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Is RSS world's largest organization ever ?

ok maam lets talk on topic so whats your point :azn:

You quoted "chor ki daari mein tinka".....so you should explain it to me.
I demand an explanation to your quote.
Shaabash mere sher!! This time you have done some good amount of home work.I like it.:tup:

And that means so much to me :rolleyes:

Arreeyy....why do you resort to personal attacks??
Now allow me.....
are you this way to everyone women in your life???

I thought women liked bad boys and abusive men. They do the best to defend them and their behavior. Its the nerds who do not get the chicks. :devil:

BTW, how do you know I am not a women ? :azn: ...for that matter how do anyone know you are a women ? You could be a 60 year old man sitting in a slum in kolkata. :D

And lets not talk about one black sheep in IA....or for such a large army few black sheeps.
And what about the RSS men....did they spare a 7 month pregnant muslim lady???Her name is kauser banu.
Your men didnt even spare 11 yr old girls......shame that men always target women to show their might.

LOL. How convenient to label IA culprits as 'Black sheep' but have different standards of civilians. :disagree: Do you have any sense of balance or shame ?

I have no idea who kauser banu is, but if she died in the riot then she is just another women who died in a riot. Not too different from other Hindu women who died in various other riots. BTW the men who killed in riots were congressmen too :lol:. How do you know kauser banu was not killed by a hindu congressman ? or for that matter by a communist ? or by a muslim who mistake her for a hindu ?

These propaganda pieces are way past their sell dates. You need to try harder. :coffee:

character assassination???i feel like :suicide:
How many times do i have to tell you that i support Modi but not his attitude towards minorities.

I don't care if you support or do not support Modi. I have a problem with character assassination and people peddling 'secular' hypocrisy.

After so many personal attacks on me you think i will tell you about it....

LOL. If you are the same women I might stop attacking you. I did have a crush on her :devil:
What in seven hells! RSS, secular, communal....kya anaap shanaap chizon ke bare me baat ho rahi hai...I miss the good old days when me and Hype'd bomb threads with talk of sajji.
Islam is the only true religion. You are only hurting yourself by practicing pagan traditions..and would be responsible for yourself on the day of judgement.

This world is nothing but a test, from God, to sort out who are the ones true to God, and who are the ones who try to defy God, in the end, we would be either sent to heaven or hell, where we would live forever, for eternity. That is our true place of living, this world is temporary...

The counter question would be as to why people should foresake their friends, their ancestors, their family & relatives who might, according to your idea, be in Hell? In such circumstances, what would one do in Heaven where everyone is a stranger and going by your version, Bigots!
And that means so much to me
Thank you!!!

Manavantaratruti said:
I thought women liked bad boys and abusive men. They do the best to defend them and their behavior. Its the nerds who do not get the chicks.
Whoever gave you that idea about women.....they might like the bad boys....but they ultimately turn them into good boys.

Manavantaratruti said:
BTW, how do you know I am not a women ?
I dont care.....even if you were a woman i would have split and sliced you for supporting the wrong doings of RSS.

Manavantaratruti said:
You could be a 60 year old man sitting in a slum in kolkata.


Manavantaratruti said:
I have no idea who kauser banu is, but if she died in the riot then she is just another women who died in a riot. Not too different from other Hindu women who died in various other riots.
Yes shes no different.....but why was she pulled in??or just any woman...or any of the innocent ppl??why were they dragged into this chaos??
Thank you!!!

So are you the sindhi chick from mumbai ?? :dirol:

Whoever gave you that idea about women.....they might like the bad boys....but they ultimately turn them into good boys.

It comes from my long obsession with women and sex, my attempts to decode the mysteries of seducing women and then finally understanding what they really want.:P

Irrespective of nationalities, culture, religion, color or creed......they all want bad boys. So are you here to find 'bad boys' ? :devil:

I dont care.....even if you were a woman i would have split and sliced you for supporting the wrong doings of RSS.

Which is exactly how I feel about hypocrites. ....split and slice.

Yes shes no different.....but why was she pulled in??or just any woman...or any of the innocent ppl??why were they dragged into this chaos??

Its the children and then women and then the poor who are the weakest sections in any society and they are the first to pay the price for social instability. Blame the parties and communities who are responsible for creating that instability. RSS is not one of them.
Its the children and then women and then the poor who are the weakest sections in any society and they are the first to pay the price for social instability. Blame the parties and communities who are responsible for creating that instability.
True that.

Manavantaratruti said:
RSS is not one of them.
Back to square one???
Did you know Jagmohan Reddy Commission found active participation of RSS-Jansangh leaders, (Jan Sangh is the previous avatar of BJP) during Ahmadabad communal riots of 1969.
Then Ayodhya...then Gujarat....how many more incidents do you want me to quote???


Manavantaratruti said:
So are you here to find 'bad boys' ? :devil:

I am not here to "find " anything....i just read a few threads of techonology and science forum here and realised i couldnot comment till i was not a member here.Sooooo i joined the site.
Back to square one???
Did you know Jagmohan Reddy Commission found active participation of RSS-Jansangh leaders, (Jan Sangh is the previous avatar of BJP) during Ahmadabad communal riots of 1969.
Then Ayodhya...then Gujarat....how many more incidents do you want me to quote???


I am not here to "find " anything....i just read a few threads of techonology and science forum here and realised i couldnot comment till i was not a member here.Sooooo i joined the site.

LOL. As I said, you could be a 60 year old man or I could be one. So why be prudish ? :devil:

Now to expose your Hypocrisy, This is what happened,

On the evening of 3 March 1969, a Hindu police officer moved a handcart that was obstructing traffic near the Kalupur Tower. A copy of Koran placed on the handcart fell on the ground, resulting in a demand for an apology by a small Muslim crowd standing nearby. The crowd soon grew bigger, and twelve policemen were injured in the subsequent violent protests. On 31 August, the Muslims of the city held a massive demonstration to protest the burning of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. On 4 September, a Muslim sub-inspector, while dispersing a Ramlila festive crowd, hit a table. As a result, the Hindu text Ramayana and an Aartithali(plate) fell down. The Hindus alleged that the police officer also kicked the sacred book. This incident led to protests by Hindus, and the formation of the Hindu Dharma Raksha Samiti.

On 18 September 1969, a Muslim crowd had gathered in the Jamalpur area to celebrate the local Urs festival at the tomb of a Sufisaint (Bhukhari Saheb's Chilla). When the sadhus (Hindu holy men) of the nearby Jagannath temple tried to bring their cows back to the temple compound through the crowded streets, some Muslim women were injured. The cows also allegedly damaged some carts on which the Muslims were selling goods. This led to violence in which some Muslim youths attacked and injured the sadhus, and damaged the temple windows. Sevadasji, the mahant (priest) of the Hindu temple, went on a protest fast, which he gave up after a 15-member Muslim delegation led by A.M. Peerzada met him and apologized.

However, subsequently, a dargah (tomb shrine) near the temple was damaged by some Hindus. A large number of Muslims protestors gathered in the area. On the afternoon of 19 September, a crowd of 2500-3000 Muslims attacked the temple again. Following this, the rumors spread and the violence escalated, resulting in several incidents of arson, murders and attacks on the places of worship around the area.

The Justice Jaganmohan Reddy Commission of Enquiry was set up by the Congress Govt. It published a report in 1971, questioning the police's role in the riots. It found around six instances of Muslim religious places adjoining police lines or police stations being attacked or damaged. The police defended themselves claiming these police stations did not have adequate strength since the forces were busy quelling the riots at other places. However, the Commission refused to entertain this argument, since there was no report of damage to a Hindu place of worship near any police station.

The jouranlist Ajit Bhattacharjea accused the police of not taking any "firm action for the first three days", and stated that "this was not a matter of slackness but policy". An unnamed senior Congress leader told him that their government was reluctant to use force because it was afraid of losing power to Jan Singh in the next elections in case it did so.

So the question is, where the police part of RSS ? Where the muslims who attacked and damaged the temple, part of RSS ?

Where the congress leaders who did not use force to quell the riot part of RSS ?

How long will you continue to lie to yourself ? RSS is just as guilty and innocent as the police, the congress and the muslims of India. Can you deal with that reality ? Or do you want to stick your head in the sand and continue to throw muck on RSS ?
Now read this
Jagmohan Reddy Commission on Ahmadabad riots of 1969 talks of the active participation of RSS-Jansangh leaders, Jan Sangh is the previous avatar of BJP. Major blame has to go to these forces, though they were not in power.
In Bhivandi Jalgaon riots of 1970 Justice D.P. Madon states that ‘section of Hindu elements particularly RSS and some PSP men were bent upon crating mischief, and they could succeed because of the passive police’. Justice Joseph Vithayathil on Tellicherry riots of 1971 points out that the anti Muslim propaganda was begun by RSS-Jan Sangh which changed the situation leading to communal polarization. In 1979 Jamshedpur riots, the report of commission of inquiry says that Samyukta Bajarangbalis Akhada Samiti, related to RSS was the one which deliberately created the dispute on the issue of route of procession and the members of Samiti raised anti Muslim slogans leading to violence. Justice Venugopal on Kanykumari 1982 riots makes the observation about the role of RSS in spreading rumors etc., the rumors acted as instigation to violence. Justice Srikrishna Commission also makes it clear that the BJP ally Shiv Sena’s role in Mumbai violence was very stark.

Where the congress leaders who did not use force to quell the riot part of RSS ?

How long will you continue to lie to yourself ? RSS is just as guilty and innocent as the police, the congress and the muslims of India. Can you deal with that reality ? Or do you want to stick your head in the sand and continue to throw muck on RSS ?

So the question is if there is some ruling party, should it be totally blamed?
The violence is an outcome of divisive propaganda, communal instigation, role of police and the attitude of the ruling party. They all have separate blames to take. While the ruling party, which has been Congress most of the places has to be blamed for its soft handing of violence, sometimes overlooking the violence.

Wake up!!!
I dont support Congress....nor do i support the violence caused by RSS.
Have i made my point clear???

And yes you do sound like a 60 yr old man.....because boys are easier to handle.
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Now read this
Jagmohan Reddy Commission on Ahmadabad riots of 1969 talks of the active participation of RSS-Jansangh leaders, Jan Sangh is the previous avatar of BJP. Major blame has to go to these forces, though they were not in power.


Major blame should go to RSS even tough they were NOT in power ? Why is that ? because they stood up for Hindu rights ? :disagree:
Minor blame to congress who were in power ? :lol: The congress had a responsibility of preventing the Riots. It is the primary responsibility of THOSE IN POWER who has to stop riots. The Congress was in power, so why blame RSS ? or for that matter, the Jan Sangh ? :crazy:

ZERO blame to muslims who started the Riots ? :tdown: Why ? ..because you are 'secular' ?

Seriously, what is wrong with you ? How can you be so blind to the absurdities you are saying.

In Bhivandi Jalgaon riots of 1970 Justice D.P. Madon states that ‘section of Hindu elements particularly RSS and some PSP men were bent upon crating mischief, and they could succeed because of the passive police’.

So its a mixture of Hindu element + RSS + PSP + Police.

Hindu element could very well be congress too. So the reality is congress + RSS + PSP + Police. So why blame ONLY RSS ?

Now, you must also realize that this is just an accusation without any proof. But I guess such accusation is what passes as proof for 'secular' people like you.

Justice Joseph Vithayathil on Tellicherry riots of 1971 points out that the anti Muslim propaganda was begun by RSS-Jan Sangh which changed the situation leading to communal polarization.

Oh, so a christian judge alleges that RSS made the community polarized. But how can one clap with ONE HAND ? For the community to be polarized, there must be AT LEAST two communities. :lol:

Which was the other community that was polarized and who was responsible for that ? :azn:

The other party is the muslims who supported MUSLIM LEAGUE and started the problem.

In 1979 Jamshedpur riots, the report of commission of inquiry says that Samyukta Bajarangbalis Akhada Samiti, related to RSS was the one which deliberately created the dispute on the issue of route of procession and the members of Samiti raised anti Muslim slogans leading to violence.

What the fcuk is Samyukta Bajarangbalis Akhada Samiti :lol:. Provide links to show its related to RSS. Or dos propaganda passes for proof here too ?

Justice Venugopal on Kanykumari 1982 riots makes the observation about the role of RSS in spreading rumors etc., the rumors acted as instigation to violence.

LOL. Starting rumors ....that's a new one. So do RSS members get trained in 'staring rumors' and 'spreading rumors' ? ......clearly this is a specific RSS trait. All those women who gossip are also RSS members. :lol: .......the deadly well trained saffron terrorists who is spreading terror by 'RUMORS':P

Justice Srikrishna Commission also makes it clear that the BJP ally Shiv Sena’s role in Mumbai violence was very stark.

Shiv Sena is not part of RSS :lol:

So the question is if there is some ruling party, should it be totally blamed?

LOL. Then why blame Modi you hypocrite ? :tdown:

The violence is an outcome of divisive propaganda, communal instigation, role of police and the attitude of the ruling party. They all have separate blames to take. While the ruling party, which has been Congress most of the places has to be blamed for its soft handing of violence, sometimes overlooking the violence.

When everybody is to blame then why target the RSS ? Why not come out and blame all Hindus ? ...... of course the muslims are never to be blamed. You are 'secular'.

Riots are an expression of peoples anger against the injustice they see around them. The first blame is always to the ruling party.

Wake up!!!
I dont support Congress....nor do i support the violence caused by RSS.
Have i made my point clear???

No. You have not provided a shred of evidence the riots were caused by RSS. Only allegations and opinions that is attempted to pass for proof. As to not supporting violence, that is a good thing. Start a party to ban armies and nukes too. Or do you now support violence caused by army ? what about violence caused by terrorist ? ....why not give us a list of 'violence' you do support ?

And yes you do sound like a 60 yr old man.....because boys are easier to handle.

LOL. Are you trying to 'handle' me ? .....how ? girly charms and allegations ?

You have provided no links for your posts, but it seems to come from the writings of a very ANTI HINDU crackpot called Ram Puniyani (a fellow sindhi ?)

Lastly, if all these allegations are true, why not file criminal cases against those who rioted and put them in Jail ? Why not put the RSS in jail ? You see, they cannot. These commission reports prepared by congress only act as Propaganda Tools and has NO/ZERO credibility even to file a FIR against anyone.
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  • Im A RSS member since i know my grand father my father his two brothers and all known cousins and there inlaws /meternal uncels are active members of RSS so are all owr kids they go to local shakha too...ps even named my son Keshav after RSS founder

    RSS says onli one thing "Bharat Bhomi hamari matr bhomi hai aur sirf bhoomi matr nahi aur jo isko kissi bhi taraf se nuksan pahuchane ki koshish karega RSS uska Virodh Karegi"
I am going to be one soon.
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