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Is RSS world's largest organization ever ?

When congress screws up RSS gains more popularity,RSS always second rate to gandhis:lol:
INDIAN to the core....
Just because i support muslims u think i am not patriotic????

This is not done.....you are on a forum where max members are muslims.And i have seen the members have healthy discussions and are pretty friendly with each other.
Then why is my religion/nationality being doubted???
Are you trying to provoke me???

Or this some kind of a joke???


To me "La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammad-Ur-RasulAllah" comes as easily as "om bhurv bhuvasvah tatsa vitur varenyam "
you sure ? Healthy discussion ? he he he.
Are you trying to provoke me???

Or this some kind of a joke???


To me "La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammad-Ur-RasulAllah" comes as easily as "om bhurv bhuvasvah tatsa vitur varenyam "
Wow. You are good person. Ask the other party whether "om burv bhuva svah tatsa vitur varenyam" will come as easy as " La- ilaha illalah Muhammad-Ur-Rasulallah". I doubt it will come.
Islam is the only true religion. You are only hurting yourself by practicing pagan traditions..and would be responsible for yourself on the day of judgement.

This world is nothing but a test, from God, to sort out who are the ones true to God, and who are the ones who try to defy God, in the end, we would be either sent to heaven or hell, where we would live forever, for eternity. That is our true place of living, this world is temporary...

A Prophet has come from God with clear guidance ( the Quran), it is up to you now what you do with it, but clearly you do not have an excuse to say, no body warned you, on the day of judgement..
Hinduism is the only true religion. You are only hurting yourself by practicing islamic traditions..and would be responsible for yourself on the day of judgement.

This world is nothing but a test, from God, to sort out who are the ones true to God, and who are the ones who try to defy God, in the end, we would be either sent to heaven or hell, where we would live forever, for eternity. That is our true place of living, this world is temporary...

Avatars have come from God with clear guidance ( Bhagvat Geeta), it is up to you now what you do with it, but clearly you do not have an excuse to say, no body warned you, on the day of judgement..
That is exactly what i call "saffron terrorism".

Before thinking of constructing a new temple look around there are 100s of temples which need maintenence.If RSS really wants to bring down something then go ahead and bring down the caste barrier within the hindu society.Its a shame that even in 21st century ppl follow caste system.
And where was RSS when Kashmiri pandits were thrown out of Kashmir??

Lets not talk BOLLYWOOD here.

Go to Jammu and ask the Dogars and the Pandits who help them in Muslim Majority Kashmir.

Go find out the RSS cadre and what they talk of caste.

Every BJP ruled state has clean water systems and good temples,go figure why
There....you proved me right
So if i am speculating about Obama and his administration....you are speculating about Namo.

Thanks for correcting it....and being so respectful.

I am moving out of this thread because i feel i am banging my head against a wall.

But just one advice
"theres a very thin line between PATRIOTISM and TERRORISM"....and RSS must realize that it has crossed the line.

I am a hindu too...would love to die as one....but not at the cost of innocent ppl and their blood.

@levina I agree with that, There is is a very thin line between Patriotism and Terrorism Or Violence. I am a Hindu and hated every bit of our history when they used to say about Islamic invasions and demolition of temples in India.

But today we Hindus do not need to show the same kind of attitude what Islamists have shown. Since majority of Indians are Hindus they will take care of Hinduism no need for revenge or avenge kind of attitudes. India Constitution should be followed.
We are Proud of it ... Only regret is that we couldn't Built the Temple there...

With the Blessing of Lord RAMA even that would be Done soon ... Jai Sree Ram!!!

Wot would you have done or acheived after building the temple? ..an upper hand perhaps? ..that doesnt have anything to do with Ram or Rahim. Its mostly about ego, ignorance, and stupidity and nothing else.
Wot would you have done or acheived after building the temple? ..an upper hand perhaps? ..that doesnt have anything to do with Ram or Rahim. Its mostly about ego, ignorance, and stupidity and nothing else.

Welcome to PDF!!
Which is exactly how I feel about hypocrites. ....split and slice.

Its the children and then women and then the poor who are the weakest sections in any society and they are the first to pay the price for social instability. Blame the parties and communities who are responsible for creating that instability. RSS is not one of them.

Rss and its cult... big time pain in the bones.

RSS originally..may have had noble ideologies and intentions. But all the moral policing they do in the name of "restoring" hindu dharma is bulls. Moral policing on valentine couples, barging their way into parties thrashing young crowd..boys and girls. ...highly need some education and a life. There are many more serious/burning issues in the country and they are all on a mission with stupid hypocritical minds ganging up bashing young girls and boys . Show power where it is needed. get an educated person to lead your forces. You will shine. Set a good example to future generations. Don't get your behinds hyper at the very mention of India, Hindu and/or culture.

Believe in Religion. Yes please do. But educate yourself thoroughly about the religion you believe in. No religion enforces any certain kind of behavior on women. If think there are any, those are all diluted versions from bird brained idiots who failed to comprehend the actual essence of any religion, self proclaimed moral police. And no religion asks you to indulge in attacks - physical attacks to safeguard the religion. Neither Bhagavadgita nor Quran.

They are only putting other Hindus to shame.
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Wot would you have done or acheived after building the temple? ..an upper hand perhaps? ..that doesnt have anything to do with Ram or Rahim. Its mostly about ego, ignorance, and stupidity and nothing else.

What will the muslims achieve by still protesting over a demolished babri masjid and starting terrorism cos of it? Why dont they leave it at that and let hindus build a temple there in Ayodhya, we didnt ask them to demolish all mosques in india did we?
Keep saying that, A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and honest people are screwed first.

Ego, Ignorance,stupidity? big words , saints spent whole lives trying to get rid of those things yet only some are successful, can you even vouch that you don't have those things which you said above EGO,IGNORANCE,STUPIDITY. You don't have them?

If you don't have ego then you have no bodily attachment then you don't even need clothes you should be naked and not expect any special food but eat what is provided by nature or given as alms.

Ignorance--Do you know how the world formed?if you don't then you are ignorant, an enlightened person should know every science and secrets of the universe i wonder if you know about them.

Stupidity--We will discuss this once you proved that you don't have the above qualities otherwise don't preach what you don't practise. 
Rss and its cult... big time pain in the bones.

RSS originally..may have had noble ideologies and intentions. But all the moral policing they do in the name of "restoring" hindu dharma is bulls. Moral policing on valentine couples, barging their way into parties thrashing young crowd..boys and girls. ...highly need some education and a life. There are many more serious/burning issues in the country and they are all on a mission with stupid hypocritical minds ganging up bashing young girls and boys . Show power where it is needed. get an educated person to lead your forces. You will shine. Set a good example to future generations. Don't get your behinds hyper at the very mention of India, Hindu and/or culture.

Believe in Religion. Yes please do. But educate yourself thoroughly about the religion you believe in. No religion enforces any certain kind of behavior on women. If think there are any, those are all diluted versions from bird brained idiots who failed to comprehend the actual essence of any religion, self proclaimed moral police. And no religion asks you to indulge in attacks - physical attacks to safeguard the religion. Neither Bhagavadgita nor Quran.

They are only putting other Hindus to shame.
I am not ashamed, nor are any hindus i know ashamed of RSS infact i see more young kids actively join RSS its highlighted indirectly by muslims during riots.Most of RSS people are very well educated, and yeah they do have a life the RSS itself is the biggest orginzation which rich social life unlike Nerds or junkies who describe as modern and having a life as per their POV.
when your home burns and nobody comes to rescue in a riot that is where RSS helps not police nor your neighbors.

Stop preaching to us about our religion, i don't know what kind of warped sense of history you read, but we see reality for what it is and we don't have our heads in sand like sicularists and intellectuals trying to ignore danger lurking around.

"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last." - WinstonChurchill
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Agree to that.
I have seen RSS activists crop up only to impose their extremist views.I am yet to see a real contribution from them.

Beacuse you have never intrested to learn about them....RSS never impose any ideology rather these are fringe groups like Bajrang Dal and VHP kind of organization that impose this kind of extremist view...RSS always stands for nationalism and nation....Now a days people feels fashoble to bash RSS for anything to market themsleves as so called secularist.... 
That is exactly what i call "saffron terrorism".

Before thinking of constructing a new temple look around there are 100s of temples which need maintenence.If RSS really wants to bring down something then go ahead and bring down the caste barrier within the hindu society.Its a shame that even in 21st century ppl follow caste system.
And where was RSS when Kashmiri pandits were thrown out of Kashmir??

Lets not talk BOLLYWOOD here.

I agree to your 1st part...But again...you should never question the integrity of RSS....They always stoos for all nationalist people in the out of the need.....
They are only putting other Hindus to shame.

You're right.Extreme hindu views of such organizations have only let us down.

kaniska said:
Now a days people feels fashoble to bash RSS for anything to market themsleves as so called secularist....
I am not marketing myself here.:coffee:
There's a reason why i had left this thread a few pages back.And the reason was that the members or the so called RSS swayam sevaks on this forum had started to gang up against me and they resorted to personal attacks on me.Kaniska, i have volumes to talk about how RSS has only harmed India's integrity.And to get the jist of it you can just go through my posts in the previous pages.Because i dont want to repeat what i have already said and requote myself.(Now that would be marketing)
Its good to see that there are atleast a few members on the forum who believe in secularism like i do.
(thanks @iranichai)

Wow. You are good person. Ask the other party whether "om burv bhuva svah tatsa vitur varenyam" will come as easy as " La- ilaha illalah Muhammad-Ur-Rasulallah". I doubt it will come.
I do have like minded muslim friends.
And from what i have seen you too have muslim friends (atleast on the forum..).
So is this not hypocrisy that on one thread we act friendly with them and on other we bash their religion???
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Wot would you have done or acheived after building the temple? ..an upper hand perhaps? ..that doesnt have anything to do with Ram or Rahim. Its mostly about ego, ignorance, and stupidity and nothing else.
Non of the above ... Its a Question about my spirituality ... Justice , Belief and Param Satya ( Truth) that this was the birth place of my Lord Rama... Its dear to me like my Motherland...
Mandirs ll come up in all those sites where temples had been destroyed in the past,even the charminar/qutb minar will go.

But most stand alone mosques like the jama masjids ll be taken care of just like the temples. 
Islam is the only true religion. You are only hurting yourself by practicing pagan traditions..and would be responsible for yourself on the day of judgement.

This world is nothing but a test, from God, to sort out who are the ones true to God, and who are the ones who try to defy God, in the end, we would be either sent to heaven or hell, where we would live forever, for eternity. That is our true place of living, this world is temporary...

A Prophet has come from God with clear guidance ( the Quran), it is up to you now what you do with it, but clearly you do not have an excuse to say, no body warned you, on the day of judgement..

No,thats just your stupidity.
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