Islam are identified with Kashmir, which kills all logic and leaves blood on the ground.

As regards Afghanistan, radical Islam was to my understanding brewing for years among the Wahabbi Muslims in Saudi Arabia.
The Russians invaded Afghanistan, a land locked nation, expressing wishes back to Catherine the Great in Russia, moving toward warm water ports. Either Iran or Pakistan, or both, was a next major step to the sea (Red Sea) had the old USSR have won out in Afghanistan in the 1980s.

The US armed radical Islamists, and over time, they helped turn the tide to force the USSR out of Afghanistan. It then took another three years of hard fighting, which never ended in NE Afganistan, over al Qaida and Taliban harboured and nutured by the then Taliban controlled national government of Afghanistan.

I know all these old agruments. The way forward is never achieved if we keep dwelling on past mistakes everyone made, not just the US. All US field grade officers who made full Colonel (06) along the way did advanced military war schools and colleges which studied all these topics and more. Afghanistan is like holding quick silver as the raw, backward tribal areas change sides sometimes in the middle of a battle, when calls for Muslim "brotherhood" break out from the loosing side in a battle, loosing meaning al Qaida and the Taliban.

Anyone who has quick solution, black and white answers for Afghanistan, Pakistan, even for Russia and China today should be avoided like the plague, as that evidences a person who is totally uninformed to worldwide reality.

Your comments are respected but youth leads you and probably most folks, including here in the US, to expect a hard and fast victory and peace evermore. Sadly, that will never happen.

To me/us as Christians we believe in the Second Coming of Jesus, a final judgment, accompanied by a 1,000 year war with the Devil and his minions. Both Islam and Judaism believe in "the coming", singular, of the man we know as Jesus, to us the son of God "at the end time of our world. I take the ultimate, literal long term point of view that we are on a tread mill, sometimes we are behind, sometimes we are moderately even, sometimes we are far ahead of "things." But only God the Father can ever win the race per se. Believing that as I do, we all hopefully do the best that we can to avoid false prophets and hang on until our eternal reward of life eternal is ours.

The past few months in 2014 have been tough for me and our family as in January we lost a Dr. friend of ours, a practicing Jew. Then just yesterday, May 3, a Pakistani friend of mine who lives part of the year here in the States with his and his family, part of the year in Karachi. May 3rd about 10 years ago our Pakistani friend lost is wife to cancer. Yesterday, May 3, 2014 he lost his daughter, married with children, age 51, to cancer. Both his daughter yesterday and his wife some years ago both died of cancer on the same date, May 3rd. In a personal tragedy sense that is awful.

Now think how each of us religiously deal with death. My Dr. Jewish friend's Rabbi eulogized him saying he and the Temple look forward to God's Grace when the Lord's Son (first in their belief) comes to remedy ultimately mankind's rights and wrongs and brings Heaven for us all in a new world. Then think how my Pakistani friend who just lost his daughter and previously lost his wife, on the same date, May 3rd, how he under Islam deals with this loss.

All of us worship the same God. We have much in common as we are all the children of Abraham. But it is hard to deal with in a multi-religious sense. I wish all three faith systems the Peace of God and the good news of being promoted to Heaven. That is my personal answer.
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Funny where did you get this 1000 times math?
Famine happens in India during british time and we got some aid from UK aftrr 1947.But afterall they loot all of our wealth from India.But now our President it is just a peanut.But recentky Pak got a bail out from IMF.
Now the subject is about CSD and Pakistanis claim that nyth and you try to confirm it and that make you at least Pak immigrant.
Sorry friend I got higher education from India itself from a reputed establishment inIndia.
That is enough for me.
Stay on topic if you can
It does not seem as a myth at all to most people: Hundreds of articles.

Cold Start (military doctrine) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

India's Cold Start Is Too Hot | U.S. Naval Institute
India’s Cold Start Doctrine madness
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@The SC all of this reports depends India's exaggerated media in one way or another.GoI or IA didnt say anything about this rubbish till now except some about the speedy mobilization of IA

Hon sir,


Despite being a liberal, I am vehemently opposed to dialogue with the Taliban for the simple reason that one must not compromise with people who play football the heads of murdered Pakistani soldiers.

With the benefit of hindsight, one can say that it was the short sighted US policy of arming & training the fundamentalist jihadists in Afghanistan that is root cause of the current mess that Pakistan finds herself in. US succeeded in bankrupting and breaking up USSR but it was left to Pakistan to pick up the pieces under the circumstance that were beyond Pakistan’s capability.

In my view, reason for not taking a strong military action is that a large section of the society considers Taliban terrorists heroes of Islam and rulers lack the political will to cope with the fallout. You are probably aware that leader of, one of the mainstream political parties Syed Munawwar Hassan; declared that terrorist Baitullah Mehsood killed in a US drone attack was a ‘Martyr’ whereas Pakistan Army soldiers who died fighting Taliban were not!

Add this to the fact that oxford educated and otherwise very intelligent Imran Khan defied federal government and blocked NATO supplies thru Peshawar. This indicates how far to the right some sections of Pakistan's polity have moved and the length to which wily politicians are willing to go to appeal to this vote bank.

It is therefore imperative to have a national consensus before a large scale army action can be taken against the Taliban scum. Only problem is that it taking a long time to achieve..


It is commonly believed that future wars would on ‘Water’. All of Pakistan’s major rivers flow thru Kashmir, therefore for Pakistan it is a matter of life & death. Therefore from the Pakistani perspective, it is not a waste of time. Without a solution to the Kashmir problem, no permanent peace can exist between the two countries.


If you care to read my reply to the Hon. Jaunty you know my reasons. Rightly or wrongly, I believe that butcher of Gujarat Narendar Modi is to Muslims what Hitler was to the Jews. I sincerely hope that BJP’ allies will be able to moderate Hinduvta policies.

I am not easily given into paranoia but with a ruthless anti-Muslim maverick like Narendar Modi at the helm of India; nothing can be completely ruled out.

Have you ever been in India?
Your claim about Narendra modi is absolute non sense.Congress and their third rate media like Tehelka used lot of Modi hate articles for cheap propoganda.
And foreign medias just sing that song .Indians will decide their PM we decide our PM not for others covinence.
What about thousands of Hindus killed 2002riots?
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@The SC all of this reports depends India's exaggerated media in one way or another.GoI or IA didnt say anything about this rubbish till now except some about the speedy mobilization of IA

Have you ever been in India?
Your claim about Narendra modi is absolute non sense.Congress and their third rate media like Tehelka used lot of Modi hate articles for cheap propoganda.
And foreign medias just sing that song .Indians will decide their PM we decide our PM not for others covinence.
What about thousands of Hindus killed 2002riots?

I have already replied to the answer to your question in my first post.

Yes, I have been in India many times both as a visitor and also on business. I have had the pleasure of visiting Delhi, Agra, Fatehpur Sikri, Mumbai and Chenai. I am an old man, my last visit was back in 1995

There are many things in India and about Indians that I admire. For example I immensely respect people such as Mahatma Gandhi, Dr Ambedkar, Sarojini Naidu, Krishna Menon, Pundit Nehru, Rajinder Sing Parashad, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and VP Singh. Being a student of history, I am deeply appreciative of the contribution of Hindu political leaders towards independence movement.

Nevertheless, despite having few prejudices; I am a Pakistani & a Muslim. Therefore no matter how objective I try to be; I would always be partial to Pakistani & Muslim interests.

I would borrow Kuldeep Nayyar ‘s quote about Pakistan. I think India is a friend and foe combined into one. Individual Indians are civilised and hospitable persons regardless of the ethnicity. Some of my Sikh friends have gone to great trouble to entertain me. I have not come across a more civilised and lovable human being than Khushwant Singh anywhere in the world. God bless his soul.

Indian State however is a different matter. In my view India was a tolerant society until the Sikh riots of 1984. Like most South Asian societies, India has also been going backwards since that mass murder of Sikhs on the streets of Delhi. Ethnic, religious and caste bigotry is always in the background and ready to surface at the slightest provocation. Extremist parties such as BJP have exploited this feeling to maximum but their appeal is restricted to the high class Hindus. Despite all that, I would gladly admit I would feel far safer in any Indian city than I do in Karachi of today.

BJP’s political success is mainly due to the “first past the post” electoral system. For example in 1996 general elections BJP received only 37% of the votes cast. This clearly indicates that thankfully BJP only represents “Tilak, Tarazoo & Talwar” and not rest of the Indians. I also understand that a middle class high caste Indian would have different outlook and I respect that.

Mass murder in any shape and form is unforgivable. Burning of 60 odd Karsavaks in the Godhra train disaster was a despicable act and understand 31 have been convicted in 2011 with 11 death penalties. Besides, Concerned Citizens Tribunal headed by Teesta Setalvad concluded that Godhra fire was an accident. Pray tell how any of the 2000 or so Muslims killed in the State sponsored post Godhra violence were even remotely responsible for the act that they were punished for?.

Therefore please don’t try to make an angel out of the devil Narendar Modi under whose government this holocaust was allowed to happen.
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I have already replied to the answer to your question in my first post.

Yes, I have been in India many times both as a visitor and also on business. I have had the pleasure of visiting Delhi, Agra, Fatehpur Sikri, Mumbai and Chenai. I am an old man, my last visit was back in 1995

There are many things in India and about Indians that I admire. For example I immensely respect people such as Mahatma Gandhi, Dr Ambedkar, Sarojini Naidu, Krishna Menon, Pundit Nehru, Rajinder Sing Parashad, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and VP Singh. Being a student of history, I am deeply appreciative of the contribution of Hindu political leaders towards independence movement.

Nevertheless, despite having few prejudices; I am a Pakistani & a Muslim. Therefore no matter how objective I try to be; I would always be partial to Pakistani & Muslim interests.

I would borrow Kuldeep Nayyar ‘s quote about Pakistan. I think India is a friend and foe combined into one. Individual Indians are civilised and hospitable persons regardless of the ethnicity. Some of my Sikh friends have gone to great trouble to entertain me. I have not come across a more civilised and lovable human being than Khushwant Singh anywhere in the world. God bless his soul.

Indian State however is a different matter. In my view India was a tolerant society until the Sikh riots of 1984. Like most South Asian societies, India has also been going backwards since that mass murder of Sikhs on the streets of Delhi. Ethnic, religious and caste bigotry is always in the background and ready to surface at the slightest provocation. Extremist parties such as BJP have exploited this feeling to maximum but their appeal is restricted to the high class Hindus. Despite all that, I would gladly admit I would feel far safer in any Indian city than I do in Karachi of today.

BJP’s political success is mainly due to the “first past the post” electoral system. For example in 1996 general elections BJP received only 37% of the votes cast. This clearly indicates that thankfully BJP only represents “Tilak, Tarazoo & Talwar” and not rest of the Indians. I also understand that a middle class high caste Indian would have different outlook and I respect that.

Mass murder in any shape and form is unforgivable. Burning of 60 odd Karsavaks in the Godhra train disaster was a despicable act and understand 31 have been convicted in 2011 with 11 death penalties. Besides, Concerned Citizens Tribunal headed by Teesta Setalvad concluded that Godhead fire was an accident. Pray tell how any of the 2000 or so Muslims killed in the State sponsored post Godhra violence were even remotely responsible for the act that they were punished for?.

Therefore please don’t try to make an angel out of the devil Narendar Modi under whose government this holocaust was allowed to happen.

Nothing going to happen.Last 10 years Congress govt ruled this country CBI was in their hands similarly IB and RAW.If Narendra Modi did anything Congress might be use all of their influences to jail him.But 10 years of media torturing and
unwanted attack against Modi didnt work.They oppose Narendra Modi because he is incorruptible .Congress should fear such a politician.
Few years ago Gujaratis went outside of their state for jobs but now people from other sates is flowing towards Gujarat.
We Indians only need such a perfect record.While states that is ruled by so called sickular parties is troubled with regular riots.Narendra Modi's Gujarat didnt see any riots after 2002.For development he dismantle more than 10 temples.And So VHP dont like him.
Lots of idiots both national and international will go ballistic when they see anything about 2002 riots and Narendra Modi.All of them singing the same song of 2000 Muslims.But they dont heard the screaming of more than 700 Hindus(plus 60 sevaks) died during that riots.None of them . even BJP dont care about them.And that poor people dont complained for that till now.
They know they dont get anything after all they are so called majority.
My Muslim friends are worked in Gujarat after their engineering education.They have a lot of Muslim friends in Guajarat.They explained to our friends how Modi's development bring prosperity to their states.They dont get freebies from govt .But they have a lot of opportunity for jobs.
Sorry Sir.
We Indians decide our PM .If We Indians decide Narendra Modi as PM he will be the PM .We dont care about the neighbours opinion.
This is a specimen of what Modi has in store for the minorities.

Omar Abdullah blames Narendra Modi for ‘inciting violence’ in Assam

Jammu and Kashmir CM Omar Abdullah blamed Narendra Modi for inciting violence in Assam that left 32 Muslims dead.

Press Trust of India | Srinagar | May 3, 2014 5:18 pm

"Three days earlier, he (Modi) went there and branded all Muslims as Bangladeshis and today 30 Muslims have been put to sleep in the grave," he added. (PTI)

Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah blamed Narendra Modi for inciting violence in Assam that left 32 Muslims dead.

“In Assam, 30 Muslims were murdered. Why? Because BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi made a speech there and tried to incite people against Muslims. This is a fact. This truth cannot be denied,” Omar told an election rally at Tangmarg in Baramulla Lok Sabha constituency.

Omar said that Modi, in his election rally in Assam three days earlier, had branded all Muslims living in that state as “Bangladeshis”, which resulted in the attacks on them.

“Three days earlier, he (Modi) went there and branded all Muslims as Bangladeshis and today 30 Muslims have been put to sleep in the grave,” he added.

Referring to Modi’s statement holding National Conference leaders responsible for exodus of Kashmiri Pandits, Omar said the BJP leader had set out to insult all Kashmiris in the country.

Omar also accused the BJP of wanting to divide Jammu and Kashmir into three parts. Baramulla Lok Sabha constituency along with Ladakh Lok Sabha seat in Jammu and Kashmir will go to polls on May 7.

Omar Abdullah blames Narendra Modi for ‘inciting violence’ in Assam | The Indian Express

No one denies that whosoever is elected by the Indians will be their Prime Minister. Unfortunately one cannot choose ones neighbours and Pakistanis have to prepare themselves for the rise to power of a Hinduvta demagogue.

I have nothing more to say on this subject.
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