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Is RSS world's largest organization ever ?

@levina I agree with that, There is is a very thin line between Patriotism and Terrorism Or Violence. I am a Hindu and hated every bit of our history when they used to say about Islamic invasions and demolition of temples in India.

But today we Hindus do not need to show the same kind of attitude what Islamists have shown. Since majority of Indians are Hindus they will take care of Hinduism no need for revenge or avenge kind of attitudes. India Constitution should be followed.

:lol:. There is a very thin line between patriotism and terrorism for fools who are too stupid to see the difference. For the rest of the general population in the world with more than 2 brain cells its a VERY THICK LINE. No problems in differentiating between the two.

You are implying that 'Hindus' are showing the same kind of attitude what islamists have shown. What excatly is that attituted ? Destruction of 10,000 mosque ? forcible conversion of muslims into Hinduism ? Rape of women and children ? Selling of muslim women as slaves to hindus ? Seperate Tax of muslims for just being muslims ?

Which of this has the Hindus done ? Majority of Indians are NOT Hindus. They just think they are Hindus. 99% of self proclaimed Hindus in pdf does not know even the basics of Hinduism. Hinduism is pretty much destroyed in India. Hindutva is trying to revive Hinduism in India. It is the self hating british and islamist brainwashed 'secular' kind who are hanging to the tattered and corrupted soul of British India rather than break free of the past and make rational and free choices. 
Wot would you have done or acheived after building the temple? ..an upper hand perhaps? ..that doesnt have anything to do with Ram or Rahim. Its mostly about ego, ignorance, and stupidity and nothing else.

Irani chai ? LOL. A muslim perhaps ?

Why not break down the qaaba and replace it with a public toilet ? Where hindus can take a dump any time they want ?? isnt that better than going around a stone building based on ego, ignorance and stupidity ?

Hope lavina claps for this posting too. :sick:
:lol:. There is a very thin line between patriotism and terrorism for fools who are too stupid to see the difference. For the rest of the general population in the world with more than 2 brain cells its a VERY THICK LINE. No problems in differentiating between the two.

You are implying that 'Hindus' are showing the same kind of attitude what islamists have shown. What excatly is that attituted ? Destruction of 10,000 mosque ? forcible conversion of muslims into Hinduism ? Rape of women and children ? Selling of muslim women as slaves to hindus ? Seperate Tax of muslims for just being muslims ?

Which of this has the Hindus done ? Majority of Indians are NOT Hindus. They just think they are Hindus. 99% of self proclaimed Hindus in pdf does not know even the basics of Hinduism. Hinduism is pretty much destroyed in India. Hindutva is trying to revive Hinduism in India. It is the self hating british and islamist brainwashed 'secular' kind who are hanging to the tattered and corrupted soul of British India rather than break free of the past and make rational and free choices. 

Irani chai ? LOL. A muslim perhaps ?

Why not break down the qaaba and replace it with a public toilet ? Where hindus can take a dump any time they want ?? isnt that better than going around a stone building based on ego, ignorance and stupidity ?

Hope lavina claps for this posting too. :sick:

Have you understood what I have written first??

What Hindutva revival has to do with Islam?? How Revival of Hinduism is related to destruction of mosques??
In the past Islamists have done the destruction to Hindi temples but Why follow the same violent terror path?? When 80% of public in India are Hindu and are following Hindu Dharma, don't you think we should choose more peaceful way to improve??

You yourself have quoted somebody's words that Hindus do not know the basic principles of Sanatana Dharma. The way forward should be in strengthening of these Dharmic principles in Peoples minds than pointing towards a certain minority for wrong doing in our history.

I am a secular and I know more about Hinduism than any above average guy who proclaims he is a Hindu. But I am also a level headed guy who think revival of Hinduism has to be done in a constructive way rather than a pathetic way of hatred and destruction.

Is it not a shame that a country where people build more number of temples day by day do not know the basic things of sanatana Dharma?? Hindusim progress is there with the people not in buildings. I am not pointing Ram mandir, the issue is with courts and they will decide based on "Constitution of India".
I am not marketing myself here.:coffee:
There's a reason why i had left this thread a few pages back.And the reason was that the members or the so called RSS swayam sevaks on this forum had started to gang up against me and they resorted to personal attacks on me.Kaniska, i have volumes to talk about how RSS has only harmed India's integrity.And to get the jist of it you can just go through my posts in the previous pages.Because i dont want to repeat what i have already said and requote myself.(Now that would be marketing)
Its good to see that there are atleast a few members on the forum who believe in secularism like i do.
(thanks @iranichai)

LOL. You have assumed that anyone who has exposed your hypocrisy and bigoted views is a RSS swayam sevak. This shows the amount of hate and narrow minded thinking you are capable of. If you have been exposed for who you are, then its is nobody's fault but your own.

Of all the posters only 1 have claimed to be RSS members and 2 are ex member. But most of the replies to your posts are by me. I am neither a RSS member, nor an ex member :lol:. India continues to suffer great harm from the likes of you, not RSS. Thankfully for ever Spineless cowards that India throws up, there will always be a Jahsi ki Rani who will restore balance.

I will derive no greater pleasure than to get India rid of 'secularists' like you. Its good that you have now shown us that you live in UAE. Your need to suck up to muslims there to continue existence in their land colors your opinion. Its a life of shame and hypocrisy you have chosen, so do not blame others for mocking you. Click on this link to better understand yourself.
Manavantaratruti said:
Hope lavina claps for this posting too. :sick:

1) my name is not lavina it is Levina
2) I'll clap for you the day you'll get over your RSS ideologies.You are the best "brainwashed" product of RSS.

There is a very thin line between patriotism and terrorism for fools who are too stupid to see the difference.
And we all know who that stupid is.:coffee:

Manavantaratruti said:
You are implying that 'Hindus' are showing the same kind of attitude what islamists have shown. What excatly is that attituted ? Destruction of 10,000 mosque ? forcible conversion of muslims into Hinduism ? Rape of women and children ? Selling of muslim women as slaves to hindus ? Seperate Tax of muslims for just being muslims ?
Nobody is supporting a particular religion here....neither me...nor @Srinivas....nor did @iranichai.
You are jumping into conclusions.
We only raised our voice against the wrong doings of RSS.

Manavantaratruti said:
They just think they are Hindus. 99% of self proclaimed Hindus in pdf does not know even the basics of Hinduism.
So Mr.Hindu....tell me what do you know about hinduism.Do you even pray regularly??
What is panchakshram?? We know Brahma is our creator but then why dont we have temples for him?? Why are Ram & Laxman who insulted surpanakha considered gods??
Or why are Krishna and Radha considered the ideal couple when they are not even married??
Or what is a shivling?? How many metals are used for making statue of a god???
What is the significance of prasad???

Manavantaratruti said:
It is the self hating british and islamist brainwashed 'secular' kind who are hanging to the tattered and corrupted soul of British India rather than break free of the past
Oh yeah and i know at whom you are pointing.

Manavantaratruti said:
Irani chai ? LOL. A muslim perhaps ?

does that even matter??
Have you understood what I have written first??

What Hindutva revival has to do with Islam?? How Revival of Hinduism is related to destruction of mosques??

LOL. A straw-man argument. Have you stopped beating your wife ? :cheesy:

In the past Islamists have done the destruction to Hindi temples but Why follow the same violent terror path?? When 80% of public in India are Hindu and are following Hindu Dharma, don't you think we should choose more peaceful way to improve??

What violent terror path are the Hindus following ? strapping bombs on themselves and blowing up muslims ? What kind of lowly slime are you ?

Hindus so far has become second class citizens in the only Hindu land in the world. So I do think its time for a change. I know for a matter of fact that hindus are peaceful. It is for you to explain how your parents have become violent and have killed muslims and destroyed 50 mosques. I will be waiting for your answer.

You yourself have quoted somebody's words that Hindus do not know the basic principles of Sanatana Dharma. The way forward should be in strengthening of these Dharmic principles in Peoples minds than pointing towards a certain minority for wrong doing in our history.

You might be a coward who is not ready to face History, but I do not want the rest of India to follow on your footstep. I would rather have an India who has the courage and the conviction to face up to history and facts rather than hide behind the 'burqa of secularism'

I am a secular and I know more about Hinduism than any above average guy who proclaims he is a Hindu. But I am also a level headed guy who think revival of Hinduism has to be done in a constructive way rather than a pathetic way of hatred and destruction.

LOL. We can all see how 'level headed' and 'rational' you are. You are exposed as a poser peddling strawman argument with nothing constructive to say.

Is it not a shame that a country where people build more number of temples day by day do not know the basic things of sanatana Dharma?? Hindusim progress is there with the people not in buildings. I am not pointing Ram mandir, the issue is with courts and they will decide based on "Constitution of India".

LIAR. Ram Mandir is the ONLY thing you are pointing too. You do not even have the simple courage to admit this very obvious fact.

I do not think its a 'shame' to build a temple. Your 'shame' is your problem. You better convert to islam to get rid of that 'shame'.

Do not peddle anymore straw man argument like 'progress is there in people, not in building'. :lol: you sound like rahul gandhi. Unlike you , I went to an actual school with a solid 'building', a college with a ctual 'building' and a temple 'with an actual building. You might have studied in a cow shed and prayed in a funeral home and used the railway track as a toilet. For the rest of us, 'buildings' are very much important and necessary. :lol:
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I am neither a RSS member, nor an ex member
And how will i ever know that you're not telling me the truth???:coffee:
You could be a gal or i could be a 60yr old man from Kolkata....remember???
Manavantratruti said:
India continues to suffer great harm from the likes of you, not RSS. Thankfully for ever Spineless cowards that India throws up, there will always be a Jahsi ki Rani who will restore balance.
Right now India is doing good with the hard earned money that we NRIs send to India.
Jhansi kiRani.....yes child ......you're right.And thanks for the conpliment. :-)

Manavantratruti said:
I will derive no greater pleasure than to get India rid of 'secularists' like you. Its good that you have now shown us that you live in UAE. Your need to suck up to muslims there to continue existence in their land colors your opinion. Its a life of shame and hypocrisy you have chosen, so do not blame others for mocking you. Click on this link to better understand yourself.

Well so far ppl of UAE have been good to me.I just have to point a finger at a guy to get him jailed for misbehaving with me.They respect my religion and i respect theirs.

Manavantratruti.....i dint want to say this but you are really frustrated with your life and its that frustration of yours which manifests as hate on internet forums.Making personal attacks is your hobby.
You need help.
What i saw was impressive .....and i want to believe that RSS can be non violent and peaceful too.
R.S.S. along with another Hindu organisation RamKrishna Mission has done a lot for this ocuntry and it's people since it's founding days.now,i want to share an interesting fact about R.S.S.when the Muslim League declared the Direct action day on 16th August 1946,muslim goons backed by the Muslim League Govt. of Bengal started violent riots all over Calcutta(literally all over the undivided Bengal region).they carried out the massacre of Hindu people for 2 days in Calcutta as the Hindus were taken aback by the violent nature of the riot which literally started out of the blue.
R.S.S. in those days had a strong base at the northern part of Calcutta,so the first thing they did was to gather around the members from all around the city and on the third day of the riot started a massive counter assault on the rampaging muslim rioters.the R.S.S. members,being extensively trained on handling swords and sticks easily overpowered the rioters who were basically a bunch of indisciplined goons and drove them away from the city itself.
by dong this R.S.S. saved the lives of thousands of innocent Bengali hindus in Calcutta and even though they lost quite a few members in those pitched battles in the streets of Calcutta they managed to inflict serious casualties on the muslim rioters......
1) my name is not lavina it is Levina
2) I'll clap for you the day you'll get over your RSS ideologies.You are the best "brainwashed" product of RSS.

:lol: So much for your prejudiced views. You are just embarrassing yourself here, being exposing again and again for the bigot you are.

And we all know who that stupid is.:coffee:

We sure do :enjoy:

Nobody is supporting a particular religion here....neither me...nor @Srinivas....nor did @iranichai.
You are jumping into conclusions.
We only raised our voice against the wrong doings of RSS.

Back to 'allegations' :lol: ......... the deadly and mysterious 'wrong doings' which has not yet been proved,, even in a simple debate. Forget about the court of law. :P

So Mr.Hindu....tell me what do you know about hinduism.Do you even pray regularly??

Do Hindus need to pray regularly 5 times a day ? :lol:

What is panchakshram??
Na Ma Si Va ya :angel:

We know Brahma is our creator but then why dont we have temples for him??

:lol: How do you know Brahma is 'our' creator ? Which 'hindu' scripture says that ?

BTW here is a partial list of Brahma temples .... Pushkar, Kumbakonam, Thirunavaya, Kheteshwar, Sattari, Khedbrahma, Khokhan, Kalahasti, Thirupattur, Mangalwedha etc.

BTW Angkor Wat in Cambodia is ALSO a Brahma temple :cheesy:

Why are Ram & Laxman who insulted surpanakha considered gods??

:lol: Ram is not considered a god, but an avatar of god. Do you understand the difference ? During Ram's life he was not aware he is vishnu avatar.

He is "maryada purushottam", or the one who teaches us to lead a perfect life.

Or why are Krishna and Radha considered the ideal couple when they are not even married??

Which scriptures consider them an 'ideal couple' ? please quote them :azn:

Or what is a shivling?? How many metals are used for making statue of a god???

Shivling is a 'mark of shiva' representing the internal fire/energy that is infinite.

There are both Ashtadhatu and Panchdhatu statues of god. :rolleyes: Do do you know which scriptures mentions this ? :azn:

What is the significance of prasad???

It is the balance of the food fed to god. But prasad is also the food placed before guests. LOL. Bet you did not know that.

Oh yeah and i know at whom you are pointing.
does that even matter??

Oh Yes. It most certainly matters.
Islam is the only true religion. You are only hurting yourself by practicing pagan traditions..and would be responsible for yourself on the day of judgement.

This world is nothing but a test, from God, to sort out who are the ones true to God, and who are the ones who try to defy God, in the end, we would be either sent to heaven or hell, where we would live forever, for eternity. That is our true place of living, this world is temporary...

A Prophet has come from God with clear guidance ( the Quran), it is up to you now what you do with it, but clearly you do not have an excuse to say, no body warned you, on the day of judgement..
nothing but a big,empty fart coming out of a senior member!!now's the right time to grow up buddy,you are living in the 21st century after all......
And how will i ever know that you're not telling me the truth???:coffee:
You could be a gal or i could be a 60yr old man from Kolkata....remember???

Pathetic. Your hate and bigotry has no end.

Right now India is doing good with the hard earned money that we NRIs send to India.
Jhansi kiRani.....yes child ......you're right.And thanks for the conpliment. :-)

Yes. The congress has destroyed India so we have ended up sending maids to Saudi Arabia to send us money. Congratulations. But reality is a fair bit of us who are competent enough to make money in India do well in India. Chew on that. :disagree:

Well so far ppl of UAE have been good to me.I just have to point a finger at a guy to get him jailed for misbehaving with me.They respect my religion and i respect theirs.

Really ? Good for you. But reality I just don't care. :P I get to earn my bread in India.

Manavantratruti.....i dint want to say this but you are really frustrated with your life and its that frustration of yours which manifests as hate on internet forums.Making personal attacks is your hobby.
You need help.

Sigmund freud on pdf :cheesy:. I just love 'split and slicing' your kind in pdf. Do you feel frustrated ? :azn:
So much for your prejudiced views. You are just embarrassing yourself here, being exposing again and again for the bigot you are.
We sure do
Back to 'allegations' ...... the deadly and mysterious 'wrong doings' which has not yet been proved,, even in a simple debate. Forget about the court of law.
Do Hindus need to pray regularly 5 times a day ?
Na Ma Si Va ya
How do you know Brahma is 'our' creator ? Which 'hindu' scripture says that ?
BTW here is a partial list of Brahma temples .... Pushkar, Kumbakonam, Thirunavaya, Kheteshwar, Sattari, Khedbrahma, Khokhan, Kalahasti, Thirupattur, Mangalwedha etc.
BTW Angkor Wat in Cambodia is ALSO a Brahma temple
Ram is not considered a god, but an avatar of god. Do you understand the difference ? During Ram's life he was not aware he is vishnu avatar.
He is "maryada purushottam", or the one who teaches us to lead a perfect life.
Which scriptures consider them an 'ideal couple' ? please quote them
Shivling is a 'mark of shiva' representing the internal fire/energy that is infinite.
There are both Ashtadhatu and Panchdhatu statues of god. Do do you know which scriptures mentions this ?
It is the balance of the food fed to god. But prasad is also the food placed before guests. LOL. Bet you did not know that
Oh Yes. It most certainly matters.

Well i know why it took you sooooooo long to answer back.
Nevertheless i am impressed(with your googling skills :coffee:)
Your intelligence should be used in the right direction.Otherwise you know why we call Ravana a 10headed demon?
Manavantratruti.....please consider my suggestion.
You do need help.

Btw if Sri Ram was maryada purushotam then why did leave his pregnant wife alone in the jungle???
Rss and its cult... big time pain in the bones.

LOL. This from the follower of the largest cult called 'islam' in the world ? Take a rain check irani chai.

RSS originally..may have had noble ideologies and intentions. But all the moral policing they do in the name of "restoring" hindu dharma is bulls.

Kindly show proof of this deadly insight. If you can not provide proof, I hope we can all agree you are prejudiced or a LIAR. :enjoy:

Moral policing on valentine couples, barging their way into parties thrashing young crowd..boys and girls. ...highly need some education and a life.

Valentine day is a christian belief and Hindus need to protect their culture from such cultural/social/political invasion. But to the best of my knowledge RSS is not against Love marriage :P

Maybe its you who need some more education. :tongue:

There are many more serious/burning issues in the country and they are all on a mission with stupid hypocritical minds ganging up bashing young girls and boys .

Maybe you are talking about Taliban. Shivraj Singh Chauhan, the RSS trained CM of MP had a love marriage :lol:

Show power where it is needed. get an educated person to lead your forces. You will shine. Set a good example to future generations. Don't get your behinds hyper at the very mention of India, Hindu and/or culture.

They show power exactly where it is required. They are determined to protect Indian culture and society from foreign cultural and religious invasion and cultural conquest.

Believe in Religion. Yes please do. But educate yourself thoroughly about the religion you believe in. No religion enforces any certain kind of behavior on women.

Are you sure ? how about a cult called islam ? if men can have 4 wives, why cant women have 4 husbands ? :azn:

I can post 10 more quotes. directly from the quran, but you get the general idea don't you ? ;)

If think there are any, those are all diluted versions from bird brained idiots who failed to comprehend the actual essence of any religion, self proclaimed moral police. And no religion asks you to indulge in attacks - physical attacks to safeguard the religion. Neither Bhagavadgita nor Quran.

They are only putting other Hindus to shame.

Hinduism certainly asks the Hindus to get into physical attacks to safe guard 'Dharma'. There is a whole 'WORLD WAR' called Mahabharata fought just for the exact purpose. :tongue: 
Well i know why it took you sooooooo long to answer back.
Nevertheless i am impressed(with your googling skills :coffee:)
Your intelligence should be used in the right direction.Otherwise you know why we call Ravana a 10headed demon?
Manavantratruti.....please consider my suggestion.
You do need help.

Btw if Sri Ram was maryada purushotam then why did leave his pregnant wife alone in the jungle???

I am answering to multiple threads and people, hence the delay. Do you want exclusive interview with me ? :lol:

People with lower intelligence should listen to advice given by people who have impressed others with their intelligence. Now that is just common sense. :angel:

Are you aware sita vanvas was not part of the original Valmiki Ramayan or even Tulsidas’ Ram Charit Manas ? It was only done much later when Ramayan become a smriti and amended in Uttara Kand Ramayan. :rolleyes:
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Are you aware sita vanvas was not part of the original Valmiki Ramayan or even Tulsidas’ Ram Charit Manas ? It was only done much later when Ramayan become a smriti and amended in Uttara Kand Ramayan. :rolleyes:
And i am surprised your RSS guys havent protested against it.After all Ram is shown in bad light.When RSS could demolish a mosque for building Ram mandir then why not improve Lord Ram's image as well.
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And i am surprised your RSS guys havent protested against it.After all Ram is shown in bad light.

No need to do so. Sita Vanvas shows the duty of the king is above the duty of the husband. Which is why kings are considered as karma yogi's.

I do not expect you to get this, but valmiki ramayan was about the perfect man, utara khand ramayan was also about duties of a king.
RSS is said to be a cultural organization under the umbrella of which various organizations work. The total number of registered members of all the organizations under the command of RSS taken together is about 60 million or 6 crore:blink: (excluding it's supporters and sympathizers). The numbers are given below:-


RSS Chief, Mohan Bhagwa
  • (m = million)

    How can they hold such a big organization? Is it world's largest organization ever? Is it possible to look over every of its member's doing?:unsure:

  • images



Largest PT organization for sure. Wear Khaki shorts and do PT everyday :laugh:
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