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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

So if the new missiles used "carbon-fiber reinforced / high-temperature-polymer matrix" casing, what would that mean in terms of costs and weight. I'm assuming using this material instead would allow for greater range as the missile is lighter, but maybe not at a cheap price?
maybe even increased heat shielding resistance towards high energy directed beam weapons such as lasers, but one thing is still unanswered, EMP based directed beam weapons is still for me an effective way to bring down missiles. Look at the project champ on web, it is very interesting weapon platform for me even better than lasers
maybe even increased heat shielding resistance towards high energy directed beam weapons such as lasers, but one thing is still unanswered, EMP based directed beam weapons is still for me an effective way to bring down missiles. Look at the project champ on web, it is very interesting weapon platform for me even better than lasers

This is something Iran has to focus on for the future of warfare as our enemies weapon systems begin to gain incredible speeds, we may no long be able to rely on missiles for interception.

One thing I'm curious about regarding heat shielding, if North Koreans are able to reach ICBM tech, it surely indicates some big advancements in protecting the re-entry vehicle structurally. I would be very surprised if aerospace forces have not approached NK regarding their heat shielding technology for their lofted trajectory tests.
I still baffled why Iranian having an airfield full of f-22 and then sending if i'm not wrong su-25 to intercept ksa airplanes ?
and how ksa gonna sink fast attack boats with naval gun ?

Apparently Iran rather than using it's Sub's, FAC, Frigates, Missiles boats, Torpedo Boats, UAV's, UCAV's, Helo's, fighters & Costal Anti ship missiles stationed off Iranian Islands......
We the Iranians have a "MASTER PLAN" to start a war by using speed boats armed with rockets to go after a Saudi cargo ship! Now to what end? who knows?
But that's our master plan! Because that's a well known proven tactic! Starting a war by using speed boats against cargo ships is how wars are won!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!

For Iranian Generals this has always been what a Saudi false flag operation against Iran would look like if the Saudi Crown prince aka the MORON of the Year wanted to start a war with Iran
But If there is war it would be directly because of Rohani Administrations refusal to properly fund the military & Iranian Media's inability to properly report facts! Because clearly not enough people are informed and angry about the Rohani administration inability to properly fund the military!

Either Iran is hiding it's true defense spending or there is something truly rotten in the Rohani administration!

I can understand trying to play nice with the west when someone like Obama was in power but to refuse to properly fund the military even after Donald Trump was elected and even after the absurd propaganda war the U.S. has started against Iran is beyond absurd! Add to that Saudi Arabia's continued reckless defense spending & continued aggressive posture! I don't understand why military officials in the Artesh and IRGC aren't speaking up!
for me has potential to be highly effective given an extended effective range that is still unknown, especially countering low altitude cruise missiles, drones, fighter jets. they will fall off the skies like dead birds without firing a single missile. frying their electronics and radars will give them falling bricks instead smartly guided bombs and planes. not a new idea, russians have been working on it for some time and tested it on USS Donald Cook, entire AEGIS system was shut down

The first Zolfaghar missiles shown in 2016 seemed to have a steel booster casing, that shown yesterday had a filament casing (first known in Iran). It even seems to be not traditional filament like e.g used in Soviet Topol and recent North Korean solid fuel designs but a carbon-fiber reinforced / high-temperature-polymer matrix casing.

The question is now whether this is a upgraded version, which would be a heavy change or whether they relaxed the polymer matrix coverage/tolerance for cost improvement reasons.
They may have avoided to show the composite casing intentionally and just did it after North Korea revealed their filament casing capability.

If it is really a carbon polymer composite casing, they have just revealed that their capability is beyond ordinary filament casing technology, the coarse weaving and thick black fiber would hint into that direction.

Whatever, congratulations for entering the composite casing club.

Thanks for the analysis @PeeD. I actually meant to ask you something about the recent images of the Zolfaqar at some sort of public event.

Do you have any idea what those protrusions near the nose, labelled "X10B" and "X10C" are? Initially I thought they might be some sort of gas steering system but they are not symmetrical on the whole missile.


Another thing. Wouldn't the somewhat rough surface of the missile (because it is made of composite materials) increase drag?

Thanks for the analysis @PeeD. I actually meant to ask you something about the recent images of the Zolfaqar at some sort of public event.

Do you have any idea what those protrusions near the nose, labelled "X10B" and "X10C" are? Initially I thought they might be some sort of gas steering system but they are not symmetrical on the whole missile.

View attachment 443465

Another thing. Wouldn't the somewhat rough surface of the missile (because it is made of composite materials) increase drag?

Does it means we could see heavier mobile missiles? like an mobile ICBM? I think in comparison to steel booster casing it's much more lighter..

Those unique elements are also found in earlier Fateh generations. I guess they are part of a missile rotational axis alignment system but they could also be antennas with dielectric cover for missile up and down-link.

Composite casing of course reduces booster dead weight by a large degree and can cause huge benefits in range and payload compared to normal steel casings. Aramid/kevlar is good solution (the current state of the art) but carbon fiber a better one for composite casings. Hence I have my doubts with my theory whether Iran has moved beyond state of the art.
The increased surface roughness has very negligible negative aerodynamic impact.
Thanks for the analysis @PeeD. I actually meant to ask you something about the recent images of the Zolfaqar at some sort of public event.

Do you have any idea what those protrusions near the nose, labelled "X10B" and "X10C" are? Initially I thought they might be some sort of gas steering system but they are not symmetrical on the whole missile.

View attachment 443465

Another thing. Wouldn't the somewhat rough surface of the missile (because it is made of composite materials) increase drag?


This is a mockup! NOT a real missile! You guys arguing over NOTHING! It's not even a good mockup!

A real bad mockup!!!!!!!!!!!

What should we do now!!!! They are too strong!

Install a large magnetron gun on the tip of a UAV!

It's the same thing just on a larger scale with more advanced directed wave methodology used! It's NOTHING special! It just takes a few years of lab work to find a better method to direct the waves....

The ability to direct light, sound & frequency in a straight line is nothing NEW countries like Iran have been aware of it for some time now
Modelling filamenent surface texture has absolutely no purpose on a mock-up. No need for such detail.

It looks like a rejected production item with some sections like the rv being a possible mock-up.
If it is a mock-up then they did the extra detail for misinformation purpose --> Zolfaghar has composite casing.

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