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Is RSS world's largest organization ever ?

Who said I am a priest ? its you shudra inferiority complex acting up again :lol:

I do not consider inferior to anyone, when people tend to loose arguments they tend to personal attacks. My parents belong to village chieftains.
Irani chai ? LOL. A muslim perhaps ?
Nope.....I yaam Jesus :rolleyes1:

but had hots for a Muslim girl way back in time...:smitten:

What will the muslims achieve by still protesting over a demolished babri masjid and starting terrorism cos of it? Why dont they leave it at that and let hindus build a temple there in Ayodhya, we didnt ask them to demolish all mosques in india did we?
Keep saying that, A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and honest people are screwed first.

Ego, Ignorance,stupidity? big words , saints spent whole lives trying to get rid of those things yet only some are successful, can you even vouch that you don't have those things which you said above EGO,IGNORANCE,STUPIDITY. You don't have them?

If you don't have ego then you have no bodily attachment then you don't even need clothes you should be naked and not expect any special food but eat what is provided by nature or given as alms.

Ignorance--Do you know how the world formed?if you don't then you are ignorant, an enlightened person should know every science and secrets of the universe i wonder if you know about them.

Stupidity--We will discuss this once you proved that you don't have the above qualities otherwise don't preach what you don't practise. 

I am not ashamed, nor are any hindus i know ashamed of RSS infact i see more young kids actively join RSS its highlighted indirectly by muslims during riots.Most of RSS people are very well educated, and yeah they do have a life the RSS itself is the biggest orginzation which rich social life unlike Nerds or junkies who describe as modern and having a life as per their POV.
when your home burns and nobody comes to rescue in a riot that is where RSS helps not police nor your neighbors.

Stop preaching to us about our religion, i don't know what kind of warped sense of history you read, but we see reality for what it is and we don't have our heads in sand like sicularists and intellectuals trying to ignore danger lurking around.

"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last." - WinstonChurchill

firstly forget about all the :blah:....and clarify the below if you can...

...wonder wot Winston Church hill thinks about apetizer? :unsure:
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She had to pay the price for her folly and set an example for all.
Lord Ram did not tell Sita to take agni pariksha, He chastised Sita for her folly and her subsequentely being forced to live with Ravan. Devi Sita's then chose to set an example and took the Agni Pariksha on her own free will. She was the queen of Ayodhya and any slander against her name was not acceptable as it would send the wrong message to the people of Ayodhya.

I could be wrong but this is wot my understanding is.

Agni pariksha stuff was not about chastising, or purifying or paying penance.

when they reached the jungle, before Mareech's incident. Rama left Devi Sita under Agni's protection and brought back with him only a shadow of her's. Real Devi was at Agni's. So Ravan got only the shadow.....and defnetly Rama being a good person he is would not mistrust her, or allowe her to self punish. At the same time dint want any mortal dhoban, talk ill of her...hence he played Agni pariksha in public view. While in Agni Pariksha - he just sent the shadow of Devi to Agni and brought back his real Sita Devi.

that is my understanding of this particular famously infamous part of the epic.
Nope.....I yaam Jesus :angel:

but had hots for a Muslim girl way back in time...:smitten: 

hmm. :unsure: ...wonder wot Sir Winston Church hill thinks about apetizer?

Now that we have that clarified, what is your position on churches anti-gay, anti-women, anti-science, anti-sex-education and anti-doubt ?

Do you believe we are all 'sinners' due to that 'original sin' (done by a women, of course) and only by becoming christians we will be 'saved' from that 'original sin' ? ..... you know 'nicene creed' (the fundamentals of your faith)

BTW, Winston Churchill was a racist who hated Indians and was responsible for the starvation death of at least 5 Million Indians. Are you sure you want to call him 'Sir' ? :sick: 
I could be wrong but this is wot my understanding is.

Agni pariksha stuff was not about chastising, or purifying or paying penance.

when they reached the jungle, before Mareech's incident. Rama left Devi Sita under Agni's protection and brought back with him only a shadow of her's. Real Devi was at Agni's. So Ravan got only the shadow.....and defnetly Rama being a good person he is would not mistrust her, or allowe her to self punish. At the same time dint want any mortal dhoban, talk ill of her...hence he played Agni pariksha in public view. While in Agni Pariksha - he just sent the shadow of Devi to Agni and brought back his real Sita Devi.

that is my understanding of this particular famously infamous part of the epic.

That is not part of the original Valmiki Ramayan or Ram Charitra manas. The chaya sita was part of utara khand ramayan.

Its a common misconception.

Please accept this....

Ooops i wasnt supposed to return to this thread....ahem ahem.
I am quite the opposite. I consider fools as my inferiors. Also anyone who uses 'reservation' is also inferior.

Tribal leaders are shudras too :P 

No at all. Only amused by your stupidity and inferiority complex shurda. :D

You know Naidu's???

Lack of knowledge and you come here to argue...:lol: funny right.

You call yourself from rational society and you do not know manners.....even funny ..... :lol:

The word shurdra means an immigrant who came from other place and integrated into native society, when Pandavas went to vanavas and entered Virat Kingdom they were called shudras.

You people are pathetic, you people do not know any thing about Hinduism and you come here to rant and talk about its revival, Have some shame ..... .

You have no idea about Caste system origins and you talk endless and cry for Ram mandir this is even funny .... :lol:

Your may have a worthy ancestor to who fit into a higher position in the society But you people the modern day decedents are a such a disgrace.

It took Shivaji to save the as$ of you guys from Mughals in 17th century whose mother is a shudra and his fathers varna is a debate.
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Now that we have that clarified, what is your position on churches anti-gay, anti-women, anti-science, anti-sex-education and anti-doubt ?

Do you believe we are all 'sinners' due to that 'original sin' (done by a women, of course) and only by becoming christians we will be 'saved' from that 'original sin' ? ..... you know 'nicene creed' (the fundamentals of your faith)

BTW, Winston Churchill was a racist who hated Indians and was responsible for the starvation death of at least 5 Million Indians. Are you sure you want to call him 'Sir' ? :sick: 

That is not part of the original Valmiki Ramayan or Ram Charitra manas. The chaya sita was part of utara khand ramayan.

Its a common misconception.

I see. Thanks. -- about Ramayan.

if you ask me about position, i am tempted to say mi :smokin:

i dont care wot a Church preaches. I dont care wot a Temple preaches and dont care wot a Dargah preches.

live n let live ... so long as you are not harming others.

tbh, thought winstong church hill :-) was some author or poet or some whatever. Sir ...no i can skip that.

and does hindu allow gay-ism? arent there Ram sena , Bhajrangdal, Rss alikes shouting their lungs out ...aginast this quoting the famous :pleasantry:Indian culture and all.
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The word shurdra means an immigrant who came from other place and integrated into native society, when Pandavas went to vanavas and entered Virat Kingdom they were called shudras.

You people are pathetic, you people do not know any thing about Hinduism and you come here to rant and talk about its revival, Have some shame ..... .

You have no idea about Caste system origins and you talk endless and cry for Ram mandir this is even funny .... :lol:

Shudra is a Varna for thos who provide service to other Varnas.

When Pandava entered Virat Kingdom they were in disguise as 'shudras'. What kind of nonsense are you posting ? It had nothing to do with being a foreigner. Stop speaking about the Epics if you have no knowledge of it.
Shudra is a Varna for thos who provide service to other Varnas.

When Pandava entered Virat Kingdom they were in disguise as 'shudras'. What kind of nonsense are you posting ? It had nothing to do with being a foreigner. Stop speaking about the Epics if you have no knowledge of it.

Why hide then come and discuss.

In the beginning caste system is not rigid, any one who learns sanskrit hyms is called a Brahmin, any one who can wield a sword is called a kshatriya. It is not by birth a Varna is categorized, People like you made this system a mess.

I know your bird brain understanding of epics stop your B.S.
Why hide then come and discuss.

In the beginning caste system is not rigid, any one who learns sanskrit hyms is called a Brahmin, any one who can wield a sword is called a kshatriya. It is not by birth a Varna is categorized, People like you made this system a mess.

I know your bird brain understanding of epics stop your B.S.

It is a waste talking to you.
Suprise surprise....i understood it.
But then the question.....why does RSS harm fellow country men??why do they treat a muslim different from a hindu if they think whatever it is that they are doing is for the country???
Or is it for the religion alone???

Muslims make up stories about their past with built up stories,their arab forefathers and they are such vile self pitying beggars,lazy and with no shraddha for education and expect freebies all the time.

Not to forget these lazy bums ll go indulge in terrorism claiming flimsy reasons but have no balls to go to pakistan as their balls ll get busted there.

Looks like you have avoided answer the question on Christianity. Guess that makes you 'secular'

Ram Sena, Bharang Dal & RSS have no opinion on Gays. Hinduism is not Christianity to persecute ANY Community.

Indian culture (Dharmic culture) too do not have a history of persecuting ANY COMMUNITY unlike Christians and Muslims. Does that clarify your doubt ?
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