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Iranians biggest drug smugglers to Indonesia

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I would respectfully disagree with you. You claim that Iran has a Drug Problem because of its neighbours who produce these Drugs and smuggle them in Iran. My argument to you would be that these drugs are smuggled into Iran because there is a HUGE DEMAND FOR THESE DRUGS IN IRAN. We have a much bigger Border with Afghanistan than Iran has and yet we don't have 10% of our Population as Drug Addicts. Infact for a country with a Population of 200 million people our drug addicts may be less than 200,000 people which is less than 0.1% of our Population.

The issue is not availability or SUPPLY. The issue is huge DEMAND.

Pakistan has cyanide widely available through out Pakistan. But very few people choose to use it. So you have to understand the basic logic that SUPPLY DOES NOT PROMOTE USE OF DRUGS, DEMAND DOES. Supply simply shows up to meet the Demand.

So please do not blame Afghanistan or Pakistan for your drug issues.

Yes, Iran has a drug problem mainly due to it's location right next to Afghanistan and Pakistan (80 % of drugs in Iran come from your country and Afghanistan) and also High unemployment.
If your trying to imply that somehow Shia muslims are corrupt.

Than how come your beloved SAUDI SUNNI has worlds largest amphetamine users?

and Iran is home to 2 million Afghan refugees, many are drug addicts. You can go to parks in Iran and see Afghans sitting around and doing drugs. So don't try to paint this as Iran being corrupt.

If we kick out the refugees and build walls around the Afghanistan and Pakistan borders. The drug problems in Iran will almost seize to exist.
You don't have criminals and drug dealers in Indonesia?

Iranian criminals and drug dealers don't represent all of Iranian society, just like how Indonesian criminals don't represent Indonesia.

Oh you people are the worst, look at all of you saying the whole "don't represent us" yet if one Saudi even as much as fart in public you all cry "Oh Emm Gee da Saudis are all like him" . You are disgusting.
That's true, more than 80% of drugs smuggled in KSA are coming from Iran, not to mention that lots of Hezbollah financial income are from drugs.

really .....lolz..

Saudi Arabia executes Pakistani for drug smuggling

Saudi Arabia executes Pakistani for drug smuggling - DAWN.COM

The country's oil wealth - and its bored youth - are the temptation for drug traffickers, mostly from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria. Since Saudi work visas are hard to get and tourist visas nonexistent, most smugglers pose as pilgrims to Mecca, a trip required at least once of every Muslim.

Of the 440 pounds of drugs confiscated last year at Jiddah's airport, more than half was seized during Hajj - the main month of pilgrimage.

"We have found drugs hidden inside prayer beads, inside copies of the Koran (Islam's holy book), and we've found prayer rugs dipped in dried heroin paste," said a customs officer. "We arrested a Nigerian cleric for possession of drugs. Half an hour earlier, he had led us in prayers."

The most popular drug is heroin, accounting for 84 percent of narcotics seized last year, followed by hashish, cocaine and opium, customs officials said. The "mules," or carriers, typically get free trips and advances of up to $2,000, a small fortune in their impoverished countries.

Traffickers even use entire families to throw off suspicion. In January, for instance, agents arrested a family of 19 Pakistanis, including 10 women and six children between the age of 3 and 8, trying to smuggle in 10 pounds of heroin.

To halt the trade, Saudi Arabia has sophisticated urinalysis and X-ray machines and has stepped up intelligence gathering with neighboring countries.

Under the drug awareness program, so far only open to boys, high school students in traditional robes and checked red-and-white headdresses file each day into the drug agency's Riyadh office. The students are shown narcotics and drug paraphernalia and given rulers and pens with anti-drug slogans.

But al-Harithy, head of the agency, said the main message is from Islam. "At the end of the meeting, we distribute taped Islamic sermons to instill religious ideals into the boys and explain that taking drugs is against our religion," he said.

Saudi Arabia is among the most strict Islamic states. Women must cover from head to toe in black and are not allowed to drive. Movie theaters are nonexistent. Men and women cannot mingle in public.

But that means some rich Saudi youths with plenty of free time are ideal targets for pushers. Mazen - who asked that his last name not be used - began experimenting with drugs at 17 out of boredom and because his friends were doing it. Now, he's 25 and still lives with his parents in a villa ringed with palm trees in Jiddah.

He doesn't work and stays up all night cruising the streets in his black Trans Am or playing computer games or watching American movies on videotape. About twice a week, Mazen smokes heroin.

"It's only in Saudi Arabia that I do drugs," he said. "When I travel abroad there's so much to do I don't need drugs to distract me. But here, drugs are one of our few escapes

Copyright (c) 1997 Seattle Times Company, All Rights Reserved.

Sorry to say its not Iranian , its our Pakistani brother, Afghans and Nigerians...out 44 beheads , 35 are Pakistani ....Was surprised who is taking away this pride.
Not only Indonesia, even in Japan, Iranian Criminal Organizations are the second largest Organized crime groups after the feared Japanese Yakuza.

It's almost useless to talk to people like you.

There are criminals from Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, all Arab countries that are active in the drug smuggling business and they all work together.

I didn't want to say this earlier because I didn't want to sound sectarian, but some of the people here are trying to imply that Iranian (shia) are to blame for the drug trade.

But in Iran the major city for drug dealers and smugglers is Zahedan which is a Sunni majority city. It borders Pakistan and is populated by ethnic Balouchi (Sunni). This city has the highest number of drug addicts in the country. Virtually 1 out of every 3 adults in Zahedan is addicted to opium, Crack, etc. When you hear about the drug problems in Iran, Zahedan is almost always mentioned. The reason for high addiction rate is unemployment, largely because the area is not developed. But most importantly it's because of Tribal lifestyle and drug culture that dominates this city.

This article explains it in details

Zahedan is the capital of Seistan-Baluchistan province, at the eastern edge of Iran, bordering Pakistan and Afghanistan. At first sight it seems an ordinary oriental town, with a lively bazaar, broad avenues jammed with traffic and poor neighbourhoods on its outskirts. But this is misleading. Zahedan is a vital staging post for international drug smuggling. In streets placarded with posters of Ayatollah Khomeini, army trucks and smugglers’ four-by-fours squeeze past each other. As evening falls men in all-terrain vehicles sell opium and heroin to local buyers. But the real action goes on in the desolate valleys and hills outside the town.

At night Baluchi smugglers set off for Afghanistan loaded with jerrycans of petrol, which is worth 10 times more there. They return with illegal immigrants. After being harassed by the authorities and exploited on Iranian building sites, some find their way as far as Europe. They represent a secondary trading line for the smugglers, who are more interested in drugs. The Pashtun provinces of Helmand, in the south, and Nangarhar, in the north, are the centres of opium production in Afghanistan. Some is turned into heroin in rudimentary laboratories in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Taking the southern route, after a detour via Pakistan, the drugs enter Iran along tracks that smugglers have used for centuries, carried by car or motorbike, on foot, or in convoys of dozens of four-by-fours with escorts bristling with cell phones, night-vision goggles, Kalashnikovs, rocket launchers and even United States-made Stinger missiles. The flow of drugs across the Iranian border is unstoppable. There are even caravans of camels that know the route so well they no longer need to be led. Each animal can transport up to seven tonnes of drugs. At traditional celebrations, the camels are fed opium to make them dance.

Baluchis, who are Sunni, ignore borders and are distributed across Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Baluchi society is based on clan loyalties and some groups have been smuggling between the three countries for centuries. Some have triple nationality. For many drug smuggling has become the only possible livelihood since drought has affected the area for several years. A high-ranking Iranian official, involved in the fight against drug-running, says "they are just ordinary people". Traditional Baluchi leaders condemn the use of drugs, which is infecting Iranian society (see The enemy within). They are less concerned about smuggling, a source of income for local notables. In Baluchistan there is no need to pressure people to help: clan ties are strong enough. The Afghan brigands who run opium along the northern route in Khorasan province regularly kidnap local people.

Iran loses its drugs war - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition
I would respectfully disagree with you. You claim that Iran has a Drug Problem because of its neighbours who produce these Drugs and smuggle them in Iran. My argument to you would be that these drugs are smuggled into Iran because there is a HUGE DEMAND FOR THESE DRUGS IN IRAN. We have a much bigger Border with Afghanistan than Iran has and yet we don't have 10% of our Population as Drug Addicts. Infact for a country with a Population of 200 million people our drug addicts may be less than 200,000 people which is less than 0.1% of our Population.

The issue is not availability or SUPPLY. The issue is huge DEMAND.

Pakistan has cyanide widely available through out Pakistan. But very few people choose to use it. So you have to understand the basic logic that SUPPLY DOES NOT PROMOTE USE OF DRUGS, DEMAND DOES. Supply simply shows up to meet the Demand.

So please do not blame Afghanistan or Pakistan for your drug issues.

10%? How did you come up with that number?

Not too fast buddy, neither of our countries have a good record in drug addiction, unfortunately, while Iran is the most successful country in the world in fighting drug trafficking. Our situation in drug addiction is not good, but we are really fighting it, and with extensive plans to increase people's awareness, those numbers will certainly decline in coming years.
And in terms of deaths by drug use, your country ranks 12 in the world, while Iran is 20.
The technical summary of the Drug Use in Pakistan 2013 Report launched during the Commission on Narcotic Drugs reveals how a substantial proportion of Pakistan's population aged 15 to 64 suffer from the devastating consequences of substance abuse. The Report estimates that 5.8 per cent - or 6.4 million adults in Pakistan - used drugs in the last 12 months. Although 4.1 million individuals are thought to be drug dependent, treatment and specialist interventions are in short supply, available to less than 30,000 drug users a year. Moreover, not all structured treatment is free of charge. In a country where almost a quarter of the population is estimated to be living on less than US$ 1.25 a day, the barriers preventing access to structured treatment are exceptionally high.
Drug Use in Pakistan 2013 Summary Report reveals high levels of drug use and dependency

The official numbers of drug addicts in Iran declared by authorities is about 3 millions , but a U.N report says 2.8% of population are addicted to drugs (highest percentage in the world) and if we assume it's 3%, it means a population of about 2.3 millions.

IRAN: Police seize 220 lbs. of crystal meth as drug war drags on - latimes.com

So, instead of bashing each other, we should just pray this cancer is removed from our countries.
That's true, more than 80% of drugs smuggled in KSA are coming from Iran, not to mention that lots of Hezbollah financial income are from drugs.

Oh yeah, not something new.

The use drugs isn't restricted to Iran solely, but most of nations on the planet.

But, if I may ask, what is the most suitable solution to such an epidemic?
yeah @Pakistanisage sadly . some i know doing this always say "like this they forget"
drug, drinking, and so... to forget

the worst i can see is abotu these afghan kids sniffing glue (in Iran).. when i say kids i mean small kids (12-15 yo)

that's a huge problem in Iran
even there are even worst problems nowadays in Iran (medics more and more impossible to find or too too expensive that even the salary doesn't allow to buy one medic)
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The same punishment is being implemented in Pakistan's Supreme Court, don't try to take an advantage of it. In other word, if they were sent to Pakistan, the Gov't will execute them.

Hypocrite :coffee:
really .....lolz..

Saudi Arabia executes Pakistani for drug smuggling

Saudi Arabia executes Pakistani for drug smuggling - DAWN.COM

Sorry to say its not Iranian , its our Pakistani brother, Afghans and Nigerians...out 44 beheads , 35 are Pakistani ....Was surprised who is taking away this pride.
Not only Indonesia, even in Japan, Iranian Criminal Organizations are the second largest Organized crime groups after the feared Japanese Yakuza.

Of course the most notorious Iranians are the ones in los angeles. Generally Iranians do horrible things when abroad.
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