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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

I do not know if this is a proper thread but here we go.

many years back I read in an Iranian newspaper memoirs of some one (may be Tehrani Moghadam himself!!) during Iran_Iraq war the story of how they set up and made operational Iran's first Scud missile left in a cave and given to Shah of Iran by the Soviets, how they fired it and what happened to it....If any one knows how to access this It would be great to publish that in here and even if required I will translate it into English for non farsi speakers.

It is a fascinating story like a 007 novel but real..
Wsa it a natural cave, or was it an excavated tunnel/cavern? This could possibly mean these excavations could have been happening as far back as the 70s!
Wsa it a natural cave, or was it an excavated tunnel/cavern? This could possibly mean these excavations could have been happening as far back as the 70s!
As I recall it was an underground US operated site which was dug inside a mountain with natural caves. It had blast doors which the crew had difficulty to open as all US personnel were gone after sabotaging the location.

I was in Iran as the revolution happened and the US sabotaged many locations before leaving..I personally knew about a Tank simulation facility in Isfahan that had all it UPS system blown up..Iranian crew were frantically looking for military and electronics engineering and they were collecting people to transport to ISFAHAN... the rest I can not tell you..lol
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As I recall it was an underground US operated site which was dug inside a mountain with natural caves. It had blast doors which the crew had difficulty to open as all US personnel were gone after sabotaging the location.
I hope that site is no longer sensitive as the US would have plans for the interior layout of that facility, even it has been expanded and changed over time.
I see that the zionists are trotting out the old "amad plan" claims again......:rolleyes:
Ignoring for a moment the fact that 5 10kt warheads is about as puny a nuclear "arsenal" as one could imagine,just where was iran going to get the fissile material for these supposed "warheads" from in the first place?

Israel smuggled it into Iran with the help of MEK for to prove their claims....

(come on folks! It was a joke!)
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Retired general Lloyd Austin will be the first black man to lead the pentagon. Just appointed by Biden.
One line from him:

"What I would say is that what we and the people in the region are concerned about is that they already have overmatch with the numbers of ballistic missiles," Austin told the Senate Armed Services Committee.
they already have overmatch with the numbers of ballistic missiles," Austin told the Senate Armed Services Committee.
And I suppose these parasitic scum will be the ones to determine for Iran what is an appropriate number or range to "match" the region.
Sick irony here is that the brainless goyim of izrahell who can nuke the world 100 times over is barking this. There will never be enough missiles to deal with all the ticks, fleas, leaches, & lice infesting the region natively and from abroad!
I hope that site is no longer sensitive as the US would have plans for the interior layout of that facility, even it has been expanded and changed over time.

Aside from the fact that Iran is more than capable of expanding and redesigning these tunnels, in many of these cases it really doesn't matter if the U.S. has blue prints of them or not! What matters is the payload requirement necessary to damage these facilities in any meaningful way.

For example If a minimum of 6,000 lb is required to simply scratch the surface of such facilities that limits the type of platforms, range, speed, maneuverability & the number of ordnances each platform can carry which in turn increases the number of weapon systems and Air Defense sites and equipment you would need to take out and or engage to create safe passage to and from such facilities meaning not only do the routs have to be safe but the location of which these Aircraft go back and land would also have to be secure and due to Iran's size and the number of these facilities it becomes rather complicated and costly task to accomplish and get away with and unless your successful in severely degrading Iran's retaliatory capabilities you would then be forced to defend against the hell Iran's going to bring to you and your allies.

Now does the U.S. have the capability to carry out such an attack? Yes with B-2 Bombers they absolutely do!
However would such an attack be sufficient enough to degrade Iran's capabilities to a point that they can get away with it with little to no consequence when it becomes Iran's turn to respond? in my opinion NO!
If the Saudi's couldn't stop Yemen that's a relatively small & financially pour country right off their own boarder from firing Missiles at them the idea that the U.S. would be able to prevent an Iranian retaliation is nothing but a delusion.
Aside from the fact that Iran is more than capable of expanding and redesigning these tunnels, in many of these cases it really doesn't matter if the U.S. has blue prints of them or not! What matters is the payload requirement necessary to damage these facilities in any meaningful way.

For example If a minimum of 6,000 lb is required to simply scratch the surface of such facilities that limits the type of platforms, range, speed, maneuverability & the number of ordnances each platform can carry which in turn increases the number of weapon systems and Air Defense sites and equipment you would need to take out and or engage to create safe passage to and from such facilities meaning not only do the routs have to be safe but the location of which these Aircraft go back and land would also have to be secure and due to Iran's size and the number of these facilities it becomes rather complicated and costly task to accomplish and get away with and unless your successful in severely degrading Iran's retaliatory capabilities you would then be forced to defend against the hell Iran's going to bring to you and your allies.

Now does the U.S. have the capability to carry out such an attack? Yes with B-2 Bombers they absolutely do!
However would such an attack be sufficient enough to degrade Iran's capabilities to a point that they can get away with it with little to no consequence when it becomes Iran's turn to respond? in my opinion NO!
If the Saudi's couldn't stop Yemen that's a relatively small & financially pour country right off their own boarder from firing Missiles at them the idea that the U.S. would be able to prevent an Iranian retaliation is nothing but a delusion.
how about BMs?
can is it possible to use ballistic missiles they currently own for such a task? do they have enough of them?

also, can we deploy passive air defence systems around these locations? if yes, i think the problem wil become even bigger for them. since there will be no signals emitted..
how about BMs?
can is it possible to use ballistic missiles they currently own for such a task? do they have enough of them?

also, can we deploy passive air defence systems around these locations? if yes, i think the problem wil become even bigger for them. since there will be no signals emitted..
At some point others will certainly start fielding BMs that are/will be a concern hence the revisions recently seen being applied to Bavar for ABM emphasis.
Also these facilities are probably going deeper and expanding further as others are being built to supplement or act as decoys, etc.
As far as passive AD, there are systems using passive radars (I think S-300 for one). The known locations probably use everything whereas the secret ones would be probably using exclusively passive systems.

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