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Is This the 'Gujarat Model' India Needs?

I am disappointed in a sense with Indian writers against Modi and for Modi.

If you read about how he has risen through the ranks in the R.S.S. you might understan what I am talking about.

Togadia, who is another major figure in Gujarat who is even more virulently Hindutva, hates Modi. Because he has displaced him and Modi knocked down temples as well.

Modi has turned BJP and the Hindutva into his own personal brand.

That is why I argue Modi is more concnerned about power, not about Hindutva.

There are many R.S.S. and BJP leaders who are angry at him because the Hindutva movement is not about an individual, but about a movement.

Modi has made them movement about himself.

Actually, just between friends, Dealing with Modi will be a better bet for Pakistan.

In our South Asian Culture, dealing with " Right of Center " guys pays off better than Far left.

Simply because treaties made with Far Left guys is usually not sustainable and ends up being reversed.

Chuup Saale! You don't like Modi! Jaao Pakistan.


Actually, just between friends, Dealing with Modi will be a better bet for Pakistan.

In our South Asian Culture, dealing with " Right of Center " guys pays off better than Far left.

Simply because treaties made with Far Left guys is usually not sustainable and ends up being reversed.


The argument is that Modi will be better placed to make concession without being called a traitor, whilst additionally will be hailed for his statesman like behavior.

@Pakistanisage If Modi did not have the taint of Godhra, his story would have been inspirational. A member of the lower caste becoming a potential Prime Minister of India.

I wanted Jayalalitha to become PM.

Oh well :-)
Modi apparently refused to do riots but Amit shah said we have to do it.

I am sure Amit Shah will have to say something about that.

Are you aware you are accusing a senior BJP leader of criminal activity?
well dont get too serious,am just giving u some gossip news.

and u r from a western country ravi,here if u dont react before the wound heals,u ll spend a lifetime being a weakling.
well dont get too serious,am just giving u some gossip news.

and u r from a western country ravi,here if u dont react before the wound heals,u ll spend a lifetime being a weakling.

Let's not give too much credit here.

Western countries themselves have engaged in a lot of genocide themselves. :-)
It is becoming clear what the Gujarat model will actually mean for India. First an end to Indian pluralism but this is probably the least of the worries. A number of BJP and RSS leaders have been hammering on the Muslim 'issue' since the beginning of the elections campaign. It should be obvious that pluralism is not what they want but a purified Hindu India requiring the expulsion of millions of Muslims to Bangladesh or Pakistan. Modi has now warned repeatedly that Muslim illegal immigrants from Bangladesh must be sent back. The BJP claims that there are more than 20 million Muslim illegal immigrants from Bangladesh in India. This is, however, a complete fallacy. The number of 20 million includes the millions of Hindus who fled to India in 1947 and 1971 and were given citizenship, a right never accorded to the few thousand Muslims who entered India after 1971. After these Muslims have been expelled a witch hunt against Muslims allegedly sympathetic to Pakistan and Bangladesh and Islamist terrorism will commence and they will similarly be forced out and this will likely to lead to conflict with neighboring countries. It would seem the simple hegemonic agenda of the Congress Party was not enough the BJP now seeks to cleanse India of the Muslim invader and centuries of perceived humiliation under Muslim rule.

Are you aware of the gas chambers that we are building in remote islands of Andamans & Lakshadweep? You should write a nice article on it, or maybe another book. :drag:
Apart from the genocide, what Hitler did to raise the status of a war ravaged, humiliated nation from the treaty of Versailles, to the most powerful nation on Earth, is commendable and very few can repeat that feat.

Well yes but do we really want Modi to do the same?

What is Hinduism? Strangely no one answer can be given. The reason is ... hindu are people derived from aryan stock who settled in Indus Valley (Hindu - Sindhu - Indu; Indus-Indu) who (the aryans) were nature worshippers (as ascertained by diggings in Harappa-Mohenjo Daro/Kalibangan/Lothal) ... Hinduism is roited there. It evolved due to external influences and absorbed all ..... hence you see different interpretations .... so to ascertain fundamentalism for a Hindu is futile .. as it (the version being touted) will be in contradiction to other version elsewhere. Your posts are always a good laugh and its a pleasure to read your posts as it does make one realise that things can still be as funny and as absurd in this modern era

What is amazing and funny is all that nonsense about descending from Aryans .... That is what justifies the caste system.
It is because every morning there is a new article on Modi dealing with an interesting aspect of his politics and beliefs that requires discussion ....

Is @Ravi Nair the only Indian worth discussing issues with. All the other Indians are just here to mess around.
you proved your worth here one more time with your inability to engage Indians in reasonable discussion.... You n many here on pdf don't want to have honest approach on Modi ..... All of your threads stems from a race of victimhood on 2002 post Godhra cases with holding him responsible n almost labeling him a terrorist or butcher of Muslims in most of your post without giving a second thought of what SC constituted SIT has to say in this regard while giving him a clean chit.... And when you people run out of argument then many people here come out with GREAT HINDU BANIYA THEORY....
Munshi babu one has to earn respect not to beg for it as you same mentioned about @Ravi Nair the only Indian here...
Congrtz Ravi Munshi has found Indian KOHINOOR HEERA in pdf sitting miles away from indian shores .....:yahoo:
you proved your worth here one more time with your inability to engage Indians in reasonable discussion.... You n many here on pdf don't want to have honest approach on Modi ..... All of your threads stems from 2002 post Godhra cases of race of victimhood with holding him responsible n almost labeling him a terrorist or butcher of Muslims in most of your post without giving a second thought of what SC constituted SIT has to say in this regard while giving him a clean chit.... And when you people run out of argument then many people here come out with GREAT HINDU BANIYA THEORY....
Munshi babu one has to earn respect not to beg for it as you same mentioned about @Ravi Nair the only Indian here...
Congrtz Ravi Munshi has found Indian KOHINOOR HEERA in pdf .....:yahoo:

I don't need his seal of approval. I know his agenda very well.

I wonder if he sticks up for the minorities in Muslim countries as well.
Why are our neighbours so worried about Modi coming to power ? How does it affect them ?

I don't remember us being worried about which government comes to power in their countries ?
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