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Is RSS world's largest organization ever ?

well let them bark what they want these kasmiri pandits are the biggest scums themselfs i know many of them cry loud when they see themselfs cornerred

Sorry for misleading you yesterday that i was a Kashmiri pandit.....i am not .
when one of the member asked me my surname ...i just typed a Kashmiri surname to add weightage to my post. ....lol
Do you really think i'll give out my real name on a public forum like this??? How naive??
:.. .........
Fine the killing of Muslims was a bloodshed than what about of killing of 300 Hinudus?

Do you also wear spectacles???
I had agreed to the fact that hindus were burnt alive....somebody did plan to kill them....it was a barbaric act.Go to page no. 4 on this thread to read my this part of the post again
levina said:
I agree charring ppl alive was a barbaric act but killing innocent ppl in return is no way to answer back.
well bhai no use arguing with these secular's they can never understandthe gravity of the situation until it burns there own home and even after the loss they willl remain oplogetick since they are too intoxicated by there so called high moral values and intellect

I know i am also banging my head against a wall here.........
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Fully agreed. We as a Hindu should take a very pragmatic stand on Secularism like Mr. Subramanian swamy has taken. If you accept the Hindu ancestry and want to live peacefully, you are our brother. If you think that you have Arab ancestry and you are a Wahhabi having right to Jihad, you are our enemy and we shall hit back.

Beautifully put brother. Probably the most succint and to the point barebones description of the attitude of us Hindus towards our (and Pakistan's and Bangladesh's) Muslims I have heard or read anywhere.

Multiple thumbs up! :tup:
RSS founder Golwalkar's opinions:
I really don't wish to spoil your post, but let me take this feather out of your hat.

1. Mr. Gowalkar espoused these views. But he did that in 1937. He became the Sarsanghchalak in mid 1940.Now to give you an analogy - I loved Nazis till about 3 years ago. I found them disciplined and powerful. But further study led me to my present situation where I despise them. In your formative years having less knowledge is dangerous. Mr Gowalkar(Guruji)was honest enough to admit them in his later life.

2. In his later years he said this as well - 'The Christians committed all sorts of atrocities on the Jews by giving them the label “Killers of Christ”. Hitler is not an exception but a culmination of the 2000-year long oppression of the Jews by the Christians.'

Bottomline - When you cherry pick a statement from the juvenile years of a person and extrapolate it to one's entire lifetime, you are doing grave injustice to a man against whom the Government itself could never make a serious stand.
Do you also wear spectacles???
I had agreed to the fact that hindus were burnt alive....somebody did plan to kill them....it was a barbaric act.Go to page no. 4 on this thread to read my this part of the post again

Oh thanks that you agreed that burning of Hindus was a barbaric act . Lady, do you know if 56 Hindus can be burned without any plan than it is more dangerous than burning them in pre-planned way? Now I am worried that some angry crowed will pop up from some where and burn me alive!!!!
Irony is that their own house has been burnt down in kashmir and they still haven't learnt their lesson. :lol:

The reality is that 'secularism' is really another world for 'spineless capitulation' to islamic terror. All virat Hindus needs to do is stand up to these spineless men/women and they will fall in line. Such is the reality of the world we live in.

You nailed it bro count have said it better ...Thanks
Had RSS been a terrorist organization, All fake sicular would have supported RSS out of fear like the fake siculars have supported Islimic terror to cleanse hindus out of Kashmir, like the conveniently remained silent when Professor Josephs hand were chopped off on the direction of sharia court. Had they been the terror outfit, All Muslims would have converted to Hinduism like 21% of Pakistani Hindus either got killed or converted to Islam. All this mud slugging against RSS because they are very tolerant. In fact I would like Sangh to be more aggressive so the fake siculars think twice before Mud slugging.

Islam is the only true religion. You are only hurting yourself by practicing pagan traditions..and would be responsible for yourself on the day of judgement.

This world is nothing but a test, from God, to sort out who are the ones true to God, and who are the ones who try to defy God, in the end, we would be either sent to heaven or hell, where we would live forever, for eternity. That is our true place of living, this world is temporary...

A Prophet has come from God with clear guidance ( the Quran), it is up to you now what you do with it, but clearly you do not have an excuse to say, no body warned you, on the day of judgement..
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Sorry for misleading you yesterday that i was a Kashmiri pandit.....i am not .
when one of the member asked me my surname ...i just typed a Kashmiri surname to add weightage to my post. ....lol
Do you really think i'll give out my real name on a public forum like this??? How naive??
:.. .........
with all deu respect maam i was not talking about you ...but you think so ..well who cares or should i say judging by your remarks "chor ki daari me ???????"
Oh thanks that you agreed that burning of Hindus was a barbaric act . Lady, do you know if 56 Hindus can be burned without any plan than it is more dangerous than burning them in pre-planned way? Now I am worried that some angry crowed will pop up from some where and burn me alive!!!!
Killing innocent ppl for no mistake of theirs is definitely barbaric.
And you are right ....it was a preplanned thing....so that makes the crime even more heinous.
I am completely with you on this page.
But what did RSS men do in return....didnt they not burn and kill innocent ppl.what was their fault??
I would have given RSS a thumbsup...if they had tracked down the men who preplanned burning the train and killed them all without letting them go into police's custody.
But this was not done....instead terror was met with more terror on innocent ppl.
with all deu respect maam i was not talking about you ...but you think so ..well who cares or should i say judging by your remarks "chor ki daari me ???????"

Back to your maam ways?? Thanks....

Well i might have completely misread your post....and am sorry about it.
Now again....daari???
............nope i dont have any.

But you do have a stubble dont you???
Islam is the only true religion. You are only hurting yourself by practicing pagan traditions..and would be responsible for yourself on the day of judgement....
well you think so we dont we belave in karma = what you reap is what you sow

to me sanatan dharm is the best as it keeps on evolving and was present when an western world and people of abrahmical relegeons were hunting wild animals and we are here even after thousands of years still beleaving and practicing the same traditions...judging by the longevity alone we are the oldest and the best as we gave world the meaning of aal that you call modern knowledge ...mathematics, physics , medicne , astrology and astronomy , vegetarianism,peaceful co existence to name a few ...we dont bealve in killing and humiliating those who dont hollow owr god ...and proof is we never prosecuted jews, christians, muslims , parsis in owr history on basis of there relegeon but can that be said about the muslims and christians
Nope.. There were about 10 commissions set ....from Marwah to Nanavati commission.
Next time do your home work properly....lol.

Good that you have not run away from a fight. I have not bothered to know too much against tyler as he is not a person of interest for me.

Tytler had not been named by eight earlier inquiry commissions setup to investigate the 1984 anti-Sikh riots.
The official report of the Nanavati Commission of the Government of India on the 1984 anti-Sikh riots found 'credible evidence' against Tytler, saying he 'very probably' had a hand in organising the attacks. The congress government, however, decided not to prosecute Jagdish Tytler.

Yet you are shameless enough to compare than to SC supervised SIT that has comprehensively shown Modi is clean.

Yeah innocent like a lamb.....

No. Innocent like a LION. :coffee: Only fools mistake Lions for Lambs.

You know what.....i want to see him become Indian PM.And get the reforms done that he has promised.I am only against his attitude towards the minorities in the country.

Good for you.

Hmmm do you wear spectacles by any chance....because i see you missed some of my lines (again very conveniently)

I do were contact lenses. :enjoy: but you seem to deliberately skip the murder of women and children in Godhra unless someone points it out to you.

India needs your kinda men who want to restore balance in the society. Btw have and your RSS men ever thought of joining the Indian Army???? Ohhhh i forgot Indian Army is for gentlemen.

Are you talking about the same Indian Army 'gentlemen' who has been accused of RAPE right from Mizoram, Kashmir to Congo ?

Sorry, I have higher standards. But what is it they say ? 'Patriotism is the last resort of the scoundrel'. Seems to fit you quite nicely. Its a shame you had to drag IA to provide cover for your prejudiced opinions.

BTW do you have any PROOF that kids who are part of RSS do not join Indian Army ?
or that Indian Army is not full of RSS supporters ?

And YES, India does need MEN like me to restore balance in society.

That last line was very offensive......

But equal opportunity for muslims in Gujarat??? Really??? Then kudos to Namo govt.

Btw have you forgotten the rape case of journalist in Ayodhya by your RSS men???...just a reminder of to what extent your RSS men can go to achieve their "goals".

If find the last line quite beautiful and reflective of the understanding and mutual respect between two religious communities with a common ancestry. However I quite enjoyed your comment that you found it offensive. :enjoy:

I was not aware that RSS men's goal were 'raping journalists'. On last count, it was 5 MUSLIM men who were accused of Raping a Photo Journalist in Mumbai.

Now i was in 2 minds about replying back to your post....because your reply was full of personal attacks....i understand men do that often when they cant agree to disagree peacefully.

LOL. Your understanding of Men is as astute as your understanding of India or RSS.

And you are childish.


Propaganda??? Seriously???
Sorry to disappoint you....i dont have any.I have just expressed my views here....which was misconstrued by you as propaganda.

Oh...should I correct that to mouthing propaganda ?

Heard of forum etiquette??? Or just etiquette???
How many posts have you made in this thread??? 2-3??And just with your 2nd post you started personal attacks??
I am sure the number of posts i have made here are way higher than yours.But i have only tried to express my opinion without ever getting into personal attacks.
Go get a life babbbyyy!!!

Too bad you needed to hide behind 'etiquette' after caught trying to character assasinate Narendra Modi. I just love your victim-hood and hypocrisy. :coffee:

Good bye babbbyyy. BTW are you from Mumbai ? There was a sindhi girl called Lovena I knew back in the old days.
Islam is the only true religion. You are only hurting yourself by practicing pagan traditions..and would be responsible for yourself on the day of judgement.

This world is nothing but a test, from God, to sort out who are the ones true to God, and who are the ones who try to defy God, in the end, we would be either sent to heaven or hell, where we would live forever, for eternity. That is our true place of living, this world is temporary...

A Prophet has come from God with clear guidance ( the Quran), it is up to you now what you do with it, but clearly you do not have an excuse to say, no body warned you, on the day of judgement..
You believe it. We are going to take the chance. Thanks. And stop proselytizing.
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