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Is RSS world's largest organization ever ?

Its wrong way of counting as a same person can be the member of RSS, Bajarang Dal, BKS and BJP its all double counting.

BTW, its the RSS who have done more damage to the Hindus then anybody else.

And its a open fact that RSS, Muslim leage etc. were the puppet of Britishers to divide Indian on the religious lines.
rss has done damage to unity of India, but dont think it has damaged hindus or hindu cause, at least not yet.
The fact is that a non Hindu cannot join the RSS.
Who told you ?
RSS has a Muslim wing too
Any one can join RSS if he/she puts his Country(India) before Religion(Islam/Christianity/Hinduism etc.)
If a war breaks out between India and Saudi Arabia/Vatican/Nepal(only Hindu country), Muslims/Christians/Hindus fighting for India will be welcomed by RSS
What i saw was impressive .....and i want to believe that RSS can be non violent and peaceful too.

RSS is not about being violent, the hardcore militant saffron nuts were caught trying to kill the RSS leader for being too passive. All the saffron terror cells caught had links with another organisation and not the RSS.

But every action will have a reaction if the jihadi/wahabi nuts continue with their brainwashed campaign of bombing innocent people it will only give rise to Saffron terror and it will be a cycle of bloodshed which will spread like fire throughout Hindustan.
RSS is the best NGO in the world and is doing the work it was created for

1.Rakha of Bharat warsh and its ancient culture and traditions

2.spreading message of social equality and justice

3.fight against curruption and hypocracy

4.taking sanatan dharm to its eaterwhile glory and making hindus fearless & aware of there greatness of there past and prepairing them for better future
RSS is the best NGO in the world and is doing the work it was created for

1.Rakha of Bharat warsh and its ancient culture and traditions

2.spreading message of social equality and justice

3.fight against curruption and hypocracy

4.taking sanatan dharm to its eaterwhile glory and making hindus fearless & aware of there greatness of there past and prepairing them for better future

The Idiotic reply was RSS did not kill any terrorist or die trying to save Kashmiri Hindus.

When they attempt to make a violent action to protect Hindus, they are saffron terrorist. LOL.

Its catch 22 forever. The 'secular' wins again. :lol:
The Idiotic reply was RSS did not kill any terrorist or die trying to save Kashmiri Hindus.

When they attempt to make a violent action to protect Hindus, they are saffron terrorist. LOL.

Its catch 22 forever. The 'secular' wins again. :lol:
well let them bark what they want these kasmiri pandits are the biggest scums themselfs i know many of them cry loud when they see themselfs cornerred but when its time for confrontation always look for running away and hope some one else wil fight for them

they were all in top beurocracy, media, forces, judiciarry still they chickened owt when BJP asked for support on abolition of article 370 and asked them to stay put while BJP asked centre to provide them cover

now when kicked owt of kashmir becuse they never let anyother hindu settle there and soon muslims got powerfull and kicked them owt these same very kashmiri pandits are blaming RSS/BJP for there loss (khisyani billi khamba noche)...hillarious isnt it

and since they are weak and hypiocrates they now want to be good boys and sing for sicularism
When Fake siculars cries over a fake Mosque, They conveniently keep mum on 17000 temples destroyed by Islamic fundamentalists and fake siculars in Kashmir including many ancient shrines. Mullahs are above secularism. They can do cleansing of Hindus out of Kashmir and still remain secular. They can openly support the terrorism and still claim themselves secular.
well bhai no use arguing with these secular's they can never understandthe gravity of the situation until it burns there own home and even after the loss they willl remain oplogetick since they are too intoxicated by there so called high moral values and intellect

Thats like saying "Rajiv Gandhi is cleared off the bofors case".

Dont be childish...
Namo's home mister knew about it and Namo says he didnt know anything about the plans???
(Namo...i am liking his pet name though :coffee:)

Was he cleared when Non congress Party was in power? Was he cleared by Supreme court appointed SIT. It was simly a closure of case by Congress bureau of Investigation.
Fine if killin
Hmmm okay then what about Jagdish Tytler??1984 anti sikh riots??
There are many such politicians who were given clean chits..,and Namo is just one amongst them.
However popular he might be and however much he trumpets his state’s 10 years of peace and prosperity, will never escape his association with the 2002 Gujarat violence because its images are indelibly imprinted on the Indian psyche.

How conveniently have you forgotten to mention the bloodshed on the streets of Ahmedabad.....how many muslims were killed days after the train was burnt???
I agree charring ppl alive was a barbaric act but killing innocent ppl in return is no way to answer back.
India is a large Hindu nation with one of the world’s largest Muslim populations. This faultline has been exploited for politics time and again....i believe

Fine the killing of Muslims was a bloodshed than what about of killing of 300 Hinudus? If Namo was responsible for killing of Muslims than who was responsible for killing of those 300 Hindus? Sicular always remain silent when Hindus get killed. Siculars remains silent when Muslims get killed in Congress rulled states. Fro example they will never bother about killing of Muslims in Maharashtra riot 1992 because according to them it was a secular riot. In Hashimpura Police Lined up 43 Muslims youth and shot in head 25 years ago on very next day Chidambaram visited the riot affected area. As always sicular remained silent. 1984 anti Shikh riots, Bhagalpur riots, 1969 Hindu Muslim riots and many other riots, Sicular always kept mum.

Recently Mr. Madni charged Rajasthan CM to get Muslims Killed. Media censored it.
RSS is the kernel of Sanghparivar . BJP is the political wing. RSS is the ideological reservoir. while 100s of terror outfits like bajrang dal, VHP all have a free run in India. they aspire to make a Hindu nation in India and limiting the rights of minorities and even genocide of minorities(Modi is liked because he is a Muslim killer. the same way Dara Singh is liked by Sanghi terrorists). like how Hafiz Sayed's LeT is a peaceful organization in Pakistan due to majority support, RSS is seen by many Hindus as peaceful because of their not knowing RSS's ideologies.
When was there EVER an commission set up to probe Jagdish Tylers complicity in Sikh riots ? answer is NEVER. The congress always protected him.
Nope.. There were about 10 commissions set ....from Marwah to Nanavati commission.
Next time do your home work properly....lol.

Manvantaratruti said:
SC set up SIT specifically to probe NaMo and they found him innocent.
Yeah innocent like a lamb.....

Manvantaratruti said:
People like you can forever continue to throw mud on Modi, but he will continue to frustrate your kind and enjoy cult status in the Indian psyche. :wave:
You know what.....i want to see him become Indian PM.And get the reforms done that he has promised.I am only against his attitude towards the minorities in the country.

Manvantaratruti said:
LOL. It is you who has conveniently forgotten the killing of 25women and 15 children during the Godhra train burning by a blood thirsty muslim MOB which was planned and deliberated by the Muslim community in Gujarat.
Hmmm do you wear spectacles by any chance....because i see you missed some of my lines (again very conveniently)
I agree charring ppl alive was a barbaric act but killing innocent ppl in return is no way to answer back.

Manvantaratruti said:
I fully support the reaction by the Hindus in Gujarat to restore balance in the society by teaching lesson to a violent and predatory religious community. An imperfect solution in an imperfect world.
India needs your kinda men who want to restore balance in the society.Btw have and your RSS men ever thought of joining the Indian Army???? Ohhhh i forgot Indian Army is for gentlemen.

Manvantaratruti said:
Result ? No more riots in Gujarat for the last 11 years and equal opportunity for Gujarati muslims...

But equal opportunity for muslims in Gujarat??? Really??? Then kudos to Namo govt.

Btw have you forgotten the rape case of journalist in Ayodhya by your RSS men???...just a reminder of to what extent your RSS men can go to achieve their "goals".

Now i was in 2 minds about replying back to your post....because your reply was full of personal attacks....i understand men do that often when they cant agree to disagree peacefully.

Manvantaratruti said:
LOL. You are pathetic.
And you are childish.

Manavantaratruti said:
Go peddle your 'secular' crap somewhere else where people are dumb enough to buy into your propaganda.

Propaganda??? Seriously???
Sorry to disappoint you....i dont have any.I have just expressed my views here....which was misconstrued by you as propaganda.

Heard of forum etiquette??? Or just etiquette???
How many posts have you made in this thread??? 2-3??And just with your 2nd post you started personal attacks??
I am sure the number of posts i have made here are way higher than yours.But i have only tried to express my opinion without ever getting into personal attacks.
Go get a life babbbyyy!!!
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RSS founder Golwalkar's opinions:
On caste system:
“There is nothing to prove that it (the caste system) ever hindered our social developments. Actually caste system has helped to preserve the unity of our society.” (Bunch of Thoughts p.108)
“The history proves that Mohammadan could win over North West and north east areas easily where Budhism had shattered the pattern of caste system. Gandhar which is Kandhar now, was converted to Islam completely. But contrary to this, Hindu religion was strong in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh despite Muslim rule because caste system was strictly followed there. (Bunch of Thoughts]

On Nationhood:
“When we say, “This is the Hindu nation”, there are some who immediately come up with the question, “What about the Muslims and Christians dwelling in this land? Are they also not born and bred here? How could they become aliens just because they have changed their faith? But the crucial point is whether they remember that they are the children of this soil? …. No. Together with the change in their faith, gone are the spirit of love and devotion for the nation.” (Bunch of Thoughts)

Solution to the Minority ‘problem’:
“The foreign races in Hindustan must either adopt the Hindu culture and language, must learn to respect and hold in reverence Hindu religion, must entertain no idea but those of the glorification of the Hindu race and culture, i.e., of the Hindu nation and must lose their separate existence to merge in the Hindu race, or may stay in the country, wholly subordinated to the Hindu Nation, claiming nothing, deserving no privileges, far less any preferential treatment – not even citizen’s rights. There is, at least, should be, no other course for them to adopt. We are an old nation; let us deal, as old nations ought to and do deal, with the foreign races, who have chosen to live in our country. (We or Our Nationhood Defined)
“German race-pride has now become the topic of the day. To keep up with the purity of the race and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of the Semitic races- the Jews. Race pride at its highest has been manifested here. Germany has also shown how well-nigh impossible it is for Races and Cultures, having differences going to the root, to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for use in Hindusthan to learn and profit by” (We or Our Nationhood Defined)
RSS is the kernel of Sanghparivar . BJP is the political wing. RSS is the ideological reservoir. while 100s of terror outfits like bajrang dal, VHP all have a free run in India. they aspire to make a Hindu nation in India and limiting the rights of minorities and even genocide of minorities(Modi is liked because he is a Muslim killer. the same way Dara Singh is liked by Sanghi terrorists). like how Hafiz Sayed's LeT is a peaceful organization in Pakistan due to majority support, RSS is seen by many Hindus as peaceful because of their not knowing RSS's ideologies.

Had RSS been a terrorist organization, All fake sicular would have supported RSS out of fear like the fake siculars have supported Islimic terror to cleanse hindus out of Kashmir, like the conveniently remained silent when Professor Josephs hand were chopped off on the direction of sharia court. Had they been the terror outfit, All Muslims would have converted to Hinduism like 21% of Pakistani Hindus either got killed or converted to Islam. All this mud slugging against RSS because they are very tolerant. In fact I would like Sangh to be more aggressive so the fake siculars think twice before Mud slugging.
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