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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

According to Fars news, a wave of missiles targeted the largest air base in the United States at Al Anbar in western Iraq not far from the Syrian borders. It is a base located 108 kilometers west of Ramadi which since 2011 has housed nearly 7,000 American soldiers. It is also the second largest air base in Iraq. At this time, US helicopters are evacuating the dead and the wounded.
Press Tv
I think what Iran showed today, is what military commanders already know. The conventional-tipped ballistic missile is not an effective military weapon. It can only terrorize cities. The ballistic missile, with it's typical CEP, was designed to carry a nuclear warhead.
Iran targeted the huge airbase only to ensure that the missiles did not completely miss.
I don't buy the idea that Iran intentionally missed targets on the airbase. 2000 conventional ballistic missiles could have been fired at the airbase and still have a low probability complete destruction of all targets.
I think what Iran showed today, is what military commanders already know. The conventional-tipped ballistic missile is not an effective military weapon. It can only terrorize cities. The ballistic missile, with it's typical CEP, was designed to carry a nuclear warhead.
Iran targeted the huge airbase only to ensure that the missiles did not completely miss.
I don't buy the idea that Iran intentionally missed targets on the airbase. 2000 conventional ballistic missiles could have been fired at the airbase and still have a low probability complete destruction of all targets.

Iran has already used ballistic missiles to target a single room when it attacked the kurds few months ago. This attack was nothing but a deliberate attack on the US base without any casualties. Clearly Iran wanted to do just enough to humiliate trump without spilling American blood, which would have guaranteed war.
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Iran has already used ballistic missiles to target a single room when it attacked the kurds few months ago. This attack was nothing but a deliberate attack on the US base without any casualties. Clearly Iran wanted to do just enough to humiliate trump without spilling American blood, which would have guaranteed war. Try using your head, is it that hard to understand?

Ok. I understand now. Thankyou.

So it's true then, that Iran is just simply afraid of another decapitating strike.

As anticipated ...
Iran today ended the age of airbase projected airpower, or better said the high value given to it.
Hopefully Trump understands this live demonstration.

Trump and the US know very well about missile based projected power. It is simply limited by treaty to develop new missiles.
The same reason why the US keeps the B-52 bomber. It is the only bomber approved by treaty with Russia to carry nuclear weapons. The treaty states that the US can not arm the B-2 or the older B-1 with nuclear weapons.
As anticipated:

Iran today ended the age of airbase projected airpower, or better said the high value given to it.
Hopefully Trump understands this live demonstration.

Look at the destruction, specifically the bunker pic on the left.

These missiles did not have warheads or if they did very small ones.

I mean it looks like they were hit with low level cruise missiles not a BM coming in at Mach 8 with a 600kg warhead

Something fishy going on
Look at the destruction, specifically the bunker pic on the left.

These missiles did not have warheads or if they did very small ones.

I mean it looks like they were hit with low level cruise missiles not a BM coming in at Mach 8 with a 600kg warhead

Something fishy going on

All good:

Fateh series kill one point object with a ~500kg warhead.
500kg is not a large warhead, it just kills that point.

It also hits at mach 3,5.

Goal of this tactical weapon is to destroy A SINGLE point-target. Hangars, bunkers etc.
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