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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

Iran underground Ballistic Missile Production Factory,

while it been fired the production gone on 24 hours so ...........
Did Dezful become the Haj Ghassem? They both seem to have the same war head shape or are they different variants and that all new missiles are going to be shaped that way for hypersonic?
Iran made, Dezful medium range ballistic missile ( in color white ) and Zolfaghar road mobile Anti -Ship medium range ballistic missile ( in color dark yellow )


Did Dezful become the Haj Ghassem? They both seem to have the same war head shape or are they different variants and that all new missiles are going to be shaped that way for hypersonic?

No Haj Qassem is totally different and has come from another program ( ASAT, space weapon, first stage lift) , after murder of Hajj Qassem they just Rushed it to annouce it on his name, that is why it has different characteristic.

The Dezful was follow with Fateh Anti-ship Ballistic missile program, and new technology in soild fuel which very has long time life storge, i mean very very long time of life expectancy.
Did Dezful become the Haj Ghassem? They both seem to have the same war head shape or are they different variants and that all new missiles are going to be shaped that way for hypersonic?

As far as i learned the shape of the warhead depends on the velocity at terminal phase. These two in the picture are between Mach 5 and Mach 10 in terminal phase. Wheras this shape of warhead at Sejjil is for velocities >Mach 10

No Haj Qassem is totally different and has come from another program ( ASAT, space weapon, first stage lift) , after murder of Hajj Qassem they just Rushed it to annouce it on his name, that is why it has different characteristic.

The Dezful was follow with Fateh Anti-ship Ballistic missile program, and new technology in soild fuel which very has long time life storge, i mean very very long time of life expectancy.
how long is very long when talking about solid fuels? is it like 10ish years? or even more? (say 20+?)

P.S. so i did some googling, and it seems these things can actually last for 20+ years... (https://www.army.mil/article/156942/Army_researchers_extend_missile_system_shelf_life/)
which means Yavar's "very very long" could mean even more. imagine one of these missiles made today might be used even after some of us are no longer around.... :o:

P.S.S? Just as a Joke... imagine a post apocalyptic scenario for a movie where the characters use ancient BMs against Zombies... :D
That doesn't necessarily indicate that Iran's capacity in a 24hr period is 400 missiles. It could just mean they had planned to use 400 within that time frame to reciprocate an attack. We don't know what Iran's rate of fire could be per 24hrs assuming no interferences.

But with CENTOMs estimation of 2000-3000 assuming this is true, Iran would quickly find itself running out of inventory. Therefore as you say, secondary systems need to be delivered like LACMs and UCAVs

No it does not indicate that the capacity is 400 BM. However, the figure does indicate that the retaliatory strategy and the tactic they planed on using revolved around that number of missiles being fired, which in my opinion is a strategic mistake and falls well short of what Iran would need to cripple US air superiority over Iranian Airspace.

If conflict between Iran and the U.S. reach a stage where we would need to fire 400BM, weather we like it or not or weather American leadership likes it or not both countries would be in an all out war.
And against a much stronger opponent like the U.S., Iran's main retaliatory missile strike needs to be like a sucker punch that ensures that no American aircraft would be able to takeoff or land from within 1000km of Iranian boarders. And on top of attacking the U.S. navy with a swarm of speed boats, Iran would also need to carry out ground assaults against a number of US bases in the region to force them in a defensive posture so the aircraft capable of reaching the region would me more focused on defining their bases over attacking ours.

As for US CENTCOMs estimations I really don't know if they are putting Missiles like the Fatteh-110 in the category of SRBM or in the category of guided rocket artillery....
Iran has been producing the Fateh-110 for nearly 2 decades now so if you where to calculate that just in the past decade Iran's production was an average of 100 per year that's 1000 Fateh-110 alone
As for the rest a conservative estimate would be:
Larger 2 stage/multi engine BM at a rate of ~25per year
Single stage BM at a rate of at least 50 per year
Solid fuel TBM at a rate of 50-100 per year

how long is very long when talking about solid fuels? is it like 10ish years? or even more? (say 20+?)

P.S. so i did some googling, and it seems these things can actually last for 20+ years... (https://www.army.mil/article/156942/Army_researchers_extend_missile_system_shelf_life/)
which means Yavar's "very very long" could mean even more. imagine one of these missiles made today might be used even after some of us are no longer around.... :o:

P.S.S? Just as a Joke... imagine a post apocalyptic scenario for a movie where the characters use ancient BMs against Zombies... :D
I think the missiles will have to refurbished to some degree every few years to a decade or so because of the electrical components and whatever batteries they might be using to make sure everything works copacetically or even switch or upgrade digital/electronic parts, etc The overall missile with fuel would be fine but still checked out and most changes would be near the tip where it comes to ordinance and guidance systems.
I think the missiles will have to refurbished to some degree every few years to a decade or so because of the electrical components and whatever batteries they might be using to make sure everything works copacetically or even switch or upgrade digital/electronic parts, etc The overall missile with fuel would be fine but still checked out and most changes would be near the tip where it comes to ordinance and guidance systems.
I think the missiles will have to refurbished to some degree every few years to a decade or so because of the electrical components and whatever batteries they might be using to make sure everything works copacetically or even switch or upgrade digital/electronic parts, etc The overall missile with fuel would be fine but still checked out and most changes would be near the tip where it comes to ordinance and guidance systems.
That is a good question...I know some missiles (shoulder fire ones)..need somewhat fresh battery and coolant to do IR detection..but for other type missiles do they need batteries...I know Torpedo (MK48) battery comes alive when it is dropped in to the sea water to power the gyros and electronics...Do missiles use dynamo activated by a prop to come alive during the flight...a question I have always had..do not know the answer!!!!!.
Vevak who thinks who would fight better than the whole Iranian army with his generals, corporal and more.

Go to rest, your egocentricity is excessive and your need for rest because you do not have clear ideas and you are slipping solid.
New video showing Yemeni missile technology / products, including cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, manpads, SAMs,Katusha rockets, suicide drones, UCAVs, multi-rotar drones and even AR style rifles etc.

NOTE: For some reason most of the video is silent. Some of it has sound during certain excerpts. It's the editing.

One drone looks similar to the Shahed 129, the original model, not the 2nd model. Their manpads look like Misagh. Not sure if they're more similar to Misagh 1 or 2.

Obviously Iran isn't giving the Houthis their top of the line products. More like hand me downs. However even these 2nd rate Iranian products have had a huge impact on the outcome of the Yemeni conflict so far.

You know in some cases, the Saudi air defenses are not even able to stop half a dozen or so of these missiles / drones. It makes you wonder. What would happen if Iran launched thousands of missiles at the Saudis. Surely they would be decimated in no time.

This is why Trump said that "without US they would be speaking Farsi in a few weeks" something to that extent right ?

These missiles more than certainly contain Iranian components. Honestly if they could realistically mass produce these products on an assembly line, even on a limited scale, it would be a tremendous asset to the Houthis.

After a few minor recent setbacks in Yemen, I'm guessing the Houthis will use more of their missiles inside of Yemen itself ?

New Yemeni missiles have no identical twin in Iranian system. Huge developments:

Fabian Hinz thinks the name Qasim is after Qasim Soleimani, since he does not know Arabic and the subtle difference in “s”.
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