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Is This the 'Gujarat Model' India Needs?

It is because every morning there is a new article on Modi dealing with an interesting aspect of his politics and beliefs that requires discussion ....

Is @Ravi Nair the only Indian worth discussing issues with. All the other Indians are just here to mess around.

I am disappointed in a sense with Indian writers against Modi and for Modi.

If you read about how he has risen through the ranks in the R.S.S. you might understan what I am talking about.

Togadia, who is another major figure in Gujarat who is even more virulently Hindutva, hates Modi. Because he has displaced him and Modi knocked down temples as well.

Modi has turned BJP and the Hindutva into his own personal brand.

That is why I argue Modi is more concnerned about power, not about Hindutva.

There are many R.S.S. and BJP leaders who are angry at him because the Hindutva movement is not about an individual, but about a movement.

Modi has made them movement about himself.
He was born in a close near by. And looking at the sheer cleverness obvious in Narendra Modi's speeches, I will not be surprised if he really one day shower honor to this man.;)

It is almost inspiring how a Man has risen through from being a tea vendour and from a low caste family to the heights now.

In a way, that is more meritocratic I think.
This is an emotional but historically rejected notion that Mahatma Gandhi's land could not have denied Muslim marginalization. In fact in order to protect the Muslims from the partition atrocity, Gandhi's passiveness towards Hindus ended up in making a paramilitary radical force in the 40's which is known as BJP today.

Thats true and the passiveness is 100 times more today,hence the group even wants power.

He was born in a close near by. And looking at the sheer cleverness obvious in Narendra Modi's speeches, I will not be surprised if he really one day shower honor to this man.;)

Jinnah was an honourable man and was upfront in his ideas,not a confused person like Gandhi.
Hitler entered power in similar circumstances.

Apart from the genocide, what Hitler did to raise the status of a war ravaged, humiliated nation from the treaty of Versailles, to the most powerful nation on Earth, is commendable and very few can repeat that feat.
It is almost inspiring how a Man has risen through from being a tea vendour and from a low caste family to the heights now.

In a way, that is more meritocratic I think.
Yes. That looks inspiring. But I was a more fond of Lal Bahadur Shastri, who came to the highest power from extreme poverty.

Thats true and the passiveness is 100 times more today,hence the group even wants power.
Jinnah was an honourable man and was upfront in his ideas,not a confused person like Gandhi.
Holy God! I agree with you.
Hindus are their own worst enemies.Isn't this Kumar the same sob who gets exclusive space on Pakistani Papers to write about Modi :lol:

Why do you want to stifle the sane voice of a Conscientious Intellectual ?
Apart from the genocide, what Hitler did to raise the status of a war ravaged, humiliated nation from the treaty of Versailles, to the most powerful nation on Earth, is commendable and very few can repeat that feat.

The debt he incurred during the re-building phase could only be paid back through debt, plunder and loot.

India needs a more sensible approach than that though :-)

India needs more than Modi.

It needs excellent chief ministers too.
Why do you want to stifle the sane voice of a Conscientious Intellectual ?

Sanjay Kumar does a disservice to critics to Modi though. By making constant Hitler references, they seem to be crying wolf.

The legitimate criticisms like what is exactly Mod's development plan, how well he works in a coalition, is he going to be authoritarian?

What about the infrastructure? sanitation?

Realistic criticism gets lost in imagined, hyped up criticism that is done a disservice through theatrics.

I am not a fan of Hindutva politics :-)
The binding force is Hinduism and the Hindutva philosophy ....

What is Hinduism? Strangely no one answer can be given. The reason is ... hindu are people derived from aryan stock who settled in Indus Valley (Hindu - Sindhu - Indu; Indus-Indu) who (the aryans) were nature worshippers (as ascertained by diggings in Harappa-Mohenjo Daro/Kalibangan/Lothal) ... Hinduism is roited there. It evolved due to external influences and absorbed all ..... hence you see different interpretations .... so to ascertain fundamentalism for a Hindu is futile .. as it (the version being touted) will be in contradiction to other version elsewhere. Your posts are always a good laugh and its a pleasure to read your posts as it does make one realise that things can still be as funny and as absurd in this modern era
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